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man kys nazi

Just kill me. God damn.

idk about acidic blood, but fasting has been proven to strengthen the immune system

Drinking piss also helps

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so drink your self assblasted drunk

how tf is this virus killing diabetics then?
I've been type 1 since I was 4 and every time I get even a little sick my ketones shoot thru the damn roof.

As much I like keto diet, the virus isn't in blood.

He's god, hes right.


yesssss drink piss goyim!

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diabetics are pumped full of insulin so that they can eat carbs, they aren't in ketosis unless they are fasting/carnivore

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The chad on ketosis vs the virgin consoomer

My organism prescribes a lot of fasting to deal with this shit.

Type 1 and type 2 are different things. Type 2 is just being a gluttonous fat fuck.

you have a range of PH that is about 0.05 +/- wide, anything inside or out of that and you will die.

so, you need to shut the fuck up retard.

Imagine shilling this.

The idea is based on how bacteria feeds on carbs, and by not eating carbs, you allegedly "starve" it, but there isn't any hard evidence this actually works against this virus.

nah man i'll trust the plan and drink bleach

First of all. You stupid motherfucker. Your blood can't be a single percentage of a PH out of its norm rannge, or we die. No food will "change" the PH of our blood. Ever.

Foods can't be easier to process, and they will make it easier to keep a certain PH range. Pure pig lard will be harder to process than a mango or some shit.

That said, yes ketosis is good. That being said. No the keto diet isn't good. It's only good if you're a gigantic fat piece of shit already and want a gimmick to lose weight and can't stop eating like shit. Look at Michael Phelps. Dude probably eats 6k+ calories in just carbs a day

Fasting is top tier and will help you rid your body of anything, including viruses

Dumb bitch I hope you don't actually give people health advice irl

I hate it when people don’t know shit about ketosis and ketones. Ketones are not produced from eating only meat you trend following faggot. It’s from primarily eating FAT meaning heavy whipping cream and fish oil types of fat with 30-40% coming from protein and nothing from carbs. Also don’t listen to this faggot OP. ALL viruses thrive on a system devoid of glycosis once the body shifts into ketosis. It takes roughly two weeks to transition into it, if you get covid19 before that then your immune system is likened to a cancer patient on his deathbed. OP is a massive fucking faggot who is going to get people killed out of idiocy.

Take a lot of vitamin C, train, eat a balanced meal. Don’t do any fucky shit


God people like you piss me off so much I can't even type right.

could not find any evidence about the acidic blood claim tho its most likely complete bs since this virus is the same as any other (protein and fat) but going into ketosis while infected will shut down your liver

Thank you. Thank. You.

Xenomorph shill thread

Great, now tell me where the fuck I can find some meat to buy.

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Whenever i'm in keto I get pityriasis rosea, a viral reactivation. "While the cause is not entirely clear, it is believed to be related to human herpesvirus 6 (HHV6) or human herpesvirus 7 (HHV7)." "An upper respiratory tract infection may precede all other symptoms in as many as 69% of patients.[4]"

This is Yas Forums. It is full of fuckers who want to hurt or kill innocent random people. It is not stupidity, it is pure malice.

The virus doesn’t distribute in the blood tho, only cell to cell.

This means you can get a nasty upper respiratory infection without it ever entering your blood stream

you do not really want acidic blood
i've had acidic blood
acidic blood damages your nerves really fast
protip: it wasn't from keytones

Well, its less eating fat and more not eating carbs. You go into ketosis when fasting too, even though you don't eat any fat. The cells just can't process sugar and fat at the same time.

The ph of your blood isnt negotiable you fucking retard nor can it be controlled by diet, if the ph of your blood swings even slightly in either direction youd be dead.

Dont tell me what to do you fat ass.
Got to 8 percent body fat thanks to keto
Dyel bitch

The amount of faggotry radiating out of that post is approaching lethal levels. I hope you don't actually speak like you write irl.

Stop eating for 2-3 days and after that eat fat and meat.

Acidic blood will stupid asshole. Ever hear of DKA?

Ban chinks. And the slide threads will end.

If this is true, explain why diabetics are more at risk, faggot.

Yas Forums is a board of peace.
You have to go back, Achmed.

Abbo cunt

I don't see how peace is to not warn people against deadly "tips & tricks".

>acidic blood.
You stupid motherfucker shit for brains.
The ph of your blood needs to stay neautral. Any slight change in the ph will literally kill you.

I'm a strict ketofag, I realized it was originally a cure for epilepsy, which I have, so I tried it out instead of getting on all these crazy drugs and it works 100% for me. I went from having 3-4 seizures a day to zero seizures in 2 years. They say it has something like a 92% complete remission rate for epileptics. Anyway, the problem with keto is you can't stockpile food in quarantine, you'll have to be going to the store every 2 or 3 days. Almost all shelf-stable food is carbohydrates.

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>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.

stfu white

u don't OWN estonia

fuck you faggot im eating pasta and theres nothing you can do about it.


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Game has rules, you can't take 3th grade shortcuts through it without losing points.
>inb4 goyim are dumb animals

I do. Just watch.

where is the saaaauce? did god whisper this to you while he was railing you in the ass?

Btw, Estonians are not white.

>you can't stockpile food in quarantine
Meat, broccoli/cauliflour, cheese, butter...these can all be frozen dumbass

It's not the ketosis. It's the lysine:arginine ratio of foods. You want to eat more lysine and less arginine. Viruses do not like lysine, they need arginine to replicate.

>Ketosis happens inside your lungs

Ok retard.


There's still plenty of food in that photo. You could live for weeks, if not months, on what is still on those shelves.

The body is reliant on insulin, the ibuprofin of diabeetus, the cure is a change in diet

So that's why pastaniggers are dropping like flies.
>t. eats meat three times a day since being able to chew

Just because it made you skinny doesn't mean it's healthy. You could've accomplished the same weight loss with cocaine.

I sure hope I am losing weight sitting here in quarantine and not being able to get any candy, soda, snacks or fastfood.

I always take my health advice from britbongs on Yas Forums!

>You could've accomplished the same weight loss with cocaine.
burger logic

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Hey I've already spent 12 days in quarantine from having been abroad. I bought a lot of candy from the tax free so I might have gained a bit actually. But no soda so I'm off that train, maybe I'll try to never go back on it

No you couldn't have

two weeks to ketosis? lmao dont eat in 48 hours and you piss ketones.

Cool :-) good luck.