Up until 1 or 2 weeks ago virtually all doctors were laughing this virus off and calling it a nothingburger. Now they have obviously changed their tune. Why are doctors such big fucking faggots? They think they always know everything like they're God but theyre all so fucking naieve. For the most part they do more worse than good. Fuck doctors!
Doctors are fucking stupid
>Up until 1 or 2 weeks ago virtually all doctors were laughing this virus off and calling it a nothingburger. Now they have obviously changed their tune. Why are doctors such big fucking faggots?
People who spent literally 10 years in school after graduating HS have a huge entitlement complex because they had to work hard and have 0 fun when everyone else was taking it easy. Academia is full of these types as well.
This these are the entitled millennials boomer complain about.
Quite worried by the hubris of the medical profession.
Family member works at a hospital and they aren't doing half of what they could be to prepare. Bizarre.
Same here. We tried to warn them. They are just now beginning to figure out how fucked they are.
Trump was right and they knew it.
don't worry, they'll still find a way to believe that you were still wrong somehow and they were right.
>well YOUR reasons for raising alarm 2 months before us were technically wrong
The doctors were the ones feeding this garbage to Trump.
Weird to think this wasn’t even two weeks ago
My Friend is a Lead Emergency Doctor at a prominent Hospital. I'm going to talk to Him tomorrow about the Corona Virus. I'll let you all Anons know what he says about the situation.
Most doctors are midwits. Some are high iq but without the lateral thinking genes
>we come here for you
>dont come here
I have an auntie whose a nurse. She was posting things on faceberg laughing/treating it as a huge joke.
Can't wait to see her posts in the next month. That if she lives to post...
Is it just me or is this whole “we come here for you” thing incredibly condescending?
I wanna fuck these ripe nurses HNNNNNNNNNG
because they probably didn't realize a fucking bio weapon was unleashed
This is how they are spending their time?
If they are telling people to stay home, why does it matter if they are there or not?
Quit complaining and DO YOUR JOB
Yah. It wasnt the 400-5000% higher salaries they get compared to average.
>dunking on doctors during a pandemic
low-trust society
Ok coomer
They changing because they cant handle millions of nigs going to the ED because they are sick with corona.
Lack of doctors, too many patients
>They think they always know everything like they're God but theyre all so fucking naieve.
Yeah, fuck my colleagues. It's kind of a redpill, that people can be high functioning idiots. I've got colleagues trapped in Milano. I even observed A senior colleague even called the corona just aflue bro yesterday on our morning meeting. The old farts are the worst.
Warehouse worker here.
We've been working around the clock to keep stores fully stocked on food and toilet paper.
Think about it.
If the people stay at home, these nurses still make bank to sit around and get paid to do nothing while no one else does
Just listening to their masters.
If they were smart they wouldn't become doctors
Ron Paul might be wrong on this one. Every country including even Russia and Iran are taking measures.
Why would China evict journalists and arrest all whistleblowers if this was nothing?
Absolutely agree, every single one of my mEdICaL uNiVeRsiTy attending friends told me this would be a nothingburger, and that they hate people with no medical knowledge telling them otherwise. Fuck them
Seriously what the hell was with the advice not to wear some sort of mask?
Like a double cotton layer has to block out some of the droplets if you are walking through a busy doorway or something.
I understood why their were articles telling people to not buy masks that were needed by medical personnel. But telling people not to use cloth masks while at the same time telling them not to get near other people?
He's still right.
They are the puppets of the medical industry and push the medicine the the major medical industry makes. That's why they earn so much money because for every $200 they earn the medical industry earns $2000
>fug nurse
>get STI
>go to GUM clinic
>fug nurse
>get STI
He could very well be wrong; however, Ron Paul is not claiming that the virus is nothing. Just pointing out that government will always use a crisis to usurp power and crush civil liberties. So far they are right on track.
Modern drs are nothing more than drug pushers for big pharma. Big pharma pays the textbook writers. They are educated by big pharma. That's why they don't know shit. They are trained to treat symptoms but not the cause because that's how big pharma makes money.
Never forget that the M.D. is actually a professional degree. Legally they are not even Drs. It's a professional courtesy in the US and Canada that they are allowed to call themselves Dr. legally they are just physicians who practice medicine.
In some jurisdictions such as in Singapore, it is common for physicians to inflate their qualifications with the title "Dr" in correspondence or namecards, even if their qualifications are limited to a basic (e.g., bachelor level) degree. In other countries such as Germany, only physicians holding an academic doctorate may call themselves doctor – on the other hand, the European Research Council has decided that the German medical doctorate does not meet the international standards of a PhD research degree
World gov are withholding information about the virus, as a doctor if you don't agree with what the gov tells you is true you lose your medical license because they would be drawing conclusions without accepted data.
Academia tries to break you if you're in it for too long. While getting my masters my advisor hated that I kept pushing things forward despite ignoring some of his advice. It got to the point where he would just insult me with every communication I had with him. He wanted me to think like he did and a weaker person or maybe just a person having to spend more time with him would probably have given in just to stop the abuse. Most of his PhD students were on psych meds just to deal with his abuse.
I’m working 70 hour weeks at Costco and you don’t see me complaining
>no eye or ear protection
Medical doctors generally aren't virologists. I know more about virii and epidemic characteristics than doctors of medicine, and I only have a master's level of education. That's because I actually studied the field, while MDs have to study so many damn things that they end up not knowing much about most.
I went to doctors in first week feb for prescriptions and wore a mask I could hear the other doctors giggling and when my doctor came in he said we laugh at people like you haha (he’s Asian they don’t give a fuck lol) I went first week in March and they weren’t laughing anymore and my doctor was talking about taking his kids out of office. Next month hopefully they have masks on this time ffs
Their entire career is predicated on following established procedure and providing as little treatment as possible. This is for economic reasons as well as limiting exposure to malpractice. Make the wrong call or the wrong treatment and you could get royally fucked.
At the time there wasn't a scientific authority telling them to do anything different so it was in their best interest to stay the course. The narrative has changed and so has their marching orders.
They are sheep. There is a damn good reason you never hear about a doctor turning his massive salary into a successful business or empire. Attorneys and accountants manage to spin off their income into successful ventures all the time; they are smart enough to take in information and come to their own conclusions about the best information.
how much dough you raking in a week?
The doctors aren't helpful right now. Right now the best science we have says that HCQ is an effective treatment and they won't adminster it until they have marching orders from the FDA.
They are bureaucrats, not scientists. Their entire job can be done by an algorithm and in 10 years it will be.
I'm an internal medicine resident. I didn't think it would be this bad because SARS and MERS weren't that bad. I also think that China lying about the severity and virulence lulled many into a false sense of safety. China's influence in the WHO also was used to suppress the warning. Medicine as a field is still in its infancy. There is so much we don't know.
Studying humans is much more difficult and a slower process than studying for example chemistry or physics. You can't just purposely infect sets of twins with diseases and try random treatments to figure out what works. Much of our knowledge was discovered incidentally.
yeah cause you have a shit diet and cope with drugs
>Up until 1 or 2 weeks ago virtually all doctors were laughing this virus off and calling it a nothingburger.
Bullshit, my local hospital locked all the doors nearly 2 months ago so you had to speak to a nurse before entering the building.
I remember this specifically because I took my son to A&E late one night and there were A4 printouts all over the walls asking people who have been to China to please go away.
That's when I started properly prepping.
Based. Women need to learn their place is at home instead of virtue signalling at a hospital during a pandemic. What they want is Chad cock, not to help people.
Most modern doctors are in a credentialism cult; they conflate this with pure science.
I don't see how a person can tread hopelessly in a sea of information for a decade and come out as a smug faux know it all. The experience should be humbling.
The smartest people typically don't become doctors, they go into stem or finance. The average doctor really isn't that bright or good at his job, but they all have a massive superiority complex. And to be fair, the dumb patients they deal with all the time doesn't help their attitude.
>everyone in my country is praising doctors as if they're actual wizards
>meanwhile the same people use all kinds of pseudo-science bullshit, also pagan rituals
>doctors are unrionically prescribing homeopathy "medicine"
>every doctor was saying how "it's just the flu bro"
>now some are actually quitting work because they're scared shitless
>now every evening people applaud from their balconies in thanks for the doctors
This shit is ridicilous.
$1800 about.
I’m fit and have never touched drugs. Next
normalfags are fucking braindead, more news at eleven
It's sort of not their fault.
Doctors and lawyers belong to the lowest tier of academics.
They are barely above the social "sciences" and liberal arts.
It takes zero intellectual capacity apart from being able to memorize things to become pass med or law exams.
They try to make up for that through smugness.
>Right now the best science we have says that HCQ is an effective treatment and they won't adminster it until they have marching orders from the FDA
The fda has to run clinical trials before they can approve it--that's their job.
But they are sending these drugs out right now and offering it to very ill patients, letting them no it's not approved. Many of those patients become part of the trial process because yes, it has to be tested on people with coronavirus.
I'm a phd in med school and you all are correct. the retard junior doctors didnt take this seriously, but the few consultant drs that actually read papers knew there was a storm coming
Did you just now figure out that how long someone is in school isn't a direct indicator of their mental ability?
>Up until 1 or 2 weeks ago virtually all doctors were laughing this virus off and calling it a nothingburger.
Literally ZERO doctors were saying this.
the papers were pubbed in lancet in january. most of the medical community didnt read the papers and laughed this shit off.
most doctors aren't high IQ. they just got through medical school by being very conscientious and have high levels of self belief.
I agree with this
Medecine is somewhat of a technique
You’re not there to think outside of what the guidelines are.
A lot of it is historical, since doctors and lawyers used to be the most advanced, fairly common profession and the education was expensive enough to limit it to upper class fags. Now stem stuff is potentially way more complicated, but doctors and lawyers still think they're the hot shit when half of them suck at their jobs.
They have the social hierarchy equivalent of being an incredibly hot girl getting nothing but praise from serf-class citizens. It weakens their abstract thought skills.
Because medical school is merely a rite of passage for the wealthy and well connected.
You faggots are still calling it a nothingburger
>Up until 1 or 2 weeks ago virtually all doctors were laughing this virus off and calling it a nothingburger.
No, clinical retards on Yas Forums were saying that. Doctors were concerned af way back in february.
Yikes that's a lot of stereotyping going on in this threada.