Boomer on a fixed income

Been on Social Security of about $1000/month for five years. Prices of everything going up, especially food delivery. Don't want me to go out, don't want me to do anything. Is this your slow motion Day of the Pillow? Because I am going to run out of food pretty soon like this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cry me a river grandpa

who's this albino negro?

Call up local food pantries and charities. If it really gets bad, call police non-emergency.

Order food online.

hire some illegal mexican to fix it

Just wanted to let you know. It's on the real.

Pretty cool zoomer.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The prices of ordering online have gone way up. My income hasn't.

>boomer cannot rely on their kids to bring them food

At some point you'll have to admit being a dick to everyone younger than you and older than you has bitten you right in the cock. There's a reason why your parents told you to stop being hippie faggot assholes, maybe if you'd listened then your kids and grandkids wouldn't be so sour on you. As far as I can tell the rampant liberalism from your generation is why traditional elder treatment has disappeared. A chilling tale of reaping what is sowed.

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I took care of my Dad (WW2 Vet) until he died in 2012 and I have no kids.

Just vote for Biden, or the other Biden.

Attached: Joe-Biden-town-hall.jpg (1200x630, 47.46K)

Low IQ take


Look guys, the thing I really wanted to tell you is that no matter what happens to me, I am not going to call an ambulance and I am not going to the hospital. If I break a leg or have a stroke or whatever. I know you need the beds. I'll just stay home and take it. I want you guys to live and I don't want to get in your way. I wish and pray the best for you.

Move into a trailer. Cut costs. The younger generation lives like this, you can too.


Damn man, take it easy. Call the ambulance if you have a stroke or break a bone. Don’t resign yourself like that.

Good. Die.

No one cares at all

It's an emergency time. I know you guys hate us, but I need you to know we love you and will die for you. And it's OK.

ok boomer

It gets worse. If you are alive another 10 years you will see that 1000 dollars become virtually useless to obtain even basic shelter. Better hope you own your home and taxes are not going to go up there like they have so many other places.

Look at the world being left to the younger people and try to excuse their nearly inexcusable hostility.

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Ok boomer

That’s depressing. Only fools have genuine hate for boomers as a general class

I went to volunteer shopping/delivering meals for old people and they told me I needed to bring in proof of EMPLOYMENT to VOLUNTEER helping people.

Fuck this gay earth. Enjoy dying in your homes boomers because you don't want a NEET helping you.

Man I wish I could get social security
Man I wish I'd be able to retire
Youre welcome for the free money btw

You're gonna have to work some more old man, god bless

Weird rule. They must have problems with delusional homeless people trying to cozy up to them or something, basically looking for victims to target.

I’m confused. How can you not have any food? You’re posting here, dude. People have been talking about this shit since at least December. You prepared NOTHING? I’m Gen X who has spent most of my life toiling away for shit wages because your generation wouldn’t retire and brought in a lot of foreigners while shipping labor overseas as well, and yet you guys spared no breath in telling me what a lazy fuck up I was. Was all of that just tough talk? At the end of the day you’re the one left with your dick in your hand while I’ve managed to scrape together enough to weather this storm?

This is what you deserve, the last generation with a white majority, the last generation that could have closed our borders for good. No foreign viruses would have infected us because no foreigners would be allowed in. You made the bed now fucking lay in it. Stare at the ceiling and think about how white Americans will be tortured and murdered in the streets because of you.

IKR? That 1000 becomes less every year. I already spend 25% of it on property taxes. It's a losing battle.
I know my generation made the rules, but that wasn't me.

IF he worked his whole life as a single guy without kids to claim as dependants and use services for free for 18 years, he probably is one of the few on SS, at a paltry 1000$/mo, that is actually only going to get back roughly what he put in.

Our SS system is important, and it is being systematically destroyed by both political parties because it gives us some autonomy from their (((financial benefactors))) and (((spirtual leadership))).

SS is one of the few things that makes us have any claim to being 1st world, and sadly we are clearly falling from this class of countries. The whole of europe is becoming like the places the mass immigrants are from. The globalists are winning big time, and you attack a guy for gettinga measly $1000/mo after paying into a pension system his entire life?

Pick your fucking enemies, retard.

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Jeez user. Why dont you have any kids? Sorry if that stings a bit, gotta carry on the bloodline right?

Maybe you should of worked harder and saved instead of buying avocado toast, Starbucks, ect.

I AGREE WITH YOU. And I'm sorry. I wish you well, but I am afraid for your future.

Only 250$ a month? Those are rookie numbers. They could tripple in 5 years at the rate things are going. The governments have babies to feed.

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Beyond based

What you need to do is look in the mirror and give yourself a firm handshake, and pull the food up through your bootstraps. And get off your smart phone!

Have you been on social security?

Call the ambulance if you need it faggot that’s the doctors decision to make, you aren’t going to save the world by dying alone.

pull yourself up by your bootstraps, dipshit

Well, I fucked a lot of "chicks" as we said at the time, and I might have a daughter, but she's a lesbian, so end of the line, but most of the kids I had ended in abortion. Which sucks, dunnit?

Now you know how they cut SS :^)

SS is why the native birth rate is so low

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I said I am on it. $1087/month.

And who the fuck do you think enacted all those policies to wreck Europe? Did a zoomer vote clinton in for NAFTA?

I get the irony.

We're all going to run out of food. Pray that you aren't around for the worst of it.

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Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Fighting pneumonia at home can be horrible
Dying under sedation is much more pleasant

And the living will envy the dead.

>SS is why the native birth rate is so low
No. It isnt. The media is. And the people who control the media. Same people.

The eastern euro countries that began openly calling out and rejecting the anti-european mass media globalist propaganda and began instituting pro-children tax\money policies have begun seeing their population drops turn around.

Meanwhile the baby boom itself happened in the aftermath of the creation of social security. Having a national pension system does not decrease birth rates. Having a system of dysgenic taxation mixed with a full press media assault on a class of people constitutes not just Genocide, but is far greater an issue than 'pensions mean kids dont have to care for their parents!'. In other words, in my view, blaming a pension system for the effects of hundreds of overlapping anti-natal and anti-natavist policies and propaganda efforts is foolish at best.

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I'd prefer it, of course. But I'll be alone with no one to help so I'll just have to cope.

Globalists, and not just jewish ones, but I think primarily jewish interests are pushing it. I think they tipped their hand to this because I certainly didn't beleive this before seeing come from their own mouths over and over, dozens of times. Do I blame the entire silent and boomer gens for the globalist menace? No, that would be fucking retarded. Do I think they hold some culpability? Yes, but individually, not as a generation.

GenX, millenials and zoomers, regardless of your theories, are showing zero sign of breaking the cycle of globalist financial rule or foreign usury-religious banking practices by a 0.20% world minority operating among us as an outside conquoring force with ever increasing visibility and impunity.

Where are the zoomer celebs speaking out? Virtually non existant. Can you name a zoomer or millenial equivelant to Mel Gibson or similar boomers who have 'gone there'?

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>low IQ schizo
The birth rate is highly predictable based on measurable environmental factors none of which are "the media"

I'm leaving this thread now to go announce the gospel somewhere else.

no, that's a stupid no argument vague correlation. think about it.

fuck off Yas Forums useless cunts

Get a real job faggot. If you cant post on pol you can find a job that works with your "disability"

Yes sure. Ignore all of the very obvious anti-natal, anti-citizen, anti-future-white-people policies and propaganda and simply blame one single cause, and that cause just happens to be the pension system.

LOL. Whatever. you lolbertarians are a lost fucking cause. Idiots. Pic related is a far bigger reason white people are no longer having kids. We have to compete for housing against people who our own tax burdens support. Pure dysgenics. This is a genocide. Be very suspicious of any papers solely blaming so-called 'properity' for the baby bust.

Here is another view, also from 'experts'.

Attached: 1579453746624.png (1658x2334, 489.71K)

Really, the only thing I am good at is Unix command line shit. Are there any jobs in that?

Not if you dont know what a container is or how to sling semi-meaningless buzzwords like DevOps and Cloud platform.

You don't even know what Fixed Income means you degenerate zoomer. I hope Jews kill you animals as soon as possible.

That along with two other factors creates a predictive model

>so-called 'properity'

>one single cause
Know how I know you were too lazy to read the article?

Cloud I know (someone else's computer), but containers and the rest are just mysteries.

>lives comfy af life
>doesn't save anything for retirement
>doesn't understand inflation

pull yourself up by your bootstraps nigger

I kind of do know because I get the same amount every month.