/sg/ Syria General - No Test Kits in Idlib Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

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>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21

Devs Mar 21
>Putin discusses by phone with Assad the situation in Sy in light of the Russian-Turkish agreements on Idlib
>SAA suspends conscription as part of measures to prevent coronavirus epidemic
>Turkish army runs a patrol from the village of Tarnaba, near Saraqib, to the village of Masibin, east of Jericho, in Idlib countryside
>Turkish MoD: The planned deployment and organization activities of our forces are continuing in the de-escalation zone in Idlib, and the news circulated about the withdrawal of our units does not reflect the truth
>Russian military kicks off naval exercises off Syrian coast
>Security forces foil attempt to smuggle IS wives, children from al-hawl camp
>Protesters destroy turkish army barracks on M4 highway
>US State Department: The United States is disappointed with the Iraqi government's performance in protecting international coalition forces
>The International Coalition announces the start of the withdrawal of forces assigned to train the Iraqi army because of the spread of the Coronavirus
>Heavy clashes in southern Tripoli as LNA is attempting to advance at Ain Zara
>Saudi-led coalition forces struck Khab and Shaaf areas 19 time&Majzar 2 times
>Ceasefire violations were reported in al-Hudaydah


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fuck kikes and roaches

>Four cases of patients with viral pulmonary respiratory infection were monitored.
Samples were taken from the patients and they are present in the early warning laboratory in #Idlib and have not been tested #Covid_19 for lack of laboratory kits in the Idlib Health Directorate

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Who call the exterminators?

Go ahead nuke the shit out of this rat hole. The roaches who still in of it seek damage.


Will the kung flu claim Assad's life

If Assad is aryan, he has better chance.

White Helmets did nothing wrong

He isn't so thats bad

S for dead mutts succumbing to Corona

Thread Theme

good morning /sg

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Great view

spruce best tree in world

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being a forester has its advantages, kino views, i can larp innawoods all day, no coronachan around and ofc free firewood ))

Ivan, is that a prison? spruce is best tree indeed

it's colony, like prison

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oh, i thought its a prison, like the black dolphin. The documentary about it was awesome

Yesterday at lunch I was sitting there with a friend when a car with a light skinned person with a big nose in the back seat, window rolled down drove past where I was sitting and the first thought that entered my mind is " thats a jew and he's looking for me". A few moments later im walking back to work and i find that individual walking slowly on the road. As I walk past him he walks towards me and asks me to " give him my phone" cause he lost his and has to make a call. I tell him I just met him so I ask him to give me the number and I hold on to my phone and put it on speaker. first call fail ( not picking up) send one he enters the number and i insti on seeing whats going on the screen. this one connects and the guy starts speaking arabic. his first sentence had the word "arabia" in it I dont know arabic but I strongly assume he said "we can only speak arabic" he talks for 10 seconds and stops and the call end he then says "thank you brother" I say " thank you".

Now this the first time ive ever encountered an "arab" and usually its pakis & poos acting agressively muslimy. Im in a very islamic part of the country 20-40% so it could be nothing but the day before I posted an Ansarallah meme with the waving flag and the motto in arabic with the latin alphabet(caption).

Imagine being a caucasoid and having to pretend to be a russian nationalist. Imagine having to wave the flag of your conquerors on international competitions. Imagine having to hear the anthem of your conquerors before giving it your all to win. Imagine having the leader of the country that killed your fathers and grandfathers when they asked for freedom, imagine him coming over and shaking your hand, smiling, and you having to feel pride for it. Imagine only speaking the language of your conqueror, writing in the alphabet of your conqueror, flying the colors of your conqueror. Imagine only being known by everyone outside as a member of the tribe that conquered you.
Not even the Ottomans asked so much, not even they humiliated that much. Imagine being a caucasoid lmao

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Interesting, what are the Pakistanis and the Indians doing in Malawi?

As if Kazakhstan,Georgia,Azerbaijan,Uzbekistan and the likes of that have an identity

The same thing they're doing in the rest of the world.
Polluting it.

Samarkand unironically has more identity and more history than all of Russia though. The rest is steppeniggers, true.

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Oh wait, I didn't notice you put GEORGIA in there. Hard to separate Georgia and Armenia historically, but Georgia is a very old state, with a lot of identity. Its own language, its own alphabet, its own history of chirstianity and its own church, its own clothes, foods, wines, that are pretty distinct. Its much more of its own country than Romania or Bulgaria, we're just differently flavored Balkan stock. Romans+Ottomans+flavoring = any balkan state. Only the Greeks here are a unique nation with deep culture. Georgia is Greece tier.

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>Fuck viruses WAR NOW
I like this attitude

Good morning /sg/! anyone can recommend me a news channel with the same format like Agenda TV of steve lookner, but without jews. thanks

Just got my first Erdobux, you jelly i/sg/ay?

Posted from my Erdophone

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Are you satisfied, /sg/?

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Not until every s*nnishit is dead, no

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>Imagine being a caucasoid and having to pretend to be a russian nationalist. Imagine having to wave the flag of your conquerors on international competitions. Imagine having to hear the anthem of your conquerors before giving it your all to win. Imagine having the leader of the country that killed your fathers and grandfathers when they asked for freedom, imagine him coming over and shaking your hand, smiling, and you having to feel pride for it. Imagine only speaking the language of your conqueror, writing in the alphabet of your conqueror, flying the colors of your conqueror. Imagine only being known by everyone outside as a member of the tribe that conquered you.
So just like 90% of Bulgarians?

>some shithole cavemen writing in sheepturd are Greece tier


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>#Syria president Bashar al-#Assad grants a general pardon for crimes committed before 22/03/2020

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posted the meme on whatsapp

business and tax evasion, building mosques etc

more than you believe. in the city, rivers turn into shit because of these people illegally dumping chemical waste into them

does anyone know seagm.com?

>Italo-Germano-Latino-Serbs talking to me about identity
Бpaтo, мoля ти ce, нeдeй.

does /sg/ know if the Syrian army recruit foreigners? I've tempted to contact the Syrian embassy to ask


Why are nationalists so cringe?

They have merc/volunteer corp, but good luck getting there.

No. If you speak arabic I believe you can join few militias that are around.

You'll never succeed cunt

Doesnt Wagner take foreigners with military training?

I have no idea.

John 3:16
"Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlu'nu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun.

Matthew 1:23
"İşte, kız gebe kalıp bir oğul doğuracak; adını İmmanuel koyacaklar." İmmanuel, Tanrı bizimle demektir.

Matthew 16:24
Sonra İsa, öğrencilerine şunları söyledi: "Ardımdan gelmek isteyen kendini inkâr etsin, çarmıhını yüklenip beni izlesin.

John 14:6
İsa, "Yol, gerçek ve yaşam Ben'im" dedi. "Benim aracılığım olmadan Baba'ya kimse gelemez.


same in arabic, different music:

لأَنَّهُ هكَذَا أَحَبَّ اللهُ الْعَالَمَ حَتَّى بَذَلَ ابْنَهُ الْوَحِيدَ، لِكَيْ لَا يَهْلِكَ كُلُّ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِهِ، بَلْ تَكُونُ لَهُ الْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ

هَا إِنَّ الْعَذْرَاءَ تَحْبَلُ، وَتَلِدُ ابْناً، وَيُدْعَى عِمَّانُوئِيلَ!» أَيِ «اللهُ مَعَنَا

ثُمَّ قَالَ يَسُوعُ لِتَلامِيذِهِ: «إِنْ أَرَادَ أَحَدٌ أَنْ يَسِيرَ وَرَائِي، فَلْيُنْكِرْ نَفْسَهُ وَيَحْمِلْ صَلِيبَهُ وَيَتْبَعْنِي

فَأَجَابَهُ يَسُوعُ: «أَنَا هُوَ الطَّرِيقُ وَالْحَقُّ وَالْحَيَاةُ. لَا يَأْتِي أَحَدٌ إِلَى الآبِ إِلّا بِي


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You can't win if you don't play

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I know that there's a group of S*rbs in Wagner and that those fought in Syria.

Look up Davor Savicic.

Why do you ask then?

Well idk if they take people from anywhere.

I do not have a Syrian gf.

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how would a mask help in a gym?

Yeşaya 53:1-11

Verdiğimiz habere kim inandı?
RAB’bin gücü kime açıklandı?

O RAB’bin önünde bir fidan gibi,
Kurak yerdeki kök gibi büyüdü.
Bakılacak biçimden, güzellikten yoksundu.
Gönlümüzü çeken bir görünüşü de yoktu.

İnsanlarca hor görüldü,
Yapayalnız bırakıldı.
Acılar adamıydı, hastalığı yakından tanıdı.
İnsanların yüz çevirdiği biri gibi hor görüldü,
Ona değer vermedik.

Aslında hastalıklarımızı o üstlendi,
Acılarımızı o yüklendi.
Bizse Tanrı tarafından cezalandırıldığını,
Vurulup ezildiğini sandık.

Oysa, bizim isyanlarımız yüzünden onun bedeni deşildi,
Bizim suçlarımız yüzünden o eziyet çekti.
Esenliğimiz için gerekli olan ceza
Ona verildi.
Bizler onun yaralarıyla şifa bulduk.

Hepimiz koyun gibi yoldan sapmıştık,
Her birimiz kendi yoluna döndü.
Yine de RAB hepimizin cezasını ona yükledi.

O baskı görüp eziyet çektiyse de
Ağzını açmadı.
Kesime götürülen kuzu gibi,
Kırkıcıların önünde sessizce duran koyun gibi
Açmadı ağzını.

Acımasızca yargılanıp ölüme götürüldü.
Halkımın isyanı ve hak ettiği ceza yüzünden
Yaşayanlar diyarından atıldı.
Onun kuşağından bunu düşünen oldu mu?

Şiddete başvurmadığı,
Ağzından hileli söz çıkmadığı halde,
Ona kötülerin yanında bir mezar verildi,
Ama öldüğünde zenginin yanındaydı.

Ne var ki, RAB onun ezilmesini uygun gördü,
Acı çekmesini istedi.
Canını suç sunusu olarak sunarsa
Basedundan gelenleri görecek ve günleri uzayacak.
RAB’bin istemi onun aracılığıyla gerçekleşecek.

Canını feda ettiği için
Gördükleriyle hoşnut olacak.
Doğru kulum, kendisini kabul eden birçoklarını aklayacak.
Çünkü onların suçlarını o üstlendi.

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I do not have a gf.

No reproduction here lol

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Islamophobes always make Islam look cool, manly & dangerous.