Why is the US getting infected so rapidly?

why is the US getting infected so rapidly?

Spain, France and germoney had a head start of about 2-3 weeks and now the US has more cases than them

Is it because they're fat?

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Enjoy hell, vato.

The fish rots from the head down user

They will have more cases than DZHAYNA.

Because Trump is retarded

Larger population and there is a large rollout of tests since last week, and few tests before that.

it's the 3rd most populous country

need to go state by state to make comparisons to EU countries

they have more fucking people, spic iq ladies and gents

Some states have 2 international airports. So that can lead to more infections

Hurr I’m a europoor comparing my country with 35 people to the entire United States lol you don’t even know everyone in ur country?? Wow your culture sucks.

It's because they are testing more, and no one here will do what they're supposed to do unless someone makes them.

We just started testing. We still aren’t testing anywhere as much as we should be.

jew york has over 10k cases and only 20million people, if you multiply that to reach the population of france or germany you get italy tier infection rates...on a country that started getting infected waaay after europe

everyone in NYC is getting infected, it is driving up the national numbers

>Testing just started coming back (takes 4 days)
> ~350 million people
How about the fact that Spain has like 4x the deaths but same amount of cases with a much smaller population

i'm testing you for the gay nigga disease, open wide...





i'm sorry to tell you, but the test results came back positive.

Wow, no one said because of Jews yet.

bravo lad, bravo, finally a leaf poster i can appreciate

thats how you kno things are getting a lil hot n heavy out there

You mean all the retards not practicing social distancing and who don't know any better?

Testing increases infected count
Actual infected numbers increase regardless if you put it on a list or not.

i was being polite

“Nigga”? Fucking kys.

Fucking jew rats and their public transport. Millions of people cramped inside subways that they didn't even disinfect until a few weeks ago. Last I heard they still had public transport running but I could be mistaken.
At what point will people realize cities are a bad idea? Will it be the high crime rates? Insane housing prices? High taxes? A global pandemic? The entire thing burning down? Why do people insist on living like literal animals cramped inside tiny boxes?

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It's because they are going to win.
btw wall just got 10ft. higher.

>deaths 340
>recovered 176

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You’re most likely going to die from coronachan’s embrace lardass.

>Why do people insist on living like literal animals cramped inside tiny boxes?

lots of sluts on tinder on big cramped cities, so sex is really easy to get

t. guy from a smallish 3rd world city who visited LA once, the amount of sluts and the ease of getting laid was astonishing to me

Recovery times are usually weeks, death is usually quicker.
Also keep in mind they have to sign off on reporting that.

New York is a disgusting state that get what they fucking deserve
seeing as they're ran by liberal too, for all i know they're just saying everyone they're testing has the virus

Because, you stupid spic, a more apt comparison would be to compare the entire central and western half of Europe to the U.S. as a whole.

So, go tally up all the european cases then compare.

if you are going by the numbers the u.s. is actually getting infected slowly compared to those countries, considering that we have a much higher population. that said, without proper testing we still probably don't know the real numbers.

>the only sensible post in the thread is from a leaf

What has this board come to?

You're retarded...
Trump didn't allow people to get tested.
Even the CDC had to admit that many "flu related deaths" were actually Covid-19 deaths.

USA had it before any other country. However now they're actually testing, at a very low scale.
Count with over 100k by Wednesday
500k if they really start testing

And they say 99% of Italy’s deaths were due to high blood pressure and diabetes. RIP in pieces burgerland

>Population of France: 64 million
>Population of Italy: 60 million
>Population of Spain: 46 million
>Population of USA: 330 million


We just got 10mil test kits from Israel, so expect a surge in confirmed cases in the next couple weeks.

you have about 10 x our population and 20 X the cases we have

us is bigger euro niggers

We just got our tests basically



It all has to do with jewing the EU for money. Germoney only accepts death where only Corona caused it.. if they develope pneumonia it's co morbidity classified and doesn't count for their Corona deaths.

oh f*** off chang


How about US CDC has declared covid-19 deaths as "flu" deaths?
You're at record high numbers with flu and pneumonia deaths.
It's your own CDC that admitted it.

Don't believe in these numbers. A lot of people are dying in Iran but it seems the government refuses to look careless. People here in Teheran are very worried.


Like... it's so obvious. Why are people freaking out?

Indecisiveness, incompetence, in denial, confused, low iq ect.

You should know better than anyone. Our population is made up of like 40% of your niggers who you didn't want to pay healthcare for so you sent them here. They don't have any concept of personal space or what a quarantine is or how to wash your hands.

Chinese people

Spring Break, and tons of retards thinking it's a good idea to venture into "popular" areas that are now ghost towns.


It’s a fair point, but your rate of doubling infections is almost down to two days user. Add to that woeful amount of testing you’re doing and the number of fat bodies you have and one could confidently make the case that USA will feel the full brunt of this thing.

Thatfacewhen.jpg Trump has killed off his voter base

USA must be #1

Fuck all that man, Pajeets are gonna get BTFO in the next month.

The numbers will always be higher than reported.

We have a lot more people

They released a weak strain in their own country and had agents release a much stronger one in ours. They are going to play innocent since they allegedly got it too. This has been a plan of theirs for a very long time.


>Why do people insist on living like literal animals cramped inside tiny boxes?
Since when do animals live in tiny boxes? Oh right, when psycho sadists put them there.

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>go outside because muh freedom without wearing mask
>get back to home, don't wash your hands
>get infected

nothing weird about it

> why isn't america doing tests reeeeeeee
next week it's gonna be
> what the fuck why are cases jumping so hard TRUMPP REEEEEEEEEEE
(while ignoring the low death count).

Wonder what the percent of cases compared to the population of each country is...

All the anal sex makes people slow to get tested.

It's not how much they have it's how much they have officially detected, you dope. There's a website that tells you how many people per million governments have tested. Go look at Mexico and the US on that list and report back. No, I won't do it for you. Spoiler alert: we could have it 10x worse and we wouldn't know it, and 65% more dengue deaths than last year could very feasibly be hiding numbers. Europe isn't aggressively testing as much as South Korea; and compared to America they are dropping like flies, 1000+ death in 2 days in Italy alone. Also what is population density and an older median age, duh. I fucking hate brown people like you posting here under my flag, they always type retarded drivel and it gives me a bad image by association, kill yourself, Indian.

Honestly, how stupid can you be OP???? The US has 300 MILLION people. How many in Italy? How many in Spain. The stupidity on this board is absolutely amazing to me.

There are already millions of infected.
They just haven't caught up with testing and 80% are asymptomatic.
They're only testing people who are already in the hospital who they already think may have it.
Even then, over 80% of the hospitalized sick as fuck people they test are negative for coronavirus.

>this guy believes they had under 500 cases and Sophie Trudeau just happened to be one

I got some swampland in Florida to sell you.

Germany population 83M
Spain population 47M
France population 67M

US population alone = 327M

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Because we're a huge population that is rolling out massive testing. This shit is going to spread hard here and kill a good amount of boomers and fatty's but our death rate is surprisingly low because of high tech medical and tons of hospital capacity. We just dont give a fuck to be honest with you.

>south korea


You had 1 death 22 days ago.
You started to slowly start people 1 week ago
CDC has admitted you had several deaths that were declared as flu related deaths
In less than 2 weeks you will have over 5k deaths and over 500k confirmed cases.

idiot boomers walking around treating this like it's a snow day and being unhygenic

which would be 1% kill rate out of confirmed cases.... bretty gud sir matador, especially for how fucking fat we are.

Do you think it stays like that?
You still don't understand how it evolves...
First you start seeing a rise of confirmed cases... Hospitals get filled, more and more confirmed cases... at some point deaths start to kick in while still having high amount of new confirmed cases...
End of April you will be over 100k deaths at best (more likely higher).
That's without counting all those that have already died and were classified incorrectly.