/canpol/ where the fucks the general edition

Leafs get in here, check in, hows the kung flu around you?

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apparently fuck all.

You working monday? My work doesn't seem to give a fuck. Everyone has been coming in, they only moved our start time one hour earlier

on vacation actually so sitting on my ass for a change.

Neet here couldn't ve happier not being exposed to pozzed chinks and niggers.

Legault is doing a pretty good job so far... i'm scared he's gonna go overboard and fuck with our liberties though.

>Québec interdit « tout rassemblement intérieur ou extérieur »


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wheres my emergency aid package, I need every drop for stonk money

In richmond myself. Chink central, been hiding out in a farmhouse. No neighbours but if its gonna get fucked its gonna get fucked here.

Same. No motivation to go to uni, it's just pozzed nigger central and good luck not getting into Medschool if you're not a visible minority

Just gonna try and make it trading crypto desu

Good luck getting into *

snow mexicans, snow mexicans everywhere

Even to Non-Expert Smart People, the Corona crisis was easy to predict. People on here knew how bad this could get well in advance (often months) of our leaders. Any amateur with a Google sheet was able to model the spread with decent accuracy. It was just math.

So WHY DID OUR LEADERS RESPOND SO LATE, and why has their response been SO WEAK.

I See 2 Possible Scenarios, both require a massive restructuring.

Scenario 1: Our Leaders are competent.

Our Leaders are competent, but in an effort to:
- protect their own financial interest
- maintain economic order in the short term
- Maintain their monopoly on the official narrative/truth
they downplayed the potential impact of the WuFlu. If they had been more alarmist earlier on, they would have reduced the negative impact on public trust and the Global Economy

Now, It is not difficult for a rational and competent set of decision makers to reason about the result of waiting to act. They would see clearly that each day we wait, we will lose thousand more. Each day we wait, the Economy will be more damaged as our workforce is incapacitated, as we face supply shortages and oli price devaluations. They would see that each day they wait, they increase the chances of China emerging from this crisis with Hegemony in hand.

These are not difficult inferences to make when you look at the information available, and practice first principles thinking. This leads me to our Second Scenario:

Scenario 2: Our leaders/"Experts" Are Incompetent.

It's time to remove incompetent people from our institutions by either

- Eliminating the institution and opting for a decentralized solution enabled by new web based technologies


- Exposing this class of fakes and showing the average voter the monkey behind the curtain.

There's cops driving around everywhere and people are too stupid or embarrassed to wear masks.

Why do you guys hate Americans? We don't hate you.

We don't hate you but to be straight a lot of your companies are predatory and have helped turn canada into a banada republic.

I'm in BC and just staying at home. People are not social distancing it's dumb. Soon it will be government lockdown because of it.

My friends I thought would have my back have lost their minds to conspiracies so I've blocked their numbers.

>falling for d&c shills
get a grip.

thoughts on Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act?

No one in bc is obeying bonnie Henry and wont even if she imposes fines lol. She shut down pretty much everything, but only chain stores are closing. Small business are staying open because nothing bad ever happens in bc. Check em.

Can we use the crisis to remove chinks?

vancouver is fucked

I'm so far fine since chinks are a small minority where I live.

Open your border and let me through to Alaska. It's getting too hot down here. Summer in the lower 48 is no place for a white man.

he wants to do it, just like his adopted father.
Liberals have been failing to pass new gun legislation and bans, so martial law is a great way to force that.
Expect a false flag gun loony so set things in motion.

It's anarchy. I got mugged three times on my way home. They stole my shoes.

I don't think it will happen. If it does they will lose the next election hard core.

Never let a good crisis go to waste user

In Victoria. People were out all day today. More relaxed on weekends when not watching the news all day.

Take a boat around faggot.

I been working. Our company has set some precautions up but they wouldn't be effective. Our health and safety guy has not been able to get much done.

Why are you not carrying a weapon for self defense?

Yup. And my company's owners are from and wont fucking stop coming to victoria to see us for shit.


We have nothing effective here too, if it wasn't for the stores have holes in the shelves and the world collectively crapping their pants, it'd be a normal work week.

Dr Henry and Dix are incompetent anyway. Vancouver is done for, BC's testing criteria is fucked

Imagine the incoming rapes. Tabernak de ciboire! Also I have Coronavirus symptoms, called to designated hotline and told me "Calin mon ami, you have Coronavirus but there's not enough tests so stay home and assume you have it".

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Lost my job, the shit the gov. Is putting in place to help is fuck all. Hurr lets send 500,000 motherfucking people to sign up for a bureaucratic nightmare known as employment insurance in one fucking week. Assuming I will even qualify for it because """"""technically"""""" i'm on "2 week unpaid nonscheduling" after which they can schedule me for 2 hours then send me away for another 2 weeks. I'm gonna end up dead in a gutter at this rate


government carries mortgage insurance
the insurance isn't to the house buyers, it's to mortgage providers
if your house with a mortgage declines in value and you can't pay it back, the government has agreed to
the government has 1 trillion in mortgage liabilities
they aren't going to let this lower housing prices
their stimulus plan will be for one million immigrants

It's been stressful as I work in a grocery store. On friday we got a triple order of milk and stuff because people were buying it so much. We've put limits on bread, eggs, TP and papertowels, some grocery items.

I just honestly want the niggerlung to be done so I can get back to my dumb boring life desu. Saying here that the state of emergency could last until May.

Went on a hike and it was very busy today. Still not too much stress out in the BC Fraser Valley. Few chinks, glad I’m not in Vancouver.

So many people are shitting their pants and not coming into work and declaring EI, its flooded, shits gonna be delayed.

Fort Mac here. So far, one confirmed, one presumptive. But our local has a shit track record of keeping us updated on ANYTHING..

Some of the large oil sites are taking it serious, a few others are not at all, forcing people to come to work even if they just returned from trips...

She wont say why Ontario has fewer cases despite Ontario having way more people.
Gee lol. What possible difference is there between Hongcouver and Toronto lol

Ouch, stay safe user, if it gets apocalyptic run for white lands, we can push out surrey after we rally.

Just got a call from nigger terrorists in Mauritania. It was a girl crying panicked.
I tried calling back. The number is blocked from my carrier now.

Fuck Mauritania and fuck niggers.

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3 cases in NL on the island. Didn't Madagsacar our way out of it. One of them apparently was at a funeral home on Friday, came into contact with god knows how many there. Thanks to this place I got to prepping real early, so unless I get The Coof I ain't coming out until 2021.

I hope you all get infected, so that your greedy bosses get sued to oblivion

With the time zones I should have just made this a BC thread. So many of us here.

user, I'm praying for you. Hopefully your situation is smiled upon. ID has God in it, so I think you'll be okay. Also checked.

Lol you got that call too eh.
This goddamn site is a psyop.


I hope this virus removes all chinks, niggers, and pajeets.

I like that I'm working, have to wear a mask at my job all day anyway. With how the money printers are going brrr its nice to get some hours in before none of it is worth anything.

The country is undergoing a change. When the government goes all in, you have to call. Get a knife at least. Something you can pull quickly.

Lol what, I got that call too, didn't answer it. +222 22 00 16 50? Didnt even know a shithole existed called Mauritania.

No clue, I’ma bit out innawoods, have been for a couple weeks now. Although in town no reported cases but everyone’s really on edge about it.

do you get to keep your job there with oil below $30usd?

In a FB group a lot of moms are fucking desperate for powder milk and such that their posting they'd do anything to get. Ostie de chienne, all the 'tit choses that I would ask from them. (I have stocked a shit ton of said powder milk).

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Holy shit ahahaha I made a bant thread for it. What the fuck. I think it was terrorists mass calling for ransom.
My number was
222 2200 1658

Sounds like she's either getting fucked or murdered or both.

Langford reporting in

Where in Surrey? I haven't gone out since Wednesday but didn't seem any worse then.

it's a hoax for more clicks.

Shits been slow here for a bit as it was, Lotta lay offs here this last week. Almost every site here had planned major maintenance projects starting april. Suncor's alone was 700,000 man hours. All canceled/postponned.. Im good so far, but honestly, Id be happy to get laid off right now.. Like i said, some of the sites aren't taking it serious at all, gonna have HUGE clusters up here.

It's a hoax for making me lose my goddamn job

That’s not funny man I don’t know why the fuck I received such a niggerish encounter. If other fags itt got it, just now, that’s doubly weird as all fuck too