I am a communist, I want to know why you aren't down with communism? If the wealth was evenly distributed among everybody, everyone except the millionaires would have more. Why must you fight with the blacks and asians when we can all work together to achieve the goal of enriching ourselves? I want what's best for white people, black people, red people, yellow people. The rich want to play us against each other so we fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting them. The rich were the ones who profited from open borders, slavery, identity politics, and wokeness. How does this help the working people? Why are the workers abused when they outnumber their abusers? Why do you support the system that oppresses us?
I am a communist, I want to know why you aren't down with communism...
op is a cocksucking faggot
because Communism doesn't allow anyone to break out of the mold and become more than your neighbor. even if you have more drive and imagination. national socialism solves this.
Why can commies never realize that the rich and abusive capitalists are almost always Jews?
I guess arabic countries where jews are persecuted are really prosperous and powerful.
life isnt equal, and under communism theres no way itd be evenly distributed with millions of people
Why do you need more than your neighbor?
When Communists stop sucking the dick of capitalist rats every at every opportunity then maybe I could take you seriously.
When you had the opportunity to join NS and take on the capitalist rats in ww2 you got whored out by the allies. When the capitalist rats enslaved the communist Chinese underclass you paid a premium for that iphone.
If you pieces of shit hated capitalists 1/88th as much as National Socialists then open your worthless whore mouth
Its all so tiresome
You know what Goebbels said about the USA?
Why should a lazy, dumb and useless cunt have the same as me?
Because communism believes in dumb ideas like gay rights and female liberation
I don't like living around niggers and chinks.
Niggers are complete garbage and chinks have no souls.
The only good socialism is national socialism I'm not trying to give free shit to subhuman garbage that does not contribute anything good to society.
They need transparent people for that, I don't want to be transparent.
because communism is for literal seething favelados sage
>Jews control the majority of world's currency
>use the UN and US to impose embargos
>bad goyim don't have any money
You really shouldn't be this retarded.
Communism would work just fine in an all-White ethnostate. Not so much in today's mutt-tastic muttmerica though because of all the nonwhite leeches who would drain the public institutions till they crumble.
I want to know why you, my Socialist brothers, aren't down with Racial Realism and Ethnonationalism. Look at the glorious Democratic People's Republic of Korea and see how well Racial homogeneity and Socialism go together.
you don't "need" anything. the point is that when people are held down, they are unhappy. the possibilities should be endless, as long as people who are corrupt and greedy get put in check.
As much as I would like to believe communism would work. Historically it has not, I am beginning to think it never will with the constant retards it brings. Usually they end up saying that the state is an arbiter for true communism or whatever. I am thinking its baby's first left ideals(we should share, fuck the pigs). They never understand that the divisions of men exist regardless, even in communism. Communal property is a failure, only if you are not trying to preserve something(wilderness). State intervention in markets success is dependent on not fully corrupt and functioning heads of state. Prosperity is lessened, exchange of ideas is lessened. Its just shitty, I would rather go national socialism, than full socialism. The answer will be decentralization, and compartmentalization. Like the cells in a body, some can fail but it would repair itself as a whole.
How do ugly dudes get laid under communism?
No commie can answer me on that.
Under capitalism a successfully ugly nerd can get a beautiful woman and pass on his high IQ.
How so under communism when no one is successful?
No answers. Sage.
You are not entitled to anything you haven't earned.
You are not entiled to what others have simply because you are too lazy stupid and incompitent to aquire anything yourself.
Not all rich people are bad
Not all rich people are corrupt
If you only focused on the corrupt people you would stand a chance of you're looser idealogy gaining traction.
But you don't because you are stupid
Corrupt and incompitent.
Imagine being so afraid of having to do some real work
>I am a communist, I want to know why you aren't down with communism?
Because it's materialist gilded age nonsense that wrote books about revolution during a time when cavalry and cannons were the greatest resistance a revolution could face. It was written during a time when guns were brand new technology and everyone was in fact equal for a very short period of time.
Just as feudalism gave way to mercantilism; then mercantilism gave way to capitalism. We're moving into an age where not capital but the control of data is the most important, which will finally manifest as oracle AGI. Communism is dated and dead, it's from another age-- it just sounds like a preachy theology from chicoms to modern people.
To be exact-- mass produced guns. This is fundamentally why controlling the means of production was power.
If the people did the same Viets did, they could beat anything US army could trow on them.
Explain how Communism will have people remain productive without force (you don't support force right?).
I'll let you guys handle this one..
You're not a communist. You larp as a communist, and there is a big difference.
not all countries are same.
for some communism will be beneficial and for others a catastrophe.
but especcialy if an ethnostate is not possible then socialism will be good.
because the lacking "national-" in nationalsocialism is of course a problem in some shitholes in south america for example
If I'm capable of more, why shouldnt I be allowed to achieve it and benefit from it. I dont want to make as much as the neet next door, I want to buy a boat and shitloads of fire arms.
They don't call the Communist party for nothing baby
Cause we aren't all equal, thats why it does'nt work
Gonna evenly distribute wives, whores, girlfriends?
When women are all more evenly distributed everyone is much happier.
Grow up asshole. Communism is evil
Technological limitations kept central planning from shining.
We now have computers to remove 99% of the bureaucracy.
And that's not even mentioning Market Socialism which bypasses any need for central planning.
That is too optimistic, Unless the machines are controlling themselves (monitoring, feedback, and output), similar to blockchain computing, it is still central planned. The resources for such systems is insane. I would argue that it is still nowhere possible with current government bodies. Hell BTC requires more computing resources and electricity that is available in mos t sovereign nations and that's just for keeping tabs on fucking currency. Modern day market soc. cannot produce such capital as quickly. China if used as an example still has to steal IP in a majority of cases, but left on its own is like a fish out of water trying to be amphibian(eons).
You live in a world where most of you don't retain information for shit because you're spoiled by devices that give you information at your fingertips. The commies of history that failed are people that didn't have such devices. They had to retain what they read and heard. They were vastly more intelligent and studied than you or those of you from your entire generation that are commies are. Yet, despite all that, and their failures, you dipshits think that you, you lazy, retarded motherfuckers, can do better than they did when you have the attention span of a fly. If you can realize that and understand that and still persist, then you're beyond all hope of reaching.
Because what you want is the Jewish solution to Capitalism. Fascism is socialism that works for the interests of nom-jews.
He was right and I'm not American.
>why you aren't down with communism?
because ive seen this episode before and it always ends the same. why do you want to centralize power with total shit heads around?
if communism didn't include race-mixing and feminism, I'd unironically be one. Shame that it does...
>national socialism solves this.
lol, as long as your "dreams and imagination" go along with daddies ideas, sure you can do what you want. socialism is socialism, its all trash
Communism is retarded nonsense, and the "blacks and asians" will never put the common good above their own racial priorities. You people CONSTANTLY just hand-wave idpol and say "hurr lets work together" with absolutely ZERO effort into stopping anyone from doing so (except whites of course, who you viciously attack). Ignoring the reality of idpol is cucking to it, this is why your entire movement is a corpse and why the new left of SJWism dwarfs you people.
>communism believes in dumb ideas like gay rights
gays are sent straight to the gulags, feminists no doubt would be as well. this is the irony of that crowd trying so hard to usher it all in.
national socialism is not socialism, please spend 10 seconds googling basic terms before spending your freetime posting on a political board.
>gays are sent straight to the gulags
They absolutely wouldn't though, and if you dared to suggest this at any meeting of Marxists you would be expelled for bigotry and "promoting IDpol"
Stalinism =!= Marxism
The majority of the modern day "left" (bourgeois) are anti-stalinists.
then why its called socialism?
>If the wealth was evenly distributed among everybody, everyone except the millionaires
Why should someone have more, are you elitist?>The rich want to play us against each other so we fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting them. The rich were the ones who profited from open borders, slavery, identity politics, and wokeness
does communism work against this?
>If the wealth was evenly distributed among everybody, everyone except the millionaires would have more
that never happened anywhere, where they tried it, infact the poor got starving Tier poor and the rich literaly took the whole wealth of the Nation
> Why must you fight with the blacks and asians when we can all work together to achieve the goal of enriching ourselves?
thats what Whites tried for the last decades, and everyone else stomped on us for that
>The rich were the ones who profited from open borders, slavery, identity politics, and wokeness
>open borders, slavery, identity politics, and wokeness
those are literal talking Points of communism, what shitty communist are you when you dont even fucking know that ?
>Why do you support the system that oppresses us?
Because the System you want would oppress normal People even more
>national socialism is not socialism
sure, its just called socialism for funsies, right? totally different and "not real socialism"..? youre cute
"The party takes over the function of what has been society-that is what I wanted them to understand," said Hitler to Rauschning. "The party is all-embracing. It rules our lives in all their breadth and depth. We must therefore develop branches of the party in which the whole of individual life will be reflected. Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism-not such trifles as the private possession of the means of production. Of what importance is that if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers. All that you see, is unessential. Our Socialism goes far deeper... [T]he people about us are unaware of what is really happening to them. They gaze fascinated at one or two familiar superficialities, such as possessions and income and rank and other outwork conceptions. As long as they are kept intact, they are quite satisfied. But in the meantime they have entered a new relation; a powerful social force has caught them up. They themselves are changed. What are ownership and income to that? Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings." - The Voice of Destruction
look at history, friend. every time
>Why must you fight with the blacks and asians
the worst enemy is the traitor. chances are you are a non-white who wants to make money off of white people and live in the first world society that white people creates. you'd never accept such conditions of forced "diversity" put against every one of the countries that your race lives in, so why should whites ?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Bro do you even Paul Cockshott?
the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
>my turd has sprinkles not like that other turd over there
whats the difference? a turd is a turd, put it where it belongs. there has never been a communist uprising from the lower masses, its always come from above. now why would that be?
The goals are stupid and its authoritative and it doesnt work. In other words, genuine hard workers who tend just to get on with the job and not argue will be exploited no matter what by bully managers and the system itself, it will be enforced by state level. Lazy people just gonna be lazy. So be a hard worker and be paid the same as a useless manager or some lazy bum, of course party leaders have their own proviledges. It just doesnt work. If you truly care about people, and each individual person let them be paid according to their work they do, no I am not saying current capitalist system is any good, its still exploited, but its still better than communism.
WHITE PEOPLE, at the height of their power couldn't make communism work...these faggots think zoomer niggerspic mystery-meat trannies have any chance at all?
Now tell me how does it do scaling past,10000 workers. What protocols stop users from interfering .
>I want to know why you aren't down with communism?
I have a soul and you fuckers are hellbent on murdering anyone that has one.
equality is a myth. Some people are more clever than others. Communism punishes people for being successful or more clever. It actually just makes everyone more poor when you do this. It outwardly speaks to highly egalitarian and utopian ideals, but, in reality, it plays off of envy.