You're all a bunch of fucking idiots

You're all a bunch of fucking idiots.

Don't fuck with the Jews.

You all hate on them as if they're a subhuman race but facts show that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ on average.

>but muh white supremacy

There is none.
What the fuck is white supremacy?
You've all mixed and fucked and spread your genes out to the point of not having a common identity

>the Jews did this, they spread race mixing propaganda

No they didn't you fucking plebs, it was your ancestors who couldn't keep their dick in their fucking pants and fucked whoever they wanted. Just look at all the old men who went and got a mail order Chinese wife. Look at all you weaboos who are obsessed with MA WAIFU Asian culture.

So quick to disregard Jews as the problem, and hell yeah they run shit now - but the British Empire raped, fucked and pillaged everything in right until only the last hundred years. That ok was right because according to you guys


The only people obsessed with racial issues is the white man today, you fucking idiots talk about nothing but that. That's all you do, is concern yourself about preserving the white race (while obsessing over Asian women) that somehow it's okay for you to be concerned with white supremacy, but not for Jews to be concerned with maintaining their tradition.

>but Jews we're expelled from X amount of countries

No. They were money lenders because the countries that expelled them didn't let Jews take up any other profession besides money lending. When it came down to paying back the Jews, you fucking expelled them. Just look what Prince Phillip of France did. After he promised he would never do it again, he fucking did it again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine my shock

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All you spastics were pro Trump and pro Jordan Peterson until they admitted their compassion for the Jews. That's all it is, isn't it? You Neo Nazi retards cant handle the fact that "the white race" has become nothing but a cesspit of hentai obsession and vidya. Somehow that's still the Jews fault right? Grow the fuck up. Accept it. If the Jews have a world domination plan then I wouldn't be surprised, look at how every fucking nation tried to eradicate them and dispose of them like it wasn't going to come back and bite them on the ass.

>kike, nigger, chink, spic, mudslime, slavshit, redskin

You made this. The Christian white race is the inventor of those words. The white race is the most hateful haplo group that ever existed. You are the most apathetic and vile against anyone who isn't your own.

Through famine, blade and fire the British Empire is responsible for more deaths then Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Hitler or Stalin. The British empire literally governed a fifth of the world's population. In today's numbers, that would be total control of 1,400,000,000 people.

A poll showed that almost 50% of people were proud of the history of the British Empire. So much hypocrisy in all of your words against the Jews, Blacks, Asians etc. That you're completely oblivious to the destruction of so many parts of the world only when now that all that power has became thwarted, your RNA kicks in and says

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Pathetic. Jesus was a Jew remember that. He was born and died practising Jewish traditions. If the Bible is right, and revelation happens - what makes you dumb fucks think he's going to be a Christian lol? Look at how you behave in the name of God, look how you treat anyone that's not your own.. you're literally psychotic, you have no empathy to a man that suffers unless regardless of skin colour. You are hatred manifested into DNA over centuries of raping and pillaging.. but yeah I guess that's the Jews fault somehow too right?

When Cyril Radcliffe was given the role to split up India and Pakistan while he had his lunch, but the time he had his last time the entire subcontinent was split up uprooting over 10 million people, and throwing the Muslim and Hindu population into a destruction that continues to this day.
For the sake of profit.

>but we brought civilization to the world
You didn't do shit. Look at the Africas, they didn't need petty materialistic bullshit to keep them happy. They were spiritually connected to the universe, they had complete oneness with mother nature. Same as the Australian Aboriginals, the Native Americans, the list goes on. Fuck your civilization and the chase for material gains while sacrificing your own kind. This is literal human sacrifice that was practised for the sake of monetary gain. Atleast when the Aztecs did it, they were under the assumption that it made their Gods happy and brought them closer to the universe.

Just have a goddamn read the amount of persuction Jews have went through.
If this is their revenge, then so be it.
It's well deserved for what you fucks have done to our planet.

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Jews invented IQ of course they win. its their game. its their simulation

The Catholic church does nothing but pedophile rings and condones sodomy of little boys. The Vatican has been funding Hollywood since it's creation, but you'll all stop once you find it's easier to blame the Jews. You spread lies and misinformation and will never take a second to actually read the timeline if history because let's face it, you don't read shit. You low IQ goldfish-attenion-span having delinquents will never accept truth if it doesn't make your animal pride feel better. Savages.

All in all, it doesn't matter what race you are or religion. However, if you are an anti-semite in the process, then there will be no world to come for you. If you hate Jews in your heart you will be cursed and doomed forever. You all preach the words of Jesus but do the exact opposite.

"The nation is like a mighty lion;
When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it.
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

Numbers 24:9

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The Jewish problem isn’t that they are inferior to us; they clearly show signs of superior intelligence.

The issue is that when the Aryan nations invite them in, they use their advanced IQ to subvert our societies. It takes 3-5 generations of Aryans to realize their subversive behaviors. Look at Spain, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Greece. Hell. Everywhere.

Once the Aryan man decides en masse that they have to act; they do so decisively. Because if there’s one thing Aryans excel at, its organization. When the Aryan man decides to organize into a war machine... there’s nothing that can stop them.

If the Jew just simply assimilates, and stops subverting our societies, they’ll be left alone.

Hell, they may even thrive in our organized and stable societies.

Repent for your hatred or wait the swift revenge by the hand of God when the time comes. If Jesus comes back or the Jewish Messiah arives or the Muslim etc. It's all based on the Old Testament, the original word of God, the Torah that was given to the Jews. Trump knows this, Bill Gates knows this, Jordan Peterson knows this and so does every other person who has a droplet of rational thinking.

From the blood libels, from blaming the Jews for the black plague, from the Pogroms, from the Crusades, from the Holocaust etc. And the Jews are still here, and now stronger then ever. They are truly the Chosen People, and their covenant with the Lord is forever. They were sent here to teach you but you spat in their face.

It doesn't matter what race you are, skin colour or nation of origin. If you hate the Jews, you're fucked.

Last chance.

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Typical Jewish response. Resort to slander and insults.

And you guys wonder why.

No it's be cause you didn't read a goddamn thing I said because if you did you wouldn't still the same shit with the Aryan argument, hence; MORON

jews high iq

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Aryans are good at raping each other in jail cells in the USA. Aryans are good at sacrificing their own people for a war machine. You're just as bad as a communist. Stop being a fucking sheep and read a book for once in your goddamn life.

Aryans are descendants the R1 Y chromosomal Haplogroup. They’re known as Proto Indo Europeans. They were pushed off the Caspian Sea steppes in 2500 BCE and went on to replace 90% of the Native European populations. They would do the same in the United States.

The Jews prefer living in our societies more than all the others for the simple reason we have a natural engineering mind. We are almost autistic in our life’s perceptions. We create relatively stable and congenial societies.

And yes, when the Aryan societies are poked, like a hornets nest, we overreact. That’s our weakness. We tend to overreact when we are pushed into violence

Here's the original you blinded poor little sheep.

If you're going to use a manipulated Nyborg chart, don't use it against someone who has an education. Simpleton

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If the Jews are so awesome how come their "promised land" cannot survive without gibs from Uncle Sam?

Since the 1970's,, Israel has received more foreign aid per person than any nation on Earth.

Israel is Owned and RUN by HEBREWS
Ashkenazi jews

Real HEBREWS are starting to Wake up
to the Ashkenazi threat

The Jews have mastered the art of social engineering. It’s their greatest strength, and our greatest Achilles heel.

They know Aryan women are prone to empathy. It’s why they make great mothers who raise great sons. But they found out if you can turn that empathy away from the family, then the stability of Aryan society destabilizes.

Through this social engineering project, they’ve been able to guilt us for literally billions of foreign aid money. All the while, continuing their desire to destroy us.

Kek, the true elite are all anglo/aryans. Even the most powerful jews are just court jews for them, moving around the wealth of families that have been rich for 1,000 years and making their own wealth off a tiny fraction of the interest they make for their owners. The vast bulk of jews are just a programmed NPC administrator class for the elites and have been serving as their tax collectors/accountants/bankers for 2500+ years because the elites like having a a group they can scapegoat when shit goes bad and it works because most of the criticism of Jewish group behavior is true.

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So smart. and so corrupt.

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>oy vey you hicks are so inbred not like us

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Tay Sachs syndrome
The only two diseases of their kind...

Yes. Any good man, Aryan or Ashkenazi, needs to treat a stranger as though they were his brother. Regardless of race or nationality. To do otherwise is to rob them of their humanity, and chip away at your own.

What's funny is that this post displays your lack of understanding of averages. The Jewish population is about 30 million, and there are roughly 750 million europeans. Comparing an average taken from 30 million to an average taken from 750 million is pretty damn low IQ. Not to mention that is based off of one study that used a very small sample size.

Firstly, R1y isn't a subclade of Haplogroups, so you're speaking rubbish, also

High frequencies of haplogroup R1a are found amongst West Bengal Brahmins (72%), and Uttar Pradesh Brahmins, (67%), the Ishkashimi (68%), the Tajik population of Panjikent (64%), the Kyrgyz population of Central Kyrgyzstan (63.5%), Sorbs (63.39%), Bihar Brahmins (60.53%), Shors (58.8%), Poles (56.4%), Teleuts (55.3%), South Altaians (58.1%),Ukrainians (50%) and Russians (50%)

LOL, funny enough
Haplo Group J and it's subclades is traced back to the Gilaks. Who are of Proto-Indo-Iranian lineage, hence "Proto-Iran/Proto-Aryan"

Which can be traced all the way down to the Caucasus mountains, and the MOST ironic part of all of this, it can be traced to the Juhuri MOUNTAIN JEWS LOL

You guys are so fucking lost in your own bullshit you can't seperate fact from fiction

>What makes you dumb fucks think he is going to be a Christian?

The lack of understanding of anything biblical from all the non-christians of Yas Forums makes me laugh. How about you try reading the bible dumb fuck. Salvation comes from faith in Christ, Jews don't have faith in Christ. Oops! I guess your great big wall of text rant doesn't amount to shit. What a pathetic seething little rat you are.

I like you.

My numbers are based of studies that, too this day, is cited in Cambridge university.. the one in the England.

Wow you really need to stop talking about the bible, it's the most cringe thing I've seen in a long time. Anyone who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior isn't getting saved. That includes the Jews.


Lmao Neo Nazi's don't even know the origins of these haplo groups that they're referencing.

You're saying you're the pure white race, but this literally says that you're Slavs mixed with Indians. Lol

>memeflag tries to lump my post in with the others with a mass reply trying desperately to deflect through association of other posts
>conspicuously left my other posts alone
>kvetchposting this hard

>You all hate on them as if they're a subhuman race but facts show that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ on average.
They score slightly higher on verbal and mathematical tasks but they're either similar or worse than white people at everything else, especially spatial recognition which is the type of intelligence you need in order to interact with anything material.

>muh feelings

You didn't respond to my OP or my previous posts, but expect me to give your pic a fucking response? Where does your logic sit, in your ass canal?

>rhetoric typical of a kike rat
>hurr durr you didn't even give any attention to me in my thread so why should I give you a response?
>egocentric self-centered focus rather than thread focus as a whole
>acts like I was expecting anything of him when he's a memeflag top begin with and i expected nothing of him except what he's already doing, kvetching, while trying to use this kike rat rhetoric tactic to misdirect away from the point
>invokes logic

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>pretending to be just retarded enough to not know he meant R1 Y-dna

kys faggot

cry more

so why didn't he mention it was R1a?

you'll die from shitty recessive genes long before I ever kill myself

Yet isreals IQ is so low?

saved, archived, 6million and 1 now, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Because 21% of Israel has an Arab population who identify as Israel

The greatest Yas Forums thread of all time

Correct, Jews were a product of one of the first unified Aryan empires of Persia. Their religion was Zoroastrianism/Mithraism. Persia destroyed Assyria and sacked Babylon, where it found a bunch of Canannite captives working as merchants/traders and early bankers. The Persians created Judaism from synthesizing Babylonian and Canaanite myths as a way to unify the Canaanite tribes and fold them into the empire and basically program the jewish people to be tools of the NWO. These aryan elites have been seeking to conquer the world in one empire or another ever sense, using the jews as their puppets.

There was no Judaism and not a single shred of evidence anything but Phoenecian/Canaanite/Baal worship existed before the Babylonian captivity when the Canaanites were returned to the Levant as under persian rule and persians funded the creation of Jerusalem using the jew religion to unify the various Semite castoff tribes the Egyptians referred to as the Habiru, which later became Hebrew.

Temple Judaism lasted from around 538BC to 70AD and was not much different than any of the other animal sacrifice cults of the middle east and had almost nothing in common with Rabbinic Judaism.

Modern Rabbinic Judaism was not really a thing until sometime after 500AD likely and is infact much younger than Christianity.

As for the prevalence of R1 haplogroup, yes you can find R1 literally anywhere that was conquered by the original Aryans of the black sea area, as they migrated from the horde lands of the steppes with seasonal changes numerous times, the first time being likely around 5,000BC.

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jew high IQ is a myth, they rely on nepotism, if they had high IQ they wouldn't have to crawl like insects upon each other.

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>facts show that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ
Prove it kike

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Hey tranny.

Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden encouraging white genocide:

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)

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If EVERY jew had X IQ, there would still be VASTLY more non-jews with X IQ.

Jews are only 0.0025% of the world population.

Our jews shill's lack of comprehending this basic math indicates that high jew IQ is indeed overblown.

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Where are Hindus/Pajeets on this list? They def rank higher than Jews

Also there's no way Catholics are that high with all those Latinos

>You all hate on them as if they're a subhuman race but facts show that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ on average.
I don't hate jews because I think they're subhuman. In fact, I don't even hate jews. If I hate anybody, it's the people that are actively preventing my country from being as nice as it could be.


Except they clearly did, the arabs ganged up on them three times and got BTFO. Now that we support them, they wouldn't even try

Why would he specify R1a?

Wrong. You got the timeline, empires & nations all mixed up.

Moses was from the city of Ur, an Akkadian/Sumerian Empire.

The Akkadians & The Sumerians were the original inhabitants of the land and the Canaanites were a subgroup of people that lived in those lands as well.

The Akkadian & Sumerian Gods numerous, however the "King of Gods" was El, or Elohim, or El Adonai

Who according to the Sumerian tradition, had many sons and daughters, one being BAAL.
Otherwise known as the "Golden Calf" if you remember from the biblical accounts, which then Moses was against and the Jews who worshiped Baal were punished.

So Moses, being a Canaanite Hebrew from the lands of Akkad, had El, the supreme deity arrive before him and said "You will have no Gods before me" implying that there were many Gods, who had their own nations they chose as their own, but El being El, the king of Gods took it upon him to have the Hebrews as his nation.

Akkadian Empire can be traced back to 2000 BC.

When it comes to the Persian Rule of Jews, you're confusing it with Cyrus The Great, who was the King of Persia at the time, and was actually given the title of "Messiah" as he freed the Jews from captivity once he destroyed the Assyrian empire, and even giving the Davidic Line and his remnants complete freedom to travel and do business within his empire. The Jews thanked him for his efforts.

Rabbinical Judaism is not Judaism, it's a religious interpretation of the Oral Torah, which can be traced to the original roots of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which has every story the Torah has, including the creation of Adam and Eve.

Check mate.

Blah blah blah blah blah

We're in the middle of the apocalypse right now, step it up. At least the Ellen Degenerate shit is raising an eyebrow, Team Jew vs Team White is so "been there done that"

>didn't read a goddamn thing I said
>posts nothing relevant in response

Because R1 DNA literally means all of fucking Europe, it has to be broken down into a subclade to make any kind of sense, dimwit

Hardly any need to continue giving them billions just to suppress the Palestinian independence movement.. They only have rocks.

Israel is the only nuclear power in the region,no one is going to invade them.

We can stop sending Israel military aid, and we can stop bribing egypt and jordan to tolerate them.

Maybe spend all those billions on a moon base or something.

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>R1 has to be broken down because it's all of Europe
>R1 only survives in a and b varieties
>we're talking about Proto-Indo-Europeans
durrr hurrrrrrrr

>Moses was from the city of Ur, an Akkadian/Sumerian Empire.
Wrong, thats Abraham. Moses was likely a Canaanite/Egyptian tracing his royal lineage back to the 14th Dynasty, the BRIEF period Canaanites took control of Egypt when a Canaanite Vizier managed to ascend to the throne (Joseph). This dynasty was quickly conquered by the invading Aryan Hyksos using Chariots and horses, neither of which egyptians had faced before.
>The Akkadians & The Sumerians were the original inhabitants of the land and the Canaanites were a subgroup of people that lived in those lands as well.
Wrong, it was a mix, of Akkadians and Sumerians but the major coastal cities like Tyre were founded as trading ports by the Minoans. The Minoans (later the Phillistines and Phoenecians) settled most of the major cities of the Levant.

>Otherwise known as the "Golden Calf" if you remember from the biblical accounts
Yes though in reality the Golden Calf was astrological symbolism contemplating the demise of the kingdoms and religions of the age of the bull (taurus) who were to be replaced by the Aryan empires of the Ram, also symbolized by Mithra slaying the bull.

>The Akkadian & Sumerian Gods numerous, however the "King of Gods" was El, or Elohim, or El Adonai

>When it comes to the Persian Rule of Jews, you're confusing it with Cyrus The Great
Im not confusing anything, like you said Persians freed the Canaanites who became the first Jews,a product of a synthesis of Babylonian/Canaanite beliefs from their captivity/schooling in Babylon. This was exploited by the Persian kings to unify the Canaanites into their empire. They were not free, but agents who had formed an alliance with the Persian king.

>Rabbinical Judaism is not Judaism, it's a religious interpretation of the Oral Torah, which can be traced to the original roots of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which has every story the Torah has, including the creation of Adam and Eve.
Correct, Judaism a mix of Babylonian and Canaanite.

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>read my firsts 2 posts and stopped reading because low attention span

prime example of my post lol

>They were money lenders because the countries that expelled them didn't let Jews take up any other profession besides money lending. When it came down to paying back the Jews, you fucking expelled them.
They ruin every industry they're allowed to touch.

You spelled Rothschilds wrong.