What edition of the Talmud can I find these quotes in? Starting to think it’s horse shit

What edition of the Talmud can I find these quotes in? Starting to think it’s horse shit

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I have Soncino's 1980's edition of the Babylonian Talmud.

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By, "Cuthean," it means Samaritan. They're an ancient religious sect that only have a few hundred members left in the world.

>We view each and every gentile differently
Up yours, filthy jew rat.

>I are doo dumb to internets. Please poon feed I.

ok explain the rest kike

Babylonian talmud youre welcome now quit wasting threads and learn to use a search engine try yandex for a start

Hah BTFO'd

The quotes are real, but the Nazis on Yas Forums are, of course, removing the historical context.
First of all, most of the bullshit in the Talmud is rehashed from the Torah I.E. Old Testament. Why does that Talmud say that there is no death penalty for killing a goy? Because the Torah says "Though shalt not kill." ... but then the Israelites killed foreigners all the time. The Talmud attempts to resolve this apparent contradiction by interpreting the Torah as ethnocentric.
Also, was Medieval Christianity any better? Medieval Christians would torture people to death over minor disagreements.
Talmudic Judaism is bullshit ... just like religion in general.

Thank you user

There it is

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Thank you.

trips of truth
fuck your pilpul, kike

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In what context is it ok to fuck a 3 year old, moshe?

>The Talmud attempts to resolve this apparent contradiction by interpreting the Torah as ethnocentric.
It's called 'pilpul'

>Also, was Medieval Christianity any better?
Christians grew, kikes remain the same.

You sound like a jew.

filthy pilfering shirking parasites
hateful brown-nosing loxist termites
exaggerating conspiring shapeshifting reptiles
restrictive obsessive kidnapping pedophiles
incessant backwards babbling creeps
greedy cheating lying thieves
bloody prick sucking mutilators
flaming faggot herpes vectors
insane schizo tay-sachs inbreds
insensitive miserable defiling rapists
deviant eurasian-nigroid fetish prostinograpers
disloyal divisive subversive connivers
untrustworthy turncoat strife instigators
assassination plotting terrorist traitors

Jesus Christ offered the New Covenant to the Jews first and was betrayed, so he then expanded the Chosen People to include Gentiles.
>Matt. 10; 21:23-46, John 4:7-26, Acts 13:23-14:7, Rom. 1:16
The real Jews repented and converted to Christianity, leaving behind the demoralizing cursed impostors of the Synagogue of Satan.
>Rom. 9-11, Rev. 2:9; 3:9
That Brood of Hypocritical Blood Guilty Satanic Vipers must not be allowed to murder mankind's savior again, as it threatens.
>Matt. 16:1-12/ Matt. 27:1-44, Mark 15:1-39, Luke 23:1-47, John 19:4-22/ John 8:12-59/ Matt. 3:7-12; 12:34-7; 23:13-39, Luke 3:7
The invasive rats have been kicked out of dozens of nations, yet everyone else is the problem.
>1 Kgs. 9:6-9, Matt. 24:1-2
The Inquisition, pogroms, and Lollicost weren't enough.
>Luke 19:27
Boycott overrepresented kike media monopolies (((kikesnee, kikenn, kikeghoul, kikeborg))) and usurious financial puppets.
>Mark 11:15-8
Unconverted kikes burn in hell.
>John 3:14-21

Deport the obstinate kikes and kiked fuckees back to Kikesreal to get re-enslaved or nuked by the mudslimes.

>Mirror of the Polish Crown, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf, The Rothschilds (film), Jud Süß (1940 film), The Eternal Jew (1940 film), Hitler: The Last Ten Days, Atomic spies, King David Hotel bombing, USS Liberty incident, Sayanim, Jewish deicide, Jewish ritual murder, Host desecration, Jewish Bolshevism, ZOG

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nah they're converts like all you filthy fucking kikes

>Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men

I want to know the story behind this one. Did some kike thousands of years ago call his ex a whore in their fucking holy book?

Bruh, they mean the mother of Christ.

Evangelism in America is pushing Noahide Law. They are literally giving up Christ and worshipping Israeli Rabbi. The sub laws demand decapitation of Christians.

>Out holy book says you can fuck a three year old but duh nazis take this out of context

>y-you're taking the direct quotes out of context!
>they're just trying to rationalize-I mean, explain why God's Chosen People(tm) would do such awful thing!
>We're-I mean, they're, no worse than Christians! Even though their book told them not to do the bad things they did, that means they're equally bad! Remember muh crusades? And muh inquisition? Remember?
>A-All religion is stupid, so cool it with the antisemitism!

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>Posts an image with text that is hard to copy in an attempt to have the last word.
Australians really are stupid. You're almost as bad as Americans.
>Abodah Zara 26b
I'm trying to read this section in another tab. This section states that a male Gentile who is circumcised may convert to Judaism. It also says that a Gentile doctor should not be allowed to circumcise a Jew. Doesn't seem all that terrible to me. I don't see anything here about a goy Holocaust.

True, and it's a rehash of Torah bullshit (which is also in the Bible) anyway.


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His pilpul is weak. At the end of the day, Jews say to treat all non-Jews (goy) as beasts. Early medieval Christians let you convert and be treated as an equal. Kikes don't even let you convert. You will always be goy to them. Some "reformed" kikes do allow conversion, but I've heard it is humiliating and you will always be seen as goy and "lesser". Thus, it means nothing.
Most regular men throughout history just convert to whatever their masters are, so they can get by and not deal with shit. What if your masters are kikes? Well, you meet a similar fate as Palestinians.
Did you know, it was considered antisemitic "conspiracy" that Jews poison European wells? Guess what? They do poison Palestinian wells, and that's not debatable.
I suspect most of these conspiracies of kikes have a lot of truth in them. Quote in my image is considered a "fake" from Harold Wallace Rosenthahl. Doubt it. He died a month late.
Very rarely you come across a good Jew who is willing to risk everything to tell the truth such as Mordechai Vanunu (who was tortured by Mossad for leaking Israeli illegal nukes and also leaked how they assassinated JFK), Bobby Fischer, Harold Wallace Rosenthahl, and more.
I do not think Noam Chomsky is genuine. His goal is to direct most criticisms to the American people rather than Jewish nepotism.
Anyways, most European scholars like Schopenhauer, Pascal, and many others hated kikes. There was a reason they were hated.

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The "William Davidson Talmud", apparently. It's important to remember that Talmud is the basis of rabbinic law, or "oral torah"; but it is not the Torah itself. It was a creation of the Babylonian Captivity when the Jews required some means of maintaining their identity. After the construction of the Second Temple, the Pharasees and Sadducees fought it out over the legitimacy of the Second Temple rites versus the Talmud. The Pharasees, who preferred the Talmud, are the founders of contemporary Rabbinic Judaism.

Perhaps they should both have paid more attention to the Torah. Perhaps that was what the monastic Essenes did, from which Christianity sprouted... But it also looks like the Essenes had a taste for the esoteric and their own inventions, too.

For substance, I have verified one of those very controversial statements through internet-talmud sources. So the rest seem plausible to me.

Child marriage was also common in Christianity and Islam at the time.
The Bible actually never condemns pedophilia at any point. Modern anti-pedophilia is derived from feminism.

>Christians grew, kikes remain the same.
So ... the modern emergence of liberal Judaism is meaningless?

>heh i bet these stupid goyim dont know what they're talking about
>stupid worthless goys
>lazy and stupid animals
>bet they cant find this info
>heh gottem.

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Just did some quick research. He's mostly right. The Cutheans/Cuthites were the ancestors of the Samaritans, before they created the Samaritan religion.

point to me where the bible says it ok to fuck 3 year olds, kike

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Also, I'm not sure if you've ever seen this video. Sometimes kikes are not good at hiding their goals.
Watch from 16:40. From the kike's mouth.

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>but Christians
3 years old, kike. 3. That's a toddler, you sick fuck. And the text says
>"It's ok to fuck her but if you do you married her"
> "Child marriage is ok"

No, it doesn't. Liberal Jews still go to temple and seek guidance from their rabbis and it's the Rabbis and senior scholars that study the Talmud. Rank-and-file (RAF) Jews might share words of strength and wisdom from the Talmud but they don't study it and they certainly haven't read even a single tractate through completely.

But the Rabbis do. And when their kikelings seek guidance the Rabbi instructs them according to the Talmud. This is the underlying truth behind our perception of their cohesion. It doesn't matter that RAF Jews don't read the Talmud because thanks to the Rabbi they live it every day whether they realize it or not; whether WE realize it or not.

The overall conclusion of a given Folio doesn't matter when Rabbis get to pick and choose which arguments they like at any given time on nothing more than a whim. It's a "Kike your own adventure" resource where readers get to pick and choose which Rabbi's advice and arguments they want to follow.

And don't forget, the Rabbi holds a higher status than God.

Jesus basically says that it would be ok to drown people who ‘corrupt children.’ Granted, it’s in the context of spiritual corruption, but when you have Jesus, known to be a peaceful, non-violent person advocating for the death penalty, you can understand that this is a matter worth taking seriously.

I just looked at the section in another tab. It doesn't say that she had sex with many men. It says she "strayed from her husband" which could mean a lot of things.

I have but thank you for sharing. I'm sure there's a new viewer out there that appreciates it too.

I suppose that would explain her pregnancy out of wedlock better than the whole "virgin birth" thing.
Joseph was a cuck.

False. Typical retard leaf

And the kike shows his true colors.
Thanks for playing, schlomo.

What's the name of that Rabbi in Israel who said that goyim only exist to serve Jews? The one where something like 10% of the Jews in Israel personally attended his funeral.

Something bar yosif, I think

>Evangelism in America is pushing Noahide Law.
Doesn't seem all that different from the Ten Commandments.
>They are literally giving up Christ and worshipping Israeli Rabbi.
Christ WAS an Israeli Rabbi.
>The sub laws demand decapitation of Christians.
The Bible demands a lot of things that modern Christians don't do.

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>Even though their book told them not to do the bad things they did
The New Testament clearly states that slaves should bow before their masters and that the Old Testament still applies.
>A-All religion is stupid, so cool it with the antisemitism!
Forget about politically correct SJW words. I'm not offended. You're just lying.

Aged three years most likely means she can be married three years after losing her previous husband

>Doesn't seem all that different from the Ten Commandments.
> "That's it, goy - go ahead and take it! "

>Christ WAS an Israeli Rabbi.
No. Christ was a Nazarean from Judea and an Israelite, NOT an Israeli.I

>The Bible demands a lot of things that modern Christians don't do.
Don't pretend that you know my faith, kikel.

>the Old Testament still applies.
The old covenant was broken. The slaves became the chosen.

The text explicitly states "AGED THREE YEARS AND ONE DAY"

here it discusses when 11 year olds lose their right to refuse sex

As in, she’s marriage material after three years have passed since her previous husband died. Why would a newborn baby have a deceased husband?

Well yeah, Jews are almost universally pedophiles. I’m just saying this one quote is definitely being misinterpreted.

>R. Safra replied: Children are like marks of puberty.28 Others Say: Children are more conclusive proof than the marks of puberty. What practical difference is there between the two statements? — [It is this: That] even he who follows R. Judah who stated, '[a girl may exercise the right of refusal] until the black29 predominates'30 admits in the case of children.31

>the old testament still applies
not exactly. Jesus says that the old law will never pass away, but he also chastised and humiliated those who kept the law (the Pharisees) in a literal sense but not a spiritual one. If you can get through the gospels without realizing that Jesus holds the old law in utter contempt you have poor reading comprehension. He flouted the law frequently, most famously by performing miracles on the Sabbath. He also condensed all his teachings into passages like the golden rule and the beatitudes, and there is no child-fucking to be found there.
>the new testament says slavery is ok
dead wrong. Jesus also says something to the effect of "there is no slave or free, no greek or Jew" etc, basically saying that all are equal before the eyes of god, even if not before the eyes of men. A servant should obey his master, and slavery still exists, and the hierarchies we come up with should be obeyed, but not once did Jesus say that it was ok to own another person.

Soncino’s 1910 edition or earlier.

>As in, she’s marriage material after three years have passed since her previous husband died.

>Why would a newborn baby have a deceased husband?
Because of the hebrew genocide in Babylon. Gee, I wonder why all the kikes were rounded up and killed off...couldn't be because of the way they treated kids, or gentiles, or gentile kids...no sir...

In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13

Thank you user for educating this retarded leaf.

a maiden is a young and unmarried girl. "A maiden aged three years and a day..." Your pilpul is weak.

>A young, unmarried girl is marriage material after three years have passed since her previous husband died
Makes no sense.

I’m not denying they rape kids, I'm saying this specific passage probably doesn’t refer to 3-year olds but rather women who have been widowed for three years. Truth is our weapon against the Jews; that’s a double edged sword though, we can’t just jump to the most damning conclusion when a more reasonable explanation is clearly present.