How the fuck are you all neets? I was told by my disability lawyer that no one without a fatal disease in my state gets neetbux under 60, its not fair brehs
How the fuck are you all neets...
Pretend your bi-polar or schizophrenic
Anyone on psyche meds qualifys for S.S.I disability
Go to na psychologist tell them your depressed and gear voices in your head
Get medication
Once medication is obtained apply for ssi disability you will see a state doctor tell them you were molested as a kid and you hear voices in your head.
You will get approved for ssi immediately
Tell psychiatrist you have a hard time remembering things.
Did you get denied for disability
If you did go have a psychiatrist prescribe you psyche meds and appeal the decision
Wtf are you serious? Jew psychs diagnosed me with (((pre bipolar 1))) at 13 and I was on 5 different meds, including seroquel and 600mg of zoloft. I stopped all that shit because it gave mr tremors after taking it for a year. I have an actual physical disability though but they said tough shit at the lawyers office
i just want a fucking job i cant get a fucking job and 2 weeks after i start passing out fucking applications the governor tells all the fucking businesses to fucking close all i feel is fucking rage
You don't have to take the meds but it has to be on your current medical files you are currently pre scribed those drugs.
That medication combination with you not remembering how to repeat numbers back when they ask you would of guaranteed you a SSI disability check.
>they said tough shit at the lawyers office
because your case won't make them money. They would lose money. Never get a lawyer to do for you what you can do for yourself. lawyers are good for lawsuits, criminal rep and corporate filings. Filing for disability you can do for yourself.
Did you actually apply for ssi or did you talk to lawyer to apply?
Did you apply for ssi and get denied then contacted a disability lawyer?
doctors who prescribe that to anyone but schizophrenics should lose their license
You're a faggot. Just wanted to let you know that the next time you cum, you'll think of me calling you a faggot.
You have to become one before having a history of being a wagie, otherwise they'll always hold it against you
>10 years of neeting
He didn't even answer the question I asked
The fucking idiot might of never applied for SSI and just contacted a random disability lawyer that told him to fuck off.
No, i was told by family its better not to make a bunch of applications and ask a lawyer instead. Ive been on an invol 72 hour hold a few years ago, does that help? I was a minor then so I dont know if its still valid
Cos' believe it or not, a lot here are kids who wor in fast food restaurants and lie.
Being prescribed seroquel and a anti assessment like prozac or Zoloft automatically qualifys you for SSI
Once you are prescribed them you go to the social security office and apply for SSI in two months you see a state psychiatrist then they approve you for SSI.
>marry a good chick with a STEM degree
>be supported on her professional salary
>work part-time in a new field because IT is basically lost to the poos
>virus gets store shut down
>continue to get scheduled and paid for the days I no longer have to show up
When you set out at 18 to find a good woman to marry as your primary goal in life, and you do it right, the perks are immeasurable.
you're not actually supposed to take the jew pills user... god.. you're not pretending to be retarded are you? oh user...
Your family gave you bad advice lose the lawyers number now lose all contact with him.
Step 1.Apply for MEDICAID go to a free mental health clinic tell them your depressed and hear voices so that you get prescribed seroquel and Prozac or Zoloft. Ask for a poor persons voucher at your clinic to pay for meds.
2go to your nearest social security building and apply for SSI benefits disability.
3.go to your state psychiatrist appointment let them know your on psyche meds hear voices.
When they ask you if you were molested as a child say -yes
If they ask you to repeat number patterns fuck it up.
If they ask you to put puzzles together fuck it up don't complete them.
You will get a disability check.
Go to the social security building near you apply for ssi.
Get on psyche meds before the state psychiatrist questions you.
He is retarded He took the pills
He went to a lawyers office instead of a social security office.
He took advice from people who didn't know disability lawyers are for people appealing a claim that was denied.
.and you still don't need a lawyer to appeal a denied disability claim.
Your a fucking retard
You go to Ssocial security to apply for SSI disability not a lawyers office.
Disability lawyers are for SSI claims that got denied
Anybody with no money no job want to know how to file for food stamps and get them?
Thanks for the advice, user. Do you know if a physical ailment sort of cements it? I have a severe case of ehlers danlos syndrome with very bad nerve damage in my spine, all documented very recently as well
I was a kid. I was forced to take them.
fuck off and kill yourself spamming newfaggot leech
No physical ailments get denied half the time that's what disability lawyers are for people that are crippled but got denied SSI after they applied at the social security building.
The lawyer is not to apply for ssi but to fight for ssi claims that got denied.
Feels good breh
Stay home all day
Faked my suicide
Mummy loves me now
Daddy is gone
Gov give me money like no tomorrow
All I need now is a fat cocked cat gf
My ex girlfriends mom had back problem a got denied disability
I told her to go get put on psyche meds and she got a disability check with in 3 months with 2 months back payment
It's called retro active.
I'm trying to educate him on how to file for disability and actually get the money in three months
You need to be prescribed psyche meds to get approved fast.
Do you know where your closest social security building is?
.its the same building you would request a social security card at they also allow you to file for SSI disability in the same building.
How much money do you even make on SSI?
I have bipolar, depression, adhd, and aspergers, as well as type 1 diabetes. All of it on record and I am taking the psychotropics.
Surely I'd fucking qualify.
I know how you feel
You only make around $800 a month
But if you impregnate women you legally are not obligated to pay child support alot of black drug dealers get SSI so they don't have to pay child support.
Its about 40 minutes away. However I am supposed to be moving cross country in a couple weeks and was suposedly told that in the south getting SSI is easy as piss. Now the question is to see my current provider for meds or wait til I move to start the process
I would suggest you apply for food stamps and free medical on day 1
Say your homeless and get 180 dollars in food stamps.
Then day 2 go to the Social security building and apply for SSI disability.
same bro. Look at applying at a hospital since I'm pretty sure you'd be an essential worker. Become a food service worker or housekeeper. if you have your high school diploma you could try telemetry monitoring where you sit at a computer and make sure crackheads dont get out of bed. Or Fedex Amazon etc. Doesn't have to be forever.
It's easy every where only reason why you don't have it is because you got bad advice
.i can tell you were in special education class because you seem kind of slow and low I.Q.
That will help your claim
So take my $800 and save it up, buy crypto under the table by buying prepaid cards, fuck around with crypto and get lucky?
Get meds now don't take them pretend to them them then have those sane prescriptions transferred over by your new psychiatrist when you move.
800 a month won't pay rent in most places.
If you scam it right you get 180 in food stamps and 820 in cash SSI disability.
So what was yang promising that people already get?
If you say your jobless and homeless free MEDICAID free food stamps
What was Bernie promising?
What if I go live on squalor? Only thing I'd have a problem with really is insulin but if Medicaid is easy to get... Well fuck, I already have a good computer. I'm fine with just living off ramen and bread. I also got a bicycle. I don't really need much. My dads also getting an inheritance.
Fuck maybe the future ain't bad after all. Unless chinavirus. In which case I'm fine with dying so hey, I win no matter what.
Bros... I'm on Lithium for bipolar. I didn't know I was considered disabled. That makes me legally retarded wtf.
Should I apply? Is this going to stain my records permanently?
Lots of punk rocknsquaters get food stamps and disability
>pre bipolar 1
What a meme
When I applied it took two months to see state psychiatrist so I got like one 1600 hundred dollar check as two months back payment and a third check the following week for 800 for the third months check.
I bought a cheap hooptie car with half the money.
You need then to add a second medication for depression
But get to your closest social security building and apply for SSI now
>physical ailments get denied
But I was born with one & have been getting it since birth?
It's my ribs m8,when I bend down for too long it feels like an elephant is stepping on my chest it's almost completely caved-in
Are you me? Wife is a veterinarian, I work as a sales rep for a brand and travel to different stores part time. Just got news we get 2 weeks of paid time off
be jewish and fuck kids
I'm already comfy in my dad's guest house tho. I just want that extra income but I don't want to apply if it means I'll get a permanent stain on the record.
You cannot diagnose a child with a anything on the bipolar/schizo spectrum, but you can prescribe seroquel and lithium without penalty.
So how does retro active pay or whatever work?
I got diagnosed as an aspie at an extremely young age and I started psychotropics at age 17, and am 21 now.
Wonder if I'll get anything more based on that.
Fuck you.
So did you apply yet?
I've seen people that need canes get denied SSI then they had to get a disability lawyer and when they got their back payment check after being approved half that money went to the lawyer.
Be one with ayylmao and eat humaynes or be superior neet by having a mental issue aka adhd, autism, shizo, mental retardum, bi- polar etc. Im sure you can fake it.
Both those medications make it easy to get approved for SSI disability
I'm not the OP
No I actually work as a lab technician for a big eyeglasses chain. Learned my shit so fast and do it so well, now they can't afford to lose me, even though I'm doing it as a lark. Married anons rise up. I like to post just to counter the demoralization threads about women.
Oh and you can also sell your meds for even more profit.
I just mooch off of my parents and my girlfriend.
Retro active starts on the day you walk into a social security building and apply for SSI disability.
It takes 2-3 months to get approved so they start seeing you the first day you apply.
Woman are dumb and should've stayed in the kitchen their rightful throne room.
Please reply. I want to know the downsides of applying.
Not doing anything most people on here couldn't do themselves. It's all about priorities. Lots of good, lonely women out there who'd like nothing more than to support a man with convictions and principles.
If you get prescribed adderall or Xanax to go with your other meds the Xanax and adderall have street value.
You can even trade like 10-15 adderall pills for sex with some street hookers
True but that's not how things worked out, so might as well take advantage of the pozzed world through a based chick(who browses Yas Forums when I'm not on it btw).
Why are the fellow disability NEET's ruining it for everyone? Once enough people know about the scam, then it won't work anymore.
I unironically take it back.
If your parents are not claiming you on their taxes and your 18 or okder
.find the closest welfare office tell them your homeless bouncing couch to couch but you can use your parents address as your mailing address.
You will get a food stamp card for 180 dollars on it and you can buy pizza rolls and red bulls with it.
It still will. It will prob benefit all from and influx of sick people because they will gibs more funds to all as a priority.
willing to help any of you wannabe neets get social security
almost all of my family is on it but i’m too far into college to back out now
>apply for SSI
>get denied, they deny everyone
>appeal it until they approve it
>get a big fat prorated check
this is why you don’t use a lawyer. the lawyer is “doing it for free”, but he’s actually going to take a portion of your back pay. a lot of it
it should be mentioned that you should also apply for low income housing if you don’t want to live with your parents. wait lists are often at least a year long and a single neet won’t get bumped up the priority list
It will keep working since they slow black niggers and even immigrants to get food stamps and SSI.
Remember most black men don't let the baby mama list them on the birth certificate so they don't have to pay child support.
Some niggers listed on the birth certificate file for SSI so they are not legally required to pay child support.
Just claim disability like everyone. Literally all who have money have scammed don't let those fools make you their slave. Enjoy neet buxs. Im self employed(manual labor), but i support neets.
Schizophrenia diagnosis.
Yeah I just applied for section 8
And I also applied at some low income housing that takes a third of your check but that third pays rent heat and electricity giving you that advantage over a burger king worker.
advice on finding a good woman? I'm about to start looking in earnest.
By not living in a wageslave country.
If the NEETS on SSI decide to go to say auto mechanic school they get approved for all kinds of loans and grants
.then they can choose to start a career that pays 60,000 a year and get off SSI or stay on ssi and fix people's cars in drive ways off the books and default on loans and stuff.
it will still work because all of the disability anti fraud implemented has only detracted niggers that don’t read mail
>must have photo id on food stamps
>more frequent income requests
>more frequent benefits renewal
the goal is not to find a couple people scamming, but to get a ton of people off the list at once
you aren’t gonna get some neet on here off disability just because he has to reply to a letter every 6 months
How often can you appeal it? My mother in law kept getting denied even after having 3 heart attacks and open heart surgery until a lawyer had to step in and help her. On the flip side a family friend went in and said he couldnt read and got it practically on the spot.
If Your diagnosed with schizophelrenia and depression and they prescribe you meds for it you'll get approved.