Ex ignored my last message. Will this work? I just want what's best for her. I am in a position to save her life.
Ex ignored my last message. Will this work? I just want what's best for her. I am in a position to save her life
You're a fucking simp! KYS
Capitalize your proper nouns you nigger, no wonder she left you
Yeah, send her that if you have no self-respect and want to appear clingy as fuck.
Just do what you can to survive and you'll find the person who completes you once you've stopped looking.
fuck off already simp
This is pretty funny b8 I approve
>Hey baby come back to my compound
You write like a simp who failed English class but they passed you to keep their funding up.
obviously, she would rather die than let you save her
Yeah, you sound like a little bitch.
not cringe enough I have a high tolerance OP
youre going to die a fucking virgin
She's fucking niggers right now.
It's nice that you have concern but I must ask; do you really write like that?
>I just want what's best for her.
You're a great girlfriend user.
>come stay with me in my rape bunker while the world goes to shit
lol you geeds are clueless
So this is how Yas Forums users are irl. Cringe as fuck dude how does her cock taste
Stop being a faggot let her die.
Collectivist detected.
I think you should recommend she get a restraining order against her ex.
8/10 bait
Fix your spelling.
Also, why would you express concern and open your doors to someone who doesn’t give a shit about you? That’s being a simp, and that’s not cool. Let the cunt die user.
Should have slapped in a dickpick.
If her name really is Elise, she's too good for you. God those are fun to drive.
>pls respond
>i can save you
simp city up in this bitch
1. you are wrong
2. you are desperate
3. you sound crazy
4. due to all the previous reasons, you are a simp faggot
I hope 'she's' ok
dude, let her bitch ass suffer in the city with her Chinese flu. have some self respect and dont lower yourself like that
Careful user
sounds like a sex slave prisoner
>spam same shit daily
>plebbit replies
This is now plebbit containment bread
>so this is the infamous Yas Forums
>tfw got red flagged and funs taken away cuz I wouldn't stop texting a bitch
user, turn the internet and phone off NOW
No. Look, I don't know how your relationship ended. If youre on her and stocking up ammo, you're probably a schizo weirdo. Reach out and tell her that you know it'll be fine but you don't want the last thing to have said to each other to have been bitter. Get the door open and then go from there, don't just start with a crazy message like that.
I REALLY wouldn't want to be quarantined with my ex and a ton of ammo and guns for either of our sakes. This sounds like an idea a trillion times worse than Corona.
Why are you still talking to your ex's mother? kek
Will she have to eat eggs?
OP see pic related
You fully autistic moron
You done fucked up
she will claim you have guns and won't stop
texting her
now she will tell the cops
they will take your guns and .......
>come to my compound or you will fucking die
I’m sure you put her mind at ease
Just warn her for what's coming, her choice if she won't listen to you. Stop texting when she declines your offer to save her ass.
Just buy gold, shut the fuck up and wait. You can buy 5 girlfriends to take them off the street when the whole economy is fucked.
There will be enough pussychoice user.
wimpering only exponentially magnifies the misery you are storing up for yourself when that which you desperately try to patch together very shortly after disintegrates entirely
Dude shut the fuck up and get out we all know what you're here for.
also fpbp
now this is simping
>Don't be sentimental, women don't like that
>But don't be distant either, women don't like that
>And definitely, remember, DON'T BE A SIMP
>Because women don't like that
This thread has been up again and again for days, it's copypasta.
captain save-a-hoe needs to stop making this gay thread. You live in fantasies, and they're not even good fantasies.
that's you
End yourself you are pathetic
Women legitimately don't know what they want.
Putting pussy on a pedestal doesn't increase the value of the pussy, it's devaluing YOURSELF.
When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING.
Fuck women, im tired of their endless bullshit
Whats wrong with being the eat the eggs guy?
Uh, when you're in a hole you're supposed to dig as deep as you can, in a successively faster and harder fashion as suits your will.
> (OP)
>captain save-a-hoe needs to stop making this gay thread
Ok, Rollo
any woman who is own her own and lonely has no one but herself to blame. We all know every single one of them can remember a guy wanted them at some point but they were not emotionally available...Forever holding out and that better option that SHOULD come along soon.. I mean there are guys everywhere and they all want that pussy, so just give it away to any guy - She will still try to hook up with a married and wreck a stable home buy being a whore. It is too late for western women, I would rather date a girl who STILL works at the WUHAN wet market than take any chick from my own country out.
If I was her I'd dive headfirst into a coronavirus pile if it meant being away from you
So, hyper simping works?
If you're trying to attract sociopaths, sure.
how do I stop being clingy/simpy with girls on the internet?
Nope, that's an allusion to sex. It's pretty fun. You should try it.
here is a re-write for you simp fag op:
>hey bitch, i heard the shit is about to hit the fan in NYC and you're fucked lol. as you know i am all stocked up on that sweet sweet TP, hand sanitizer and years worth of pizza pockets. if you wanna keep that poop tube of your's clean and safe you can come crash at my place as long as you pay the ass tax. let me know. got about a dozen other potential tp-starved bitches lined up on the invite list but thought i would give you first dibs since i remember how tight your asshole is. let me know soon. thanks.
Stop it, theres no need to being this mean. Evil person.
fucking cuck
Improve yourself.
The trick is to create a very low bar of success. A common example is to do a singular push-up every day. If you feel like doing another after, go ahead. As long as you make it a routine to improve yourself.
Women love to chase more than to be chased. It sounds weird, I know, but I promise you it works.
B-but that sounds too NIGGER
Seriously OP I'm lonely too but come the fuck on.
wow. I hope this is bait. you're trying to save a girl that hates you? she will better probably get tyrone and come rob you.
watching lots and lots of porn and deeply internalizing that you don't need a woman unless she has your best interest in mind and actually puts in effort to stay together with you.
Lol, women don’t care about lockdown
She will show that to other dudes and laugh
I've stopped looking for awhile and still nothing. I've heard that line before. It's just false hope.
fucking SIMP
This is a pasta you tards
>Women love to chase more than to be chased. It sounds weird
>I know, but I promise you it works.
yea I know this, lately i feel I'm the one whose doing the chasing, simping, not sure how to cut that out, but yea I am improving myself, getting in shape etc
Good. Keep at it.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh god saved
>texting your ex:
>come back to me
>I'll lock you in my basement
>I have guns and ammos
You are one special kind of retard
Ohhh a real fucking hero. You sound like a desperate white knight fag in that post. Just start transitioning instead of beating around the bush.
Don't simp for these whores user, protect your mother. She cared for you and loves you user. Take care of your family, the family you do have. The family that cared about you when you were hurt most. Not some whore.
user this is a spot in your life you should never be let alone share with others
>was in the first Elise thread
Post this slut already OP
What is it with this forum and the obsession with narcissistic cunts? The lowest quality ones are the ones that everyone likes.
>not just bragging about being a chad prepper then sayin cya
you go fucking simping when you could make her beg by not offering.
Fucking based and kekpilled
Kek did not think I’d see this on Yas Forums