Why is the mainstream so afraid of K-On!?
And why does it turn young men into fascists?
Also, can anime help redpill the west?
Why is the mainstream so afraid of K-On!?
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Q used it once.
How so?
Q works in mysterious ways, but it will all come together.
I still would like to know how Q used K-On, just out of curiosity.
Interesting . . .
Self bump and thread theme
>tfw a fake band made better music than those commie faggot "Beatles"
there's a reason that boomers hate K-On!
It's because they can't admit their little band was fake as well. At least the Keions know their frauds.
one last self bump in hopes someone can explain why people like me found fascism after watching K-On!
can someone with a rational mind explain . . .
It's because women shouldn't play instruments
K-on is super popular among normalfags. stop being a retard
I'd rather listen to a beautiful woman's voice than some faggot singing a romantic ballad.
Seems strange to listen to a man singing other than maybe metal bands or old school shit like the Stones.
Oh shit... it all makes sense now
Give examples, all the normies I know listen to nigger music and nigger whore music, and would never watch anime.
Listen to the band Abnormality and tell me women singing ok
Someone post more shit like this.
I was apolitical until I got deep into anime and I just want to know why it made me a right winger.
Give me link, also one band doesn't indicate anything, I'm sure there are plenty of shitty women singers, I just would rather listen to a woman's voice than some pretty boy faggot's or some nigger's.
That must be why they use this godauful art style. They literally hate beauty and aesthetics
This is proof that God left and women should stick to the housework
every teeny booper I know loves that shit
yep. you get it now. lowering standards is what they are all about
>one shitty girl band
hmm, so you know a lot of "teeny boppers" who like an anime that's over a decade old, somehow I doubt it
Still, the question remains, why is K-On! fascist, no one has come close to giving me an answer other than
if you got outside and talked to underage chicks, you would know this already
I think cuteness aggression is the best answer you can get here. There's nothing in particular about K-ON that would make someone into a fascist. Good thread though OP and excellent taste
apparently I shouldn't expect any answers from Yas Forums
You just gave the dude his innocence. Should've taken the opp to call that nigger a pedo
They can explain why K-On! made me seek and embrace fascism?
How insightful they must be!
What is your favorite Keion song?
I prefer Yuru Yuri
Hey if you liked K-on! Also check out Sound! Euphonium. Better production quality, and even MORE conservative music choices. Also Kumiko > literally every other waifu
Also good, but doesn't have the advantage of a fake band with real albums or a god tier traditional director.
Remember "western" critics claimed Yamada had outdated gender portrayals in "A Silent Voice"
yuri bait is yuri bait, Sound Euphonium is alright, K-On is both more entertaining and more meaningful.
Ishahara is a hack who relied on to make Euphonium even half decent.
It's also more popular with lefties on account of the metric shitton of yuri undertones.
Wait, what? Theres a manly big women and a faggot in that anime, and mixed kid and her nigger father. I think it is the mkst progressive anime I ever seen. Is that serious? SJWs really didn't like it?
Probably Tenshi ni Fureta yo, I really like the chorus
Respectable preference
Yes, some western critics claimed Yamada held traditional female values or some shit, not sure how they figured that one . . .
Anime is associated with racist incels
>manly big woman and a faggot
I've seen it before but don't remember this, explain please, I'm laughing just reading it.
Lum Laison?
Well, here's how I could see shows like K-On, Sound Euphonium, and to some extent all SoL CGDCT anime could lead someone to a more fascist point of view. There is a certain beauty and charm to the shows that exists beyond the characters and even the plot. It is in fact the environment in which the girls live that is inviting. Typically, there is ethnic homogeny, and societal struggle as well as cultural tensions simply do not exist. There will never be a situation where one must be culturally sensitive, or on guard for racism because there is no strain of different views grating upon the society that houses our favorite young women. The most difficult problems that they face are endogenous to themselves or their friend group or school. There is no war, there is nothing that would cause pressure or difficulties from outside their limited sphere. In the west, we have so many viewpoints, cultures, and outside influences pressed upon us from all sides, constantly. I think it isn't that there are specific themes within these shows that would lead one to want facism, rather, it is something inherent in the environment of the show. Now the question becomes, why do you believe that such a world could only exist within a fascist government? I'll answer that question directly and without hesitation. Fascism holds the power to silence those outside and oppressive forces that cause the grating and and numbing society in which we live. Truly, we would love in the world of KyoAni were it not for the Jew.
Damn, that's insane. I even remembered more now, main Male character is a crying fag that was an evil bully as a child, and main female lead is the only virtuous and morally right person and also a cripple. Theres so much SJW shit in this movie, it checks all boxes, and yet they raged over it, why? Maybe cute aggression is indeed the answer.
Something else I was thinking here but it's kind of a stretch, but it falls under your question. Think of the K-ON's as women, what do you see? Pure, virtuous, untainted, beautiful, lawful good, intelligent(some), pure little virgin angels. Now compare them to modern wester women, compare them to e-thots and Californian girls, compare them to heroes of the leftist feminists, actually compare them to leftists feminists.
Can you see where I'm getting at?
K-ON showed you an ideal of conservatives, pure, submissive, happy and fun females, while reality and leftist media showed you the very opposite of it, and on an unconscious level you gravitated towards conservatism and fascism, seeking out the ideal female, seeking out happiness.
I dont blame you, this is what all real man really want, and this is what (((they))) stole from us, so put on a happy face and take it all back.
The first real answer and explanation!
This helps me understand a little.
Have a decent song and a decent picture user.
Anyone who has not seen K-On! should die.
This is a good one.
The deaf girl was not morally right, she was a selfish piece of shit, and the movie both directly portrayed and showed that, did you watch the same movie as me?
That was the point, that she was a selfish person and the "bully" was a good person.
Miyoko Sahara was big manly woman, her arc even revolved around her being self conscious about it. The fag was Toshi Mashibasa. Now I remembered that the protagonist best friend was a fat man let, that was also very feminine, and the female protagonist had a tomboy sister. Damn this anime is complete degenerate. Also all Male characters were feminine except for the bigger that looked like a ripped gorilla
Wait, what? I dont remember her being selfish, I remember her as a victim that tried befriending everyone.
Anyway, did you read the rest of my post about K ON girls and western women?
This, Silent Voice downright pissed me off. From the same year, kimi no nawa is very good.
K-On! and Spice and Wolf turned me into a white nationalist libertarian.
Mildly accurate, but I still liked that tomboy sister.
kek, kimi no nawa is complete shit, silent voice runs circles around it user, watch them again without the hype
unless you want to swap bodies with a female
Kumiko is great, but Holo is the best!
She tried to make everything about her by killing herself, also, when they were younger she destroyed their equilibrium by trying to force herself into their social environment, that is why when Shoya? insults everyone on the bridge she looks sad, because she understands that it is all her fault.
She also selfishly thinks that he loves her, when he is doing what does out of pity, watch the movie again, the director is known for nuanced portrayals of emotion which autists don't understand.
Haven't watched it yet, been on my list forever, will give it a go to tomorrow.
I kind of liked the dead girl struggle and got feels for her.
Also I just realized Garden if Fiit Fetish is from 2013. Weird eh, time flies.
Newtype's award based on polling Japan, means the nation of Japan disagrees with you. You just have shit taste. You're probably a leftist.
Thanks! I really tried to put some thought into it. I've watched K-On, but if you can't already tell, I like Sound! Euphonium much more. That is not to say that I dislike K-On, the opposite is true, I just vastly prefer SE. I often ask myself what it is that draws me to the show so much. Like it's calling out to me, it seems. Why would one such as I, who holds many of the same "radical" beliefs as Yas Forums (holocaust is not as taught, 9/11, pedophile Hollywood, Jews) be so attracted to a show that doesn't have anything to do with hate, questioning reality, or campaigning against ones enemies? I think the answer lies in what I truly believe and what the end product of those beliefs is: peace. I long for a world in which there is no true strife, no massive wrong-doing, no struggle against other men because of their race. I long for a land where my countrymen are united, motivated, and productive. Hard work conducted shoulder-to-shoulder to produce an end result worthy of our toil. A place where our children can grow, free from the exploitation of predatory persons and ideas. I see the world that Kumiko lives in and all I want to be with her there, in that place where all seems right. The problems that exist are sometimes trivial, and if they fail their task, they're happy that they tried, and resolve to work harder next time. I can think of only one man who loved his country so much and desired It to be free of all strife and corruption. That man makes me homesick for a place that I've never been before.
Kimi no Na Ha is fucking amazing.
Silent Voice was good but the manga was better.
Half of Kyo Ani is dead now. I am very sad.
Your Name is the most popular and highest grossing film in Japanese history, no surprise there, I just don't like their "Titanic" is all, terrible, with plot holes all over, and the director himself said it wasn't well made. He also praised the deaf girl movie.
BTW his early shit is good, but "your name" is very very mediocre.
I'm being way too hard on you. Have a headpat.
>most popular and highest grossing film in Japanese history
>"your name" is very very mediocre
It's just contradictory man. I mean you can tolerate the Silent Voice movie and I cannot.
Eh, I'll concede that it's more popular for that reason, but I'll also remind any yurifag that both Kumiko and Reina are cannonically straight, and no amount fanmade bait will ever change that.
Nah, I think that's a stretch. I think she just felt guilty because her mere presence caused all that trouble, but other than that she was just a victim. Trying to insert herself in the group just from going to school and being friendly? Nah, way too much.
Also, you're really not going to comment on what I wrote about k-on and western women? I wrote a big ass paragraph about your OP question and you just ignored it because I didn't agree with you on something in the movie? Damn
Sound Euphonium is beautifula nd, to my mind, flat, but on a technical level it is amazing.
Have you seen Liz and the Blue Bird?
The deaf girl movie is fucking kino
Your Name is shit compared to Shinkai's earlier works, her even admitted such, also, how did Taki not know what year it was when he was constantly lookin g at Mitsuha's phone, and vice versa, just one of many very inconvenient plot holes.
The entire movie is a contrivance.
You don't have to like The Shape of Voice, but it is superior.
You can look at more carefully like the Brazilian, or just remember that is has a half nigger baby.
We're all entitled to our opinions, and I'm truly glad you found happiness in your wife.
I agree with what you wrote about K-On, very based and accurate, but find it hard that you didn't understand A Shape of Voice, if Shoko is so innocent than why apologize at the end so many times?
Gotta agree. Kimi no Na Ha was great, but plot holes that you cannot overlook.
5 Centimeters Per Second was fucking 11/10 god tier best of all time.
Voices of a distant star? God tier.
The Place Promised in Our Early Days?
Shoe movie? Ehh.
Wait whoa, where did you find this??? My Kumiko album has 600+ pics and I haven't seen this one. Link to artist?
Alright, you like the popular work whose own director disowned, and I like the interesting work whose director is a celebrated auteur.
the fuck is K-On?
I have seen it. Let me ask, why did you find SE to be flat? Most of the "dynamic" parts of the show are underlying character development rather than plot (which is somewhat linear). Would you consider watching it again?
I posed a Yas Forums image, but I used saucenao on it for you. Always a lot of rare pictures on pixiv.
One of the greatest anime of all time. Watch it.
True ranking here, shoe movie is decent, but too much devoted to a certain . . . fetish.
I suspect a lot of the ppl who praise Your Name have not seen Shinkai's real works.
If you haven't already cancelled your Netflix account, it's on there. Give a whirl.
oh, it's some faggoty weeb cartoon. nm
Thanks, bro! Very kind of you to run the search for me!
I only watched it once, and admired it's technical qualities, only I felt that it's, shall we say "yuri bait" led nowhere, and having wasted most of the show on that aspect, made the rest feel empty.
Also, there are too many characters, at least for someone who only watched it once.
Very well made, but very vapid, just my opinion, Liz on the other hand was a work of art.