Is it real or fake?

I cant decide.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello 2016. It's 2020, shut the fuck up.

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Real. that is for sure 2 slags on tables.

Where is the face blood or the body?

Just asking, from the perspective of someone who recently awakened

It's real but is it really Huma and Clinton? The podesta video is definitely legit though.
>Muh current year
Fuck off back to plebbit.

Studied this whole thing longer than I should have, in my opinion yes it's real. This scene in particular fits the alleged events, what else would be going on here? They get tired? Taking a nap?

>t. woke

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its a live video, or is a recorded video?, where is placed the camera? the angle is very strange

And why is the edge of the table running across Huma’s right shoe?

>shut it down goy

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Go cry back to daddy Q

looks like cctv

Looks like a security camera, and to my knowledge this may be the only piece of evidence of FrazzleDrip We have

The body is in that plastic bag that has electrical tape around it.

What podesta video?

You know how junkies dose off and enjoy their high by just laying down? This is probably what is happening here.

The fatherhood video, just look up fatherhood and world corp, in the video the man asks
> Whats my name?
The terrified kid says
He then says father

I believe that in the vernacular of the junkie, it is referred to as 'nodding off'

What am I looking at

Fake. Until proven real.

Oh, thought there was something new going on

Great Awakening.

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More please

Bump bitches

The Grifter for newfags. shit like this no doubt happens, but this video is to lead anons on a wild goose chase and make it all look more insane and baseless than it actually is

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Lots of children here, weird coincidence.

You mean false flags

I remember seeing this shit on 8/pol/ but nothing about it afterword. Was it just a nothing burger or is there nothing else to it that we now of?

But I havent seen anyone disprove the multiple screenshots we have of killings, and mutilation at public places, nor that this isnt her

trips of truth

It all feels so real, we have multiple solid peices of evidence in screenshots that some events happends, like multiple murders in resturants, to her doing what was reported, in a area for kids.
Why did we forget?

>You mean false flags
no, i dont. what are you talking about?

>disprove the multiple screenshots we have of killings, and mutilation at public places
what multiple screenshots? the image of 2 ladies laying on a table? what in the actual fuck does this prove? im not saying both of those witches are terrible people or have actually done what is reported.. but youll never see this video because it doesn exist. anons have been posting about it for about 2-3 years now with nothing but the same image and same shit. "oh ive seen it its terrible". literally The Grifter for newfags, old Yas Forums memes making a comeback

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Dissprove the one with the 4 dead bodies in the resturant, that was posted a few hours ago, i dont have it.

But we do have evidence a form of the video may exist, in the screenshot we see these 2 people doing exactly what was reported, upon doing further research we found out this was in a area manly visited by children, why would hillary do all this? Just to relax?

>disprove this image i dont have
how? the only one ive seen is this
not sure what youre talking about with dead bodies in a restaurant (i assume you mean comet?) dont get me wrong, again im not saying i dont believe this stuff exists or there are actually snuff films made like this. i just have not seen anything to give me any belief this exists. and with this topic, which is so absolutely filled to the brim with disinfo, you gotta be careful. this is one of the main tactics they have used to discredit all of it. release trash info that people cling to and they dismiss it and act like thats all the evidence you had. furthering the normies into their deep slumbers. read this book if you havent already

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I have a hard time believing Hillary's old ass could/would climb on a ping pong table and curl up. Why not just the floor

>the video may exist
its the same screenshot over and over, user (at least that ive seen). with how many times this topic has been spammed this past week i find it further hard to believe that no one has posted this other "evidence" you speak of.

>area mainly visited by children
what area? how do you know this was a children area?

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>Current year

It was a play zone, look into the other threads, we found out where this was and in the normal day pictures their were many children, and few adults, im sorry if im being to aggresive.

>look into the other threads
i have and i dont know what youre talking about. ive followed this on/off since it started popping up to see if there was anything to it but havent found virtually anything beyond words/disinfo and that one screenshot of the 2 lying on the table. you really should save everything onto your computer user.

> im sorry if im being to aggressive.
not at all, didnt even cross my mind

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I really should

I remember when this screen shot first appeared like a year ago, people were doing comparisons with Clinton’s handbag at the time and the one on the ping pong table next to her. Might be worth looking into.

I hate this planet and can’t wait to die. I will not receive the Mark of the Beast. I have spoken.


Yup. Fuck getting the mark. But also i will kill them before they try to kill me.

Always prepare for war. War is coming for you.

Always seek peace while you can... support you bill of right candidates and orgs

fpbp /thread

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>I hate this planet and can’t wait to die
be the change you want to see in the world. dont let the darkness overcome and/or consume you, transmute it to light.

>support you bill of right candidates and orgs
like who/what?

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It's a pic of a cctv feed projected on a wall

It may not be easy for a good man to think these things, it may even be nearly impossible, but it is not impossible for these things to happen. And because these things were described by someone with these words, words which any man good or evil can read and understand, it only remains to ask: Is it true? And the answer is that it doesn't matter. This was said, and names were named and people were accused and the Truth must come out. And the only question is do you want to be the sort of person that sits on his merry ass avoiding the Truth or do you want to expose it, no matter how ugly and evil it is. I have no doubt that a person who is as evil as these actions describe can also be someone I may see anywhere in public at any time, may be anyone of any level of success (worthy or simply ensconced as a turnkey like anyone in the media, for example). It is easy to see the depravity that can infiltrate the military and intelligence agencies and communities, and how it can stem from ages old evil and never yield as long as there is the opportunity to express itself, as long as people turn away. Notice all the "I believe her" shit but there was relatively no care or notice of this sort of thing. That's what most people are, evil cattle, who support evil beasts of prey, who are but dinglberries hanging from the ass of metaphysical evil. Better realize this and deal with it.

Remember to send your foe to hell first.

It's fake and gay just like the frazzledrip video.

First time I've heard of this, what's going on?

most likely fake, where's the context?
why hasn't a more damning picture been leaked instead of this tease? If the leaker really wanted to btfo the podestas and co they would release something a little more conclusive

what does your hunches or decision or any non facts have to do with it being fake or with anything?

>i will not be frightened

oh deary
you will be light years beyond mortally horrified with terror when Christ arrives

i suggest you actually read the pages i linked from a book (of which i also posted). im fully aware sick shit happens and people make videos of it. this tape, however, seems to be merely a myth, a red herring potentially. unless people have -actual- proof, more than a fucking screenshot on a wall.. well till then im calling it nonsense.

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>Is it real or fake?

I saw stock footage of some gun show layouts, showing all the guns and everything, on the news talking about the panic buying. The guns were all laid out on pizza boxes. News ends up broadcasting it and making things look all sinister just like the gun merchants hoped. Merchants 1 Merchants 0

ITT (((people))) argue that chicks passing out on pingpong tables is the norm.

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