Does Yas Forums believe in charity, even for nonwhites?

>be you
>walking down the street
>see pic related
>Hey brotha, I’ve fallen on some hard times. Can ya spare a couple of bucks for an old man down on his luck?
Wwyd Yas Forums?

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Why not? Would you still say no even if you had some extra money that you didn’t need?

I suppose you have to define charity

I guess I would define it as voluntarily donating your money or time to a nonprofit cause you support, for no reasons other than altruism

nonprofits already pay no tax, so they are subsidized by us

can I register as a non-profit and benefit?

Yes I believe in charity. Your time and money is yours to do with what you wish.

Forced """"charity"""" through taxation and redistribution is theft.

Sure, but even so, would you ever donate to something like a church, a cause, or someone in need? Why or why not?

Fair enough

Charities have many problems with (((management))) and enabling shitty poor people, this kind of issue is barely discussed by anybody.

I believe in charity for animals, so yes.

cut the middle man and hand him a jar of gasoline

I don't even engage them, just ignore or tell them no. If you are a pussy say you don't have any cash on you and apologize.

why do I support any old organization with any aim ducking tax when I have topay it?

It's all a scam so no.

does the irs decide which orgs are holy and which have to pay?

I believe in charity, user.

I don't believe in charity for anyone in the same situation as that coon.

Money is the end result of labour.

When you give money to a drunktard you are essentially agreeing to forward the fruits of your labour to someone else. Think about it logically.

Every investment you've ever made, every second you spent studying, every morning you woke up early when you could had stayed in bed and every night when you stayed in when you could have gone out partying.

All so that someone else, can enjoy the end result of your blood and sweat.

Yhst is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

Your money belong to your children

Love you user

>every night when you stayed in when you could have gone out partying.
damn that was an option?


So offer a job. Wash your car for $5.

Niggers always lie

Only if they benefit whites.

What’s so cucked about voluntarily choosing to help someone in need? It’s not like it’s being forced on you, like taxes. charity is you choosing, entirely of your own volition, to help somebody out, even if they don’t deserve it. To make the world a slightly less shitty place. Is that so bad?

such a brainwashed thought you are

do you kneel as you suck the banker slavers cock?

Place my hand over my concealed firearm all the while keeping him in my peripheral vision as I pretend I don't notice him and go about my day.

Never relax.

>What’s so cucked about voluntarily choosing to help someone in need? It’s not like it’s being forced on you
its not?

Help him if I have resources available

No ofc it’s not. You can just say “sorry” and keep walking, like most do

the only money i consider giving is to street performers who earn it by entertaining me and being legitimately skilled at something. Other bums that stand at streetlights or intersections get bottles of water or granola bars if i have extra in the car which i usually do.

why are they there then? any Gov policies behind it?

i've given money before to homeless people i know and volunteered in a soup kitchen.
Only for white people.

The Urantia Book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]

The church, because of overmuch false sentiment, has long ministered to the underprivileged and the unfortunate, and this has all been well, but this same sentiment has led to the unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization.

It is not enough to train men for work; in a complex society there must also be provided efficient methods of place finding. Before training citizens in the highly specialized techniques of earning a living, they should be trained in one or more methods of commonplace labor, trades or callings which could be utilized when they were transiently unemployed in their specialized work. No civilization can survive the long-time harboring of large classes of unemployed. In time, even the best of citizens will become distorted and demoralized by accepting support from the public treasury. Even private charity becomes pernicious when long extended to able-bodied citizens.

This nation is making a determined effort to replace the self-respect-destroying type of charity by dignified government-insurance guarantees of security in old age. This nation provides every child an education and every man a job; therefore can it successfully carry out such an insurance scheme for the protection of the infirm and aged.

1. Doing the Father's will. Jesus' teaching to trust in the overcare of the heavenly Father was not a blind and passive fatalism. He quoted with approval, on this afternoon, an old Hebrew saying: "He who will not work shall not eat." He pointed to his own experience as sufficient commentary on his teachings. His precepts about trusting the Father must not be adjudged by the social or economic conditions of modern times or any other age. His instruction embraces the ideal principles of living near God in all ages and on all worlds.

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>giving homeless money ever
If you do this you're retarded. Most people are homeless because they are poor at making decision. Even if you give them resources they will not be able to use them to their benefit the majority of the time.

If you give them money it will be spent on drugs or alcohol.

Give homeless shit to stay warm/dry and food or water.

The man is missing a sock. If i was feeling sympathetic I'd buy him some good socks and a sandwich.

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yeah, thats bullshit

There's a black dude that juggles on the side of the road near where I work that I call the juggling jiggabo. I've flipped him a fiver a couple of times because at least he actually does something instead of just holding a sign.

Dont typically carry cash. Used to always try to bum cigarettes when I smoked though

>the juggling jiggabo

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Tell them "sorry, I would but I got mugged by a homeless guy on X street (nearby)
make bumfights great again.

its not even good bullshit, like respectable propoganda, make a fucking efort jesus

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how low is you're IQ? jesus Christ, what a specemin for dysgenics, omg, jesus fucking christ, lame

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Yes. Although politically I am far right, I have not been able to entirely turn off my empathy so I often buy food for homeless/give them money.

man that is one happy plane

save it for my kids like a normal person

Charity is immoral.

I live in Baltimore City, I see this shit 600 times a day. I say no 600 times a day, unless I just completely ignore them.

>make the world slightly less shitty
>by giving money to worthless alcoholics

Deus vult

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1/8 Eugenics
>unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization

The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]

The groups going west became less contaminated with the backward stocks of mutual ancestral origin than those going east, who mingled so freely with their retarded animal cousins. These unprogressive individuals drifted southward and presently mated with the inferior tribes. Later on, increasing numbers of their mongrel descendants returned to the north to mate with the rapidly expanding Andonic peoples, and such unfortunate unions unfailingly deteriorated the superior stock. Fewer and fewer of the primitive settlements maintained the worship of the Breath Giver.

> [64:1.8]
And thus it has ever been on Urantia (Earth). Civilizations of great promise have successively deteriorated and have finally been extinguished by the folly of allowing the superior freely to procreate with the inferior.

After all, the real jeopardy of the human species is to be found in the unrestrained multiplication of the inferior and degenerate strains of the various civilized peoples rather than in any supposed danger of their racial interbreeding.

The church, because of overmuch false sentiment, has long ministered to the underprivileged and the unfortunate, and this has all been well, but this same sentiment has led to the unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization.

The inner and the outer worlds have a different set of values. Any civilization is in jeopardy when three quarters of its youth enter materialistic professions and devote themselves to the pursuit of the sensory activities of the outer world. Civilization is in danger when youth neglect to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and cosmology.

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Depends on my mood desu.

But charity begins at home.

If I'm going somewhere metropolitan I pack a few protein bars to toss to the homeless. They can't abuse it, it doesn't cost me much, and if they actually need help, I did contribute. Eases my conscience since I'm literally feeding the hungry.

That’s smart. Give them money so they can buy drugs, which puts money in the drug dealer’s pocket. And, 60% of black girls have sex with the drug dealers in the neighborhood, that’s why blacks have astronomical rates of HIV. A 16 year old black girl will have sex with one guy, which is a drug dealer, while he’s been fucking HIV infested drug addicts, along with all the other girls in the neighborhood, which also fuck all the other drug dealers that fuck HIV infested drug addicts. So there ya go user, you’re spreading HIV. And who knows, maybe one day your white daughter will fuck some black guy because he’s nice, and he gives her HIV. And it’s pretty neat to think that you might have contributed to that.

Oh, and by the way, the 60% number is the actual statistic.

sure is bro, sky is great and clouds really pleasant tonight

also roasted a pigeaon with my afterblst, pls dont tell boss

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how did you know I was looking for a new religion?

omg this is perfect, a miracle!

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I want to say no, because I never asked anybody for anything when I spent two years living out of a hostel.

But then I remember that I'm reflexively generous, often to my detriment.

Hell, I make a cauldron of chilli every week and invite all my friends round, most of whom were my fellow bums.

We've all got counci flats and the like now, but I still mother 'em, one or two are particularly hopeless.

My Irishman had literally been enslaved by an amphetamine dealer, and was walking himself six miles every other night to go buy speed, which would then mostly be taken off him.

He might not be totally clean now, but he's a lot fatter since I told him I couldn't be his mate if he were gonna kill hisself.

The other month some dodgy cunt hailed me from a charity shop doorway as I was walking through town at midnight, axed me for a fag, then tried to sell me a two foot tall Stormtrooper he'd picked up from outside the charity shop.
I passed on both accounts, firstly because I was going to get my fags, and secondly because Star Wars is gay.

But it was a shitty cold night to be out, so I doubled back, rolled him a joint and wihed him a good night.

Met 'im out front of Tesco day before yesterday, he said he swore he hallucinated me, because I appeared to him like a Charles Dickens character.

We chatted some, he was fairly red-pilled so I didn't regret giving him a joint, he asked if I had any change, I gave him the 60p I had left over from shopping and wished him a good day.

I mean shit, I wasn't much further up than him a couple years back.
Minus the obvious smack problem I mean.

Offer him food instead of money and see his reaction.

I was legit going to start doing this with water bottles. Saw a guy around town doing that, I was going to start carrying some extra ones in my car.

Protein bars is a pretty good add to that.

maybe some corona masks and a fe protective gowns desu?

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was he black?

>sit outside instead of in a shelter
>forget to eat the food literally handed to you at soup kitchens and churches
>don't get a job
>claim that something is fucking up your ability to get a job otherwise
>forget to mention it's crime-related, which still leaves numerous jobs that accept felons
>hey can I have money?
I hate the homeless so fucking much

I need all my money, fuck off.

I've seen maybe one black bum ever.
Council don't kick out ethnicky people, it's racist or summat.

ye. whenever i visit st. louis theres always nogs begging on the street. i usually give one a few bucks. just enough for a meal, knowing that theres like a 50/50 chance they will use it for booze or whatever.

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