Can someone please tell me what's going to happen? No bullshit

Can someone please tell me what's going to happen? No bullshit.

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R. Kelly acquittal incoming!!

Here’s the grimmest version of life a year from now: More than two million Americans have died from the new coronavirus, almost all mourned without funerals. Countless others have died because hospitals are too overwhelmed to deal adequately with heart attacks, asthma and diabetic crises. The economy has cratered into a depression, for fiscal and monetary policy are ineffective when people fear going out, businesses are closed and tens of millions of people are unemployed. A vaccine still seems far off, immunity among those who have recovered proves fleeting and the coronavirus has joined the seasonal flu as a recurring peril.

Yet here’s an alternative scenario for March 2021: Life largely returned to normal by the late summer of 2020, and the economy has rebounded strongly. The United States used a sharp, short shock in the spring of 2020 to break the cycle of transmission; warm weather then reduced new infections and provided a summer respite for the Northern Hemisphere. By the second wave in the fall, mutations had attenuated the coronavirus, many people were immune and drugs were shown effective in treating it and even in reducing infection. Thousands of Americans died, mostly octogenarians and nonagenarians and some with respiratory conditions, but by February 2021, vaccinations were introduced worldwide and the virus was conquered.

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We’re going to war with chinks after they refuse to pay the US and Europe for grievances.

I duddo Tobby

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The later is what happens

I'm not taking a vaccine. No way.
I hope so man.
This show and Hey Arnold were reallllly Jewish.

Everyone thinks differently. Think for yourself faggot.

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Remember that episode of rugrats where the jewish dude took a bath in the pickles house with all the babies around? pretty on the nose.

There are two kinds of humans.

How you gettin GOOD or BAD, doesn't matter.

Today, the GOOD awakes and will clearly see the BAD.

The BAD will losing this conflict
and in the end there will be thousands of years of LEADERSHIP with a GOOD will.

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We're trying to get people paranoid and trigger a race war/ civil war in minecraft

People of the West will reunite in the Glory of Christ, as they did in the past. Faith will give us the edge over the godless commies of the far East and we will triumph once again against tyranny.

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Almost certain it's gonna be option 2. I got a good feeling about June. My wife will be doing surrogacy and I'll finally be able to buy a truck. God bless the US

we will get through this brother, dont let them incels fuck our hope, endure and survive

Good bless the USA Confederate flag says incel. Literal FBI nigger here

Step 1 flood Europe with millions of savages
Step 2 tell everybody a standard flu is a pandemic and cause mass unemployment/starvation/poverty
Step 3 watch whites get murdered in their own homes

Get some weapons boyo

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We will be fine. People do need to practice social distancing though. I'm a delivery driver and I see so many people out fuckin around every day. Parks are full with families, parking lots at all kinds of stores are filled, etc. I worry too many people don't understand the importance of slowing the spread.

They’ve just shit Australia’s two most populous state, New South Wales and Victoria, only essential services will remain open. No timeframe on how long the shut down will remain and 90% of the population will be out of work after two months, they keep saying we have to prepare for six months, the economy will implode in that time.

itsa gonna be okay. we made a the pizza. mama mia, i mess it up and put big big bat instead of pepperoni. is okay, no problem. half price.

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Covid-19 is not real. Global warming is and an interdisciplinary group of the UN geologists, climate scientists and others have determined that if it is not mitigated quickly and drastic measures are not taken to reduce the globe's temperatures it will trigger the eruption of yellowstone which could end up killing most of the life on earth. The best minds in the world are working on terraforming tech to basically terraform the earth before it's to late (some of the projects focus on a post-eruption scenario though). They are buying time by putting the entire world on lockdown to temporarily reduce emissions. Many solutions are being proposed and a lot work is being done but expect to be locked inside for at least two months.
And also expect energy shut downs and food shortages. A lot of them.
You heard it here first.

stupid bitch covers the good parts.

Christcuck please leave

Yas Forums is, has been, and always will be a Christian board. Sorry if that bothers you.
I heard reddit has a very popular atheism board. maybe go there?

I mean you literally have 0 proof so...

Das glaubst du doch selber nicht oder ?

"Sie" haben alles schon genau geplant und es läuft, viel spaß im Camp

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i heard that zog spooks are going to break into all our houses at night and kill us and blame it on coronavirus

Why are you even here you bold rodent


The very same thing that happened from SARS, Norovirus, Zika, Swine Flu, Ebola, Mad Cow disease, El Nino, Africanized Killer Bees, Ocean rising, polar bears and seals dying off, the Artic Melting.

So the horrible outcomes of ALL those things that had doomed all of mankind, yeh, thats gonna happen this time also.

Begone kike.

Bros, have you already accepted that you'll probably lose family members, relatives, friends, coworkers? This will drag on for months to come. First wave will hit hard, then a second wave, then a third wave.

Yep they are ensuring social collapse if they continue the shutdown past mid April

>So the horrible outcomes of ALL those things that had doomed all of mankind,

yes they did, you just switched the timelines to the ones where they didn't
just like I will switch this timeline to one where the virus gets defeated in few months and everything goes back to normal
cya suckers, have fun dying in this timeline

Social distancing is fucking impossible when you need to buy food but every place you go to doesn't have what you can afford.
>go to store
>try to get cheap tv dinners
>out of stock
>try to get cheap sandwich meats
>out of stock
>try to get eggs, cheese, or milk
>all of it is gone

>Can someone please tell me what's going to happen? No bullshit.
1.)we are all going to die
2.)we are all going to pay taxes

You'll survive, but you'll wish you hadn't.

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I'm about to scratch my nuts.
Glad I could help.

Notice the “novel” term. It’s a nothing Burger.

10 grand and ur sister and I’ll let you sit with me at lunch

No? Fuck u kike

the sun will rise again, just as it did yesterday
the wind will blow
niggers will tongue your anus

Ich glaube nicht nur, ich sehe.

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Anything good about Christianity is Catholic, anything good about Catholicism is pagan

Corona is over. There's a cure and it's going to roll out soon.
The real show starts when we assess the economic damage and the world points to China and starts to yank their production out in favor for localized automation. International trade is the greatest deterrence against war, and the loss of trust and desire for localized production is going to shatter that deterrence.

words of wisdom.

how would you rate the tits of israeli women? who has the best milkers?

So, why are they called nothingburtgers? Is it just a play on Americans who don't believe anything will happen?

>its literally chronic pneumonia
>the count of who lived through it, and who died from it, is staying even and equal, so if 4000 lived, 4000 also died

I'm scared bros.

Based. I like the second story I'm hopeful

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No exact dates, but watch markers:

1) Pandemic will slow down in around 2 -3 months. Things will start to go back to normal.

2) Virus mutates around South America, people panic. (Around July, August, or September)

3) Huge wave of south americans travel north to escape pandemic.

4) Mexican government can't do shit, US gov sends troops to protect souther border. Close borders. People still come across to the US. Lots of vandalism, crime, and death at southmost cities.

5) Tons of people fill the northern mexican cities trying to get across to the US. US uses lethal force on all who cross. Southmost cities mostly evacuated.

6) Mexico is full of people. People dying of sickness, but mostly violence. Mexican government doesn't exist. Cartels start ruling. Immense amount of violence.

7) US takes over Mexico, curtailing violence, and controlling the chaos. US troops go to south of Mexico to block any incoming wave of people.

8) Totalitarian control. People dying of hunger, sickness, and some violence (mostly abuse from military).

9) Years after, and once population (especially white) has dropped significantly. Quantum computer AI will discover cure for pandemic. People will call it the Messiah.

10) White people will be encouraged to mix due to their weakness to the virus. AI will start providing free healthcare, creating robots, managing pretty much everything. Socialism will be enacted.

11) Technology will start advancing very fast. People will be able to live without worries, but will need to give their freedoms. Can't go outside unless given permission, otherwise illegal and death penalty.

12) Smart dust, people can go anywhere, do anything, in their own virtual worlds. All desires fulfilled.

13) Population is mostly gone to virtual worlds, no more procreation, people dying of old age, suicide, and those who don't want to be part of the new world are killed by robots.

Doubles predicts the former while Triples predicts the latter. ROLL EM

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Niggers tounge my anus

Ist ja gut beruhig dich mal

Berlin hier, eine Atombombe auf uns drauf bitte, hier sind noch schlimmere Gestalten jetzt unterwegs als ohne "Quarantäne"


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Starts of so sensible then goes autism

This. Overhyped, overblown, and overreacted to. This is the biggest LARP i've ever seen on this board. It's pathetic. All this media kvetching, yet nothing is happening on the streets.

>beef shortage
good thing I stocked up. thanks user. you aren't full of shit like the corona deniers.

if the last digit is 3 we will be ok
if its 7 we are all going to die
if its neither your mom will die in her sleep if you dont respond to this

>yet nothing is happening on the streets
You are so addicted to instant gratification that you don’t realize reality isn’t a video game with regular plot points.
Things are about to get much worse. You have 2-3 months maximum to prepare for the next plunge.

>Can someone please tell me what's going to happen?
No one surely knows yet, personally I find most concerning the absolutely abysmally slow and feeble response a fucking bio-weapon attack.

Its all so tiresome, the amount of heads one would have to claim to unfuck this whole thing is like something a Khorne follower would envy

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I don't know man. It's even scarier when you have absolutely nobody and your roommate went to stay with their family without leaving money for bills.


>America will win
kek, it's going to be hilarious to see you burn niggers
this is a fucking virus, you can't bully it with tweets, sanctions, military projection or nukes

>Can someone please tell me what's going to happen? No bullshit.

nothing except a massive recession. there was no need to actually do anything except advise older people to stay home.

The Technological Messiah will probably be revealed around 2025. The rest of the stuff will happen progressively, and will be within a 30 year range. Meaning, the robot ruling shit won't happen until about 20-25 more years. But everything that is happening is so that 1) North American Union 2) Collapse of Dollar, new coin 3) White population collapse 4) More dystopian future with less liberties 5) Technological Messiah reveal

Millions of planes still in the sky. There is no lock down, friend.

The rabbi fears the name Jesus Christ

Hopefully the apocalypse I was always promised by the boomers.

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The banks have been set to crash for years now, 2020 and 2021 were always going to be pivotal years, because this is when all the UN surveillance/big data 'Smart Cities' projects are set to go ahead, as well as major contracts, like Israel handing the keys to their largest and formerly US-handled port to China, and the NordStream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany to skirt Trump's sanctions on Iranian oil, or the EastMed between Israel and Greece, which had angered Turkey long before the fake 'Russia-Turkey' tension.
The virus is just a (((convenient))) excuse. How else were they gonna convince people - all at once and virtually overnight - that social gatherings (i.e. protests, lynch mobs), cash money, going outside in the sun and fresh air, having a functioning economy with stocked shelves and buyers etc. were all bad/impossible things?

The big picture here is that the petrodollar is the past - the 'fourth industrial revolution', of big data/AI/'connectivity'/robotics/cybersecurity/cloud servers etc, is the future. Again, how (((convenient))), these sectors that don't necessarily rely on human contact and real life supply chains/trade routes etc.
Have you noticed how they're already rolling out the drones and robots, and tracking smartphones?
And guess who absolutely DOMINATES these high-tech sectors? The same country 'being forced to choose' between the US and the West, and China/Eurasia. The same nation that is actively trying to force religious prophecy, and that will birth the 'antichrist' - which will be an A.I. golem, linked up to quantum supercomputers, and the world's 'internet of things'.

China will be the fall guy, but Israeli-Eurasia will rise. The West, or at least the anglosphere, will withdraw from the world and isolate, and nations will ally in ways that would've once seemed unthinkable. The geography of Orwell's 1984 may very well become reality.

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I don't think so, but we'll see.