...who is policing the military during martial law?

...who is policing the military during martial law?

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the second amendment, unironically


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The Military Police. Next question?

The actual police

the military police

really? do the actual police have the training for that?

The local militias

you really really really don't fuck with MP's

I thought about this: The military needs to tell soldiers that if they are caught abusing anyone that they will be executed. Make them wear body cams. Why is this hard?

this is why the millenial generation isnt allowed to be in charge of anything

God himself

based and innawoodspilled

The military.........police?

You really don't, their sheer incompetence and stupidity will get you killed.

I think you're on to something user, we should make some laws related to this. Tell you what, I think we'd all feel a little safer if you were to go be an MP and keep those bastards in line for us.

>Untrained civilians vs. military with the largest budget in the world
What kind of idiot would gamble on those odds

full house beats a straight. I'm all in.

You're either not American or you've never been around service members.

Kill niggers

Hopefully their principals and morals.

I can feel the many (you)s coming

Why would we need to police the military during martial law? Did you fall for the multi year brain washing that martial law is bad or going to be the end of the world? Stay indoors and don't be a nigger and there won't be anything to worry about.

>mostly untrained civilians vs trained civilians with the largest budget in the world


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military police
its in the name
also, there's not gonna be martial law, why would you want to turn control over to us jokers? Regular cops work fine
You may see natl guard doing mundane chores for their state and adjacent states, which isn't martial law. You will not see them doing raids, pointing guns at people, etc, prior to martial law. If you see that happen, its the apocalypse and I seriously doubt it will happen

Otherwise don't panic just because you see some kids in camo, they're just helping out

ur mom

Imagine saying something this retarded unironically. Have fun in Vietnam 2.0 where any random person in a suburban home can be better armed than 50 Vietnamese rice farmers huddled in a mud hole.

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Unironically this.

Who is policing the military the rest of the time?

>00-10 Army
All I have to say is kek to that. We’re fucked

Their commanding officers and journalists (i say that as though the media isn't bought and paid for by the state/Jews.)

Sometimes you must burn the village to save it

-some military fuck said that


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If shit truly gets bad and they turn on the people just remember all of the branches general ground troops are taught to shoot centermast. Nothing else. Elite units are different. But the General day to day idiots are taught to shoot right where you vest or plate is because they don’t think sand nigs wear vests

implying american military would willingly fire on their own citizens

lmao good luck american military is mostly welfare queens, not bots. they'd never shoot families and shit.

now, give it 25 years when they have a robotic military, now you're talking senpai

The military police dumbass

They won't go for robot warfare, it's stupid and a meme. The great nose men will go back to using Islamic mercernary armies to do shit for them like they have in the past. I suspect it's the real reason for France and Germany going full ackbar while trying to form a "UN Army" and surprised not more of Yas Forums view from this angle.

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>Room temperature iq
>In celsius
Holy shit user have you ever read a book before

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Do you know how fucked MPs are ?
Who joins the military and says yeah I want to be a cop and pull people over for doing 5 over on a empty road.

I dunno... Coast Guard?


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No one basically that is why you want to avoid it at all costs.

National guard tier troops patrol streets.


The part that hurts is I don't think you're being ironic

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As if Americans wouldn’t sweat profusely and surrender immediately as their electricity and food gets cut off. The Vietnamese rice farmers are a different breed than you lot. Fighting for their actual freedom and not to cosplay soldier.

Not an argumenr

Some rando jew they don't want us to know about.


MPs, otherwise known as Military Police.

Cant spell wimp without MP

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Yeah they’ll fuck you up, but I appreciate them.


We are talking about an army that lost to viet farmers.

That's how you create an inneffective force afraid to do their job

raw video.

Wrong. The point of Vietnam was to kill loads of white soldiers and purposely not win the war.
This. There is no US empire. There is a N.Y./DC Empire.
If you want to know what’s coming, see the Whiskey Rebellion, Sherman’s March to the sea and the firebombing of Dresden.
Whatever excuse is necessary to bring about real, actual violence in whatever measures required to crush the upstarts, that’s what they’re going to do.

Not an argument

>kill whitey

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The National Guard will only be protecting vital infrastructure and doing checkpoints.

We're pretty much on our own.

Always a meme flag that makes these comments

Ok faggot

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This. 21B. Ready to string piano wire up at neck level for moving Humvees Gunners?

>...who is policing the military during martial law?

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