Everything is going to be okay
Q Speaks
Q is a psyop to make us embrace martial law
and it worked perfectly
>hurr durr trust the plan
>hurr durr drumpf will save us all
>hurr durr everything is a conspiracy to take down the elite
The rod and the ring will stike...
Fuuuark, the ring is an O in Q and the rod is the sword peircing O.
Trust the plan goym
>posts at 2:32:03 AM
What does it mean??? Masonic allusion?
Tomorrows date if read in reverse
Is it true that Q is the joint chiefs and the generals?
Shills will be ignored ITT
That was the time here anyway
World is at a standstill because of people dying. There should never ever be another war or abortion if life on earth is this precious.
shit big find if thats true... fuck i hope.
Trust Sessions
>shills will be ignored
>(You)'s us anyways
all you Qtards want is attention
Shits fucked
I can't believe this larp is still going on
>Trust the plan!
>the plan is waiting
Fuck off with your glownigger ARG bullshit. Nothing's gonna happen as always but you faggots never learn and are still going to keep eating it up
Hows that 150,000+ arrests, global default to gold backing, and reset all debt going Qtards?
Ticktock morons.
If nothing comes to fruition (and nothing will), you niggers can fuck off this board forever.
based. this proves trump is using corona as 4d chess to drain the swamp and lock up hollywood pedos. you fucking sheep better apologise.
The plan is literally to redpill normies until we can pull a relatively bloodless coup, of which 10% population is the critical turning point.
If you're posting literally any valid redpills or educating friends/family, then YOU are contributing to the plan whether you like it or not. Good job patriot. :)
>global lock down
>nothing will happen as always
Lol sure pal
You think we forgot about the cocksucking Australians part of Five Eyes didn't ya, cunt?
Breddy good considering half of those things have had enormous breakthroughs since 2017. We've already seen some good arrests and tons of pedo cults bagged up. And we're set up to take down a whole bunch more people (and vindicate others like Flynn), if you're paying any attention to ANY of the lawsuits going on right now...
Some people got deals to rat on the others. I'm legit excited, you doomer jackiffs.
I know who Q is!
He is fake & gay.
>The plan is waiting
For us yeah
We've done our part
this, sheep npcs don't understand how much things are changing.
It's like fuckin boomer crack.
Q is a Jew gay op to fuck with boomers. Just letting you guys all know.
>literal who
Well, that settles it doesn't it
Sure as fuck seems that way.
What will Q do when all his boomer audience will die of croona chan?
Today is "their" day.
Probably some last ditch attempt that will have all the potency of a wet fart, some real obvious shit they have been hinting at for years.
>And they'll be shocked when it's instantly declared fake, gay and a larp.
Пиздeц дoлбoёбы
Leaded gas brain is a helluva thing to overcome.
>Do not fear goy
>patriots will be safe at the FEMA camp
>you look dirty
>get in the shower
> trust the plan goy
Excuse me are you trying to take away women's freedom? What is more important, life or women's sexual liberation?
just be complacent goy
Q as in Quran?
i want to thrust him.
false prohpet?
Ok but what does the rod mean?
It's Q as in Qabbalah, or jewy mysticism.
I just spent hours researching this and from what I can tell there is nothing solid to go with here.
They say Tom Hanks and Ellen are being detained and there is zero evidence for that.
It's also strange how the 'plan' is centered out neutering the flexibility of the people by embracing martial law.
Regardless of theories, this all seems baseless.
they'll trust sessions in the fema camps
Oh right it's US going to the camps, sure.
That was boring 3 days ago.
What about muh deadly virus? those symptoms will show up worldwide any minute now. oh no wait it's the microchip that's right the mark of the beast,
Shill larp is fucking boring.
>the new normal
It's fucked and they had this 5G medical from home stuff ready to go since last year. This was all planned.
no martial law is based. anyone unfit for military service is irrelevant
This Q bullshit has got to be the most embarrassing larp to date by sheer number of retards willing to make these glow-friendly threads.
An actual fucking happening is here again and you absolute slobs are here sucking off some edgy larper who types like an autistic sperg.
Guess we'll just have to WATCH and sea what we could be in 4 come April
sword of truth. Put on the full armor of god user.
People are fucking desperate for a speck of hope. It's sad.
Q says god wins. But is it the Christian God?
I was thinking i dont recall trump ever referring to Jesus once.
actually from the outside (i just heard about this) it seems to be the opposite. they just want to discuss insane things, and the entire world of elites they are targeting along with more shills than I've ever seen flocking to every mention of it brings it more attention.
so it's you and the media, the people who are going to die, that have brought the wrath of the public down on you. nice.
To all Q-Tards out there:
Q is the classic "wait for the messiah" psyop that keeps people as passive as possible.
This psyop works perfectly for all world religions for hundreds/thousands of years.
In the meantime the Trump admin is implementing everything the cabal wants:
- Severe reduction of personal freedoms / Martial Law
- Transition from free market to "war economy"
- Universal basic income
- The most extreme form of divide and conquer: "social distancing"
- High military presence around the world
- Ne FEMA camps build across the US
Qtards fell for the most blatant Psyop of all time.
Hahaha take your meds schitzo
>Put on the full armor of god user
How? I researched "Yahweh" and it's not even a god. It's some ancient mythical warrior who the Jews later claimed was above other gods. So which god's armor do I put on? Christianity just seems like a trick to get people to worship a fake god.
>a country that has a female as its leader
There have been countless experiments showing that people generally will not act during an emergency until they see somebody else act first. If smoke is pouring into the room from under the door while they are taking a test, people won't get up and leave unless someone else acts first. If nobody moves, they will often just sit there waiting for instruction. There has to be some authority they look to like a professor, but generally being in a group makes them dumb.
Explain Google then.
Why does trump have to mention Jesus? Jesus isn't to be worshipped and idolized and name dropped to prove ones faith to you. Jesus himself said not to worship him for all glory goes to the father.
People praying to Jesus are passive and pose no danger.
Do not fear. The virus will just disappear in a day
Genuine kek
He hasn't actually said Christian God has he?