Gday lads

>NSW, Victoria move to comprehensive shutdown of non-essential services amid coronavirus pandemic

>Western Australia, South Australia to close borders in response to coronavirus pandemic

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Australia is easing superannuation access for those worst-hit by coronavirus. But can we afford it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

NEETs win lol

1st for double cenno

yeah good luck actually applying online for the payments, the site is fucked and wont load

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Any news for QLD?

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Roadblocks going up in Melbourne CBD. It's ogre.

Source on the vid for OP pic? I heard about it

Sir, step away from the TP

Only one packet allowed per customer

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Not sure about that pic OP

breaking news
AFL season suspended
Fuck you China!

Isn't literally every other state locked down or going to at this point? Doesn't really matter if QLD does it or not if everyone else has.

Fucking NEETs are going to be paid to play video games at home while I'm busting my back at work cleaning up fish guts and raw chicken.

Fucking paid MORE than me to play video games.

Fuck Scomo and fuck the Liberal Party.

I'll watch the news at 6 and report back

Wagie here, I’m fucked aren’t I?

we're unironically heading towards national socialism

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When a young Australian dies from corona-chan millennial are going to flip.

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None of you guys are going to survive 18 months of this, even if you are clinging on to your sanity. Everything is going to be cancelled worldwide, some places right now have utilities turned off. Are you going to survive and stay sane when you don't even have internet, or truckies delivering to shops, or wagies stacking shelves.

Nobody is going to make it, unless they get paid in drugs to keep working.

could someone kindly explain to me why, as a full time student, i still need to dedicate thirty hours of my week to my courses while i've lost my job, countries are closing down and an impending economic crisis looms? i have homework to do but holy fuck it feels so insignificant and unimportant.

>some places right now have utilities turned off

Just defer your year retard.

What site and what specific payment user?

>“I need your family to stay in your neighbourhood as much as possible,” she told reporters on Sunday.

>“It is not a time to go and have parties, it is not a time to go with your mates to the beach, it is not a time to go with your mates to a pub,” she said.

who here ready for the food riots?

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census date has passed retard. you really think they're going to give me a break because of this? they merely opted for online classes, BECAUSE the census date passed. do you not get it? they want money.

FUCK neets and FUCK boomers. neets sitting around getting $$$ & boomers watch their house prices stabilise despite every other australian asset class going to SHIT

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Back to your cage tomorrow wagie.

It's why the Chinks have emptied your supermarkets

also youll be out there with coronachan while neets are safe and comfy

When are wagies getting scomobux???

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(((Gladys Berejiklian))) knows what is good for goy, lockdowns and vaccines rabbi will be pleased

oy vey (((Daniel Andrews))) he will force many kike vaccines into goy, he already have given him his own page for his service to rabbi schlomostein
daniel we may give honorary bahmitzah to

why am i going through a 4 year apprenticeship when neets are getting paid almost double me to do fuck all and i get no support from the government on $600 a week after tax. Fuck you cunts

Go on Centrelink.

>Still thinking that’s going to happen.
heh, good luck with that neet.

Anyone got this video?

>BECAUSE the census date passed.
Hasn't passed for Monash. :)

unless the virus mutates (which would likely happen outside containment) this is fucking retarded. society could quite easily continue through this if we just accepted the death toll. Why would a literal apocalypse be preferable to letting a few hundred thousand boomers die?

north korea trust me bro


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Place yourself 10 years in the future.

hahahahaha eat shit cunts

Wash YOUR hands

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hey mate, im very bloody happy for you.

If you'd make more on centerlink then quit your job

Chinks know their history.
>every grand solar minimum fucks china hard
>pandemics and famines ravage the populace
>a billion soulless, starving chinks turn on their leaders in an orgy of cannibalism
>CCP would prefer not to be eaten

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why? I never leave the house

how am I supposed to get to my farm if I'm on lockdown


If you're employed part time or casual and only making 650 a week with payG tax then you're better off not fucking working at all.

Its better to fucking quit and get neet bucks now. Why work for money when others get it for not working.

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hey guys can i come over ?

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what's this about even more bonus neetbux? different news sites are giving different info

Guten Tag Mein Goode Fellowz!

I am Hitler sent from the past to the future to warn you to keep your borders closed permanently.


It's not about the virus. The virus is a handy cover for locking people down and rationing food to them as the global food supply collapses.
>australia's coming harvest over the next month is going to be so bad it'll feed 9.5 million people at most.

their utilities are off all the time anyway

hau ab, keine HitlerInnen sind nicht willkommen.

Because being a neet is a short sighted solution.
It might not seem to stack up right now, but when your qualified, you will get top-kek looking at how little newstart actually gets you compared with your investment of time for training.

There's 2 stimulus packages

31st of march is first $750 for neets
july 13th is second payment

this will keep going on for every month.

>>australia's coming harvest over the next month is going to be so bad it'll feed 9.5 million people at most.

Got a source for that? I thought we were only running out of rice and pasta

*sind willkommen

And we will be on the front door of another recession because all we do is repeat history and ill still be getting no neetbux from the next LNP fuckhead in 2030

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you and your self interested mindset and contributed to this system of exploitation

>extra $550 a fortnite
fucking hell

fucking based you mean

Mygov website is fucked, can't even submit a claim

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just realised i spelled fortnight as fortnite and now i want to kill myself

I hear you aussies are getting neetbucks. Is that confirmed?

dumb zoomer

cool I've been waiting to upgrade my pc

I'd imagine there are hundreds of thousands of people trying to access the server which is probably hosted on a 1998 Dell laptop in Mongolia.

money is useless if you can't buy anything with it, what are you gonna do buy steam games. The truckies and wagies are going to get sick one day and start dropping out of work like flies.

They need to be protected at all cost but scummo doesn't give a fuck.

Just sitting in my back verandah, glass of penfolds, my wife is making lamb for dinner. What a life.
Just got through linking Centrelink to my myGov account and will make my claim tomorrow for my job seeker payment.
I love this timeline.

Is DSP getting another $550/fn?
oh I'm excited now.
I'm legit never working again.

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Very true and wise user, being a neet is a short sighted solution but its also very tempting to be able to sit on Yas Forums all day and get almost the same amount I do for 40 hours of labour that fucks my back to all buggery, bring on 1 more year of apprenticeship wages and hopefully ill be all good

who wants to bet that chinks, jews and other people of unsavory races going let people go but still keep them on the books to get that sweet, sweet govt money for themselves? there are so many gullible retards out there who don't know what a VCAT is that i'm thinking this is prime-time to run scams on people.

Nope, get fucked.

Hey guys I'm getting youth allowance, is there anyway that I can get more neetbux? $300 a fornite isnt enough

you sound like a prisoner tb h

Same server as this Mongolian throat singing forum?

Lets be real, you'll be on cenno soon if you aren't already.

why are you using windows 98?

>Employed but renting and in debt
I get precisely fuck all from this. No support for wagies. At least I get to woo from home.

No. DSP is enough as it is. You'll get two 750's


who drunk here?

*pours another class of goon*

My newstart going up pretty happy lads. More money to spend on beer.

>relative wages stangnant
>super gone due to economic collapse
>housing not affordabe as landlords purchase even more homes and hoard limited rental properties for even more desperate house-less
>sounds good bro

Aren't you glad they flooded the country with nogs just before societal collapse?

You should come over. The sunset is special from this vantage point. Plenty of red to sip on or I’ve got some crownies from Christmas in the cellar if you prefer.
The lamb smells great. She’s doing broccolini and potatoes with it and a nice gravy.

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Fuck this I'm getting on cenners and just going to play Dota 8 hours a day. What's for dinner lads

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Zat Izz not important reich now.

Time travelling Biden will arrive shortly from the future to try to stop me.

Zeee passverd to sssstop him with mein superweapn izzz “Meine Wurst ist eingelegt. Magst du kurze Schinken?“

Save yourselves!!!


That's gay, how can I continue to shit on NSA plebs if they're getting the same as me?
>All that hard work for nothing

For sure.

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sounds killah bruz, can i bring over my family too

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I work 60 hours a week and get $1600 after tax. So neets are getting 1/3 of that working 0 hours. which devalues my work (essential logistics work) to about $10 an hour. To top it off my taxes are paying for neets.


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Maybe shut up for 6 months?

there is an entire generation who are going to discover one day that fortnight is a real word that existed before fortnite came out