Croatia earthquake

Country is in quarantene, people are being told to stay home because of corona. An hour ago there was a 5.3 earthquake and people have to leave their homes and everyone is outside in groups, no masks on.

Well it was fun while it lasted guys, see you around.

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fugg mang
shit's fucked
shits's totally fucking fucked

but you're better off than we'll be.. Yellowstone soon

Wasn’t there a 5.3 in Utah the other day?

That's cute.

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Slavs are immune


Based Medvednica giving us free rides

Here bro, have mine

whats the biggest you experienced jap user?

I live in Utah and we had a 5.7 last Wednesday

Not sure what to make of this. Ive seen these shit types of videos for over a decade and nothing ever happens.

>Hey, anyone wanna buy an used car, low mileage, good on gas, a few scratches here and there.

5.5cm, or whatever the biggest penis size in nippon is

That one insufferable faggot with a croat flag I saw that one time talking shit is the reason this happened. Blame him.

The fuck? a 5.3 earthquake is enough to send your infrastructure to ground?

Isn't Croatia supposed to be some white haven? How is that possible when you nogs can't even work out how to protect yourselves from a minor earthquake.

Always one of you faggots niggering up the thread
Mercalli/Shindo scale exist you know, magnitude is only part of the equation

everything is standing,but the old austo-hungary period buildings are fucked...

normal masonry is insanely vulnerable to earthquakes
Stuff that could stand for 5 thousand years and survive multiple nuclear blasts can be absolutely pulverized by even a moderate earthquake if the waves are oriented in the wrong direction

>The fuck? a 5.3 earthquake is enough to send your infrastructure to ground?
Zagreb is built on pretty shaky ground, and a lot of the buildings in the center are very old and historic.
>Isn't Croatia supposed to be some white haven

Ah, that fart woke me up briefly.

Actual white people arent living in cities hoarded like rats inside old building, so earthquakes arent a problem.

>earthquake in Z*greb
I see this as a good thing

>Actual white people arent living in cities hoarded like rats inside old building, so earthquakes arent a problem.

What are you implying that Serbs aren't white?

Utah user here 5.7 I think in magna utah

We are
All those beautiful AustroHungarian buildings seem to be not so safe with earthquakes
This country is not used to natural disasters(except serbs and turks) it is a perfect country in that way

That should buff out once the get the bricks off.

That actually seems to be kinda true
Slovenians and Croats are tourist nations right next to Italy and we seem kinda fine
Not to mention Russians

Funnily enough, the safest buildings in the city are the commieblocks. Say what you will about their unaesthetic appeal, but these concrete fuckers were built to last.

As opposed to "free market, capitalist" buildings, designed by hipster architects, that crack in half if you punch them too hard, let alone if a quake hits them.

It was a strong one

it's all good, no cardboard paper homes here, only old ass structures in the very center are shaken a bit

Yeah that's true they're basically bunkers
And basically are as disgusting aesthetically

>Isn't Croatia supposed to be some white haven
Pfffft, he actually fell for it lol

It's just a quake bro

Based and jappilled

Faggoty Zagrebfags crying over every little thing. Some ancient building got a little fucked up and some cars got crushed, get over yourselves.

A cathedral spire just flew over my house

Big agree, jebeš purgere
It wasn't that bad, it's just a bunch of pussies crying like little bitches

Slc user checking in. Felt that shit fully and broke my tv and lamp. Honestly feels unreal that it even happened with everything that has been happening. I feel for my Croatia bros, stressful times.

Šteta što nije bio barem 9 richtera da razjebe sve do kraja pogotovo tu hercegovačku vukojebinu.

Inače svi su mislili da je tektonika pauzirala radi korone skupa s ostalim sranjima. Kakva pičkasta civilizacija.

How can we make the aesthetic buildings from the times of Austia-Hungary more resistant to earthquakes, but preserve their appearance?


this is it guys... dying its so.. abstract..

Those buildings were built im Serbian Kingdom of Yugoslavia you imbecile, majority around 1930s, op pic included

We can't we should build our own like Hungarians and Russians still do

mine will do

told ya


they can be reinforced and finished in the same style as if they were renovated. some buildings here were renovated that way, but it's costly and investors probably aren't gonna insist on earthquake proofing since earthquakes aren't really a common occurrence.

Not true
There were some built during Yugoslavia but they are rare pic rel
Most of Zagreb's center is AustroHungarian

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Can somebody PLEASE start a Yellowstone general so we can meme this shit into existence?
My fear porn addiction grows

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you know all those shitty buildings in Ilica that aren't quite commie but aren't austrohungarian aesthetic either? the ones with the hideous crubling facades?

yeah, that's the contribution of the kingdom of yugoslavia

Zagreb is pretty, looks like Graz, Marburg or any other city from the Habsburg empire

Some more pics

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Government are AU, majority of residentals in center are Interwar Yugo

blood type O are immune

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AH buildings aren't that bad, there's one in novi sad that still has two cannonballs in it's walls and it's a pub now

Yeah but Ilica isn't really the "center"
But yes good point

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Pozdrav sused :-), tu na ribnjaku je kaos

Remember when Iran shot down a canadian airliner then had a bunch of earthquakes?

Stay strong Hrvat bros.

Imagine, AU's cites being similar huh
But I don't agree it has a pretty center (Zrinjevac) and the old town but almost anything else is kinda bad
I think the cities even more to the north are more comfy
Also Italian architecture on the coast seems to attract tourists much more

Pusi kurac kralju.. haha smjesno bas a?kako mozes bit tako odvratan

>Pusi kurac kralju.. haha smjesno bas a?kako mozes bit tako odvratan
why are you seething so much, purgeroid?

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dečko liječi frustracije jer će mu sezona otić u kurac pa će morat glođat jednu ribu na dan ko didovi i babe hahahaah

neka mu bude malo schadenfreudea, zagreb će se obnoviti u roku pet dana a dalmacija se neće vratiti na predkorona razdoblje u idućih pet desetljeća

are earthquakes casual for Croatia or is it like one time in a long period of time
I may be retarded but I never heard of an earthquake in Croatia

I think that's more about the coast than itallian architecture, look at montenegro, they basically only have kotor (don't go, the smell is unbearable, look at pictures online those are nice) and they still attract tourists

osoljeni purgeroidi

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That's what I'm saying aesthetically they're great the best to be honest pic rel

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i fucking envy you jap

very rare
also zagreb residents are paranoid about earthquakes because a quake in the 1880 utterly rekt the city and killed like 2/3rds of its population

This literally coldn't have been a better time to have an earthquake in Zagreb. It was early in the morning on Sunday during a nationwide quarantine.

if tihs happened like two weeks earlier and on Monday 8:00, we would have hundreds of casualties

also,its started to snow...

True enough. There'd be dozens of casualties at least if this was a regular Sunday morning, everyone would be up and about shopping for groceries and going to Mass.

Holy fuck. A decision by our government actually saved lives. These really are the end times.

Zagreb in particular is built on unstable soil and right next to a fault line that reactivates every ~100 years. A "big one" was long overdue now, hopefully this one was it and not the overture.

and it happened right now what a lovely coincidence
hope you and your family are alright, stay comfy and dont die user

yes but I meant structurally, the cannonballs have been embedded into the walls since the 1700's and the building still takes a hundred people every day plus the loud music, shit's more solid than most buildings built after communism

first one woke me up, but I said fuck this I'm going back to bed

second one got me out of bed
go outside, see all the neighbors breaking quarantine rules and chatting

fuck me if our corona cases don't jump by six gorrilion after this shit show

Fuckin dumbasses dont know how to schedule an earthquake

Yup it's rare which is why buildings crumble after only 5.3
I'm guessing same for you guys?

Jebem vam boga na što vam liči grad. Nije da je u mom bolje ali ipak ste vi metropola.


If your buildings weren't 800 years old, that wouldn't even be enough to sway the lights.


Every living soul in your country could disappear from the face of the planet tomorrow and no one would notice.

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>Wasn’t there a 5.3 in Utah the other day?

keep in mind that todays date is (((322)))

EDIT: Im writing this and just felt the FOURTH one which was very light

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Yeah but nowhere near Croatia
Also Monteniggers have Italian influences as well right?

kek at least the whole of humanity wouldn't cheer and celebrate, as they would if your coutry disappeared from the face of the planet

>see all the neighbors breaking quarantine rules and chatting
not gonna lie I myself would do that as well
it's a matter of time if infected people increase in 4-5 days it will skyrocket from there
does not sound pleasing to live there knowing that

Nista momci, idem ja u dalmaciju

Stay safe friends :(

LMAO!! I hear on this site so much about how shit u.s. construction is and then this happens.. so much for your mud huts dumb fucks

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never ever have I experienced one but they happen as ofthen as in your country

And you think the world couldn't live on without you guys?
There's almost hundred times as many of you than us but I don't think the world would stop
Europe and China would go on

if by influence you mean they president is till wanted in itally for tobacco smuggling then... kinda? but yeah itallians didn't really build anything on their coast, remember going there in the nineties and most of the coast was inaccessible wilderness

it is just reported that a 15yo kid died

First casualty confirmed: 15 year old boy killed by falling debris