What's the cure for COVID-19?
A drug called "chloroquine," some say.
Chloro = chlorine (bleach)
equine = horse
pale horse
get it?
What's the cure for COVID-19?
A drug called "chloroquine," some say.
Chloro = chlorine (bleach)
equine = horse
pale horse
get it?
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That's actually an interesting observation.
Go drink bleach
Unironically made me go hmm
Is it over bois
Bumping for weaponized autism
Good catch dude how interesting
Not unless we kill the juden first
>Who were the precursor horsemen?
>Pestilence and Death upon the pale horse was last
If anything it is the white horse. And what follows is the Red horse that takes away peace and causes people to turn against each other.
War, famine, pestilence, and death. The drug will be some part of the last phase of the tribulation.
Death's horse is "khloros", which is the exact same root for chlorine. It means pale or green and might mean some combination of the two in the mind of whomever wrote it originally.
watched this the other day, touches on some good stuff including your pale horse. think this timestamp is the most interesting part
you may be right, since bleach does cause whiteness. The root word "chloro" is sometimes literally used to mean "pale yellow" or "pale green" though, which is how the pale horse is depicted.
Haha woah damn when you put it like that it really makes me scratch my head lol
If you unironically think this, then you are retarded.
why did you have to post this. why does it have to make sense
This. There are better shitty connect the dots theories on here. This ain't it.
Water Pale Horse?
Too bad this isnt a sexually transmitted disease, meaning niggers will live through it.
Pestilences is a mistranslation you idiot
do a small amount of work learning how occultists use language to name things. Start with the names of god's archangels. "Rapahel" literally means "the healing (power) of God," Raph = healing/health and el=god, the same as in "elohim" and "allah" (e and A have some overlap in hebrew, both being sounds that come from the letter Aleph)
that is a different drug. there are two.
>pale horse actually means horse in the shape of a bucket
except pestilence wasn't the pale horse.
Top retardation here
Doesn't even know the meaning of words
The internet is the last string holding everything together, if that goes
So death from the Bible? Hmm sounds about right. Either way, it's seeming more and more like we're fucked
chloroquine timestamp
oh fugggg
the faithful who reject the meat cage of this world for the world of pure light above should not fear
It doesn't. Quinine's drug family is named for the Incan word for cinchona bark, quina-quina.
dude sounds more like he spends his day stuffing his asshole with raw vegetables than studying. frankly i'd take him for an anesthesiologist.
What dots are there to connect? Those are literally the words. Have an original thought for once.
Thanks, user. You're exactly right.
You are correct that the drug derives its name from that, but it isn't difficult for the powers that be to position this drug alongside the pandemic because of the letters in its name. It is a form of confession of what they are doing.
"You know the pale horse in the bible that represents death? well here it is. Swallow it"
yeah, i don't really give a shit what he sounds like. more interested in what he is saying, he seems knowledgeable enough and everything he refers to can be found on pubmed.
but the pale horse was not pestilence.
It's actually from a tree
Alll the happenings the past year have been too fast for even autism
It really isn't. Again, the quine in chloroquine refers to quinine, a compound derived from cinchona bark which is called quina-quina (literally bark of barks) in the Incan language
It has nothing to do with horses or the word Equus
i care. i don't listen to overtly gay doctors. they'll tell me anything just to look at my balls, because my balls are amazing.
something wrong with your eye? let me see your balls.
something wrong with your arm? let me see your balls.
read the thread again, I did not say it was. The pale horse's rider is death, it's name in greek is "khloros" and death is followed by "hell" or "hades" or "the grave" depending on which bible you read
oh ofcourse, if someone try to connect the dots, he should be dead.
what is wrong with you?
The world ended in 2017 you dunce.
This is the new timeline
forgot to take your meds?
is it the timeline of your mother?
because she got so many of them.
This schizo bullshit is getting pretty sad now
Yeah, considering how those occultist idiots are very superstitious, I think they would prefer it if things actually mean what they want them to mean rather than "close enough I guess" symbolism.
but covid 19 is pestilence, not "death". people fucking die of all kinds of things, but specifically the white horse is pestilence. it does matter, because you're not going to say the pale horse is war, either, if it fit the situation.
it is a bit funny that "drink bleach" is a common insult and he is using it in a thread about the root word for bleach. a bit of gallows humor.
Ok ok. Good one
wait and see what role the drug takes in the pandemic
well you are a medical anomaly. can you blame them for being curious?
Pestilence isn't a real horse you idiot
Quinolones are very dangerous.
The medication being given to people is synthetically made. There's also hydroxychloroquine which, from the sound of things, is less bad for you. It's still a quinolone though. Looks like it's being combined with azithromycin which somehow makes it more effective.
>The medication being given to people is synthetically made.
True, but it still is derived from and named for that tree
China used zinc, and high doses (like huge amounts, overdose level) of vitamin c as well
the white horse is pestilence.
the red horse is war.
the black horse is famine.
the pale horse is death.
>not having schizophrenia
>in the current year of our Lord
You are the wierd one, retard.