What symptoms are you having?
Other urls found in this thread:
none, this shit is a hoax
my penis hurts when i twist it
She look like she takes the BBC
Nausea from all the CCP shill garbage, rather than they come clean we have to watch as they slowly drown before we recover the definitive truth.
Bonus though POL may be a lot quieter.
Extremely increased production of mucus and random dry or swollen spots. But I can't get a definite word on whether it's corona or my allergies or my long-dormant herpes or god knows what.
I have severe comfyness from being forced at home with plenty of supplies.
None. No one I know has is, my family is Europe who was “exposed” and put under quarantine have none. my father who flies 3+ times a week has none and my uncle who regularly flies to China and was in Asian during the initial outbreak has none. No one that I know has any and no one that I have asked knows anyone with any.
>everybody look I said the thing again
Dick is bleeding
My dick hurts from watching jewish porn
My penis leaks cum a lot when I watch porn
What makes you think that?
I only had a cough and fever.
Im fuckin hungry.
I need more refs of whatever the fuck this pose is called. Post more
What scares me the most is the shortness of breath. Sounds so fucking scary. Suffocating is the worst death.
My dick grows to a very large size and I get light headed. To be fair I think this a byproduct of your mother’s fatass titties rather than corona.
I literally cant quit cooming, your pic isnt helping
A random hot spot for a few seconds a few times a day at the front of my upper left leg, very strange feeling. probably not corona but this shit has started sometime mid feburary suddenly
I have that, it is very scary
Based incest coomer. Show us you're moms titties.
Geez, you've had it for a month?
Air straight into the veins. Way worse.
Bridi sure I had it Valentines Day weekend
For me it felt like the worst cold I’d ever had. Difficult to breathe, lots of coughing and faintness of head/mind. Couldn’t even dogsit for a friend. I count myself very lucky if I get it (again) to this degree only
I really have been worried I have it.
I live in Colorado.
I haven't gone out unless I HAD TO so not very often but still for two weeks I've had a sore throat and some coughing and then that went away and I've had weird heart palpitations and trouble breathing for two days. Some chest pain.
I feel better tonight. Nothing has been too bad but I've felt weird lately.
I don't know if i have corona because I am not being tested. Test kits are too 'rare' supposedly.
I have been having recurring on and off sore throat, dry cough, mild fever, and occasional shortness of breath. Has been occurring over two months. I am going to work a new supermarket job tomorrow so I hope i have the virus and i hope i spread it to many people.
It's supposed to be "A body built for BBC" but it's ok. You almost got there.
Wie wärs mit gesünder leben?
You dont even believe what you post you just shitpost the same thing on many thread and its boring
>posting the heroin addicted thot again
He’s experiencing a long term side/after effect. This shits a bioweapon, the chinks took a bird flu and tweaked it to their perfection. Scarred lungs are big in this post effect arena too
You have it... it comes in waves and will be back :(
i know about 80 people and none of them are sick in any way
On a serious note:
- fever and associated symptoms like hot/cold flashes when it starts
- Lungs feel like "burning". Similar feeling you have in your mouth when you eat hot spicy food but now inside your lungs.
True. No one has it.
Ask yourself. Do you know anyone that actually has it? Someone in your family or a close friend? And someone you know who knows someone doesn’t count.
>You have it... it comes in waves and will be back
Well it's been the kind of thing where you're not even sure if something is wrong with you but then yea something is definitely wrong but not that bad.
One lung on my left side seems stuffy or something like it doesn't want to take air and especially when I lay down I have to lay on my back because my heart seems like it's doing something weird.
ive been sick for 2 weeks now, took azithromycin for the first 5 days, was coughing up medicine-green antibiotics by day 4. im still clearing old shit out of my lungs, and almost died twice. didnt eat for a week and went from 160 to 137 pounds. couldnt even walk for the first 3 days. headaches off and on, then in the second week it was constant diarrhea
No, because no one is being tested unless they meet strict testing criteria.
No one has it. No one.
All deaths are technically from suffocation.
I have a dry cough which is starting to get wet. headache, slight fever, dizzynes. My ear itches and every time I scratch it I just start cumming buckets. Cumming and cumming constantly.
I don't larp so none.
well, you're a dog, then
Too early to say. Numbers are getting worse.
If they continue to you'll know someone who has it, had it, or died from it. Might be you.
IF it's real, it's gonna get real for you all of a sudden.
I can't ask her out.
I got cockblocked by a virus.
i was like this an hour a go and then my gf made me chicken parmesan
That women looks like the type that would take about having an orgy with you for 20 minutes, flash you then wonder off to the mall for 3 hours
Extreme headache since day 1
Lost the smell yesterday evening, it's day 4 today
No coughing, fever day 1 and this morning, sleeping a lot.
Why are you not married yet?
itchy asshole. Couldn't get any toilet paper, so had to wipe my ass on the carpet.
Nenn mir eine Person die du kennst die daran erkrankt is !?
>sleeping a lot.
Oh that's the other thing too. I get real tired and have to go lay down after about 4 hours of being awake. Then I sleep for 8 hours.
We all know someone who has it, at least here in the US. They only issued like 20000 tests, and only the 'important' people are getting them.
Every single basketball nigger was tested, along with the actors. This stuff isn't for us.
The US is right up with China on the giv'o fuck meter when it comes to actually caring about the citizenry. We're going to be fucked.
She wants to wait til were both finished school.
I have oracular enboobedness. Her boobs are getting all up in my eyes. Is this rape bros?
>Still in school
She wants more options. She is looking around to see if there is someone better than you, which is why she wants to wait. Good luck anyway.
I had that 2 days ago.
I was helping out my gf move the couch and I was short out of breath for the next 4 hours.
I did some cardio yesterday and I had this really sharp pain in my lungs. When I take a deep breath it just feels like something pricks me in my lungs.
This morning I woke up with chest pains, sharp, pricky pain is gone. Entire chest hurts.
No fever so far.
What the fuck
The roomates and girl all got flu symptoms a month ago, suprisingly i didnt? Ive been on Kratom for months though and supposidly that boosts immunity against virus*s. My drug use is going to save me from the plague....who would have guessed.
- Literally vom Schwager die Tante
- Ein Fall in unserer Ortschaft.
- Wenn du nicht totsterbens krank bist bekommst du keinen Test
- Mein Bruder arbeitet in einem medizinischen Testlabor: Die Tests sind echt, der Virus ist echt und viele Ergebnisse sind positiv.
I thought you have buttsquirts for that
You might have cancer.
It is terrifying. It is hard to tell if the shortness of breath is from panic, or if the panic is caused by the shortness of breath. It feels like you are trying to breathe but the chest is restricted and not enough oxygen is getting into your lungs. Mine went away after one terrifying day. Will probably come back again later.
it was coronavirus
Over the weekend I had headache/fever with chills and intense facial sweating. It put me out all day Saturday but I am getting energy back. Now I have a sore throat and still a bit weak and hot in the head. No coofing though so who knows if I even have this shit.
thats always a possibility but were pretty close and always will be
That doesnt sound like coronavirus to me.
Mag sein , trzdm geplante scheisse, fuer welche es auch bestimmt schon eine Lösung gibt ...
Du weisst worauf ich hinaus will
Cough for 5 weeks, some tree here hates me. Thursday one nostril just opens up and starts dumping. Keep on my pseudo and expectorant to exorcise the now green goblins. Lungs are a bit burn mode now at 2am but another round of stuff and I got a few lung boogers out. Not sure about a fever as all I have is a rusty digital meat thermometer but I don't feel much.
nigger, its every symptom of coronavirus
Did you get the Koshervirus?
Symptoms include:
1)High levels of fear from kike media
2)Kike politicians forcing your employer to go out of business.
3)Government giving you socialistic gibs.
4)High levels of unconstitutional lockdowns by kike politicians.
4)A vaccine already created by kikes ready to go for the goy slaves.
>didnt eat for a week and
>went from 160 to 137 pounds
how tall are you
Wie wär's mit Fresse halten, was geht dich denn meine Lebensführung an?
kratom doesn't contain cq or any compounds related to it. It was mistranslated and pushed by shady kratom vendors. It is unknown how kratom will interact with this.
t. vendor and herbalist
With these symptoms you are being monitored here, chest pain and short of breath are bad pronostic without medical care
Im fairly sure I had it like a 2 weeks ago for a week. Was really tried, lightheaded when I stood up, Hard to breath, dry cough, and it felt nothing like a cold but didn't feel anything close to what id imagine the flu to feel like. I'm 19, Haven't been sick in 2 years, and have never had the flu so idk it felt very different to anything else though.
Fuck Corona, let's talk about them tits
Im somehow "immune" to most viruses. Whenever I get one, I'm always either asymptomatic or I get mild as fuck symptoms of it. Cold/flu throughout my life could only give me a headache and maybe a bit of fever for a night, and that would be the end of it. With that said I'm very allergic to a lot of stuff. Dog fur will ruin my day, and shellfish can fucking kill me.
Idk if I have it, but it's been almost 2 weeks that I have the smallest hint of a sore throat. I also feel like I might cough but I never do.
My wife on the other hand is very tired and having low energy lately. She's coughing randomly, like maybe 4 times a day. In worried she has it, but time will tell.