Australia is a fucking joke

>be me
>~30k annual income as a bartender, part time student
>never bludged the dole, hate the idea
>lose all my hours
>government introduces two stimulus packages
>both give more money to people already on welfare
>nothing for me or people who actually work
>what the fuck

what is the government fucking thinking? i voted for the current gov. and they will not be getting my vote next time, this is the first time i have truly felt alienated and screwed by my government

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>I pour drinks for alcoholics for a living!!! I'm a beneficial member of society!!!

Pathetic. You're below NEETs. I'm glad that you are getting nothing. Eat shit, wagey.

Maybe it is time to up your skillset, hospo is decent when you are traveling but when you are living in a place permanently take a trade and work for yourself.

dole bludgers get the rope before shitskins.

Same shit here, all the benefit increases are for people already getting motherfucking benefits. The answer to people losing jobs is "apply for employment insurance". Yeah lets do one million and more fucking applications which require deliveries by mail and 2-3 weeks of waiting just to see if you're approved.

>surprised when his own government fucks him
well imagine my shock!

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Are you shovel ready, comrade?

But thanks for paying my wage

Cope. My salary x2'd on the back of the gvt welfare gibs. Based NEETS win again.

Part time student and only 20

looks like you're about to on the dole mate.

yeah it's shit mate, whats worse is if your renting and don't have parents to rely on your even more screwed meanwhile the boomer with 10 investment properties gets a freeze on his mortage repayments while still getting rent paid to him. Life's shit for the non-home owning employed young person, even worse if your single.

If he is that young and a student, why isn't he being supported by his family? Typical angloids throwing their young out to the wolves (the gvt).


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I'm in the same boat. Full time student, work one day a fucking week without claiming Centrelink, now I have no shifts and no money. I'm due to graduate in about 4 weeks unless they shut everything down, then I will really be fucked.

>be germany
>Literally nothing changed
>NEETbux hartz iv is still 400 euros a month
>Employees are forced sick elave employers pay
>NEETs get nothing
>Government gives gibs to companies in case they run out of money

All is well in the wagecuck paradise, germany

>we cannot let muh healthcare sector collapse
>instead, we must let all sectors and the entire economy collapse
Fuck every single politician who opted for a lockdown. This faggot little virus kills only the weak/ old/ diseased. Nothing of value will be lost.
>but 0.2% of young people die too
0.2% of weaklings with underlying leukemia or some other shit like aids.

>lose all my hours
>now I have no shifts and no money

Guess what, you qualify for the dole. Your circumstances are exactly the reason they're putting so much money into it so instead of bitching, join the breadline because shit is going bad for everyone.

>australia is a fucking joke




>I'm in the same boat.

Thanks for letting us know, because Yas Forums is totally your personal blog.

Salty wagies

I'm a student. You stupid vagina.

just say u have abo heritage

Lay off the adderall

Mate, you’re entitled to the payments announced today.

Salty wagie-in-training

The packages should be for those who have just been made unemployed -not for the long term parasites.

When I heard this announcement I thought of people like you OP who will miss out and the gnarly nuggety battlers who won't.

He’s entitled for the cenno benefits.

>I thought of people like you OP

This is the start of a great homosexual romance.

I'm employed and am livid that these pieces of shit have offered absolutely zero support for the fucking workers of this country. I'm full time and my hours haven't been cut so I can't access my super. I have debt and rent and both of those aren't going anywhere. So fucked.

Your current system and your companies deserve to crash and burn, your government gives out more money to shitskins, than your companies give working people here, and your goverment pumps money into those companies as well. All EU "aid" we get is basically goes for infrastructure projects that is needed for your companies, and useless projects noone wants as a bribe, that our politicians can steal, in exchange for pushing our people into slave labour for your companies. Your country allows millions of shitskins to drain on your welfare system, yet you don't pay us properly. Fuck post war germany, and fuck ww2 germany too, you had shit tactics, traitrous generals, set us up to fail.

>All EU "aid" we get is basically goes for infrastructure projects that is needed for your companies

Cucked to the max. I am so erect right now.

>absolutely zero support for the fucking workers of this country

This is priceless.
>Yas Forumscels vote for conservashit parties
>"omg why dont they enact more socialist policies, we're screwed"


>work part time fixing broken lights and other basic shit in semi trucks
>can only work weekends cuz only then truckers dont work
>now half of workers is put on leave, boss asked me to come during the week too
Cant complain desu.

Jokes on you nigga, I make $200 a day and bludge off the dole too

>I make $200

How much is that in real money.

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I don't know how working and studying can even go together. You have no time for both, can only do one sufficiently because it's too expensive to live in this country. You either mooch off the centrelink or you work full time.

Good luck telling who is who when the day comes. You'll be happy to have any help you can get larper.

>I don't know how working and studying can even go together

This. Children from poor families shouldn't go to college anyway.

Liberal parties arn't doing fucking shit either. Conservatives funnel money to business, dems funnel money to crackheads and niggers.

How come the NZ flag looks like someone took the Australian flag and menstruated all over it.

Your country is still occupied, your "leader" is a woman, shitskins roam your streets, "your" (kike owned) companies rather go to foreign people than to pay you, and you drag down everyone else with you.
You are the biggest cuck (in the EU, globally it is the USA).

Agreed. If you're a bartender you're working night hours and commonly into the morning. "I'm not a bludger" doesn't mean shit if you end up blowing cash on a course that you've fucked up.

Yes. And there is nothing you can do about it.

>cucked to the max

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NZ was colonized first. But keep getting off to the idea of a country filled with convicts and blackskins Ahmed.

>I'm full time and my hours haven't been cut
Then why the fuck do you need access to your super?

107 euros, doesn’t matter how many hours I do either, sometimes I’ll do 8, more often than not I’ll do 2-3. Not bad considering I’m young and just fucking my way through this life

I don't know what this means and I will not respond to it.

>He actually voted liberal
You've no one to blame but yourself

Hope you guys have got your wheelbarrows ready when all that becomes useless

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>I’m young


university is a meme and i am naturally good at writing

R ayys rule?

Write me a poem, user. A poem just for me.

>Implying I voted for the Liberals
Besides they are supposed to be the conservative party. And it's about the socialist policies only benefiting those that aren't working.

My gf is a Chinese for lack of a better word prostitute working in a legal brothel and she hasn’t made any money for the last month!

We could just let out an other plague, if thise one does not do the job, until all our enemies are dead.

>Children from poor families shouldn't go to college anyway.
Instead, they are given free student rooms and handouts. Most of the times they end up sucking cocks and failing semesters. Thats where our money goes.

Also, no vulgarity please. Let's keep this thread clean, on this, the day of the Lord.

Does she do outcalls?

>if only we had a labor government then things would be right
ok m8

>hey end up sucking cocks

I fail to see the problem here.

thats why increasing the tax free threshold has always been the best option. these fucking hand outs are a joke.

>$30k a year
>voting for libs
Thanks for enabling my family syndicate to continue to abuse negative gearing :) make sure you keep up on rent or we’ll evict you :D

You have no enemies, user. You are amongst friends here.

Among? Amongst? I can never tell which to use.

what did he mean by this

She works at Red17 in Dandenong. She does out Call’s for regulars. Jesus guys, go fuck my gf- I need to pay the rent!

>$750 of VB longnecks
Cheers Scomo

I didn't vote Labour lol

Here's one.

Fuck off, cunt.

>voting for either of the major parties

That's not a poem, that's the national Australian mating call.

Nice bit of plagiarism, you piece of SHIT.

It is a meme, so you can get a meme job and have a meme life, because there's no other way to live anymore.

The irony is that the stimulus package will be spent on stimulants because everyone on welfare is literally a fucking crack head LMAOOO

I won't lie. I know nothing about Australia, and I intend to keep it this way.

>20 years old
>shocked at government not doing right or sensible things
There's more redpills to come young padawan so buckle up

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i didnt get on the dole till i was 23 hated the idea myself wish i got on it sooner fuck this country and fuck your pride

>The irony is that the stimulus package will be spent on stimulants

How is that even remotely ironic? Words have meanings, asshole. Learn them.

Fuck off.

Nnnnnnnnnnno :^)

>Cucked to the max. I am so erect right now.
Because I want to clear my debts so I can save.

>i pour drinks and earn 30k on my taxes a year, never mind the other 30k i get in tips
Day of the tray when?

That is ironic you dumb Kraut,

It literally isn't, you piece of shit.

>Cucked to the max. I am so erect right now.
What the fuck? I didn't copy that.

Get fucked, NEET master race.

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Time to wise up,fren.

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helpppp meeee

you are part of a raid
this thread follows the exact same format
fuck you queer

>please fuck my gf
Why are wh*te people such massive cuckolds?

Your poutine is waiting for you. Kick rocks.

>Why are wh*te people such massive cuckolds?

Cuckolding is alpha behaviour, actually. It means that you see your wife as your private property and choose to use her as a toy for your personal sexual entertainment. It's like a private porn performance just for you.

Everyone is our enemy.
1. Biggest enemy the jews, everyone who aids them is enemy, they infiltrated every country, thus everyone is enemy.
2. Second enemies who hold our claimed lands. Every neighbouring country hold claimed lands, and we have claims up to the english channel, and all the way out to the urals, and southwards to the suez canal, so a whole lot of enemies there as well. And if we would push to the ultimate, claim on all land that was colonised from there, thus claim for the whole world. Thus every is enemy.
3. Everyone is an enemy who we ever had a war against, more casualties, the higher priority an enemy is.
4. Every non white is enemy by default. Countries that tolerate them are also enemies.
5. Countries that tolerate degeneracies that reach here are all enemies as well.
It would be hard to find a country that is not an enemy at it's current form.

Here's the reason for your consternation, bogan cunt...

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user, you're lonely. As a gay lefty Bavaryan, we're opposed politically, but I still want to be your friend.

Take my hand, user. I will show you a world without sin.

You probably fuck blokes in public toilets under the Westgate bridge

Must suck to be a wageslave.

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your flag is German which means you're most likely some retarded Arab or African so fuck off

I'm not German, I'm Bavaryan.

>Cuckolding is alpha behaviour
Only in Germany, folks. Only in Germany.
>you must either be a cuck or be a faggot
>I cannot comprehend not being a cucked faggot
ok wigger

You know how I know you're a wageslave?

Go away, I don't want your aids. Yas Forums is fag free zone, you go into the oven.

>what is the government fucking thinking?

People on welfare won't resist the abolition of cash you would.
The government is not your friend.

You're a retard OP, if you've lost your job the second stimulus will give you $550 a fortnight

I don't want your Aids either. Another thing we have in common

>Live in country with huge economic and industrial growth
>Not get a trade
>Instead get a job in some shitty hostel bar on Elizabeth street
>Crying about not getting enough money

Seriously dude its your own fault.

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You still probably do fuck blokes in parks in Melbourne, at the very least wank them off onto your feet or something equally as weird

OP, I just want you to know
You paid into this system.

>You still probably do fuck blokes in parks in Melbourne, at the very least wank them off onto your feet or something equally as weird

That's based though. How can I get a cute smooth Australian twink bf?

>Be disability fag from serving in military
>Get absolute pittance for god knows how long, all my employed fag friends laugh at me constantly for being poor
>They all take on mounting debt for years while living the degenerate "Tinder lifestyle" because "how can you settle with just one woman omg!"
>Now they are all on social media crying about losing their jobs, their mounting debt, and how alone they feel being isolated because, surprise surprise, vapid Tinder whores aren't gonna risk their health for you
>Meanwhile me and my 6/10 wife who own our small home in a nice suburb spend every night hugging each other to sleep, all day in the gardens planting vegetables and fruits, and have cupboards stocked with food, first aid kits, vitamins, water, etc to last us 6 months even if our crops somehow fail
>Just find out I'm getting 2x pay from now on, an extra 750 a month on top of that, and have no debt at all
>Still have a bunch of military supplies and accessories tucked away for emergency, know how to survive and do all my own home repairs and farming
>Was a med fag in the military, so can treat basically anything without needing to go to hospital

Nothing personal, wagies.

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>all my employed fag friends laugh at me constantly for being poor

I'd also laugh at you for being disabled.

He's trying to feel better about getting cucked by maoris