Since referring to the coronavirus as the Chinese virus is racist what else should we be calling it?
China Flu
Slant-Eye Sickness
hurry up and die
Chinese virus
More like the (((KOSHERonavirus)))
I just call it the CHINESE WUHAN VIRUS
Chinkyorita the Lung Collapser
Chinky Stinky
Chopstick Sick
Chow Mein Menace
Kung Flu
Wuhan Wheeze
Shanghai Shivers
Hubei Hack
Fujian Fever
Based Chinks got rid of the boomer virus
Chinese Flu. That's what I'll keep calling it, Die Chinesische Grippe. I won't bow to chinese propaganda. It originated in China, so that's its name.
Its called the Global Citizen Cough.
The Asian Contagion
Ching chong chung lung
the American virus. it came from America.
>never forget pearl harbour
That one made me kek
Pooh flu.
Hong Kong Phlooey
The Yiddish Widower
Your premise is wrong. It is NOT racist.
Please kill yourself faggot.
on second thought, Pilpul Pneumonia works better.
Ok, Ive killed myself. Now what?
>nigger faggot
America Flu
>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.
Are you the thread police or some poofter jannie wannbe?
Italy virus
We will just call it the amerigookchinkjapmudslimepizzastreetshitterbootlickerredditgaiafagVLCebaumsworld cancer.
I have COVID-19 and these are making me lose my breath I'm laughing so hard.
Jap Clap
it was cool to call spanish flu spanish flu
its even cooler to call RAID the chinese flu
Yellower Fever
Lieber Plague
after the kike that got arrested for helping the chinks develop it
dr. Charles Lieber
Crouching Viral Hidden Contagion
Rice-Lung Syndrome
kek, underrated
Sweet & Sour Phlegm Disease
Mobile Execution Virus
Wonton Whooping Cough
Char Siu Flu
Bat lung worm disease
I still very much like Winnie The Flu
The Orange Chicken-Bat Scandal
Xi flu
Jin flu
Ping flu
I like that. It's very diplomatic.
Haha, Pearl Harbor
>General Tso's revenge
Chinese virus.
It's because of their communist governments monkeying around with biological weapons,
School has been cancelled, which includes universities as well.
I am currently doing my masters degree in inorganic chemistry and working part time as a demonstrator at the local university, I am supposed to finish my research in may, but it looks like I will have to extend it.
I am already fucking sick of this place.
I have lived here almost my entire life.
My father in Kuwait and I am still living here with my mum, and I hate that woman. I hate living in the same fucking space as her, because I can recall being screamed at for things I didn't even do. Now she has a fucking problem with my little brother, because he constantly goes out at night for long periods and stupid dumb cunt has over time gotten this idea that he's a junkie.
This morning my little brother was calmly talking to her and asked why she shouts at him.
Her response?
"I'll call the police." She snapped.
Although, to be fair, my little brother is complete fucking idiot sometimes because yesterday he had gone out and did not return until 1 am. And he still expects me to defend him, when I have seen and have smoked cannabis with him and my dad expects me to share the money he sent with him, when he's an undergrad in his fourth year at the same university as me.
I am living in a household with a 60 year old fucking infant and a dipshit brother who made it a habit to go out for long periods of time and doesn't seem to make an effort to save up his money.
I'm pushing fucking 30 soon!!
I Want peace and quiet.
I blame that stupid white father, three years younger than my black mother not telling her to simply shut the fuck up,
I blame my black mother, who did a shit job raising me and my brother who made no fucking effort to teach emotional control, instead spewing shit about teaching us about Tswana culture and bitch and moan on about my idiot brother.
Bat soup flu
Whats it like having a family?
I screamed and my mother, then when to my room and locked it.
I tried to write in my diary, but started cutting up the pages.
Then I got up, and started scratching my head, like DIO in part 3 and then I started punching myself in the head, like the narrator from fight club, because instead of guilt, I felt stress, frustration and despair. And this feeling literally hurts like physical pain.
Now a part of my face is swollen and when I blink it hurts.
I now understand the hatred of boomer parents.
Italian Virus
I don't wanna die of Lung Pao Sicken, man
You sound like a spoilt brat. I'd kill to have a family.
The communist virus
bung lung
The Chinese Coronavirus
>have a family
Don't marry the local women.
The wuhan whacker
The beijing butcher
We know the truth. One of your own already confessed.
CCP Bio-weapon
The nanjing assassin
The Romanian flu
Because fuck Romania
Your welcome for the buttsex.
Chinese bat flu