Would you join the army if Trump declares war on China?
Would you join the army if Trump declares war on China?
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Fuck yeah. Fuck you chinks!
Hell yes, let's kill those dog eating fucks.
I would be recalled to active duty
I think we should of of let MacArthur nuke the fuckers during the Korean war but it's too late now.
No. But id join the spaceforce.
No. I would, however, fight to the death defending Taiwan. In such an event the US is supposed to go to war with China, in which case I would enlist. If the US punked out, I’d still go to Taiwan and join the ROC military myself.
I was already in the Navy a few years ago so I'd probably have no choice.
Nah, he’s 50 years early
If he expelled all the jews, niggers, spics and chinks out of the country first then yes
Fuck Yeah
I agree
Implying we'd try to fight China without bring back the draft anyways.
Fuck Chinks. Rape their women, kill their men.
This guy gets it. However, I disagree about it being too late. I think we’re closer to nuclear war today than at any point since the height of the Cold War. In any case, we won’t ever have a conventional war with China.
Another Jew war on behalf of King Kike
Hard pass
that's kinda gay. Is your boyfriend a chink or something?
obviously not
It’ll be like LBJ in Vietnam.
He’ll tell you he’s winning everyday whilst everything is going to shit..
Not a chance. I may like to laugh at atrocities the chinese government, but I don't actually care about the people they oppress enough to want to liberate them.
Definitely not. I'd stay home to fuck all the military wives.
Yes. That would be the first war worth fighting since the Korean War.
I would enlist to kill chinks and I'd do it for free. Life is shit and boring anyway, might as well have fun and blow apart disgusting yellow animals claiming to be human. It's doing Mother Earth a service.
I mean I'm a select reservist in the corps so I won't have a choice.
The Army would be least likely to be involved significantly, and if so, we're fucked. Navy and AirForce would get all the action.
Yes. It would certainly help with the existential boredom!
>go to war with chinks
>come home to 30% browner US
Not at all.
He must fight this war alone.
You organized it, you fight it.
>Would you join the army if Trump declares war on China?
id join any army that declared war on demonrats.
And I'll have a lovely career as a PI
How about we force all the spics and niggers to go die in a war this time
better yet ship anyone getting welfare to the front lines
I would rather shoot myself in the foot than fight for the faggot empire.
How's the CIA station in Estonia?
How's the CIA station in Moscow?
I'll rape you next, jannieboy
I can't wait to see you cry and bitch when the Chinese get put on crosses, memeflag chink lover faggot.
This, the only people that American guns should be turned onto is the treasonous politicians inside this country with their Jewish masters.
>muh CIA
You CCP shills couldn't be more obvious if you tried. Enjoy getting caught and sent back to zipperheadland where you'll be blown to thousands of pieces by a railgun.
>le 56% face
Post War
>le 52% face
Send jamal and lopez in first we'll be there in a minute
Lol every jap post I've seen here the past week is this. You guys still despise them? I thought there were tons living In your country
I think you mean kill their women and rape their men
only if him and this other fuck was in the front line with me
nani japan calm the fuck down
>you guys
Hes an American military guy OR European english teacher u dumb fuck
>muh dick
>join US army
>go to korea
>get shit pushed in by 180,000 lightly armed Chinese troops whom you outnumber (500,000) and have better equipment and air support.
>longest military retreat in US military history, UN invasion of north korea repelled.
>fast forward to 2020
>china is an industrial high tech juggernaut (40% of earth's goods).
>go to war in east asia against china again
>become part of artificial reef in SCS for chinese tourist divers to visit, your skeleton corpse mangled with some twisted metal carrier wreckage.
No, draft the women.
Literally all of the information in this post is wrong.
Is that what they teach you chinks in school?
Read up buckaroo, this is the underacted historically agreed figures for the Korean war.
Also, China is not "high tech" by any measure whatsoever. It is industrial, but not high tech.
That moniker is reserved for countries that actually innovate in technologies, not ones that simply steal the advances of other countries.
Also, stop acting like China having armored regiments means they are powerful. You have absolutely fucking 0 force projection and you know it.
Barring nukes, it would take the US Navy about 2 weeks to cripple every military installation and strategic point in your entire country.
I'm a nip. If some niggers gonna 'accidentally' shoot me, then absolutely not.
If they give me imperial sword and let me plan chink extermination raids, obviously yes.
How big of a juggernaut death machine could nipland be if we tore up the treaty and let your people go full godzilla gundam banzai?
Yeah. Would love to be in one of these
No seems like a stupid way to die.
everything u just said is wrong
Nips prob wouldn't stop and conquer all of Asia and the Pacific and then lose in Siberia to snow and Putin.
Would keep you safe in Iraq, but China can bust those tin-cans open.
Yes sir!