God's gonna rattle a few thangs.
God's gonna rattle a few thangs
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Anyone awake?
Yes...will I be ok in Houston? Will I have to flee to Mexico?
checked and supervolcanopilled
hopefully it doesn't wipe out our entire state
You will not be okay in Texas.
You need at least a mountain range between yourself and Yellowstone if you want to avoid the ash and death.
If Yellowstone goes, it's game over for humans. Total extinction event for humanity.
don't they fear monger about yellowstone every year?
He's already rattled Utah and Nevada during this happening.
What are the plans worldwide for all the camps? I think Corvid-19 is a cover for something else.
The longterm effects of such an event are dinosaur-extinction level. Covered skies as in Matrix and air filled with rare gases. Hope you have a nuclear bunker with provisions for 10 years.
Why can't we bore thousands of holes to relieve pressure?
literally a something taco
What about a closet with 2 months worth? Is that enough?
>I think Corvid-19 is a cover for something else.
The rapture.
Put your trust in Jesus.
No no no. It is not an extinction level event for humanity. Yellowstone has erupted several times before, and though it is (and will be) a massive ecological disaster, it won't make humans go extinct.
Don’t spook me
Yeah, that's because the last 10 years it's been doing stuff every year, and Yellowstone erupts on a schedule (on a geologic time scale). It's due to go again now.
That’s the point.
It’s a ticking timeburger.
>let's just crate thousands of mini volcanoes
It's not going to matter when the smoke blocks out the sun. I don't think you guys completely cope the size here. The only thing bigger than Yellowstone is your mom's fat ass.
Croatia just had a 5.3
I can see how he thought it might relieve the pressure
No Faggot
I thought Cthulhu was from the South Pacific?
>thousands of mini volcanoes that would be localized in that area
>one super large volcano that will destroy half of America and cause mass starvation worldwide
Wouldn’t stop buffering.
Why not pump water into it?
this kills the mutt
No just civilization.
oh shit
The whole area is mostly White owned farm land. This kills White people.
The happening in croatia
nigger this kills everyone
I just read the articles, it's nothing. It's been happening for ages it's just gotten slightly more active... decades ago. This is really just random mildly interesting journalism, not some major event.
This. Because if it did happen, it means I get vindicated. And that never happens.
It's probably the same shit where people say forest fires are on the rise since 1980 but leave out the early 1900s
same with covid-19
big nothing burger.
but the size of chicago? sheesh
How about AZ?
I'm in MA, pretty sure I'm safe tbqh.
the people who live in middle america are mostly white.
niggers live on the coasts.
nah corona virus actually has huge potential unlike meme diseases like ebola.
nigger if yellow stone actually erupted the whole world is fucked.
The last time it erupted was before humans even existed.
I live in Florida, but nothing really feels far enough away that's still on the North American continent.
Tell you what, though. If we get that much ash, our land may actually become worth a shit for farming.
how amazing would that be?
I hope a few select people survive. Like top-tier scandis, meds, and japs.
>nah corona virus actually has huge potential unlike meme diseases like ebola.
government fear meme
dont take the vaccine and the mark
Magma displacement? What's that, some kind of seismic anomaly?
a well placed nuke and america is transformed into a carpark, come on china finish the job
Who would possibly think the most active geological feature in the united states would be doing something rock related?
nah, with greenhouses, canned/ pickled food, most hearty and crafty people would make it
I fear it's happening this year. The stars are actually aligned this time
Lol are you some fucking creationist or just retarded
The pressure would need to be reduced very, very gradually. A sudden drop in pressure is is what makes it go boom - just think of opening a can that's been shaken, it's when you release the pressure that the dissolved gases suddenly erupt.
Boring holes for the water would probably cause that drop in pressure. Even if it didn't you'd just form a hard cap ensuring an even more powerful explosion when it does eventually go.
stopped reading there
Ash , even a millimeter or two can seriously fuck up a lot of equipment. Not to mention most agriculture in the us. Ash turns to a sort of concrete mixture in the lungs
Blots out the sun for most of the world. Nuclear winter. Maybe some people find a way to survive underground for awhile.
God isn't doing this
wow so edgy
hopefully it does.
>i'm not next door so i'm good XD
when this erupts it will be an extinction event, dumb fucks
You probably want to be in orbit, leaving for another planet
for fans of morrowind, this will be hella fun
Couldn't call it any more gayer? Fucking brown anal volcano. If I was to call a volcano. It'd be "pierce of death and misery".
I wonder how hard it would be for a terrorist cell to trigger an eruption
>when you realize your earthquake was merely a small taste of released energy all the way over from yellowstone
Damn, we might have actually meme'd the great happening into real life, boys.
If Yellowstone goes off amidst this pandemic I will hang up my fedora and believe I God
This means no crop production for at least a year maybe more. Possible mini ice age. Billions would probably die. Humans would survive, but civilization as we know it would not.
good god I hope we get some more yellow this year
Coronavirus is a smokescreen to keep the plebeians indoors, off the streets and not panicking and to keep all vital services running so the (((elites))) have time to get to their renovated Antarctic spaceship. Earth is going kaput, and they're getting out of dodge.
This is why they don't give a shit about even attempting to keep the charade up and just pump trillions and trillions of dollars through the FED - what does inflation even matter when all the plebs are gonna die by April anyways?
Corona panic = a reason to force plebs to stay indoors and not ask uncomfortable questions about where all the celebrities, politicians and rich businessmen disappeared off to. After all, they're just in (((quarantine))) user, no need to worry...
If it's an extinction event for humanity it's an extinction event for most animal life. If that's the case show me the evolutionary record of the past eruptions
Why not just put a big dome over it?