nature time desu blurreeghhh fuck smelly isolation
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Italian region of Lombardy has introduced stricter measures in a bid to tackle the spread of coronavirus.
>Terminally ill woman dedicates life to hedgehogs
Comfy. Can britpol raise money to save the hedgehogs?
Getting so many emails from Sainsbury's during this China virus shit lads, now I'm starting to understand how Timmy feels.
Good Morning comrades of the glorious Soviet United Kingdom.
Lads buy yourself one for these from eBay.
Get lots of free food and discounts. Also a pussy magnet “muh hero NHS tehe”
Morning bongs
Is there any fear of the Queen getting Corona?
>And if you have five seconds to spare
>Then I'll tell you the story of my life
>Sixteen, clumsy and shy
>I went to London and I...
why can't you guys just say pedo?
>Boris Johnson has warned the NHS could be "overwhelmed" if people do not act to slow the "accelerating" spread of coronavirus
can you belive this moron was advocating for the ENTIRE country to get infected just days ago
wrong one sorry lads
Weird how every shop I've been in always has bacon and pork mince when it has no other meat. Wonder who could be doing the panic buying and hoarding.
Waiting for the nogs to start chimping desu. Its already starting, just at a small scale for now.
Exhibit A
stop posting the daily mail its a load of shite
Don't tell me what to do, nigger
if you live in a muslim area maybe thats why, its like that near me as well
actually i will
Most media is a load of shite user, but a video is a video and a chimpout is a chimpout.
I can always find bacon/ham. I think it may have something to do with the longer shelf life for this stuff... and all the greedy horrible pakis infesting my town.
you need to look into it
Big if true
39 and healthy but also a (((social worker))), aka home wrecker
If a pack of darkies smash their way in to a Sainsbury's, I don't need to look in to it. It is very simple: they are thieves and need to be punished.
And if another darkie causes a scene because of his refusal to follow clearly advertised rules in a moment of crisis and eventually ends up threatening the working people who have to ask him to obey these rules then, again, I don't need to look in to that to understand what's going on
That is a paki move.
You're literally a nigger kike
What a fucking monkey
You should be in a zoo, nigger
Anyone else stuck in HMO hell? It was ok when the other two used to go out all the time. Not so much now.
>bongs buying loicense holders like hotcakes
business as usual
Sheffield, my area is probably 85% white.
Seriously though next time I hear the word key worker I'm going to loose it
Do you feel in charge?
If I went outside and started stomping through the Floridian swamps, I’d probably be killed by a gator.
What are your thoughts on yuppie upper middle class white londoners in their 30s having 'virtual dinner parties' on their pads?
thats everyday in london birmingham manchester though, im talking about the dailymail ye slag
Have to say I live in a 98% white area and there is a lot of empty shelves.
>did notice a obvious merchant family (mother and daughter) loading up and arguing with staff in Tescos
Those Brit assault rifles look so awkward to carry.
am a scouser ye fool
Thankfully they will get murdered first
What folk instrument should I learn during my upcoming isolation?
That's because they come to your area and use the shops there.
>Get up early to try and get some bread because every time I go to try get some every single fucking shop and bakery is sold out
>Iceland don't open until 10am because COVID-19 (???)
>When they do it's a dedicated hour of shopping only for "the vulnerable" (fucking boomers who will panic buy everything again)
>Same story as Asda
>Even fucking Greggs is open but no bread because "the driver delivered it to the wrong shop"
>A bakery
>With no fucking bread
Why are normies and boomers so fucking stupid?
Both are German rifles
A thief with a victim mentality?
Right handed Brits have no issues but you can get a holder for your mobility scooter if you wanted.
Like I give a shit mate, you clearly can see the Daily Mail vid shows a filthy ape chimping out and you try to come out with le Daily Fail bullshit
Just fuck right off you stupid bastard
>>When they do it's a dedicated hour of shopping only for "the vulnerable" (fucking boomers who will panic buy everything again)>Same story as Asda
Wait, the 'vulnerable' still can't panic buy can they? They have limits on what they get too (e.g. x3 box cereals max)
>Iceland don't open until 10am because COVID-19 (???)
because sunday
>Stuck in your house all day
>not making your own
Fucking zoomers these days
his name is boris...
okay your right
Mum just came back from trying to get into the shop early with her NHS card, says it’s cream weed worse than she’s seen, she turned back to avoid the crowds.
Do I sound like a fucking woman to you?
Should have hoarded earlier, you only had to listen.
I really hope this crisis gets people into prepping and gardening but it won't becuase most people have the memory of a goldfish
Cream weed wtf lol
Your getting hysterical over nothing so yeah
look into it
fuck off waspjews!
Wow nice original and edgy opinion there
The virus is very real and very dangerous, no time for this edgy nonsense. If it went unchecked like ordinary flu there would be hundreds of thousands dead in this country
>n.b. Mum has one and she just works in the post room
>not trusting the plan
They'll be off to mummy and daddies nice home in the country before the nogs gets them.
I got my day all planned out lads. Gonna pick up some beers, muck out and feed my horses while drinking beers. Drive home pissed as roads are empty up here. Drink more beers and play vidya.
everyone knows the Chinese released the virus from wuhan
Kek, I'm buying one.
>The virus is very real and very dangerous, no time for this edgy nonsense. If it went unchecked like ordinary flu there would be hundreds of thousands dead in this country
citation needed
I think boris is being paid by the ccp
>implying I didn't
I have plenty of bog roll and enough dry food to last a month at least. Bread is perishable so why the fuck would I hoard it?
thats a good waspy english nose right there
Why are bitter at people who can afford nice things?
>Speaking on Sky News, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has urged the UK government to increase coronavirus testing, calling the current testing rate "far too low".
>Mr Corbyn, who is stepping down from his role in two weeks, says the country has been made "vulnerable" to the effects of a pandemic by "10 years of austerity".
>He also expresses concern for self-employed people in vulnerable groups, who are today being asked to stay at home for 12 weeks - he says this period will be “very, very difficult” for them.
>He says he thinks the UK Parliament should stay in session so that MPs can hold ministers to account, but says party managers have agreed that the number of MPs in the chamber should be “greatly reduced”.
classic jezza
Tim ended up in the nut house because of that shit, they really did a number on him
You can put bread in a freezer
If you want fresh bread so desperatly should have brought flour and yeast too.
Panic buying is a perfectly rational thing to do in the face of shortages
If being pissed off at the panic buying mongs is your idea of "hysterical" then you must be some unbelievably sheltered boomer mong.
i saw a story about some SIMP sending a bird money for their virtual date
In prison someone convicted with a nonsense crime, basically a non violent, non theft/burglary, non drug related sentence, is a NONCE. That's a pedo.
No restrictions if you're over 50 during boomer hour. Wait... you thought they would stop boomers stockpiling? Haha dumbass millenial retard. This whole plague is an exercise in preserving boomer culture.
Good morning comrades.
>Wake up in glorious socialist UK
>Shops still empty
>Bank balance has grown over night as brother Boris deposits the people bennies.
>Visit mother as its mothering Sunday, she is old so open her card for her and press it against the window so she can read it.
>Return home to post with my comrades on the peoples internet
>eating frozen/defrosted bread
Yeah no thanks I'd rather eat a used dish rag.
Panic buying in the face of shortages is rational.
Panic buying perishables is fucking retarded.
Sounds like you didnt have a strong father figure user. Baking is a male profession.
clever and unscrupulous bastard
The only reasonable comment that crypto has made. We should be testing every contact the infected have. I assume they are not doing that lest it shows up obvious racial problems.