The average of death due to corona infections is 80 years old with one or many illnesses

The average of death due to corona infections is 80 years old with one or many illnesses.
Is it worth fucking up the economy to save over aged sick people?

Attached: corona virus.jpg (639x739, 163.47K)

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young people aged 22 are dying
get it into your thick skull - you are going to die

No shit. Any flu like diseases you die because of complications.

Why do people don't know this? It's like I'm taking crazy pills.

>Is it worth fucking up the economy to save over aged sick people?

no its fucking not

>young people aged 22 are dying
the mortality rate below 65 is 0.2%, and it only impacts people with one or many diseases like pneymonia, cancer or heart disease
The media are just taking one case, hide the other criterias to make you fear in order to increase their audience.

Attached: coronavirusddr.jpg (1200x1200, 168.17K)

world governments do not care about old people

I blame the medias. They try to make the most money out of this by distoring the reality just to make tons of audience

He was 32 but he had an ingrown toenail, nothing to worry about goy! Muh underlying conditions!

Attached: 1584563715027.jpg (720x303, 26.63K)

Does anyone has the elderly death rates to other diseases like common cold?

you are ridiculous
Check the numbers yourself here, it's really as I say it is

clearly they do, as shown by the massive fearmongering and shutting down the economy

Right here sir

Attached: coronavirusddd.png (960x543, 73.34K)

It's the boomers final bow out.
They want to leave a lasting legacy of economic destruction.
This is their trump card

A lot of the "comorbidities" are also effects caused by the virus, so figure that one out.

They are not, they were there before. Did you even read the article? do you know what ''pre existing condition means'', please read more carefuly and make clever comments

Attached: corona comorbidity.png (814x807, 62.38K)

That doesn't seem bad. Specially considering that most of the actual cases haven't been tested. That % is bound to go down if countries started mass testing like South Korea.

this. they die as they have lived, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction in their wake.

Because it's a larp, everyone is starting to catch on already.
For a doomsday scenario it sure was weak, muh event 201 so strong so smart.

The first ones to die are generally the infeeble

It’s mostly zombie boomers, the lockdown will end when the stock of zombie boomers will be reduced or the economy will implode whatever come first.

Italy has been prioritising people without comorbidities for ventilation so of course the data will be skewed in that direction, they are just letting people die if they don't have a good chance of survival.

Young people with no preconditions are dying:

You dumb fucking retard, the issue isn't you suddenly coughing blood or going into cardiac arrest. The issue is you need basic bitch breathing equipment to live through the 2% worst-case scenario of it even if you're healthy, which would be fine except so does every single other chucklefuck with shit luck who's in the same boat, along with every dumbass with a breathing complication not caused by the virus, as well as every jackass sedated on a surgery table for a life saving operation.
There is not enough support equipment to go around you slackjawed idiot, and that's what's going to kill people.

Because God will send you straight to Hell if you prioritize life over cheaper bigmacs, Ahmed.

0 deaths under 30yo and 99% with comorbidities, it’s a scam to buy stocks and real estate at low price.

>Young people with no preconditions are dying:
at a rate of 0.2%, you are stubborn aren't you?

>other health problems included free-radical damage from oxygen use

Why are the bin sizes different in the chart?

Hi rude man.
Korea didn't need to confine the country
Fuck off now,
thank you

As I said....because they are being prioritised for ventilation. That figure will jump to 1%+ when the system fails. Do you know what exponential compounding is? Stop cope-posting, this is going to kill millions and cause a global meltdown.

>it’s a scam to buy stocks and real estate at low price.

Lie, and you can't prove it
HEre is an article proving what I say though

>have non-elective surgery
>surgeon infects you with coronavirus
>he was just old and had comorbidities

The worst part is the prescident we've set: shut down the economy for s bad strain of the flu.

It was only ever a pretext. Elites take your rights away and look benevolent doing so.

The percentage is an estimate based on the idea that we're missing many cases. The death/recovered is way worse as a raw number.

>Is it worth fucking up the economy to save over aged sick people?
Hopefully, yes. Shutting down non-essential industry and realizing that we are all still alive is an absolute blessing of a lesson to every westerner there is. Perhaps this spells the end for mindless consumer capitalism. No more funko pops. No more Belle Delphine bath water. No more yearly iphone replacements. No more endless stream of shit-tier netflix propaganda to make you forget.
Imagine a future where everyone works 10 hours a week in essential work (due to all non-essential work ceasing to exist, as this crisis has shown is possible, allowing every worker to take a smaller share in plumbing, construction, manufacture of food and essential goods, logistics, etc.). Imagine how this would allow everyone to spend more time pursuing individual goals and strenghtening his bond to his community. Couple it with universal basic income.
There's potential here.

Agreed. The Show must go on and we must sacrifice our grandparents on the mantle of GDP growth

Attached: show_must_go_on.jpg (526x349, 29.78K)

You've not a single clue what you're talking about Frenchie, because Korea didn't lockdown. It tested rigorously and used nation-wide messaging to keep people properly informed, had proper tracking and backtracking of infected to head off spread, and just in general took this shit seriously from the get-go.
There was a literal death cult intent on spreading this shit in Korea and it was kept under control. You claim you know what you're talking about but you're just regurgitating the same shitty bot-spam in /covg/.


Let them old fuckers die

If you need forced ventilation you're probably better off dead. You won't be able to walk 10 steps without heavy breathing after that.

plant of young people die in road accidents every day. we don't ban cars.

Lie? This is what Italian doctors on the front line are saying, go and watch the Sky News eyewitness reports.

>One frightening development here is that the age of the victims is getting younger - much younger. One man they treated was 36.

>The doctors aren't sure why, but believe that people who are not critical are sent home and there they get worse and return to hospital in a far more vulnerable state.

I'm done with you cope fags.


And what happens when the hopsitals are suddenly beyond full so young people start dying too?
>you tried

The economy itself is what is killing us.
The immigration, pollution, environmental damage, forest chopping, disease spreading, wars. Etc.

All this just for some money.

Yeah. Great you didn't die. Enjoy COPD until you die though.

It's (((them))) who attacked us in our insecurities: moral. They know that we would burn a trillions tons of money and sacrifice our freedom to save boomers. It's just pure dirty trick.

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Stop fearmongering. I had it. It was a flu. I woke on the seventh day and felt like deadlifting.

Nah you had a common cold you pussy. Post test results to prove otherwise. If you get the novel COVID strain it takes weeks to recover even if you are healthy

I can and do work from home it's did it, I would rather read some books and learn stuff.
most normies are missing their jobs already.

Again, the death rate is 0.2%

>99% had other health problems
>forgets most western counties have 50% of the population with "other health problems"
in the US alone, 120 million have heart diseas and 20 million have chronic lung disease

>120 million have heart diseas
Are you serious? where did you get that from?

Case surges in most countries have barely begun...................

I agree with your sentiment but you have to realize that even in a post consumerist society people will simp and buy or trade used bathwater.

So what, you think the virus acts differently with other countries? you think the virus is racist?


I wasn't tested. I was in Ischgl with friends. Ischgl is were the vast, vast majority of danish cases came from. One of my friends fell ill first. He was tested positive. Doctors didn't care to test the rest of us when we showed symptoms, since it was obvious to them that we all had corona, given that we had hung out in the hotspot, been in the bar that was pinpointed as ground zero of the infection in Ischgl, and had been in a car for many, many hours with the guy who tested positive.

Everyone recovered within 7-10 days, even the one who had the test.

Lay off the fearpills on Yas Forums.

People are dumb and cannot understand that old people almost never die because of "old age", they die because theyre fucking old and cannot recover from mild shit that a 20yo would deal with without a problem.

My grandma for example died from having a complication after breaking a leg during shower. For a young person that would suck but not life threatening at all, but quite dangerous if you're old.