continued from
Ellen Madonna Hanks Spade part 2
Other urls found in this thread:
take ur meds
Shit has been proven fake as fuck. Quit wasting your time with this nonsense.
>at the end
based. thanks user. ya that's fucked...godzilla as a metaphor? one monster causing destruction? they're definitely trying to signal to Tom. earlier in the vid he's talking about calling "call me now" telling a story about his mom and brother. "call me now" "today was jaw dropping"
Gnosticism is the ACTUAL religion that investigation normies call the "Illuminate Satanism Luciferians!". But these terms are distractions and help them hide by creating a straw-man badies for Christians to chase.
It's basically a offshoot of Paul's Christianity the appears in Alexandria Egypt during the 60s AD. Paul even writes to them in 1st Corinthians and tells them to stop practicing incest orgies and scamming people out of donations (ch 1).
Christians got blamed by many ancient cultures from Gaul to Thracian lands... for doing sick shit ( drug orgies, cannibalism, homosexuality, incest/pedos) but it was in fact the Gnostic branch following them around.
In the 60s AD there was a large Judean community living in Alexandria, but they were at war in Judea with the Roman Empire and it's Hellenic culture.
So a group formed a secret society called "the knowers". The symbolism they use is a sort of anti-Platonism. Roman elite kids in Alexandria were going to Platonic universities. The other major theme is transgender homosexual Goddess worship because the cult of Isis was a major religion in Egypt.
Every modern occultism group within Judeo-Christian-Islamic lands is just a branch of Gnosticism, this includes Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism, Templars, Saturnians, Illuminate, Satanism, Wicca (Crowley), Luciferians (Blavatsky), Sufism and Manicians (Islam), and the "New Age" (Alice Bailey). They all claim to be from older pagan traditions but it's a lie.
Freemasons were two forms and enemies engaged in a 'wizard war':
1. Gnostic occult masonry (see Queen Victoria).
2. Scientific Deism (see America's Founding Fathers... Aristotelian-Platonic-Stoicism themes)
Hitler often spoke like a Deist to give you a hint about how intensely opposing these two groups were in ideology.,
you'll hang with the rest of your pedo friends on the day of the rope
inb4 meds
Warning: Shills on Standby
Warning: Shills on Standby
Warning: Shills on Standby
>Talk to us, Tom H
>David Spade ((mysterious)) blurred background photo
>Ellen - hanged man - puzzle
>Bill Maher
>Check out the faces in the background photo. They have been blurred.
fuck good spot user. that's definitely intentional
>The figure on his desk. He wants someone to clean up.
I remember the clean up stuff from podesta shit.. or alenfantis. the clean up crew after the fucked up shit
Maher hopefully, that guy sucks
is this video unavailable for mexicans or are (((they))) hiding it?
We are in the matrix. We do not wake up in a new reality, we are here already.
They are demons, they are animals, they murder and rape and eat children - they worship moloch, they are not of GOD.
The world is not an illusion, but the veil is upon us.
Hate these sick fucks with the righteous rage of GOD.
Remember the slaughters of the Old Testament and realize that God can HATE. As he Hated Esau.
Pray not to idols, only unto God, that we shall NOT BE JUDGED BY DEMONS.
Only we will be JUDGED by GOD
Something cracked in the code, they haven't lost in a thousand years and people are WAKING up.
>Clearly she has lost the ability to effectively influence the powers that control her own future and that reality terrifies her.
I would say that she might still have the ability to, but can't see the effects because she's confined to her place under house arrest. ie - she's sending messages she's hoping still hold weight but is blind as to whether they're getting through or not because she can't communicate with everyone the way she normally would. she's clearly in panic mode
cerveza corona is also taking victims here in mexico too
-the daughter of the governor of sinaloa
-workers of the satanic company cemex are contracting it too
-jose kuri, the cousin of carlos slim
and many more soon
And a perfect way to get 'agnostics' to reject Christ.
I do not consent to be judged by moloch, I consent to GOD, I will only be judged by GOD.
These are not 'people' they are infected of demons.
Who has cravings for babies flesh and death? PEOPLE? They are not PEOPLE.
When Madonna posted this letter, everyone with a brain immediately started trying to decode it. If you take all of the missing letters, misspelled letters, and spaced letters, you end up with a big letter salad. Using "Vampire" as the cypher for that letter salad and then subtracting the letters used for each new word, gives you "Have sigma isotopic cure 4 vampires pain issues" with only two extra letters. The thread is probably still in the archive. The theory is that she was injected with a nuclear/viral masking agent which gave her a cleanse of the adrenochrome 33-aaa's marker it is thought they are being tested for. Maybe not perfect but enough to create legal doubt and slow down the prosecution long enough for other actions to be taken.
>she's clearly in panic mode
Oh yeah.
this has to be a message to everyone to not "flip" (ellen's puzzle piece analogy):
>fuck good spot user. that's definitely intentional
I am going for the trafficking trifecta: Weinstein, Maxwell, and a red ring. It sure would be handy to have a higher resolution copy of that photo.
>We got to get him in a clear box and watch him
Watch the finger gesture.
now that's some fucking next level autism. do you know if there was any digging on this one aside from the song titles being obviously creepy shit. I was looking for highlit letters or letter orders or something but they used a typewriter font for the actual song listings so the letters are all the same
you disgrace that flag kys
>We are in the matrix.
KYS gnostic >Hermeticism predates Gnosticism. It's as old as the Egyptian era
Hermes became a gay cult in late Rome, hermeticism is 1200sAD gnostic
Forget will Smith, We need Hanks in the Clear box so “we” can all watch him?
If that’s not coded, then what on earth could that possibly mean?
Checking the gate means making their are no splinters or hairs in the film.
Hanks was assuring everyone there are no rats or leakers.
morgan freeman
his fetish is tarring white babies
Looks kind of short for Weinstein. What does 14 upside down fish represent?
>clear box
>That’s why Ellen and spade are tripping out because they don’t know what’s really going on
who else is trying to contact tom hanks that we aren't even paying attention to I wonder? I checked oprah but she doesn't have anything
>I'm glad you brought that up, I noticed that earlier and took a screenshot and forgot all about it. It almost looks like only one face has actually been blurred though
user posted this close up
Could Ellen be wearing the Madonna dead BF art hoodie to signal that the message is for Madonna? The dead BF seems like a member of the 27 club.
and user identified the blurred one as this:
>the 1 on the left looks like adam sandler from SNL skit "gap girls" with spade & farley
why would Spade blur out Sandler's face? that isn't an incriminating thing to have in his twitter vid
see and
>And a perfect way to get 'agnostics' to reject Christ.
Those two terms aren't really related. Agnostic means unknowing if a god exits. Gnostic is an ancient secret society of rejection homosexuals embedded in Christianity Islam and Juda-ism.
That's why they hate the "Demiurge" created by Plato and demonize it. Because it represents creation and masculinity.
These were masculinity symbols at the time (60sAD Alexandria Egypt).
We need to start examining Madonna's letter in the context of her Kabbalistic knowledge and background. Someone, quick, get John Dee in here stat!
Gnostics are a branch of Christians, if anything they are anti-jew because they are against the old testament.
The best guess for that one was that the depressed keys in another photo are being framed by her hands in this one and resemble the adrenochrome molecular structure.
The keys are stuck down depressed, which require them to be all pressed at once. Her gloved hands framing them here (at night) make one think she is highlighting them with her shadow (in daylight). Pic attached. I can elaborate. I broke the other code as well. Love crypto, hate Vampires, can actually use all of my childhood reading to good effect in cleansing the world of evil. Best timeline ever.
>That was made in her house. Avery Dark t-shirt iron on applique, plus inkjet printer plus iron. Shirt fresh homemade right in her house that same day. It's looking more and more likely you anons are right, she's sending code. "We're all dead?" "We're all dead if..?" If it's a code very likely all her shirt choices have been.
if this user sees this, how can you tell it's made in her house? just the fact that it's got christian crosses and is a cemetary in the vid she's talking about puzzle pieces flipping is suspect af. that can't be an accident, esp as an LGBT person the cross is bad and as a lovable talk show host a cemetary full of graves is a creepy shirt to wear and not acknowledge as some kind of gag like "hey everyone sorry I have my creepy shirt on today haha"
you do not know what you are talking about
>Basquait and Hearing just had an exhibit at the Gugenheim in Fall2019
very interadesting. fall 2019 is when gates ran his coronavirus Event 201 shit
But now he is the rat.
>In a clear box
In custody of law enforcement we control. Such as comped fed, Burbank (Nickelodeon and Disney) and LAPD. Both LE pedoed up bad. They don't know what type of LE has got him yet or how high it goes.
>Gnostics are a branch of Christians
Homosexual "unite the genders fuck the daddy-urge!" Christians... Kabbalah is the Jew version.
>talk to us
>in Minecraft
Ellen apparently has a fascination with Ruth Asawa the same way she has a fascination for the schizoid nigger with the shitty art she has on her wall. Anyone have any info on this satanic bitch? I am also curious about Ellens large sculpture in her backyard.
Then what is the cypher? How can her target recipient(s) know that she intended that message and not another possible permutation of letters? How many letters were left over after the salad was done? How was the initial batch of letters determined? There are major flaws with that analysis. Sorry user.
See above
She says "Thanks to T4chnology"
Do you see the 4ch in there, retards?
This was Madonna getting the word out that we had caught them talking.
>I remember the clean up stuff from podesta shit.. or alenfantis. the clean up crew after the fucked up shit
No he wants Tom to talk to him and the other pedo pals on Minecraft
nice try kike
To me looks closer to Joel Silver but all male sederim turn into that rotted turnip phenotype after 50
damn. hanks really likes dem socks
Reference to double, tripled crossed. She is signalling that she doesn't know if she has been betrayed. Massive panic factor here.
I think that's the famous grave of marie laveau. It's in New Orleans.
omg that pic on her shirt must be of all the dead kids she drank blood from
>you do not know what you are talking about
Your map is retarded. I stated a long form history. Hermetic gnostic teachings are 1200sAD homosexual unification larping as Egyptian because The word Hermes isn't even Egyptian
Good call
thorazine, etc, bud
>Could Ellen be wearing the Madonna dead BF art hoodie to signal that the message is for Madonna?
that's what I'm thinking. the guggenheim is an art museum and the art stuff is all pizzagate trafficking related shit. the staff shirt could be for her personal people she's close to or the people underneath her in the heirarchy (like how the Smallville girl had underlings). the puzzle of the church from the Devil & Angels Tom Hanks movie (pic attached is the 4000 puzzle she has) means the puzzle "one piece not being there ruins the whole plan, it better not flip" shit is for Tom Hanks cause they're worried he's in protective custody and considering flipping cause they haven't heard from him. anyone have ideas on the david blane shit? the numbers on the cards involved maybe?
>The dead BF seems like a member of the 27 club.
ya he was in the fucked up art parties with S&M shit and drugs etc died from a heroin overdose after saying he kicked the habit. low IQ nigger though so probably just along for the ride
Based and saved
Talk about hard time. That's one nasty looking lock up.
How does it feel Qtards to know that this dyke CIA operative is self quarantined in a nicer house than you will ever be able to own or likely even visit?
I'm sorry for doubting you Hitler, you tried to save us.
Go read the two threads and you'll see the cipher and missing letters, and you'll see the two anons who broke the code were correct. Don't jump the gun having not read what they and others like me saw happening in real time.
Remember when David Spade was drugged out of his mind and admitted to being in the Illuminati on Jimmy Kimmel?
Can it, kike
>The keys are stuck down depressed, which require them to be all pressed at once. Her gloved hands framing them here (at night) make one think she is highlighting them with her shadow (in daylight). Pic attached. I can elaborate. I broke the other code as well. Love crypto, hate Vampires, can actually use all of my childhood reading to good effect in cleansing the world of evil. Best timeline ever.
fuck you have like super autism. I love Yas Forums I was thinking similar about where her fingers are on the typing one but haven't seen this one before. use a typewriter once and I thought the keys always come up automatically once you let go of the pressure but that was a long time ago. seems like it has to be deliberate framing and if she used a cypher once then clearly they use cyphers and know to look for cyphers...could the typewriter keys pressed down BE the cypher for this one or something?
The woman is evil, twisted, and possessed. She is not dumb. Your analysis is utterly superficial. Real crypto takes place several layers deep. You need to view the entire picture as the medium upon which her message is written. Unless you can provide an answer which satisfies all of the information available to the end user AND uses a selective cypher, it is unlikely you have the right answer.
>try it out man. I posted it so other anons could give it a shot. I would love to see the theories. there is a message there and I am positive it will confirm our worst suspicions about them.
This is so depressing anons, these people have to pay.
There is a difference between real elite pedo shit and the schizo ramblings claiming Ellen and Hanks are posting coded messages from prison. In Ellen's case, a prison that happens to look like her very nice house.
You’ll be dead soon
>can actually use all of my childhood reading to good effect in cleansing the world of evil. Best timeline ever.
kek also this. the only difference some of us might ever make in society is keeping these questions from dying like the shills want them to. I'm always torn between work or sleep but thinking "what if this thread or post is the one that helps with a chain of events that leads to this busting open?"
Yup. As the typewriter code solution threads both mentioned two nights ago.
Oh boy another schizophrenic thread!
>nice try kike
Why do so many "gnostics" and kabbalists appear on this website 24/7 when you expose their true history?
Why do mods delete exposing threads yet leave gnostic threads up?
>Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism, Templars, Saturnians, Illuminate, Satanism, Wicca (Crowley), Luciferians (Blavatsky), Sufism and Manicians (Islam), and the "New Age" (Alice Bailey).
the occult is good and get slandered because it goes against the fairy tale christfags believe in. if you're not one of these sheeples, you have nothing to fear and you actually study it to have some sort of spiritual life
>>In a clear box
>In custody of law enforcement we control. Such as comped fed, Burbank (Nickelodeon and Disney) and LAPD. Both LE pedoed up bad. They don't know what type of LE has got him yet or how high it goes.
based. good theory user. they are definitely uncertain of what's going on and needing some kind of message. they can't tell if hanks isn't communicating because he's flipped (puzzle piece) or because he's in the wrong kind of custody and hasn't flipped but can't communicate
Beautiful. Finally these scum bags start to understand what suffering is.
Further proof they are watching and potentially providing red herrings to lead us astray.
Can someone please determine what keys are pressed down on the typewriter
God created the world as a biological hierarchy where those in power do what they want. They are as much of God as you are, probably more so. God is probably not your friend. You are like Cain. You sacrifices are rejected by God and thus you eat shit and die while your children are used for the pleasure of your betters. Sad but true.
>But now he is the rat.
despite all his rage
>hair in the gate
anyone seen any references to being a hair anywhere from these people? a post with rabbits (hare) maybe?
Yo where are all the shills?
You're two nights late even getting to the typewriter code so take several seats
>What is house arrest