Coronavirus brings out a he worst in people

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These people will get their faces smashed in

landlords still have to pay lenders. it's not a vacuum retards

When it settles down landlords will just be swapping delinquent tenants

100 bucks say a jew is behind this

this is russian propaganda, 100%

this never happened, and the post is not real.

Why that is pretty much how communism works that all the lefties want.

Yeah people are just itching to move right now with all the jobs shut down. This is a smart play. I bet when the economy pics back up, months later people are going to want to move into a shitty apartment that hasnt even been cleaned yet because you havent been able to pay your staff either
Its a failure of my imagination, but i cant actually picture someone as stupid as you, user


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Nobody is getting evicted in the current crisis. Call the police if they try. They won't allow them to remove you.

he's right though. Landlords have loans they have to pay. This will be a massive domino effect that will contribute to total societal collapse.. Doesn't mean that they're not jews

Fake and gay and you essentially are a meme flag if you are representing yourself as American and flagged Germany.

fuck ur loans u filthy kike retard.

Yeah, I'm not paying my rent. Fuck this. If donald trump says i don't have to pay rent when he was in real estate for decades, then I'm not paying rent. Obviously shit has hit the fan and the land lord in chief is giving us a sign.

Ffs, your house is one thing you use the most currently. What is the reason for you not to pay?
>Poor ass
No one invested in real estate out of the wish to provide social security. You go for your gibs elsewhere.
Do you idiots expect free food at the store as well?

This is fake as fuck. If it was real, the name and location of the person would be plastered all over Twitter. Make "cancel culture" work for a good cause for once.

Oh yeah, i forgot - you do expect. In that case, please continue with a chimpout like the niggers you are.

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Mortgages can be deferred
Landlords are literally charging people for property the government is deferring payment for

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Kill him. These are trying time and as he says, it's rainy days. Everyone is locked in anyway. Just pay him a visit and kill him, no one will know.

That's why you buy an apartment or house. You made your bed rentcucks so now lay in it.

Which means that the building will be taken by a new investors, and the rent will go down.

It's not a ship. It doesn't sink.

Jobless worthless millenials get the eviction notice.

oh good, it's been 2 minutes since this was posted again

So you could understand the dilemma of not getting paid but still owing people money?

Also, do any anons know of any good websites that can give me useful info about my rights as a tenant? I literally feel like a cornered animal. Rent is coming due and my employment is dubious. I might need help...

All landlords should be kicked onto their knees and shot in the back of the head. That's one thing the commies did right. Broken clock, etc;

So the government can then step in and own the land? Fucking kill yourself you boot licking faggot and quit being so jealous of those more successful than you.

Get a real job you nigger leech.

Trying to create the magic we had in the last thread with Based landlordrambo who wouldn’t tolerate any shit from his tenants since they drew Frist Blood not paying rent

When the government owned land, they had homestead acts to distribute it to productive citizens with grit.
Now with fat rich maggots sitting on vast swaths of land to themselves, homesteading is a goddamn fantasy.

Damn there's so many people using the iPhone Notes app for their emails these days. It's almost like they have no proof of the email existing. First response is a call to violence. How strange.

That thread scared the shit out of me. Since when have landlords been allowed to be such evil psychopaths? And ppl just let them?

>Based LandLordRambo was not taking any tenants bullshit in the other thread...He layed out the way for landlords to wreck havoc non paying tenants legally... LandlordRambo was a Yas Forums gem

>People who can't plann for the future get raped buy it

This is someone elses fault.

Muh peace and love
Give me free sheeeeit

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You know what's funny The only place I've ever seen anything even close to this is here. This crap doesn't even make it to normiebook cuz even the dumbest rube there can see through the shitpost.

This is something that OP cooked up in notepad probably 90 seconds before he made this thread.


>banks lend money to landlords
>landlords charge rent to poorfags
>poorfags lose job
>poorfags thrown onto street and replaced with more fortunate poorfags, banks and landlords are OK though lel that's just life
So the buck stops with the poorest people

He put the fear of not paying rent into renters hearts

I don't get this ... the restaurant business is staying open.

Landlords are extremely wealthy (they own at least one building) so they can afford it. Take a mortgage on that rental property.

Many cities have postponed evictions during this time. In most big cities it can take 6 months or longer to evict.

I'd agree with you, bonganon. Also, rumor is that the police aren't answering calls that aren't emergency related. Also, most cities have already put out notices that evictions won't be allowed at this time. Also, mortgage payments can be deferred in some places; maybe all.

This is probably the most stupidest things they could have done. Instead of being cool about it (and maybe getting more paid rent than they'd expect otherwise) they put themselves on the top of the list of people to rob when society collapses. Fucking idiots.


look at this fucking bootlicker

Landlords should be placed in a vacuum

Shit that never happened. Season well.

Landlordrambo was right. You people deserve everything that happens to you

so its still ok to you that a landlord loses money and has to pay maintenance and upkeep for someone that wouldnt pay rent?

what if I own one extra home with high interest and rent it and then the individual doesnt pay rent im just supposed to not do anything and miss a mortgage payment? gee that sounds pretty socialist user expecting me to take care of some free loading cocksucker while my credit and bank acct gets hit while they live rent free

Your a bad person!

>what if I own one extra home with high interest and rent it and then the individual doesnt pay rent im just supposed to not do anything and miss a mortgage payment?

yes, speculators deserve to get wiped out. A bunch of idiot boomers buying "income properties" got us into this mess in the first place.

Apparently keeping people housed during a pandemic is socialism, but bailing out the airlines and banks again is fine?

Ok fuck everyone else then, there's only two types of people apparently - freeloader socialist scum and Randian ubermenschen like yourself

kill your landlord :)

No, I'm not a landlord. Landlords are bad people, who embrace the way of the jew.

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*in minecraft

I bet the police won't remove you.

>landlords are extremely wealthy
Maybe if you are talking about someone who owns a giant apartment building, but there are plenty who just own an extra house and rent it out. Sure they are wealthier than you, but that doesn't mean they are extremely wealthy.

They gave homesteaders property on land stolen from the Indians.

you have none of them

I recommend

>implying landlords won't be dragged into the streets and beaten to death
Normies are already getting rowdy, just wait until we're even more out of supplies and they're forced to stay home.

All my normie American friends on fakebook are posting similar notices.

This is exactly why I got a shotgun.

remember the old chinese proverb, "one does not shit where one eats"

if you fuck with your landlord, they can easily find a clause in your lease they can use to remove you (and some states in the US allow eviction for any reason)

>what if I own one extra home
You shouldn't.
>pay maintenance and upkeep
That's negligible compared to naked rent.

Landlords are parasites.

Oh thank god I’ll just go back to work tomorrow then. Retard.

Sorry maple nigger. I’m a Landlord and I would put a bullet through the left side of your throat so you die slow and watch yourself die while you bleed out for not paying your rent

look on the .gov website but then it might be the state website ameritardland

Why don't the landlords use the money they saved to pay the banks, they probably have more funds saved than your regular tenent.

Shut The fuck up you ignorant retarded moron kike

>I'm a landlord
Disgusting kike.