How would she have handled the Wuhan virus if she were having her turn? How would the media be reporting on it?
President Hilary Clinton
She would let us eat cake.
We would be dealing with the virus while at open war with Russia at the same time.
they wouldnt have had to release the virus because she would have been doing what they wanted anyway. wed be at war which would be used as the excuse somehow to take away all rights and chip us. trump wasnt doing it so they went with plan b, the virus.
We'd already be dead from the nuclear war she would have started with Russia in her first year.
She would have said that resisting Covid-19 is racist, sexist and white supremacist so she would encourage all of us to get infected.
probably would have had a cabinet filled with experts instead of sycophants that would tell her how serious this is from the start. Probably would have listened to and deferred their views to people that understand what's happening like Fauci, who has worked under 5 administrations and is an expert in his field. Probably would have done far more to prepare and took it very seriously unlike Trump who, with the intellect of a 5-year old, thinks he can wing any crisis by himself and his own judgement rather than trusting in advisers that know better. Would still be bad, but at least we could trust the person leading the response would have a level-head, act like a president should in a crisis, and would not be treating daily update briefings like a political rally. At least she would have had the intelligence to let those who know better handle things, at least I hope someone like her would.
I say all of this as someone who deeply despised her in 2016 and didn't vote for her out of spite for what she was and what she represented, but I never doubted that she had the cunning to be a capable president, something Trump entirely lacks due to his rampant narcissism and inflated self-worth.
We would definitely be keeping the borders open.
And I think the media would be hardcore fellating her and shrieking EVERYTHING IS FINE at the same time.
I have my doubts any president could have stopped it. Right now the only nation unaffected is Antarctica, and they're one Cessna airplane arrival away from getting infected.
We're dealing with a thankfully unfinished bioweapon. God help us if it was completed then released by China.
We can see how they would have handled by the policies already set down by Obama. Established protocol was to flatten the curve and wait for tests to be approved by the FDA. We've seen this in action with the swine flu.
Diseases like this are actually good from their perspective because it kills healthcare sapping boomers before they become a burden on the system.
Trump didn't get rid of the pandemic response team, it was moved to a different agency intact and given a name change that's all.
Trumps big failure was surrounding himself with Jews who couldn't stop obsessing over Iran and Syria, so that distraction cost us big time.
Hmmm. I see her as smart but also the same kind of mothertribalder to use a disaster for her own reasons, like going for an ammunition sale ban.
I think she’d go with The Who’s plan, whisk keeps the borders open until late.
Test kit production was remarkably slow for the USA, considering we already had approved them awhile back.
It seems there was a bit of hubris at the CDC thinking the disease would never come here.
>it was moved to a different agency intact and given a name change
LMAO you dumb fox news faggot
There wouldn't be as bad a panic because she'd use the skills she learned from Obama to hide everythng.
However, there would be a lot more dead people, and Yas Forums would have a field day that she was hiding something
She would have completly prevented it from ever occuring instigating a nuclear holocaust that wiped out the earth's biosphere. I'll never forgive Blumph for stealing that from us.
>LMAO you dumb fox news faggot
Ting Tong Ching Chong dogmeat monkey, go stroke it to Xi's naked body yo.
Would have been handled like Obama’s h1n1 barely reported no hysteria
It’s just to beat trump
I'm pretty sure she would have used her vagina to cure the virus and then queef out world peace user. duh
Yeah, I thought Trump was the most incompetent leader, yet Italy, Spain, and who knows which other countries will be worse off.
Mayors and Governors aren't helping either when they refuse to lockdown completely. Coastal states won't close their beaches.
the tests are GARBAGE, the original test has a false positive rate of 80 fucking percent! even the cdc test couldn't differentiate between the virus and water. there's tons of examples of people testing negative then going home and dying, tons of people testing positive that never have any symptom and released. they're absolute dogshit tests or this virus is a fucking stealth ninja.
will post few more examples
typical trumptard
you stupid cucked fag
The Jews control anyone who sits in the Oval Office. They control who gets to sit in there as well
We would be watching her have press conferences where she denounces racism and then Elizabeth Holmes would drone on about how Theranos will test every American
trump is a failure
assmad retard
Jesus Christ we get it
Le Orange man is le Bad XXXXXDD
the reason we didn't get those tests here that all the media is crying like faggots is because of their failure rate, if you paid attention to the briefings you would know this it has been brought up numerous times and not by trump but by other health officials.
dumb fuck chinknigger.
holy shit how stupid are you
get it through your head america is destroyed because of trumps terrible late and weak response.
>How would Hillary have handled the Wuhan virus?
The exact same way, because top-level bureaucrats, diplomats and law enforcement officers in the United States are still drawn from the same small pool of candidates that King Ape, Dubya and Slick Willie drew their people from. These top-level bureaucrats would not have mattered as much 100 years ago, but the way bureaucrat gang has claimed a million legal niches in an ever-expanding state apparatus since then means that the President is not really in charge of public policy anymore.
In short, you are already living under President Hillary - you just have the illusion you don't because there's an ineffective bloviating orange retard in the Oval Office instead of an incontinent vengeful harpy. If I can give you just one piece of advice for the sake of your own political realism: look back at this comment one year after Biden (or his Vice President if he dies before inauguration) takes office and ask yourself: how much has changed on a legal, diplomatic and cultural level since Trump got the boot? You'll find it's very little.
niggers tongue my anus
at least 40% of Americans would think that the coronavirus was a conspiracy by the Clintons if she was President.
fun fact: h1n1 killed tons of Americans and they kissed Obama's ass despite that.
so guess.
>Yas Forums is srs bsnss
I'm not the retard here.
i don't know but obama would probably go to the bathouse to suck dick faggot
>probably would have had a cabinet filled with experts instead of sycophants that would tell her how serious this is from the start.
That's not the issue here. America and Europe made the exact same mistake for the exact same reason: dogmatic adherence to the ideal of the liberal or open society. The ultimate evil in both America and Europe is considered to be bigotry, meaning that even the slightest hint of bigotry has to be avoided like the plague (no pun intended) by politicians and their advisors. Therefore, in order to justify measures like travel bans, which will inevitably affect a large number of non-whites and lead to a major political backlash, there has to be an exceptionally good and immediate reason. Anything short of Americans or Europeans dropping dead would not have motivated top-level experts in America or Europe to advise the kinds of measures taken in countries that do not have as much of a taboo on 'bigotry', like Japan or South Korea.
Basically, while the orange bloviating retard is not helping things, you'd have to be delusional to think the Hilldawg would have taken more decisive action.
We would have the media telling us not to panic.
No travel bans.
No shut downs.
They wouldnt enact what Trump did until it got to 10,000 deaths.
Thank God for President Trump
Her VP would be dead due to her deadman’s switch, a heat sensor in her depends undergarment. Pelosi would give RBG a good huma-ing, and she would be reanimated to hold the unanimous majority vote as the last man standing in the house. She would then stand to piss on the constitution with her animatronic dog dick as guitars wail into a rudely loud crescendo from behind a nearby hillside.
Too busy running from cannibal mutants to worry about Covid.
she'd fuck it up bad
Fuck Trump. With Hillary it would've still been bad but at least the markets would've been far more stable and she would've actually mass produced testing kits by now.
We don't know how bad it is in the US because there are no testing kits to check how bad the virus has spread. As far as we know we're probably already fucked under Trump.
Poor Zuckerberg.
>She would have said that resisting Covid-19 is racist, sexist and white supremacist so she would encourage all of us to get infected.
This is funny, because this is whats actually being preached in Sweden.
Not joking or meme:ing.
Look at how the media covered for even praised Obama's handling of H1N1. That's what we could have expected if Hillary were president.
To answer your question look how she handled Libya . Every one died the place is a wastland.....any more questions?
If Hillary were in charge we would have lobbyists running the coordination of the Coronavirus Crisis instead of Doctors
Hard to imagine her fucking it up worse than Trump has.
Do you guys say this shit unironically? When you call someone a trumptard, you sound like a mouth-breathing kindergartener.
Welllll, doctors can become lobbyists, like women can join the infantry. I’m sure it’s less notbad in the current scenario, but
And Iran. Don't forget Iran
proofs or I call bullshit.
D's would not have been distracted by impeachment, but would have sold us out to China even harder.
The deeply entrenched Chinese globalism plus completely porous border would put us to worse than Italy status, and there would be nowhere to flee to as the rural redistricting (something Obama was actively pursuing when he left office) and dumping of entire illegal immigrant populations would have already embedded demographic vectors everywhere.
Since the American worker would be nearly completely displaced with even less of the failing middle class to tax the economy would have started from a lower point before it fell.
The leftists in the elite would all activate their various golden parachutes and ditch the US for New Zealand.
She would have been in war with Russia and the Middle East "police actions" diverting even more of our resources and attention there in the middle of the pandemic.
More leftists, esp. celebrities would be dead because they would be in lockstep downplaying the severity of the virus. The inefficiencies (useless pols collecting gov't checks) Trump removed from the system would absorb any practical initiative remaining R's tried. Overly introspective garbage about racism and sexism would tie our hands from real responses and the red tape surrounding the FDA would directly contribute to more American deaths.
The remnants of our industry would not come back after recovery, and what little was left would be sold to China because D's would not be able to recover the economy, only sell it off to foreign interests in larger chunks on the down low as they have been doing every time they are in office.
wipe it? like with a cloth??
I'm surprised you cucks are still getting paid to shill for hillary. Is this because she's going to try and run again?
Wouldn't have happened because they'd already have control.
How much you want to bet Biden will die of Corona and Hillary will "save" the DNC?
Life would be normal and nobody would know anything about this Chinese Flu.
>and Yas Forums would have a field day that she was hiding something
And the normies wouldn't have a clue until after her presidency.
She would juke the stats worse than Xi. Numerous health officials would have suicided with two shot gun blast to the back of the head and she would have lost millions of Covid test kits.
On the upside, the media wouldn't have launched a mass hysteria campaign against her.
run it through a translator
We'd all be getting unknowingly sick while the media downplayed the virus and acted like nothing was happening under the watchful eye of queen Hillary.
Remember the Clinton admin has always been ultra soft on china