Shortly after Trump made these remarks...

>Shortly after Trump made these remarks, the FDA rushed out a statement making it clear that there are no approved therapies or drugs to treat COVID-19.
Are we done trusting anything Trump says?

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Fuck these people. Every doctor is saying to trial hydroxychloroquine. I hate the corporate press so much.

Well fucking prove it by using it! You have nothing to lose with those who are going to die anyway!

The FDA is run by kikes btw who are all in on it with big pharma. Gotta keep the gravy train rolling.


MSM larping. China owns them; they all want Trump out. China planned this whole thing.

We're done trusting globalists.

The press would be ecstatic if a ton of people died just so they could blame Orange Man Bad

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It's being used already to great effect, in other nations. The FDA will approve it shortly as an experimental treatment. Trump will simply order them to.

It's undergoing clinical trials right now. The FDA doesn't approve clinical trial applications for snake oil. Whoever wrote this article is a kike.

>1 post by this ID
>anti trump bitching
>random screenshot, no source, blatant lying about what the president said

cringe. fuck you you fucking retard. i shit in your mouth. kys.

Everyone is already using it. China and South Korea and Australia since the beginning.

Since this is synthetic quinine, can people just drink tonic water? Does it help?


It's restricted to the mild/moderate-at risk and severe/critical cases, but it's being used.

Mild healthy people don't get it at the moment, but I guess they probably will in the coming months, as GPs diagnose and give out the medication for them to take home.

This worked in India, Thailand, Italy, and France (since Yas Forums will not trust China and Israel anyway), with the mechanism of action well studied.

Only reason why FDA is slow is because they are afraid to say a non-American found a cure (and profit)

Kikes mad they can't charge $500 a pill. So sick of their schemes.

Should have the same effect but most tonic water is bunk these days, artificially flavored even. You have to go for the more expensive brand, I like the Fever Tree brand myself.

But I just chugged my last bottle. On the other hand, no Corona yet!

I for one, would be ecstatic if a ton of journalists died.

>he trusts the same (((FDA))) that said pink slime in meat was safe for human consumption and still thinks Flint's water is just dandy to this day

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The ZionDon is also run by kikes so in figure...

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Just save all the articles they're publishing now hoping to use them as a 'gotcha' against Trump, and then when the drugs actually work, you can tweet these headlines to the authors and point out their Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The only reason the FDA is slow to approve is because Chloroquine is toxic to Africans, Middle Easterns and South East Asians.

The treatment is Raysis.

The deepstate is balls deep in the FDA.

I hate to be that guy but anything that they produce will be unproven till now...

Lefties will buy into a vaccine 100% and call people conspiratards but chloroquine a 70 year old drug that is known symptoms and ingrediants


If hydroxychloroquine doesn't work it's over.

>Treatment is toxic to South East Asians
>Proven in THAILAND, which is a South East Asian Nation
>Also used safely as per intended used as Anti-Malarial drug in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia.


>the treatment for malaria is toxic to people most susceptible to catching it
u w0t m8?

>70 year old drug
That's why they don't want to use it, nobody can make any money. They want us all hooked like the gays are to the protective antivirals for $1500 a month (all paid for by taxpayers and other insured people).

Also, the common cold and flu are both different kinds of Coronavirus but not super dissimilar to the Chinese Virus. What happens when, in the clinical trials, they discover it cures the cold and the flu too?

Bye bye twenty billion dollar vaccine industry!

Apparently the governor of New York trusts Trump.

Not concentrated enough

Do the opposite of what jews say.

Oh fugg. Chegged.

How long until he starts reporting "deaths" because of blimpf's advice?



If Trump was against the American people he would not gave mentioned a cheap treatment like hydroxychloroquine at all. Those who oppose Trump about the positive outlook of this widely used treatment are showing that they want Americans dead and injured.

How could this topic be seen as Trump serving another nations interests against American interests at all?

fyi: I fucking hate kikes, but your suggestion makes no sense.

No cures for you silly goyim. Stay home and masturbate and become weak and frail.

China, France, and Germany are all already widely using the drug and it works.

Trump saved the day and it's guaranteed his re-election 100%. And even California's electoral votes will go to him.

I just want to remind everyone chloroquine is not a cure per-se. It reduces the time-period of contagiousness. However, contagiousness is variable and there is evidence of people being contagious for less time than 6 days. So, this is basically an extend and pretend.

If trump said the sea was wet there'd be articles about how dry the ocean really is

Google SARS and malaria drugs- circa 03. It's all right there. I guess old people can't do technology or something? It's literally right there from almost 20 years ago. Google SARS and heat. SARS and fragility on surfaces. SARS and a goddamn ham sandwich and someone has studied it. This isn't a cousin to SARS. This is SARS! What the fuck we have to act like prior data doesn't exist and we must build the fucking wheel from scratch every single time.

Hydroxychloroquine is much safer, using chloroquine seems like intentionally breaking the dishes to sabotage recoveries.

You missed the joke. Cuomo hates Trump, I'm wondering when he'll try to spin any deaths to be Trump's fault. You know the faggot will.

>Fuck these people. Every doctor is saying to trial hydroxychloroquine. I hate the corporate press so much.
It's unpatentable so they're losing their shit.

Korea has been using the drug since Day 1.

I agree and think they are using the more dangerous form on purpose, so they can have complications and blame him.

The drug helps suppress contagiousness and you 'recover' from that quicker. This doesn't reverse your glass lungs or likely] terminate the virus completely.

Cuomo USED to hate Trump. But now he knows that Trump knows about his deals with China. Didn't you watch Pompeo's speech to the Governors Association? If not you should look it up and watch it right now, it was amazing. Pompeo spent his whole 20 minutes tearing into them for not just passively letting the Chinese establish operations in their states but specifically called out individual governors for meeting with Chinese spies. Right there in his speech.

All governors who have been schmoozing with China (ie, almost all governors) will be most cooperative with Trump, because they know Pompeo already knows everything and shared it all with Trump.

No governor will resist Trump and I suspect all these orders for quarantines, no travel, the business closures, and such came right from Trump who just called each one of these characters up and said "Do this or I will do something bigger, yugely" and they did it.

Normally I would be with you though, but Trump's got these governors' drawers very stained already.


End the FeDA

No idea, go get Corona, then drink tonic and tell us how it went.

But not Shweppes for fucks sake, the real fucking tonic

>New York with the highest confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, said it would conduct trials immediately using hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug combined with the antibiotic Zithromax.

The article itself says they're using hydroxychloroquine. Looks like they were just using the shorter name in the headline.

No, they have to test it in clinical trials and it takes some time. They aren't stopping anyone from using these drugs though. Dr. Fauci just said each coronavirus patient decides with their physician if they want to try it.


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It's almost like Trump is a retard.
Could it be?
Nah it's 4d chess

This is why they are kvetching so hard because they jude can't make money from the stupid goyim out of the whole ordeal.

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They probably sank billions into the various big pharma companies promising novel cures at a million dollars a pill. The coordinated online and media shilling points toward Bayer-Monsanto and other big pharma evildoers.

They aren't, they are using hydroxychloroquine. Do you guys ever even open the links?

>studied for months
>now in use in China, South Korea and some french hospitals
>it's snake oil, guys

Poland too

That medicine's patent us long expired of course big pharma is cursing at the idea that the cure is a medicine that any company can produce relatively easy.

Yeah China yeah yeah yeah

I'm actually just waiting for it to turn out Shkreli's research would have worked.

done trusting anything Trump-hating media says 5 years ago

but don't listen to politicians either, read actual studies

Fox news only I'm I right

Tucker likes Jew Jew cum

This, it's literally SARS 2: Electric Boogaloo
>The virus that causes the disease is SARS-CoV-2, which was named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. The “SARS” part of the name refers to the new coronavirus’ genetic link to the virus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak. So one tests positive for SARS-CoV-2, not Covid-19, as it’s the virus and not the disease that does the infecting.
SARS-CoV is the 2003 SARS

But it is the main treatment, there are many papers that claim that and many countries that use it as their main treatment.