
Isn't it about time we start a political movement towards the strengthening and betterment of the Anglosphere?

We are all wealthy British countries that find ourselves in bad situations relying on 3rd world shit holes to uphold our economy.

We support each other whenever the USA wants to go to war, how about we start strengthening our alliances and rejecting the cheap and easy way out with trade and manufacturing?

The perils of globalization have become obvious recently. We need to band together with a strong White, Western government and start outlawing the exportation of our countries' wealth and identity to China and India.

The free market does not allow this.

Attached: USA,+UK,+AUSTRALIA,+CANADA+&+NEW+ZEALAND+FLAGS.png (1000x443, 337.08K)

I'm German not Anglo

You're white enough user

Yup agreed. As Evola said, any state that doesn't manifest itself as an Empire is not worthy.
It'll happen eventually user. USA is not strong enough to counter China alone and we will be forced to unite the Anglosphere under one banner.
The big obstacle is to convince non-anglo whites in America to take the /royal/ pill.

Attached: xg7g9iwaxcq01 (1) (1).png (718x702, 76.96K)

the main problem going forward is Canada - it's become a communist outpost. pretty much all our intelligence agencies have united under Five Eyes as well as our militaries under CANZUK + US.

>Isn't it about time we start a political movement towards the strengthening and betterment of the Anglosphere?
Great Idea.

Now we just need a right wing version of soros to back it. (zionists & kikes not welcome)

I'm sure you Americans can agree that your culture is being sold out by a wealthy elite.

The Libertarian values of Ronald Reagan are replacing your people with Mexicans and Indians.

We should have strong rules against doing business with shit countries just because we can exploit their terrible human, animal and environmental rights.

But even the right wing billionaires support replacing the European people with a cheaper, more malleable breed of people. Take the Koch brothers for example.

check these digits

I fully support this - but no America. Having a country that big, with that much influence, would fuck it up for the rest of us. CANZUK would be the way to go, with a mutually beneficial trade and diplomatic relationship with America

we are on the same page my friend. While it might be hard to comprehend from your viewpont, it may be beneficial to absorb Mexico into the Anglosphere. If we can have complete domination from the Arctic to the Panama Canal then we are fucking set
fuck off chang

Attached: north-america.png (396x396, 114.2K)

Weakening ties with USA would be a bad idea. They are our ethnic cousins, as well as an enormous force for potential good in all white countries.

So much of our pop culture and National Security is is American, I don't want to disrespect the burgers and exclude them from an alliance that they have every right to take part in - and probably lead.

But isn't Mexico full of Hispanics? That seems to be the reason the place is so violent and corrupt. That just isn't an ethnic and cultural ally of any of the other countries mentioned.

Also of German descent here, America is officially a Post-Anglo nation and Anglo descendants ceased to be the largest ancestry group in America as recently as the 1990s.

Attached: usancestrymap.jpg (280x180, 22.01K)

kinda my point that there is no one at the top who is /OurGuy/
The left have loads of them :/

it's a necessary evil. Mexico is USA's most important trading partner. obviously we will institute eugenics laws. we must think in terms of centuries

Germans were literally brought into be dumb goyim farmers. Know your place

Lol, Angloids will be 2nd class citizens soon lmao.

such graphs are misleading though because they don't take into account those who deem themselves "American" AKA Anglos who don't consider themselves "immigrants"

English and American combined is still less than German, Dutch, and Scandinavian combined, face it, your time is over, Angloid, get used to sucking Germanic pee pee.

>I don't know what communism is
You literally spend more on social programs per capita then we do, and many of your rural counties are propped up by defense industries that are places via lobbying rather then logistical prudence.
You're an idiot.
Also learn what words mean, communism means a nation without a central government or currency.
Seriously, read a fucking book, you are ignorant and in the information age that can only be a result of being lazy.

yet here you are speaking the Angloid language. Unless you're of colonial stock then you're second tier. It's just a plain fact. Nothing personal

>a mutually beneficial trade and diplomatic relationship with America

That would be by no means weakening ties, if not they would be even stronger. It just doesn't seem a good idea to me having America be a part of CANZUK, especially if we had EU-style free movement

The Angloid language will be phased out soon when we do deamericanization lmao.

your prime minister is the offspring of one of the biggest commies to ever exist.

We arent anglo czech em

>wake up
>realize there are more shitskins than anglos in the U.S.
>day ruined
We are not letting Mexico into the anglosphere, nigga what the fuck. That kinda shit is what gets Americans memed on.
no more brother wars pls.
sensible position honestly. we should not have free movement when we have tens of millions of shitskins and greater integration is dangerous when we're zogged.

USA isn't anglo. It's the land of mutts

>We are not letting Mexico into the anglosphere
obviously not as equals. but there land belongs to us

Lol, depends on the region, Los Angeles and New York City is certainly full of mutts, but other parts certainly not, England however is the OG mutt land as England is Europe's cum dumpster as you are mutts between Latins, Germanics and Celtics.

Do we have to let Canada tag along, I mean, look at their flag, it's the only one with no blue. It's just embarrassing.

Anglo is the most coward, evil, dirty and inferior race among Europeans, no wonder they walk so close to the Jews and become their tools.

The Commonwealth still exists. Trouble is, we can barely organise ourselves in our own countries. Let alone across borders.

What the fuck are you then?...using an Australian flag I see


you son of a bitch, I'm in.


This thread has been hijacked and is now an Angloid hate thread.

We should let more Chinese in. WE'RE ABSOLUTELY EMPTY.

>Anglo descendants ceased to be the largest ancestry group in America as recently as the 1990s.
And European as recently as 2019

OP - sure you're joking.
But agreed. The trouble with loyalty to the country is the State can easily divorce itself from the people.
Australia is a good example. Both sides of politics are happy for us to be overrun with foreigners.
It makes sense for the national identity to transcend borders.

Depends on the region, California has been over run by beaners and the deep south has been over run by nig-nogs, however it wont matter because the boogaloo is going to happen soon, followed by balkanization into ethnostates depending on descent.

he's a fucking chink obviously
possibly italian

there will be no balkanization my friend. there is either total victory or we perish

The United States of America as we know it will cease to exist soon.

well yeah but fuck balkanization. we aren't giving up a square inch to shitskins and foreigners. From sea to shining sea

Nope, Balkanization is happening, Germanic-Americans and Anglo-Americans cannot co-exist under the same roof for any longer.

so be it. there can only be one

Attached: 10-facts-anglo-saxon-warriors_2.jpg (770x551, 90.78K)

Chink or Italian masquerading as Australian.

Feels like invasion of the body-snatchers

You mean they changed the census question to add "American" as an ancestry option. Before that "British" was by far the most common response.
Then this weird new fashion started in America where everyone wants to attach to some "exotic" European culture and British was seen as too bland and not snowflake enough. So every American with a great great grandfather who once visited Germany or Sweden wherever on vacation suddenly decided they were German or whatever the fuck they thought was fashionable or interesting at the time.

this sounds suspiciously like a cope but I'm sticking with this.

>Nope, Balkanization is happening, Germanic-Americans and Anglo-Americans cannot co-exist under the same roof for any longer.

as if fellow europeans are the problem, when you live next to literal millions of spics and niggers...

retarded mutts at it again, europeans must unite not stand divided in a world where we only make up a measly 10% of the world pop

More like this, lmao!

Attached: germanicraidonengland.jpg (307x164, 15.08K)

You're probably right. But there are no parties around which to organise politically

The cope is coming from the Americans who are desperate to attach themselves to some fantasy they have of European culture because they think it makes them more special and interesting.
Pic related.

Attached: fb51cc68619b3146107cbe9310204858..jpg (499x474, 89.24K)

realistically there's no chance of you beating the chad WASP. we are scheme at a level that even the jew won't succumb to. don't think we haven't been paying attention to your every move hans

Nope, people of British descent are now in the minority of European-Americans.
You and the whole Angloidsphere will see who the retarded mutts are very soon.

As an actual ethnic Bavarian, I'll never see the U. S. as anything but an Anglo nation.
The laws clearly are founded upon English Common Law, not European style law. The founding fathers were all British. You speak English.

Well. I guess in a couple of decades you'll become a Latin American nation actually. But as long as America remains white, you'll remain culturally Anglo, and be viewed as Anglo by the rest of the west.

Lol, just face it, your time is up.

Lol, you don't know shit, likewise America won't remain a nation for much longer.

not at all my friend, you are very delusional. Every move you make is logged and sent to Five Eyes for analysis. As soon as you accept the fact that you live in Anglo-land, the easier your life will be. We view German-Americans with high regard for ditching the old country for a superior one.

Ahahaha, it's not that movie my friend, I'm afraid you'll see just how "delusional" I am in the coming years.

You don't know shit about Germany, the land you cling to.
You live in the Anglo sphere. Us Germans will NEVER see you as one of us. You live in Anglo land. You speak English. You live in a country founded by Anglo. With Anglo laws and Anglo culture.
If you arent an Anglo you're a mutt.
Either way, stay in your containment nation. Don't come back.