Earthquake in Croatia capital

What is going on anons?

What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

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Protip: bricks are bad in earthquakes.

Today is the first ever Sunday without liturgy in Zagreb cathedral.

And here are the cathedral spires.

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OK jewmutt.

When i first looked at your pic i thought it was a city in the wild west lel.

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Oh wow for real? Based.

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Nearby hospital.

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Jebote jel ta slika iz 1945. ili danas?

Wrath? Fuck. Katastrofa koji se kurac događa.

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Dosta Hrv je na potresnom podrucju pogotovo jug. Moglo bi ovog jos bit, znas da potres uvijek a valove.

Kako to da nije bilo nikakve najave iz seizmološke ekipe, šta ne idu ti potresi onako u valovima pa se primjeti neka aktivnost prije velikog potresa?

wtf just 5.3 and your town got absolutely btfo

I had a Croatian roommate once and she was absolutely insane and not in the good way

White babies, nooo. Thats rare and precious. Fuck you earthquake!
A ne znam, moguce da ih je iznenadio, vise me brine da ne bude jos koji.

Yea for real, was your city built by Haitians?

Women are insane in general, especially of they are on pill

Centar Zagreba izgleda ko Bejrut. Inače sad ste najebali. Infrastrukturno oštećenje se neće moći sanirati osim onih najnužnijih, a ako krenu kiše samo će pogoršati stvar. Jebiga, tko je mogao očekivati dvije katastrofe u isto vrijeme? Normalna država eto tko.

Sreća u nesreći je da će možda ovo uz koronu utjecati na konačni pad Bandića, HDZ-a itd.

Protip: wood and paparmashe houses are bad against hurricanes

Austro-Hungarian type of building for the most part in these pics from old city core.

I feel you bro

so does Croatia get earthquakes often or not

People here are saying they felt it, but I didn't.

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Did the quake break any gas lines? Be careful, broken electric cables and gas lines are some of the biggest threats in a quake.

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oh no, your rubble is turning into rubble

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You’re a bit of a cunt. Why disrespect an someone who’s done nothing to spite you? The other American was doing a soft jab, talking about architecture; so I sort of get it. But the Wild West user? It just makes you look ugly and bitter. Why are you ugly and bitter?

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good that no one was in the streets atleast
if this was a normal sunday there would be dozens dead

It does, south part like Dubrovnik region most. Ston eatthquake was big when I was young. Zagreb too. All of them were due for earthquake for years now. Maybe it could have bewn worse desu

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>your town

and how is your fallout counts, nippee bastard ?

Don't worry, those buildings will get torn down and replaced by earthquake-proof buildings (((up to code)))

pic related

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isn't everything normal in this pic ?
thanks bmw for saving that precious ornament
thanks opel for saving these precious bricks

This looks like afrikka


Why do those buildings look so old.

What a crap hole

Burberry blanket, noice

yes and no
a big one comes every hundred years or so
unnoticeable small ones every now and then
so all in all average

why does croatia look the same as it did 150 years ago?

ah ok, hope not too many people got hurt
wishing a quick recovery croatbro

How does a 5.4 earthquake cause so much damage?

Damn. That's quite near. Stay safe Croatbros.

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Lol looks like mother nature is purging the trash again. First boomers and now decrepid old buildings in Croatia

>90% austrohungarian late 19th century arhitecture mixed in with some commie buildings looks like africa
ok mutt

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City center is mostly brick in Austro Hingarian style. Not all of Zagreb is lole that.
I like it more than concrete jew desu

Did you look at their buildings, made in 1645.

ahah God is punishing you for not abiding to ittalian request of ceding Istria and Dalmatia.

I warned you yesterday dogs, now give the lands back of God will punish you harder

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Dalmacija here. You Americans do realize that the damaged buildings are at the NEWEST from 1918, right? This didn't harm Zagreb's newer stuff but the old city core and the cathedral.

Mehmet dont make us kick your ass again back to anatolia

I genuinely thought it was a colourised photo from the 1910s

because it was sent by God to punish the croats

Jebote, ovo je crkva u Palmotićevoj

Dont throw rocks in stone houses.

These new half life graphics looking pretty epic


Serves you right for being shit people

Italy plz. At least recognize you're in no position to invoke God's wrath in relation to other countries.

Why do you Croats emphasise that is Austro Hungarian architecture. Why not just say old, classical, victorian, or other words that are more common and better understood. See, I know why. Because cr*ats HAVE TO suck western cock and point out something germanic just to feel special and non balkan. What a complex.

Commie engineering

He should hug some Chinks to please god again.

old people... You have old retards living on 200eu of pension in 80m^2 flats in town center.

Another question, why do people hate Croatia?

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