Post your covid19 vacay

Me and the gf chilling.. trying to relax even though I'm severely concerned about my business here in illinois

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I wish this was a Vacay, I am still working two jobs from home while everyone enjoys their covid isolation vacation

Built for BWC.


I have coffee and a silver spon from my great grandma

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find your spirit animal

how do you do this?

> dat hand

Built for BNP (Black Nigger Pussy.)

This makes the channer butthurt.

Idc what you fags say this is better than not getting poon.

Most white girls are trash these days anyway.

I'd coom on that

Keep your aids in your nigger lover containment thread



kys faggot or have white kids

How do you deal with the smell?

do the nappy carpet match the nappy drapes?


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op is not a faggot

That's gross she is probably 25 and has no hips for a nigger or ass looks like a malnourished jungle ape in disgusting pretentious lace panties? No.

I'm stuck in Singapore more expensive than NYC cuz all the nearby little brown fuck machine countries are closed down, will buy some overpriced food and whores later, no I don't feel the need to take pics you stupid npc.

Chimp fucker. Eww

>tfw you're quarantined with your qt3.14 black waifu

Feels good man

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I miss that feel ;n;

post more pics of her naked to help us coom and boost our defenses against corona-chan

>same ugly underwear spic women think is attractive

fuck off roastie leave white male alone

niggress sex is better than no sex

why is that, it reminds me of a time I wasn't even alive 1973, seriously even some spandex 90s shit would look better.

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Imagine being racist about underwear.

>yes this is my woman’s ass, I fuck her nightly
peak fucking degeneracy user

Built for BWC


so gross, how can you even get hard for that, it must be like fucking a pile of shit

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God black women where BUILT for BWC

those numbers dont lie op, drop the gorilla girl and get a white woman and have children.

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This. I can't imagine.


heil hitler x2. id look the other way for the meme natsoc guy sweating over an ebony sweetie but digits dont lie. sorry traitor

Double Hitlers!

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embrace the smell. i love black pussy

Faggot why reply to yourself?

It's a shill that forgot to switch between,bbc meme posters are anything but black. Welcome to Yas Forums nufag.

You must be ugly or a loser if you have to fuck niggers.


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Why do whites always get the best looking black girls?

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>Dating a nigger

You're fucking a literal monkey.

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Desirees ass isnt that small tim

Checked and heiled

You're disgusting, having sex with someone that isn't your same race. Feel shame degenerate

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Stop posting nigger ass

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>I am still working two jobs from home
lucky faggot



males are half of that
and actually males of able bodies and age who actually commit those those 52% murders....

are more like ONLY 3.4% of the total population


>black bitch with an ass that small
That's a dudes ass

This shit fucking sucks and I honestly pray it ends soon.

cool google pic op

I'm sure your kids will appreciate you giving them nasty nigger hair and black skin that causes everyone to stereotype them.

Americans make fun of Canadians and our bestiality laws, while you're fucking apes in Illinois.

Oh, I see what you're saying. Blacks, once they reach age, become even more criminal being that kids don't commit as many crimes as when they become adults.

Dubs. Heil Hitler

dude if you have to race mix at least do it with a jap or a chink so you have some pride left. fucking a nigger is hitting rock bottom

his idtag is Jesuz


Lol u fucking miss all your biology classes?

omg post moar! love black girls!

nice ass

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checked, wrecked, shreked, dreked, and kek'd!

based and redpilled!

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Ask for a time stamp next time, retards

>disliking spic poor underwear choices is racist
It's the same garbage they sell at spic dollar stores in ghetto neighborhoods hanging over the entrance.

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Thats a fucking dudes ass you dirty faggot, prove you are fucking at least a female nigger you dirty degenerate