Lucifierianism Has Infilatrated Christianity

What does pol think of this?

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insane idiots of the christian world. no one, especially the OP, knows what they are talking about. no one.

christianity is trash

m'lady above and beyond intelligence types amiright

>t. literal neck beards

Gnosticism is the ACTUAL religion that investigation normies call the "Illuminate Satanism Luciferians!". But these terms are distractions and help them hide by creating a straw-man badies for Christians to chase.

It's basically a offshoot of Paul's Christianity the appears in Alexandria Egypt during the 60s AD. Paul even writes to them in 1st Corinthians and tells them to stop practicing incest orgies and scamming people out of donations (ch 1).
Christians got blamed by many ancient cultures from Gaul to Thracian lands... for doing sick shit ( drug orgies, cannibalism, homosexuality, incest/pedos) but it was in fact the Gnostic branch following them around.

In the 60s AD there was a large Judean community living in Alexandria, but they were at war in Judea with the Roman Empire and it's Hellenic culture.
So a group formed a secret society called "the knowers". The symbolism they use is a sort of anti-Platonism. Roman elite kids in Alexandria were going to Platonic universities. The other major theme is transgender homosexual Goddess worship because the cult of Isis was a major religion in Egypt.

Every modern occultism group within Judeo-Christian-Islamic lands is just a branch of Gnosticism, this includes Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism, Templars, Saturnians, Illuminate, Satanism, Wicca (Crowley), Luciferians (Blavatsky), Sufism and Manicians (Islam), and the "New Age" (Alice Bailey). They all claim to be from older pagan traditions but it's a lie.

Freemasons were two forms and enemies engaged in a 'wizard war':
1. Gnostic occult masonry (see Queen Victoria).
2. Scientific Deism (see America's Founding Fathers... Aristotelian-Platonic-Stoicism themes)
Hitler often spoke like a Deist to give you a hint about how intensely opposing these two groups were in ideology.,.

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europa pagan worship

pope bowing to ishtar

blatant anti-christ worship


I'm just a cultural Christian, but how is it trash? Our ancestors in Europe were sacrificing animal/humans, engaging in cannibalism, etc before Christianity came along.

Christianity is judaism. Nothing bad can infiltrate it because it's intrinsically bad and foreign to the west and was the zogbottery of the past.

Just look up the christinization of Lithuania and once it happened, the charters installed for the benefit of the jewry, as well as the jewish population of Lithuania after the based crusaders beat those pesky heathens about 600 years ago.

imagine being proud of being enslaved by a jewish mind virus

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>be me
>go out in nature
>meditate, pray
>find inspiration in christian saints and sages

be you:
>engage in hedonism

>europa pagan worship
It's gnosticism

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= gnostic

As someone who took a great interest in Gnosticism / Deism years ago, lemme ruin it for.

Structurally, it's the same as Scientology. If anything, Scientologist modeled their religion after Gnosticism.

cope harder dude. you couldn't be more wrong.
the christian religion is to be overcome - not saying we should discard all christian philosophy or anything. Dante is one of my favorite authors and everyone can learn something from the Divine Comedy


Daily reminder that when (((anti-pope))) John 23 got elected, there was a (((black mass))) at Peter's Basilica and there is minor reports of other satanic rituals being done in other buildings

thread theme?

then what should it be replaced with, oh wise one?

retarded slide thread


Hitler was correct that it should be replaced with a political religion based on race. heaven/hell, etc are made up concepts and everything that is not of this Earth should be discarded

>not an argument

Why are atheists race traitors and degenerates? Why do they imitate Jews?

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Brazilian, we know you for a while. Gnosticism is completely different.


You're lying

>Gnosticism / Deism
Deism is anti-gnostic

Scientologists are related to Crowley Gnostics

>a political religion based on race.
that is too vague.
>heaven/hell, etc are made up concepts
there's nothing wrong with believing in an afterlife.
>everything that is not of this Earth should be discarded

And you should study history.

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The sect of the Children of Light have been infiltrated by followers of the Light-bringer? the horror

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Evangelicals are such huge fags. Honestly you are the most disgusting people in the world.

>look mom I can reply to everyone at once!

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>there's nothing wrong with believing in an afterlife.
no where did jesus teach such a thing though. for jesus, heaven/hell was an earthly state-of-mind. juden peterstein actually talks about this pretty well

The entire concept of the Holy Spirit is antithetical to the teaching of Jesus.

If you remove the all of the teachings of Jesus from Christianity, the worship and religion remains unchanged.

Christians are not followers of Jesus.

>Lucifierianism Has Infilatrated Christianity
>What does pol think of this?
You are just figuring this out now? Well new friend the rabbit hole goes very deep.

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I said in my first comment that I'm a cultural christian. I think living in a Christian society is better than living in a pagan/islamic/atheistic etc dominated society. Christianity is not the "one true religion" but it's good at keeping people under control. And Jesus himself was a good guy.

I also believe in animism. That doesn't correlate with Christian beliefs, but I still pray and meditate to the saints and animals.

I see videos of chinks torturing animals, and it makes me strongly believe that they need Christianity.

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having a society based on christian morals is certainly better than a christian religious society, i'll give you that. but holding up society is not the top priority of civilizations

So this is a copy pasta, Fábio?
Have any references?

Are you an atheist? What is your issue with Christianity?
As mentioned, we're in the same camp. I don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and I don't think the Jews concept of a Messiah was actually supposed to be some godly level.

But Christians are still some of the kindest people. Like, actual god fearing Christians.

And Christianity CAN be associated with ethnic nationalism. Many far right Eastern European politicians and advocates are blessed by Orthodox priests.

at 8:30, he mistakes a clear Auspice Maria symbol (AM) for IXXI.

The rest of this is likely to be Dan Brown level autistic bullshit.

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You believe in a Jewish cult, that is my problem with you. You Christians don't have any intelligence to realize this. It is ironic that Christians are on this board.

just because one doesn't believe in the Christian religion doesn't make them an atheist (nor a LARPagan). IMO Nietzsche had the best critique of christianity in that it is a religion geared towards a lower type of man. The old testament is the history of the Israelite/Hebrew people... That has nothing to do with my people. Why should I follow such a religion? I'll admit it's great literature but to follow it as a religion is silly.

Also, I want to note, most Christians I have encountered are the biggest assholes. I have seen a Catholic girl who bullied this disabled girl. But whenever she wants to talk about God, she treats everyone with kindest. Many Christians pretend to be moral people just so they could please their imaginary Jew God.

Did you read ANY of my comments in this thread? I don't believe in the god of the Old or New Testament. I don't believe Jesus was anything but human. I think if he existed, he was a mystic and rebel, at most.

But I still call myself a cultural Christian, and would prefer to live in a Christian dominated society.

You haven't offered any valid reason why that would be a bad thing.

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Math is not material

>your way of life is bad because I met a mean girl once who claimed to be christian >:(
this is peak atheist logic.

First, the only comment I have read from you is the one I responded to. But I find Christianity itself retarded. Anyone that takes this religion seriously is a moron. But I am not doubting that there aren't intelligent Christians.

anti-christ? more like panty-christ am I right?

math is the language of nature. saying that the West went to shit because we stopped following the christian religion is disingenuous

say no to kikes and gnostics alike!

I have met many Christians. For God's sake I was raised in a Christian household, went to a school where it was mostly Catholic.. I am just saying my experience with them. You claimed that they are the kindest people, don't get butt hurt when I disagree with you.

>you are a dummy poopy head

>Juden Peterstein's theology
>following it
Yeah. Don't do that. There is heaven in the firmament (above the flat earth) and heaven on earth after the resurrection. That is what the bible teaches, and anyone who doesn't believe what the bible teaches is NPC scum that was literally programmed to be destroyed as a display of God's wrath.

>geared towards a lower type of man
There are Christian doctors, scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, etc. Many women in particular became nuns of the Catholic church when they wanted to pursue an education.
The first American person to earn a doctorate in computer science in the United States was a nun.

>you aren't getting saved
Sounds gay af heretic.

>It's great literature

Have you read the Bible? It's fucking terrible literature.

Yas Forums is a Christian board, and atheists get BTFO in every single thread.
>muh Jewish cult
The Jews were servants of God near the beginning of humanity, deal with it.

Old Testament is /lit/ af
New Testament is trash

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>Catholic girl

Wow you are smart enough to call people names. You must have graduated the 3rd grade.

You hate Jews, and you're mad because you think Christians are mean? Do you not see the hypocrisy? I don't hate all Yids, some are great people. It was an Ashkenazi Jew who came up with the cure for polio.
>don't get butt hurt when I disagree with you.
I'm not butthurt, but you're only relying on your own personal experience. That's not valid enough for me to dump Christianity.

>What the bible teaches
>What Jesus taught

Not the same thing. Following all of the teachings in the bible is the worship of Paul, John, Luke and others.

Paul was a devout Pharisaic Jew who loved to be seen to be pious. Then he converted to Christianity and behaved the same way. He infected the teachings of Jesus with his own Pharisaic bullshit - exactly the thing Jesus was fighting against.

The old testament is poorly written trash.

>Athetists get BTFO in those threads
No we don't, you must be delusional.

You really have to have a child mindset, if you think what you have stated is funny. You have stated no argument whatsoever and you want to just curse me out, just because I disagree with you. Really is retarded.

if the old testament was trash then the jews wouldn't be as powerful. it's okay to embrace old testament supremacy without sucking kike cock. for me personally, I viewed it as a historical fiction and it is pure kino. imagine if we anglos had such a book that talked about our historical overcomings

If you think that modern jews are the same as the jews in the old testament, you should probably do some research.

You feel the way you do because God wants you to feel that way. The wheat and the chaff. The narrow rocky and the wide smoorh roads. Many are called, few are chosen. Jesus was betrayed by Judas because God made him do it. One way or another, Gods word is all!

tell me how I know you're a yid.

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Do I have to show where you are wrong? It is already ridiculous that you guys actually believe in myths such as the Noah's flood story.

todays jews need you to believe otherwise

>God's word is all!

God is evil. He created a universe where evil exists, he created man in his own image - man is capable of evil, he does nothing to prevent evil acts.

For god's word to be true, then God must be evil.

If old testament is trash the New testament is also . (Don't worry it's not.)
Without Adam's fall (original sin) and Noah's law there would be no reason for Jesus sacrifice.

i'm very redpilled on the jews my friend. my point is that if you take two normies and feed one of them the old testament and the other the old testament + new testament, the old testament-only person will come out a superior person

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>you guys
>assuming I'm christian

The OT is fiction. Modern Judaism is not the Judaism of the OT - neither the people nor the ideas.

Christianity is garbage, the teaching of Jesus can be completely removed from Christian faith and the faith/religion remains the same.

Jesus had some nice ideas, but he was not a god and he certainly didn't teach bullshit like the 'holy spirit'. That is entirely an invention of Paul - a pharisaic jew, the kind that Jesus hated.

Most Ashkenazi Jews are half semitic anyway. They have Italian maternal ancestry. There have been studies done on this exact subject.
I think mountain Jews and Samaritans are the closest to the biblical Jews.
Modern day Palestinians are Arab rape babies.
Except not every Christian/Jew takes that seriously. I would argue a good 40% of Christians worldwide are merely "cultural christians" with their own agnostic, pantheistic, animist, etc views.
But we can all agree that Christianity should be the national religion and moral code of the land.

>Lucifierianism has infiltrated Lucifierianism
No shit?

will you stop it already?

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I think that regardless of your intentions, you need to lurk moar and if you can't articulate your point after watching some youtube video at least somewhat after watching it, then you're just shilling your video for views and I don't appreciate that.
Not giving you anymore views. Articulate your point.
>scans over the other posts by the OP
So, you generalize Christianity as being infiltrated when your posts focus on the Vatican? I already knew the Catholics have been infiltrated. Generalizing like this doesn't help people understand OP. It just causes greater confusion for people who already generalize like the faggot fedoras and LARPagans do here who see your posts as validation of their bs. You need to be specific.

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