G'day lads,
NEETs are still eternal losers tho

>NSW, Victoria move to comprehensive shutdown of non-essential services amid coronavirus pandemic

>Western Australia, South Australia to close borders in response to coronavirus pandemic

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Australia is easing superannuation access for those worst-hit by coronavirus. But can we afford it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I almost want to get fired now. Fuck this shit country



How bad is it gonna get lads? I can't find so much basic shit in supermarkets and it's like week 2 of shit hitting the fan
>cooking oil
>canned food of any sort

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stay mad wagecucks
i got an extra 700 tacked onto my already 900 fortnightly payment

>tfw given a raise for being a good NEET

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and you know who's going to buy them all? fucking chinks when they see the AUD vs USD at an all time low. They're already licking their lips @ the 'discount' they'll get after converting their shekels into our increasingly worthless paper. and the govt will allow it.

Boomers are angry because their savings are evaporating into my pocket. NEET for life.

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Fuck Scomo for buttfucking the workers of this country. Why the fuck can't I be allowed to access my super? You're not giving me any other assistance of any kind you fucking cunt.

how the fuck are you getting almost $900? my payment is like $613/fn lmao

monday morning in a few hours wagies, get some sleep soon so you have lots of energy to keep you hard at it sweating the day through.

what shall I do tomorrow.. coke or pepsi? hard decisions here in NEETland

>Real ‘China virus’ killed us years ago

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Lads are there any sensible countries to escape to after this? Anywhere without globalist ties? I'm thinking Russia is the best bet

i'm legally retarded

Too many will quit their jobs and the payments will be cancelled after a month

ragie wagie, back in cagie

Oh by the way wagecucks, got myself a pension card even though Im only on newstart so not only am I getting a raise, I also get to line up with the oldies in the morning for a vip shopping service before normies raid it

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Watching my already non existant super dwindle further and further each day with no ability to access it and Im an apprentice supporting myself. Cant go on youth allowance cause I earn over the threshold by a few bucks pmsl.. Fucking joke

What's everyone spending their neetbux on lads?

I'm thinking of out buying all the tendies stocks at my local woolies to make the wagies seethe even more. Anyone ever tried those chilli and coconut tendies?

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>tmw 55kg and get drunk off 2 shots and alcohol poisoning after 5

Just did some panick buying at dan murpheys since they and other non essentials will be closed tomorrow. Bought 3 cases of beer. Maybe can still order alchol online I didnt have time to research.

mood lol

>not on welfare anymore

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what a year

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How can I still get my 10k super if I still have a job? has anyone actually done it yet and know what you have to declare?

>he gets $450 a fortnight
Takes me 1.5 days to earn that

Get a job.

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>is from NSW
>dych chin mynhau astudio a'r Cymraeg

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My home has been made into my cagie. Office all working from home now.

I’m comfy; what you get in a fortnight I make in 2 days after tax. NEETS be screwed when govt can’t keep servicing that increase with legitimate businesses and workers getting stuffed. They’re just greasing you up prior to fucking you deep.

Sir, step back from the TP

Only one packet allowed per customer

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Mine's dropped two grand in like a week. Let me access my super as cash before it disappears you fucks.

jokes on you I lost my job due to the china virus now going to get $550 a fortnight doing fuck all.

fukin gladys, announce shutdown NOW! I don't want to go in to wage tomorrow and catch the chink flu!!!! I've been working from home the past month, don't let me ruin my streak.

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NEETS don't realise that after this, their time is limited. The neoliberal policies that encourage unemployment will be ceded and universal job guarantee will be in place. If you don't work, you will be exiled to the Simpson desert, in order to reeducate you in the teachings of Marx and lenin


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Can one of you blokes stop being a total poofter for 10 minutes and go fuck my gf so I have some bucks in my pocket?

It has been a strange year. I forgot about the bushfires

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Dan Murphy's wont be closing, m8

>on DSP for 5 years
>got off it at the end of january when I finished uni and got a job
worst timing

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Why get a job when somebody else can work for you? What doesn't the wagie understand?

Get to stay home but get full pay for my time off
Based unions lads

i can guarantee i have more money in savings than you :^)

still haven't heard of anyone, or know of anyone, that has this virus.

seethe harder

I am seething.
Unironically seething.
Monday is hours away, I have to stand on a packed commuter train platform during a pandemic, catch a packed train during a pandemic, walk to a crowded and air conditioned office and work 9 hours and repeat the process coming home and I will KNOW that meets are sitting at home and making nearly as much money as me.
My landlord even said they won’t freeze rent even if the government says to.
Hardly any food. I have some beyond meat sausages because all the mince was gone.
I have 1 roll of toilet paper I stole from work.

Seriously I’m just going to end it.

what fucking job do you cunts have?

>i got an extra 700 tacked onto my already 900 fortnightly payment
>he gets $450 a fortnight
>Takes me 1.5 days to earn that
You're not even smart enough to be a cashier.

Anyone else noticed ALL kogan mobile IP's are blocked from making threads?

What one of you spastics caused this :/

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does anyone not care at all that the media blatantly pushed lies for a year about russian collusion?

the same shit is happening now.

Cant imagine anything worse than living in Sydney or Melbourne right now.

They'll just stop processing new chains

$933.40 per fortnight from DSP. getting an extra $750 on March 31 and the govt looks like they'll be expanding the stimulus package even further

Federal government here
>tfw too important to shut down

So how much am I eligible for now that the shut down in Victoria has killed my consultancy business, sole trader here.

boss letting me work from home

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it's non essential. supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open.

the only person i know who got the virus in australia is Tom Hanks

You'll get another 750 in July

Shoulda taken the trade pill m8
Literally can't work from home

sorry mate jews don't get neetbux

Landlord can go get fucked. If the government says to freeze rent (although i doubt they will, you know that investors are the LNP voter base), don't pay it.

>My landlord even said they won’t freeze rent even if the government says to.
stay alive and refuse to leave at least long enough for that kike to lose his home.

Booze is essential.
They make too much off tax.


Getting pizza for the last time, what ones boys?

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bottleshops are considered essential
For me though it's a fat oz on (double) cenno payday

I'm Federal gov too. Are you going into work tomorrow? We prepared WFH arrangements last week and with everything getting worse everywhere I'm wondering if we've crossed that threshold into total-WFH

It's not like you can do social distancing in a workplace. We live in each other's pockets

2020 election year. Tech monopolies been clamping down on all non narrative opinions. Australia trying to bring cash ban in, not one bit on mainstream media reporting on it.

And now a BS virus that is the excuse to start bringing in totalitarianism like old soviet russia.

This is how it happens people.

We need to protest but unfortunately the government have played it well by convincing people big groups are bad so we can't consolidate.

How long are they planning this for??

What’s he like?

We should call it Tom Hank's disease

My mate has it
He broke quarantine to go out to a club
These people live among us and vote

Not a jew you faggot, how much am I eligible for you faggots??

>What's everyone spending their neetbux on lads?
Going to buy 2Oz of weed maybe 3 if it's cheap enough.

why would you not want to work from home?

convenient isn't it, how many actors (aka spokespeople for Globo-Homo) are getting it.

>Seriously I’m just going to end it.
Why not join us user? Start living the comfy life from now on and watch the masses work for you. We neets don't judge and are free loving people, join us!

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>fake images
Nice scam

War is peace

>working in barbershop
>two clients have collapsed while i'm doing their hair in the last month

Because I get paid for staying at home and it isn't counted as sick or holiday pay
Will be getting paid to play Rimworld tomorrow oath

>welfare pays more fortnightly than most wagie jobs
Where were you when the LNP became the party of the NEET?
also fuck you faggots, if you're not working or if you're a lawyer/politician, you're a leach on society and deserve rope

Also Fuck the Captcha, it's taken me fucking 10 minutes to make a fucking post

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What does Yas Forums's message say? Range ban?

I work there, and it's not shutting down.

I've gotta go to work.
Gunna be depressing on the way home when I take a detour to break in new sticky tyres on the bike.
How long does it take a neet to save up 540 dollarydoos?

We're staying open basically until someone at work is confirmed to have coronavirus. Already had one person sent home due to symptoms but the test results came back negative.

>finish uni last year
>cant find a job
>dont want to get on the dole because i dont want to deal with the hassle
>get desperate 6 months in
>get literal peanuts
>finally find a job a month ago
>miss out on the 2 $750 one off payments and double rate
ffs lads, my job is barely above minimum wage and really hard

Meatlovers or fuck off

post tits

Contractor for DoD; sent us to “work from home” last Monday. Still making $s and chilling on my rural property far from any problems.

How the fuck is the government going to afford months of these scomobux when no-one's paying tax because nothing is fucking open. I'm gonna be paying some bullshit coronavirus levy in my tax for the rest of my life, aren't I?

enjoy it while it lasts



holy b*sed

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Wait can we still drive or is that banned aswell?

Tax money isn't paying for any of this.

No where puts real images up.
It’s a good parlour, the rumours of some chick having HIV were all lies started by competitors

>expanding the stimulus package even further
It's not impressive, and it's months away.

weed is much more economical. recently tried being an alco and it's fucking expensive

haha machine go brrrr

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how do i get the free infinite money boys

Was that that poofter bloke who worked at the grand chancellor in Hobart?

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well there's still loads of taxes built into fucking everything you buy. There's GST, Alcohol taxes, Ciggie taxes, fuel taxes. So there will still be some money. The real issue is inflation which is going to be out of control.

I've pointed this out in /cvg/ but they just ignore me. The WHO had a meeting last year about how to handle pandemics and one of the ideas they discussed was recuiting celebrities to push their memes on social media. One of the memes they're pushing is the self-isolation meme. That's why we're getting all these "celebrity X has coronavirus and is self isolating" stories. Some celebrities might have it but the majority do not and are just playacting to push the meme.