/pawmg/ - Pedowood Adrenochrome Withdrawal Mania #6
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look i posted retarded shit again
I guess spirals can be decorative
Bump for ellens dried up cunt going to gitmo
same shill different thread. fuck off.
Come back Chet!
>David Spade is trying to get Adam Sandler's attention, check the blur in this photo in the background over Sandler (in drag for an SNL skit) face. no reason to block out Sandler we expect them to be friends, unless it's to get his attention
Maybe it's a signal for others not to associate with Sandler. I know he's a Jew, but just look at the guy... he's not exactly aging like someone with the fountain of youth.
Maybe it's the exact opposite though...IIRC Yas Forums had theory many years ago that Sandler was using his movies/production company as a money laundering operation. Maybe he's involved on a much higher level than most celebs and Dave is warning them supply is cut off and not to even attempt contact.
Is coronavirus actually fixing the world? I hate these hollywood retards and their obvious pedo agenda.
Green circle. Is that a leg?
ffs why would they be wearing a helmet inside, pls stop being retarded
Alright slider
what did justin bieber mean with all this creepy shit, and why is there a guy similar to john podesta huh
fuck off chang
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>Is coronavirus actually fixing the world?
It's a meme based on a SARS like infection to crash the economy because Orange Man Bad
>the good jews are fighting the bad jews!
>look at the celeb gossip user!
>don't pay attention to world falling into utter fucking ruin, look at the celeb gossip!
>the celeb did the thing!
>the good jews are winning!
>they are totally on our side!
>it's totally not just a bunch of corrupt, evil cunts wrestling over power with another bunch of corrupt, evil cunts!
>totally not!
>it's the good jews!
>look at the celeb gossip user!
I wish this was true. I might be retarded, but I'm not THIS retarded.
All those qfag "the good jews will arrest the bad jews!" shit is a fucking insult to everyone involved.
Google "Kalergi plan".
we'll find out very soon, user. trust the plan.
Because Ellen is live recording to the world. She purposely tries to get agents recorded. [[They]] would try to identify the agent. Think of the things [[they]] can do. Blackmail maybe.. assassinate, threaten family.
Someone give me one single reason to believe that the elite are harvesting adrenochrome(which ages you).
I believe cannibalism, blood drinking, etc, as all of those are healthy, but adrenochrome is verifiably not.
So whats the deal?
Are the elite just retards?
Their not inside you shill retard thats clearly the reflection and hes on the deck.
Bumping. Post your info and creepy celeb videos talking in code, light up those coffee pots and let's decipher what these people are thinking right now
Looks fake, like you'd get if an IED blew it up.
watch with all the new knowledge
Looks like it
Checked. How well-received this was by the general public certainly was a great assurance, wasn't it?
It "ages" your organs but what does that matter if you have.. and endless supply of organs? Also the pineal gland has more then just AC.
they are clinically retarded at best if theres any truth to any of it
Is Based MAGA Man our world's symbol of peace and justice?
>I believe cannibalism, blood drinking, etc, as all of those are healthy
>Someone give me one single reason to believe that the elite are harvesting adrenochrome(which ages you
>I believe cannibalism, blood drinking, etc, as all of those are healthy, but adrenochrome is verifiably not.
>I believe cannibalism, blood drinking, etc, as all of those are healthy
>I believe cannibalism, blood drinking, etc
>as all of those are healthy
Die in a fire.
ok shills why are there all these ankle device pics tho
Noteworthy post!!! Good stuff user
truly is the great awakening
fucking space marine boots bloused into some kind of bio suit. WTF
>ok shills why are there all these ankle device pics tho
This. That just sold me on the whole thing.
Either Hollywood is making it up to fuck with us, or it's real.
Kidnapping kids for blood sacrifice to Moloch?
It all makes sense now.
that's her reflection you idiots
I think Sandler is a good man. I really hope he is.
there is just no benefit to it, why bother needlessly damaging your organs?
Muh nice skin?
just follow a teen girls skincare routine
Or take HGH
why bother trying to kidnap countless children, ruining your body, damaging all of your replacable organs as well as your brain, then replacing what you can, etc.?
neck yourself shill that's 3 threads you've shit up with this. you'll hang with the rest of your pedo friends
retard leaf shill back at it again
According to Isaac Kappy, Seth Green showed him a picture book of abused "chickens". It is a code word for kids.
To simulate something. You follow in your father's footsteps, don't you?
Cannibalism and blood drinking are healthy though.
Humans are the animals who will have a nutrient profile most suited to humans, i.e. they will have everything your body needs. How is this not healthy?
You probably eat mcdonalds while you shitpost here, boomer.
did you know the greek flag also has white and blue stripes?
whats the connection here guys??
need to sleep, dumping some shit from prev threads:
>So here’s what we have and someone please correct me or add whatever I may have missed:
>>hanks gives GG speech and accents two different numbers- 3 and 11
>>On 3-11-20 (approx two months after the GG Awards), Hanks announces that he’s in Australia (a country that does not extradite criminals), saying that he has covid19
>>Hanks shares a cryptic message about being in recovery with his wife who he’s now played ) games of gin rummy with and she’s beating him by 201 points. Miraculously, Hanks took a corona typewriter with him to Australia, with seemingly no foresight that he was actually about to contract the virus
>>in the past two days, both Ellen and Spade put out very strange and cryptic videos, both of which are reaching out to Hanks directly, requesting information about his well being
>>Hanks may or may not be in Australia
>>Hanks may or may not really have covid19
>>Hanks may or may not be in custody
>>it’s well known that hanks has been accused of being a very sick person in the last year and after the allegations came out, he obtained dual citizenship in Greece (another country that also does not extradite criminals)
>If anyone could fill in the Madonna pieces, maybe we can start to see the bigger picture
you've got it all figured out user. go to bed. it'll all be fine, user. clearly you know best.
>good summary user I'll try the madonna one:
>>ellen's twitter vid has a hoodie with a creepy face on it and AAAAAAA down the sleeves
>>creepy face and AAAA art is madonna's talentless painter ex-bf from right before she was "discovered" who was taken in by the art gallery scene (gay torture S&M sex drugs etc party scene)
>>ellen clearly trying to communicate to madonna
>>madonna spergs out with "we're all out of pasta so let's eat fuckin fried fish" video in response
>ellen stuff:
>>ellen is sending coded messages
piece puzzle is a church from Devils & Angels a tom hanks movie (aka a message for hanks)
>>talks about the puzzle pieces being flipped (ratting them out) and wears a creepy cemetary shirt while talking about not being able to find one piece of the 4000 piece puzzle and how if that one puzzle piece is missing (hanks) the whole thing is ruined
>>talks about finishing what she starts and repeatedly saying do it do it do it
>>bails on puzzle before even attempting it
>>assembles a LEGO guggenheim set (art museum, art stuff = pedo trafficking shit)
>>attempts ONE piece and bails on it, while giving message about "do it do it" and wearing a shirt that says STAFF on it (message for her underlings?)
>>both her and spade are sperging out trying to get tom hanks to contact them
>>spade talking about needing hanks in a plastic cage (law enforcement they have compromised?)
>>theory is they're worried tom hanks may be in protective custody and considering flipping on them for a plea deal and they need to hear from him that everything's okay and are warning him not to flip or the whole puzzle is fucked and they all go down. they can't tell if he's in custody that's on their side and is choosing not to communicate, or if he's in legitimate custody and can't communicate
>t. Assmad shill
Ties in with Pizzagate comms
that's her silhouette reflected off the glass window you dumb fucking retard
ohmygod, he's gonna get killed for sure
Not really. I may look to him for advice/guidance, but if my father jumped off a bridge, I think it's reasonable enough to say that I wouldn't follow him.
>half million kids go missing every year in USA alone
That is X times more than in other places in the world.
Makes you wonder why, doesn't it?
neck yourself
>seconded. someone said in last thread that it's what connects Ellen and Madonna but didn't say how
see (You)
fucked up the link there, it should go to this thread:
>> His father, Gérard Basquiat, was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
> There, Basquiat commenced a series of paintings for a 1983 show, his second at Gagosian Gallery which was then in West Hollywood.[26] He brought along his girlfriend, then-unknown aspiring singer Madonna.[27] Gagosian recalls,
>Everything was going along fine. Jean-Michel was making paintings, I was selling them, and we were having a lot of fun. But then one day Jean-Michel said, "My girlfriend is coming to stay with me." I was a little concerned—one too many eggs can spoil an omelet, you know? So I said, "Well, what's she like?" And he said, "Her name is Madonna and she's going to be huge." I'll never forget that he said that. So Madonna came out and stayed for a few months and we all got along like one big, happy family.[28]
see also:
whole rabbit hole there
the faces in the pic of Spade, Sandler and Farley look blurred in all of them. before it looks like jpeg artifacts but after the quality goes up and the image is sharp the faces are totally blurred. fucking bizarre.
I got the feeling he's protected. He did a great service to humanity.
I had focused on studying extract of pineal more in the past which was also mentioned in Fear and Loathing. I think it is probably used more by the higher levels to make contact with their evil overlords in the spiritual realm.
I believe it is entirely possible that is why they dismember people in satanic rituals and then open the heads and most likely eat the pineal gland straight after removing it from the brain.
Remember in Fear and Loathing it was after the extract of pineal that Del Toro turns into a demonic entity offering Depp's character anything he wants.
Ever wondered why all of the CIA programmed serial killers always end up dismembering and eating parts of their victims. It is because they were cut off the satanic gateway drugs their handlers hooked them on. Remember Hannibal talking about eating brains. This stuff is real folks.
there hasn't been any real argument against this though, just schizo boomers/possible shills who watched too many movies freaking out.
Same reason the dudes in same helmet are wearing them inside Oprah's Florida house long after they first enter and check six. Because it's their fucking work uniform, faggot.
t. Retard
idk if you know this user but calling someone a "dumb retard" is actually a oxymoron. fitting since you clearly have the comprehension level of a 5th grader. please shut the fuck up.
Oh come on all. Child porn is a code word for "classified photography".
what am i mad about?
Don’t forget Jennifer Aniston told Ellen she was “still cleaning out her closet.” And that Ellen could too.
>X times higher
Of course when adjusted for population size difference.
Why kids go missing in USA at a X larger rate than elsewhere?
Youre going to hell in a terrible way
Isn't it interesting that at the exact same time a major news event is happening, our board is getting flooded with schizo posts.
I am now convinced that these schizo threads are used as psyops against the board.
The schizo threads serve 3 purposes:
1. bump real political discussions out of the catalog.
2. make the board look retarded
3. confuse normal anons and get some of the less intelligent anons to start believing this garbage, especially idiot boomers.
All schizo posting belongs on or the q user board.
The mods in the day will usually delete this shit, but the useless mods at night let these idiots flood our board with their bullshit.
if you can't recognize a basic silhouette of someone wearing a hoodie you are absolutely retarded and have rarely been outside
>its the last one
Could anyone tell me why a turbo kike like harvey weisnstein wants that bitch anniston dead?
Why dont the jannies clean up bot spam
what is it with you people and condemning others to hell so nonchalantly and frequently
>Lot of flack, worldwide