You Won’t Do Shit

This mans name is Duncan Lemp. He posted here on Yas Forums and for that was executed in his sleep in his own home by government agents. He was a boogaloofag, likely the kind of person who thought he could take the government on. The kind of person who says “Just wait until they start confiscating guns then we’ll use ‘em”, well they skipped that, went straight to executing you in your sleep. And nobody will do a thing about it. Duncan will be forgotten in a few days and Americans here will go back to deluding themselves that they’re free or that they’ll ever get to use their guns. There will never be a “boogaloo” or a civil war, a war needs two sides right now your just letting the government pick you off.

>Lawyer: Man asleep when police fired on house, killing him

>SILVER SPRING, Md. -- A Maryland man was asleep in his bedroom when police opened fire from outside his house, killing him and wounding his girlfriend, an attorney for the 21-year-old man’s family said Friday.

>On his Instagram account, Lemp recently posted a photograph that depicts two people holding up rifles and included the term “boogaloo,” slang used by militia members and other extremists to describe a future civil war in the U.S.

>“He was a talented, smart guy. Super nice. Didn’t deserve to get shot,” said Samuel Reid, whose Canadian software company employed Lemp as an independent contractor.

>Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj, 24, of Fairfax, Virginia, said he met Lemp in 2016 and bonded with him over their shared interest in cryptocurrency. They also talked about politics. He described Lemp as a libertarian who frequented the Yas Forums and Reddit message boards, sites popular with internet trolls.

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Based. It's time we killed all gun LARPers for being giant faggots online. You're all pussies and sheep in reality and would hand over your guns like good goys

>It's time we killed all gun LARPers for being giant faggots online.
like Duncan?

I’m more concerned about his poor girlfriend... is she ok? Does she need a hug? Is she still single?

>Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj
This mans(?) parents hated him

Also where is the bodycam footage where this cuck is doing something stupid


He wasn’t even given a chance to hand over his guns. They shot him in his sleep without warning.

The problem is too institutional at this point to actually be solved at the grassroots level. Jews were lucky enough to seize power just before we reached the technological point horizon. Unlike in the civil war period, the powers of the surveillance state are so intrusive and far reaching that the power of individuals has been curtailed. There is no hope of a successful revolutionary movement in an Orwellian surveillance state. The good news is that the Jews who dominate our lives will be eaten by their own Frankenstein monster. Since they possess no inner redeeming qualities, they depend on parasitism to survive. Once the host dies, so will the parasite.

>killed in his sleep
>fucking pregnant girlfriend wounded and could have died
In a just world the people that did this would be fucking dead

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good luck in corporate fascist multicultural hell hole america.

>cops have a good reason when niggers die
>but a cop killing a mutt with guns? No need for evidence, the cops are evil!

This. Gunfags are the amerisharts of amerisharts. The world's most dedicated larpers.

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What was the official motive for Duncan getting killed?

>almost every time I see niggs get wasted they are pulling a weapon or trying to make it look like they are pulling a weapon
>this guy was asleep
Quite different.



being white and having opinions in america.

Ok CCPSIS we aren't the only ones on lists bitch.

>fucking pregnant girlfriend wounded and could have died
Cops missed that whore and her spawn. Should have ended his whole line. Shame.

The government better watch out! The mutts might act tough online and then comply like usual!

>was a programmer and getting funding for a startup

They are clearly trying to kneecap the technologically inclined. Anti government software engineers will be incredibly dangerous. to the government.

Well a whiny faggot in the thread who could it be ?
>a leaf

What a surprise. Muh gunz burgers are retards but you cuck fags will pay your weakness. In a real crisis you will eat the shit first.

If they are willing to shoot whitey in his sleep over shit posted online what do you think they will do to your black nationalists larping ass

keep seething, 70 iq monkey.

Yeah, that makes sense. Following the Israeli policy of “rise and kill first” to neutralise any possible future threats. Like the cowardly scum that they are.

>He posted here on Yas Forums and for that was executed
Ok, retard.

>will be forgotten in a few days
especially now

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>implying he wasn't killed for being a plebbitor

He's dead.

Does that mean that “breakin 2 electric boogaloo” is code for a dance fighting revolution?

Someone call Sam Firstenberg now!


Why is there no bodycam footage?

Do you think the death squads wear and turn on bodycams?

So naive and finpilled.

>known weed dealer in pounds
>travelled the world with no problems despite this
>his favored gun and the only rifle that showed any wear and tear on it or a sling for use is a Tavor
>favored rifle is an Israeli one
>was said to be working on a system that allows for people to circumvent patriot act restrictions
>was openly making his intentions known on the normiesphere section of the internet
>first few threads on this guy was agitprop antagonistic threads just like this OP
>"Damn you goyim! Why aren't you doing stupid shit to get the normalfags to vote for their own rights to be taken away!"

Thank you

There will never be a revolution in America because the people who claim to be against the government will always justify whatever the government does because they cant have their bluff called. You wont do shit, you have no rights keep coping.

Gun nuts are crazy faggots who talk big but won't do shit

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st. lemp of maryland
Martyred for being christian

>>Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj
>This mans(?) parents hated him

Nah, that is just a Mongolian name.

this story does not add up at all. i bet it didn't happen at all like they describe.

>in his sleep
We will see if this is true

All you did was double down on your narrative while deflecting from the points I brought up. You expect to be listened to but you won't even consider what others have to say. You're even so full of hubris that you attempted more agitprop posting too.

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> you are all pussies who would do shit!
> resorts to killing you in your sleep during a surprise night time raid

Sounds like they viewed him a legitimate threat to me

His last name kind of sounds like is has the word "Nutsack" in it.

What rights do you have?

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lol keep coping

>jews want me to rise up, be a good boy and let the government murder you or jes win.

kek keep deflecting

>"Listen to me you damn goy! you have to do stupid shit out of retaliation to get the normies to vote your rights away and if you don't, then you have no rights!"


I've never seen so many meme flags

What is this? Googles Whynne. Supposedly the creator of troll face. Weird.

oh snap.

It's a true shame.


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Nice try FBI

They are as intrusive as you let them be.

He's a beta white larping as a nigger, baguette.



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>e-ville companies have no business as public leeches prostinograping user data around town via government funded tubes without being fined or otherwise held accountable for privacy violations and infringement of taxpayer rights in a shifting web of unregulated lies

>e-ville social media corp is a platform claiming neutral party immunity from lawsuits
>e-ville social media corp is a speaker editorially censoring free speech for publishing
pick 1 or 0, or 1010, pick all the ones that are good for you

Dear Friend,

There's no need to cause fights, simply burn the Bill of Rights.
Don't think it harsh or make drama, just ban the Supreme Court's decision in Marsh v. Alabama.
Content rating litigation nightmares aren't fair, share hell with "the modern public square".
Whether you object or not, constitutionally protected material should rot.
Bake the cake and like it too, civil rights are for niggers, not you.

End goy, you're A(((i)))DS.

>Jannie Tranny Fanny, BABA
>Precedent & CccpOohpOoh
>E-Ville Incorporated, an illegal subsidiary of The Game

Pleez Subzcribe
-1 = 1, if you don't concur you can get bent.
Taking something down is the same as putting it up, read the fool proof in Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content.

Petty Pleas Scribe
If you prick us, we do not bleed, our growing old does not lead to death.
Your guns we need not heed, we draw profit from your last breath.

Peepee Poopoo Pusspuss Snot
(You)'s a fag. Check my got.

Peter Piper Picks Pepper Snacks
>kikeghoul image captcha
>anonymously posting facts

>Blockchain, Distributed social network, Decentralized computing, Ad blocking, Do Not Track, H-1B visa#Fraud, Competition law, Scams in intellectual property, Commercial use of copyleft works, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Atomic spies, Sayanim

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>he's black
You need to get better at recognizing kikeposting.