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it seems Krautbros are slow to wake up during quarantine
Jayden Long
>still have to go to work since I'm system relevant
Not comfy at all I just want to chill at home
Caleb Cox
you are doing gods work user. we thank you all for that
Oliver Moore
Well thanks. I'm a crisis manager so I guess it's time I earned my money
Andrew Adams
crisis manager? so you took on this job because of corona?
Isaiah Carter
Nah I've worked in the field for 2 years.
Elijah Collins
just remember, user - by doing your job well, you are perpetuating current regime, enabling the killers of your nation and tacitly agreeing with your own genocide
Chase Butler
still way better than degenerating because of NEETdom
No supply chains are active and not endangered. Monitor the news for your city, if there are more and more cases reported within the police department I'd become more and more cautious.
There's no Tipps. It's a highly contagious virus that should not harm you too much if you're younger and have no sicknesses. These includes diabetes high blood pressure or are overweight.
aka retard mobilization graph just means they run out of gullible system whores who fell all over themselves in order to get to the testing facility "Alda, I had Corona!" - "no way!" - "Alda Im serious heres my test result" - "Alda."
So you are the kind of scum that collected lots of shekels telling his corporate clients to (((avoid panic))) and delay closing offices at all costs throughout February? Maybe a few extra shekels for telling C-level executives to bunker down? That about right?
In the US, if the dad's get more drunk than they spend time with the kids, he's viewed as you or I would see heroin needle trash. Absolutely worthless of a man.
Misha, you could wait a few more weeks, when there's no food in Italy, and the women will let you fuck and sperm them for a can of Vienna sausages. Just like they, the Austrians, and the Germans did at the end of WW2.
Liam Parker
Meds are White and unlike Americans they (Greeks in particular) are currently defending the borders like lions.
Christian Taylor
Ich finde es chillig hier in Deutschland. Die Publikum hat keine offensichtliche Panik & Leute haben ein sinnvolles Verhalten wegen des Virus. Mein Volksvertrauen stiegt höher heutzutage im Vergleich zu früher (2014-2019) aber diese Krise ist noch nicht abgelaufen. Wir sehen, wie weit es geht, aber die Gewaltmaßnamen der Migranten wenn das Welfaregeld austrocknet werden interessant zu erfahren sein. Hoffentlich werden die Bevölkerung die Konsequenzen von offenen Grenzen beobachten & sich erinnern ABER das ist wahrscheinlich abissle zu hoffnungsvoll von meiner Seite...