You racist sacks of shit will finally be put down. Your precious country is dying and you beta wimps will do nothing. The government's walks all over you and are stripping away you're rights and you do nothing but shitpost.Remember when armed antifa marched through suburbs in Georgia and not a single one of you online warriors did a thing about it?
The left will lead the revolution.
The purge will begin
I'm a leftist. Calm down, silly billy.
Imagine having skin that's the color of shit
loose weight
kill yourself
lol dude on the right looks like a baby with a fake beard
hahaah Mr.Neckbeard as arrived, watch out lads! ha
burgerpocalypse hooooooo!
We took down you're precious monument of hate and drove away the KKK.
Top kek.
>You racist sacks of shit
You really made a whole thread to threaten Jews huh
literal mouth breather
Average rightwinger
>anarchist siding with the government
and i thought Aborigines were dumb
>Special sissy forces!!!
imagine larping for the right for mental patients to cut their pee pees off with a bunch of fat idiots who have never even read anything about what they believe beyond they're oppressed and it's white people's fault.
Will the bugaloo finally start? Will the Corona-chan be the impetus for the Big Bugaloo Event?
Go ahead and laugh we are winning
>go ahead and laugh
don't worry, we all are
How the fuck are you going to target ideological enemies when they mostly post on an anonymous image board and have been conditioned for the past 15 years to hide their opinions and affiliations from the general public, all the while touting your faggotry at every possible opportunity?
They haven't shot the guns before guaranteed
We have our ways
wow this hasn't been posted 100 times for the last week
nice b8 thread
Lol meanwhile you leave the border wide open, listen here dumbass, Central America is having an all out Pentecostal revival. A generation of right wing men are coming and soon there won’t be any white people left to stop us, we’re going to put you filthy leftists in your place. Leftism has FAILED for everyone to see south of the border, only weak retarded Anglos , chicanos and niggers like you think it works. My grandfather and my father and his brothers physically removed communists and now I will get a chance to continue the family business. So keep those borders wide open, keep fighting other white people, you’ll know see the knife we’re going to stick in your back coming
Does the tape mean they're on the same "takes-loads-on-the-face" team? Nice trips.
I'm gonna be honest with you kid, if you think a posse of trannies, fat white knights, and commies has any hope of facing off against the guys who have literally been waiting their entire adult lives to murder you, then you're about to learn a very hard and very bloody lesson.
>a collection of communist students, ageing hippies and agent provocateur glowniggers up against veterans organised into militias
wonder how that will play out?
>i'm a h4x0r
So you're going to kill everyone in the dynamic Ip ranges of four major internet providers?
Your revolution ends with your brains painting a wall. One way or the other.
When they attack please bro, please please turn on your phone cam. I wanna see this shit.
I am genuinely begging you. Its gonna be fucking hilarious.
OP, the only thing holding the stitches of babylon together is that precious fiat currency called the US$, the ZOG military and institution that back it and the endless MSM 24/7 propaganda to keep your goyim mind off the real issue.
The US economy is kill, and soon China is going to come collect their debt, US will be balkanized and the kike federalist rats will scatter.
What about the ones who do not give a fuck and are literally enjoying this? You have a lot more to lose than some of us, you should be scared.
Contrary to NSW fire arm laws I am in the possession of numerous pistols considered illegal to own and have them stashed with ammo around my house. Not to mention my legal rifles loaded and locked all within 6 feet of me at all times. Thankfully my dad hated spooks and instead of handing in his dozens of now contraband weapons he claimed he sold them all off privately.
Match that with my 8 years in the Australian Army Rifleman Corp, and last 4 years keeping fit and in contact with other vets via the RSL playing snooker once a week and the reserves, I really hope faggots try something here. So many of us were quietly forced out of service like not offering a new contract at the end of my last one for example despite a spotless record, and many of us having been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, hell even the timor/papua peacekeepers have seen a little bit of action.
Half the police in my local area command served (probably true for most) and already reached out to us a month ago to warn us of the state government was floating the idea of mass gun confiscation. Opting instead to starve ammo supply after private gun owning cops told them to get fucked.
I am far more worried of the 12k+ Ak's that went missing on the Vic police watch last year and apparently ended up in the African crime gangs hands. Sorry 'Australian Youths'.
Does the left unironically believe thay can win in the event of a happening?
But seriously speaking
I dont think you lefties have the nutsavks to pull off a revolution, lefties are demoralized pussy barking mutts that have no bite.
All burgers will get purged by cartels and their negro gang affiliates. It doesn't matter whether you are left or right wing.
best of luck against far more mentally/etc competent and prosperous and prudent and wise 2nd amendment preppers and generally all around more well adjusted and better and conscientious and passionate fierce people than you can hope to ever be?
Actually they're about to throw Antifa into FEMA camps, did you see they're suspending Habeus Corpus?
Progress at the barrel of a gun? That's not how you bring progress.
in my experience hoboing in the us hippies are freaking full of vets
Oooo we're shaking lol
Lmao do it. The racists have long noses and olive skin.
Ok, but my church is at 11, so just do it after
meme patches- check
god awful neck beard- check
airsoft and shit tiergear all looking very clean- check
poorfag ar which looks too unused- check
only one guy carrying- check
goodluck faggots
>right wing gun owners that have been shooting since the age of 6 v beta numales wearing pussy hats swinging bongs and dildos
It's gonna be a bloodbath lol
The working class will triumph and every bourgeois communist will be shot and dumped in a mass grave.
>Your precious country
Lurk more newfag
>You racist sacks of shit will finally be put down.
>The left will lead the revolution.
You won't do shit nigger, leftists never do anything but occasionally break shit.
When's the last time black people were able to work together to build something, literally never
this, you would never guess my ideology by looking at me. i blend very well in antifa
Go I wish they would it would be a freebie to wipe them off the face of the earth lol
Imagine thinking the left stands a chance in open combat.
Yea that's right make sure you group together with your little faggot friends.
based and checked
>Actually thinks there will be a revolution
Lol, imagine being that retarded that you think you can fight a global force or jewry. Juts lay down and die.
>imaging eating food the same color as shit
>imagine growing food out of the something that’s the same color as shit
>imagine having hair the same color as shit
>imagine having eyes the same color as shit
>imagine having shit the same color as shit
The absolute state of stormfags
I hate faggots that don't know how to format fake MtG cards properly.
All legendary creatures are in the format of
>Name, Title of Character
So the proper name of the card would be
>Pepe, Level 30 Wizard
And the quote needs to be italicized to.
You cringelords are desperate to stay relevant, gotta protect your NGO masters like good little bootlickers
Did they remember to keep safe mode on? How is their trigger disciple? Do they know about recoil? They might get hurt if they don't learn about firearm safety, so be sure to remind them
>triggered shitskin
oh look an army of sensitive crybabies that get butthurt over words
>March Georgia suburbs
>Scare soccer moms
Don't be a faggot and march downtown
along with the rest of them.
Doing God job, user. Show them hell.
Right wing insurgents using 1776 symbolism would get way more sympathy from both the military and the civilian population in the food producing areas that actually matter long term. Leftist revolutionaries would get at absolute most 5% military support in the US and that’s assuming good propagandists.
>homosexual cope