Realistically speaking, around what year will he be coming back?

Realistically speaking, around what year will he be coming back?

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Quarter to never


No man knows the date

fucking christfags...

get a life faggots

Never since hes not real

i hope soon user, god have mercy on us all :(

I have never walked on water.

Around August 9, 70 AD:

" Besides these [signs], a few days after that feast, on the one- and-twentieth day of the month Artemisius, [Jyar,] a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared; I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun-setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armour were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities." - Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War

Rabbi Yeshua will only come to Kikes, you're a filthy larping gentile to him

He was supposed to be back around 60 AD or so.

He said when he did come back, it wouldn't be as a baby, instead it would be down from above in force protection with a thousand of his keys to power surrounding him.

The purpose of this is the final harvest. He quite literally said that the land, sea and air around us would roll up like a scroll, and the proceeds of the unit would be plucked out and returned upwards, everything else would return to the void, to hell, which was just a word for "garbage dump".

He said nobody would know when he comes back, that it would be like a thief in the night. I take it to mean he'll be back when he decides the universe is "done enough".

Fuck Jewsus and every one of his Jewish cock sucking followers.

Jew lies, they just propagate the jesus thing because we give them 3 billion shekels yearly on the fake promise they will rebuild the temple.

never, as much as i want to believe he is

This year.


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imagine having this much hate in you lmao, like just relax and be nice

He won’t return in the flesh, that chapter is closed. The prophecy of Revelation relates an internal war that every follower of Christ must endure to reach the Kingdom of God. A war against your own adversary, the temptation to sin. Christ’s arrival is something akin to enlightenment; those who overcome sin are born in the spirit, literally the birth of the soul (Jesus never said that men are born with souls—they must be built). Then Christ the Logos, Mind the Shepherd of Men, the Word of God, incarnates in the believer.

He will never come because of this. I predicted now and each day for the next 10,000, so biblically he can't, or the scriptures lie about no man knowing.

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Expect it everyday. If it was up to me? Right now.

>that it would be like a thief in the night.
If you're not watching.
>1 Thessalonians 5:4
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
>Revelation 3:3
If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

>coming back?

He came back from the dead already. So, why would he come back yet again? You see the apocalypse and wonder why you are still here. Jesus is not coming for you.

What’s incredible to me is that people legitimately believe Christ will return from Heaven to “save” them, but also believe that the return of King Arthur is nothing more than a ridiculous legend.

Christians are idiots, most powerful religion in the world, hand it over to the jews because they think their dead prophet will appear on a white horse over jerusalem

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Why would he want to come back? We've all become turbo assholes. If anything is coming, it is a giga-level smiting, pillars of salt and locusts up the ASS.

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2030-2033 will be 2000 years after the Crucifixion.
If a day to the Lord is like a 1000 years, this would be a possibility.
If the Day of the Lord indicates we get 6000 years of self governance followed by 1000 years of rest, and if Adam was created 4004 BC, then we might be about 6000 years since he ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.

What's the next thing you're going to say? That he didn't resurrect? Only Catholics think that we need to build God's kingdom on earth for Jesus to return and when they do that they end up siding with the antichrist.

Either 2022 or 2070

Parable of the fig tree, within 2 years supposedly; check out Robert Breaker on yt

>a day is like a 1000 years
Source on that number? Or did you make it up? Because then you could say anything to that, like it will happen in a billion years, or was supposed to happen in 1542

>pulling a prediction out your ass
pick one

>fucking christ...
>get a third life faggot

Pick one.

Psalm 90:4
2 Peter 3:8

he is alive and in a human body. he will rise as a result of the tribulations. he may not yet know who he is, but the tribulations will thrust him into prominence and he will follow the rise of the anti-christ, who will be loved by all.

the return of christ will be warlike and unforgiving and maybe frightening at first.

he will be a white male.

it is unpredictable what corner of the earth he will come from. in aleister crowley's primary religious text, he says "from no known house cometh that child" who shall understand the words given in Liber AL (Crowley's book of the law).

When I decide

I'm speculating not predicting.

I pick both. Do I need some super complicated math to ""know""? It dosent change the fact that having the return fall on one of those days would invalidate scripture

(theology student here, beyond passionate, very high IQ)

i could tell you a very very very good estimate

but in return there is only spiteful waves of ridicule and abject outright summary anti-belief and hate

About 4 years after it is revealed Donald Trump was the False Prophet all along

It's already past 6000 years according to Ussher's timeline.
2 Peter 3:9
>The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Some people may tell He is late, but it's mercy for more people to get saved.

The Day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night.

Why do anything good? It all gets ridiculed. Be a watcher on the wall and if you are ignored their blood is on their own hands.

the false prophet has been identified for quite awhile before either of us was born

the correct identification is iron clad, in absolute terms

Never existed.

Only the Father knows. But we must say "The Kingdom of God is at hand". Even in the Qu'ran it states that the Last Day can be whenever. It depends on how corrupted the Earth is. Remember, in Amos 5:18 we are told "Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light."

Why would we corrupt the world for our sake? That is perverse and clearly not the path of the elect. If anything corresponds to the "synagogue of satan" it is that.


but Good times will come around 2033

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see the hebrew calendar for accurate timeline

its only been about 5780 years
which actually fits a hell of alot of eschatology from many christ churches.... and other sources

Adam didn't eat the fruit day 1. He did eat before Seth was born because Cain and Able were able to grow up old enough for their tragedy. We're in a window.


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Eve brought it immediately to him

Fun fact: Isaac Newton calculated around 2061

Could be tomorrow, could be a thousand years of wrath.

Related note, am I the only one who reads Revelation as "everyone gets martyred, then the shit REALLY hits the fan." Spare the two witnesses, killed on the last day?

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not quite
the chains of reasoning each of these uses starts with very first steps that are false, that are incorrect
so your conclusions are wildly off

"Not real" when Tacticus recorded that Jesus existed and was crucified along the fact many people saw him?

Though you could debate if he was actually a follower of Essene rather than Judaic theology.

Beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Could be surprisingly soon.

Tacitus in his writings confirmed Jesus existed as a real person and was crucified. Along the fact people saw him and gave their accounts.

oh my god ffs
when even dawkins has no question whatsoever about Christ's existence you need to consider psychiatric medicine should you be unable to accept that is actually was a real person with incontrovertible evidence no serious person of sound mind disputes

I was just relaying the guess of Newton because it’s interesting to think about. Its not my estimation, you retard.

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never said it was yours
i only spoke to the veracity of the figures, whomever developed them

“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Matthew 16:28

In other words, Jesus was the leader of an apocolylipitical Jewish cult, and he told his followers that he would return at the end of the world, but before all of then had died.

He was wrong.

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Right about... now

Even wikipedia considers it pseudohistory.

>Even wikipedia considers it pseudohistory.

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They say the difference is because one used septuagint and the other hebrew text and it differ dates in Genesis 5 and 11. I've never compared to the KJV though.

What school and what is your estimate?

>a consensus among ideologically possessed leftists online in a little fiefdom of pure progressive groupthink declares doubts as to the reality of the arch-enemy of said ideology and their mentality