/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2392 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 308,592 (+3,602) ► Died: 13,069 (+62)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 5431 deaths ~~~

US fever map in real time has been developed

Virus hits Africa, Nigerians killed by chloroquine poisoning

Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"

Jordan under lockdown, 9 million people

38 year old civil guard dies in Spain, no previous conditions

Rapidly mutating

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Virus affects blood circulation

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people

Ukraine on lockdown, 42 million people

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected


05:14: First death and 52 new cases in Colombia.
04:30: 53 new cases in Russia.
03:31: 109 new cases in Germany.
03:06: 585 new cases and 25 new deaths in New York state, United States.
02:54: 168 new cases and 3 new deaths in California, United States.
02:52: 67 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
02:48: 97 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 13,185
lol, still only 13,185.
How many days has it been stuck at 13,185? Four days? Five days?

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The best part about Coronavirus is that the longer thirsty sluts have to sit indoors, the easier it'll be be to fuck them. After a week of sitting inside they'll be begging for dick just to have someone to be with

Thank you Gary

Fuck jews
Fuck niggers
Fuck "europeans"
Fuck muslims
But most importantly, fuck americans

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where do you work? I'm the exact same situation with FedEx, except they haven't given us shit.

You're very welcome. Keep in mind that if you have any problems, talk to me and I will help you.

>fuck niggers and americans...
no u

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fuck you igor

Practice and do breathing techniques now.

He works so hard, day after day.

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Why are Italy and Spain still getting fucked harder and harder even though they have strict quarantines in place?








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Chang you just hate everyone

Who hurt you?

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Does anyone have a 250k for this? I saw 300k last thread.

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> he forgot the most important

After the corona pandemic we'll get a mega-AIDS pandemic.

>Trump calls reporter fake news
>Fauci takes over mic and absolutely cucks Trump on live TV by saying he knows the reporter isn't lying and isn't making things up
>Trump just stands there and fucking takes it


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Thank you for the update on who you want to fuck Mr. Slav Coomer

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The National guard just rolled through JAX and just saw them mow down a couple blacks who were out in the road. Working the audit at a hotel hear in Florida. It’s a war zone.

wtf is wrong with usa? Why don't you lockdown? You'll most likely look worse than Italy in a week or two with this attitude.

>quit smoking like 5 years ago

Based past me

Ok noviop

the jump from 200k to 300k was so fast that artist didn't have time for 250k

Oh fuck...

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People shit on the quarantine.

But everybody with AIDS is supposed to die from corona.

This is like when Caesar army entered rome and it was the transition between republic and empire

this is the start of the nwo empire

It’s on a state by state basis and a lot of them have already.

UK is gonna be way fucking worse lel fml.


I'm not even joking, this shaolin shit really helps especially if you caught this stupid chink virus.

Overwhelmed healthcare and people violating restrictions.

Why hasn't the UK dropped big numbers yet? Surely they should have a spike after the herd mentality thing right? it was like a whole day before they retracted the statement iirc. Are they testing?

I believe it but holy shit.

Not as strict as the Chinese. Besides they're not even 2 weeks into quarantine it's old cases.

This is the start of Indian Empire.

it's called Crossing the Rubicon you fucking idiot. That is nothing like this. Crossing the Rubicon would be like if Trump decided to just declare war on all of the EU and took their lands.

No 250k sadly. You can find more of them on drawfriend's profile twitter.com/willwildart

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IN A WEEK OR TWO. HA! It'll be a hell of a lot sooner than that.

This Britain was late to the social distancing measures and they are still being ignored in a few weeks were fucked

Expect big numbers released today. We announce in approx 6-8 hour iirc.

Same for italy.

UK is bad, everyone is retarded and still going outside for unnecessary shit.

So now that hundreds of burgers died, what are American doctors saying? Are we fucked?

They are actually the best in the world, by far.

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China 81,054 (3,261) Italy 53,578 (4,825) United States 26,892 (348) Spain 25,496 (1,381) Germany 22,364 (84) Iran 20,610 (1,556) France 14,459 (562) South Korea 8,897 (104) Switzerland 6,863 (80) United Kingdom 5,018 (233) Netherlands 3,631 (136) Austria 3,024 (8) Belgium 2,815 (67) Norway 2,167 (7) Sweden 1,770 (20) Canada 1,328 (19) Denmark 1,326 (13) Australia 1,286 (7) Portugal 1,280 (12) Malaysia 1,183 (9) Brazil 1,178 (18) Japan 1,054 (36) Turkey 947 (21) Israel 883 (1) Ireland 785 (3) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Luxembourg 670 (8) Pakistan 645 (3) Thailand 599 (1) Chile 537 (1) Poland 536 (5) Ecuador 532 (7) Greece 530 (13) Finland 523 (1) Iceland 473 (1) Indonesia 450 (38) Singapore 432 (2) Slovenia 383 (1) Philippines 380 (25) India 332 (5) Peru 318 (5) Bahrain 310 (1) Russia 306 (1) Egypt 294 (10) Hong Kong 274 (4) Mexico 251 (2) Panama 245 (3) Lebanon 230 (4) Argentina 225 (4) Iraq 214 (17)…

China +46 (+6) United States +2,685 (+46) South Korea +98 (+2) Malaysia (+1) Philippines +73 (+6) Colombia +14 (+1) Austria +32 Norway +3 Australia +214 Thailand +188 Mexico +48 Argentina +67 Armenia +30 Serbia +17 Uruguay +25 Hungary +28 Lithuania +6 New Zealand +14 Georgia +5 Uzbekistan +1 Honduras +2 Aruba +3 Eswatini +3…


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lmfao this aged like milk

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Holy shit the National guard is arresting people who aren’t inside in Jacksonville Florida. Multiple blacks being shot down.

Why are so many niggers in China!?! Trying to get some inside footage through snap chats and it's all niggers!
Also Mumbai is down, check out the snap chat Mao's there, it's a ghost town

Btw don't you want to come back before it's too late?


I dont think Trump will nationalize the national guard. If they want them to do law enforcement they need to be under state control(title 32).

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We must exterminate the chinks
We must overthrow the CCP

want me to translate shit to proper Chinese?

This shit is a cover for something else. They're either doing some clandestine global exercise or this is the beginning of some other shit. The kill rate for this virus doesn't even garner half of the reaction we are getting right now. If people don't start dropping like flies in a week and a half, they pulled a fast one on us all.

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Provide links or evidence, we all want to see
otherwise this is fake news and you are a kike

Because they just started and people got infected 2 weeks ago

Curious that Germany isn't even on that list and Statista is a German company


5g is a beacon to extraterrestrials
they landed in wuhan
the pandemic has been invented to hide the fact that the chinese are negotiating with the Grays

the /herd/ always wins

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Anyone else playing Minecraft during this bullshit?

>he doesnt know it

you are about to see some shit you have never seen before

I love corona virus
- Boomers+ BTFO
- Borders closed -GTFO chinks mudslimes etc.
- Unlimited work from home -comfy as fuck.
- Convinced wife I need 1440p gaming monitor for WFH
- Normies loosing their shit
- learn't new skills deploying open source video chat for my team
- My favourite internet cartoon Pokey hates Italians, Italians BTFO (yellow5.com/pokey/)
- Nice n comfy multi month happening with plenty of scope for schizo/autist pol banter

Seriously I am struggling to see a downside to this. Please enlighten me?

frig off
it was canada

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I have an idea on how to stop it. Just tell everyone not to get sick.

Long graph is long

chinga chonga pinga ponga

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Why wouldn't you use 必须 in the second sequence, Chang? Your Chinese isnt "proper" unless you're some 2nd generation dirty 南方人

YES YES! Anything just save my mommy from corona!

Born too late for Black Plague
Born too early for alien infestation
Born just in time to COOF

When are all the big milkers having Asians going to begin flooding in?

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Did any countries deployed CBRN units yet?

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This is some real shit.
A Russian medicine doctor (old or middle aged woman) went secretly to Spain (possibly for vacation), got back to Russia while covering her symptoms AND THEN gave lectures in a university INCLUDING on television about HOW TO BEHAVE ON CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC.
Later on authorities found out that she tested positive for corona virus.

The absolute state of Russia.

Remember anons, if Gary hasn't posted then it's a fake thread

Nope. Just like it was speculated on pol two months ago, this shit is much worse than you hear. I predict a deadlier reinfection, very long course of illness and many bad health consequences if you survive. The governments know this, but they keep the public in the dark. It's much, much worse than a flu and if left unckecked it can cripple the society. That's why they shift their strategy from doing nothing to doing a lot in a matter of days

i wanna stick my cock between those fat ass chinky winky buck teeth she has

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>cut off the video going directly to mr. fausti
>Trump didn't say it was fake news
The absolute state of libcucks can't even win against Trump with the economy in the shitter and a virus on the loose.

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haha gary weve been here since day 1... im starting to get scared but u comfort me to this day.

>70% of people dead are men
if I survive this I will have no excuse for not having a gf other than apathy, cowardice, and nihilism

>chinese are negotiating with the Grays
>the Grays

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>its thrice as deadly as expected
well fuck

>chinky winky

shhhh don't tell them

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I'm giving it a week and a half. Plus there's literally not a single video of someone suffering the symptoms. We'll see I suppose.


She's most likely one of the ones in the mild majority that are fueling the spread of it.

Is this disease comparable to smallpox

my teachers were from all around the mainland and even taiwan. i'm a military linguist by trade. i tend to use different variants of "need" interchangeably.

it is more like going to keep up mutating and kill people suspectible to it. Asians, mostly. Elderly too but overall huge economic recession for years to come because it will keep on spreading.

Blessed Baker , please update the next post with the first death in Romania. It was on the news here at. 9:30. 27 minutes ago.

Downtown Jacksonville is on fire. Looters on MLK and the National guard is just mowing down blacks.

now that the smog has settled, is it happening or not?

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She's going to face criminal penalty now.

70% of people dead are men over 75 y.o
Are you sure you want to have their GFs?

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>Finland at the bottom
Not even surprised

>Biden manages to lose to Trump in the middle of a fucking depression
If that somehow happens, then the neoliberal wing of the Democratic Party is going to be drug out into the street and lynched by their constituents.

These girls on spring break offer to suck your dick for one (1) roll of toilet paper
Do you do it?

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Most likely smoking, but testosterone is most likely a factor too.

Wait for Italy’s announcement today. That’s all I’m going to say.

america is far to cucked to ever hold a politician or oligarch to account for their actions

for real?

I say just let the nothingburger fags die

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Begone thots

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they are all literally le 56%. it's embarrassing.

Can confirm, i live in jacksonville and a boat of dead blacks just zoomed past my brothers girlfriends sisters house

所以你就是一个国防语言学远中文系的学生。lmao that's kinda cute. What branch? What semester you in kid? 你的语法不太好。可不可以问一问你的老师们帮助你?
You're putting ur security clearance at risk mate

What if he does, you bigot?

You do realize New York City, essentially the capital of the world, is about to turn into hell?

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If they come near me I stab them with my plastic spoon (hid it from the coppers on last inspection)

whenever Italy is ready go to war for revenge on the filthy chinks, we got your back bros. you bring the pasta, we bring the nukes!

Hi gary

>there's literally not a single video of someone suffering the symptoms
because, in the US at least, that's a major hipaa violation, and any non-shithole country probably has similar privacy laws. Also consider nurses are total stacies and arent going to produce gore/videos of people dying

No, rules are rules. cuck and collect.

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bloodtype O chads report in


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Gavin Newsome said today that 56% of us will get infected.

Was it all worth it pastafags?


The sad truth is they won’t be around to hear us say “I told you so”

They’ve found estrogen better protects women and relieves them of most symptoms, which is probably why menopausal age women are getting bad symptoms. Better drink up that onions boys!

I've had it for 3 weeks and it's getting progressively worse, just like that copypasta said where it ends with a cytokine storm. I already have low level pneumonia. I think the next wave could put me in hospital. Any advice for treatment?

cuck + collect?

The downside is if they find a cure or if they have it already. I dont want this to end either. Fuck celebrities and jews.

>had a sore throat for a couple of days
>starting to feel a little feverish
Oh boy here we go.

only 2nd from right, rest are ugly

Based asymptomatic superspreader.
Shame im only a nurse, not real doc, and cant afford to travel to Spain or Italy in vacation.
Other way id catch it back in february already and infect some faggots, muslims, kikes and lawmakers here.

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the youth will soon begin to die when they run out of hospital beds



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You need elderberry.

>US prepares for 96 million cases and 480,000 deaths

ONLY 480,000 deaths? What a nothingburger let down...

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Erm hospital might be a good idea?


This is too big of a happening for someone desperate for likes and retweets to not even at least try recording a covid-19 victim.


oh you

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This J vlogging girl has respiratory illness and is on antibiotics with coughing, she claims the medicine is not working. Now she proceeds to go outside on a tour in Tokyo stations, bars, cafes etc. without mask!

what is wrong with foreigners? why can't you stay inside? especially if you are suspected to have some kind of illness!


Fuck China
Fuck Xi the Winnie the Pooh
Those cases of the young dying are rare as hell
Only very old and sick die in any serious numbers
The governments were deliberately slow, so they could let disease in and cause panic, giving opportunity for more control over citizens
Bill Gates is talking openly about chipping people like cattle
Economical disturbance will only affect us, the common people.
The Jew will always profit no matter what happens
Only a meteorite will save is from Them
This is the blackpill
God may help us

I'm old. I've been out for "a few" years. Didn't think you'd think more of it.

O type nigas in this bitch

make a Yas Forums server

>I think the next wave could put me in hospital.
Plaquenil, aka Hydroxychloroquine, has been tested as a potential treatment for SARS-CoV-2

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Yo bro I trained with USSR gold medalist hockey players when I was a kid I'm cool with you ok Sergei Fedorov is my guy

Isn't that risky in terms of raising inflammation?

What's the point? They have no treatment for it and you are just increasing your chance of additional exposure. I'm trying to avoid hospital until I need ventilation.

I had sore throat for five days and now it's simply gone away

type O mild case master race

HAZCHAD is going to fuck all your girlfriends after you die.

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I was even afraid to buy vegetables from Spain in the supermarket two weeks ago LOL

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consider yourself lucky, you get to go to the hospital before they are full

Imagine not being /deathcult/.
So you think that in your country they will try to save boomers, instead of replacing them with young people in ICUs like they do in Italy? Why do you think so?
If anything, 60+ will die faster.

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Yes, and older men also tend to have high blood pressure too, so there's a compounding effect for them here.

Cytokine Storms probably get the healthy young men in rare instances.

Add El Salvador 3 cases

Country under 30 day lock usnews.com/news/world/articles/2020-03-21/el-salvador-declares-30-day-curfew-in-response-to-coronavirus

The president literally accused the Mexicans of known infected passengers


The treatment is supportive care so you carry on breathing

>Isn't that risky in terms of raising inflammation?
I dunno. Cytokine storm and elderberry were memes from late January.

>autistic zoomer
really nigga?

you've got like a 1/64,000 chance of contracting aids from an infected female if you are a male fucking her raw. You can't contract HIV unless you have an open wound on your dick

>when you are weak, appear strong. When you are strong, appear weak.

I don't want griefers segregating my villagers

I love Chinese Corona Virus
- Normies scared shitless
- Borders closed - faggot chinks and
- Boomers+ BTFO
- Stonk fags BTFO
- Globohomo faggots BTFO in medium term
- China BTFO in medium term
- Comfy Work from home
- Learning new skills deploying open source video chat for my team
- Convinced wife I need new 1440p monitor for WFH
- POL autism/schizo power levels increasing
- MY favourite internet cartoon, Pokey the penguin, hates Italians, Italians BTFO.
I am yet to see a single downside to this.

no, i'm too busy fighting corona with my sidekick shoulderface

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Pics or didnt happen

This is one dumb chart. It's not the total number of deaths that's important, but as a relative percent of the population.
50 million dead today is nothing, but when there were only 500 million people total, that was 10%.

Somewhat. Be safe and don't take crazy risks and you'll manage, user

They believe nothing can happen to them because they are retarded

Anyone else doing the 14 days thing? I mean ive been shut in over a week now. Started feeling shitty last friday.
I did visit three grocery stores two weeks ago buying non perishables. Maybe I got it from there. Honestly I think it's just a cold.
>mfw lose my job over this shit

What's everyones thoughts on mild symptoms / carriers? Apparently some people have covid-19 and say it was basically a bad cold.

that was fun. thanks for posting it.

Croatia is fucked today in 6 am a strong earthquake hit town where there are most infected now everyone is outside and mixing together with infected and quarantined people.It was 5.4 on scale.
That's it Croatia officially fucked.

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Chloroquine should lower the viral load. Your diagnosing doctor could get you a script for it and send it to a chemist.

Just say you don't want to go to the hospital.

Yeah I'm going to contact them.

I've had no cough just a rough throat for 3 days and now I feel a bit warm. I dunno.

>Source: Global Health Security Index
All of these non-profit indexes are funded by megacorps in their respective fields, this one by pharma

>Also consider nurses are total stacies and arent going to produce gore/videos of people dying
Normies videotape almost everything, including deaths.