Just a FLOOH bruh

>just a FLOOH bruh

Attached: ETq0zYxXQAgJSVU.jpg (2048x1364, 420.87K)

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Where is this?

It's literally not even that. You're being tricked.

Attached: 1584548334630.jpg (810x984, 292.56K)


Remember that one twitter Dr Gook who said it was just a floo dood

sauce you day-sleeping motherfucker

¡Ayy Dios mío España, que hacer?
Nosotros no vamos llegar.

Your new digs in about 2-4 weeks

Im good with all that. Thanks for the offer.

That didn't age well

It's a "hospital" put together by the army in Madrid. No source because you fuck kangaroos.

what a fucking idiot

>What are exponents
>Hey guys look donnie said its a big nothingburger
>theres no chance he could be saying that to cover his ass for handlingthe situation incompetently

He was right, but was backed into a corner where he had to act as he has, or be attacked on all sides as NOT DOING ENOUGH!.

>Believing the fake news media
>implying they aren't taking every opportunity possible to slander Trump

Those beds are empty. Maybe it's a warehouse for a mattress company.

>He was right
Get a load of this boomer

theyre for refugees


It's not China. It's literally Spain.

you better have good outside air exchange otherwise it'll be a massacre

Can confirm. Spanish government will be building more of these very soon. Imo its going to be chaotic at first, but necessary and efficient to help us all later on

Trump really have to admit corona, unless he want his supporter gone 1 by 1 to corona.

Attached: mayo will erasa it.jpg (753x310, 51.87K)

Its just some beds bro. Where are all the sick people?

Trump is such a fucking retard

Probably here

Attached: 5e7377c941e4d_bergamo-iglesia.jpg (1366x765, 90.07K)

>acting rationally but having bad info and not having the time to browse /cvg/ for hours daily to see how bat it is
haha what a retard

>No Buzz Lightyear Blanket in sight
That ain’t mine bro.

He didn't take into account the fact that it sterilizes males.

I didn’t greentext that number....

What'sf unny is with all the sick people catching this shitty virus....the flu deaths, norovirus, and car deaths will still be a shit ton higher....the deaths arent the fear, it's the panic, the hospital build up, resource, and economy...that is the hoax behind all of this..it's being used as a weapon...

The virus itself is still just a cold bro.

I like your style enrique

>People voted for this.

Looks comfy user.

Where you at, user?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 10.00.56 PM.png (907x389, 97.98K)

It that a stripped out Walmart?

It's starting to look more and more like every global disaster movie made in the past 20 years.



For real.

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Wow he just prolapsed your anus Chang how will you recover?!

But it is. Workmates dad had it and it lasted 2 weeks before symptoms went from being bed ridden to a common cold and another week until it was completely gone. Yas Forums just like to prop it up because our lives are so miserable that we want a happening.

Truth be told, in about 3 months society will go back to normal, we will all wage away again, and we will all go back to out miserable neet lives.

Where are they going to urinated, defecate and masturbate?

Attached: 2.jpg (485x466, 55.98K)

This post will age like milk.

4765667776544445D chess

Attached: 783bf251-f455-40ba-87c1-a1d6ef1efc2a..png (1142x872, 718.21K)

Truth is slander. War is peace. Black is white. Double pus good citizen.

>not practicing social distancing
>congregating in large group
Why aren't there Carabinieri in there giving tickets?

The propaganda is too much on this one desu

Attached: orwell_boot.jpg (1148x720, 67.73K)

Looks comfy ngl

In your chest.

His problem was trusting the WHO, he didn't realize yet that they're a de facto arm of the CCP. Now he knows, this is why he keeps calling it the China virus.

thats a big hospital ward

Your post is so vague there's no way to decipher what you're trying to say.

>inb4 it's nothingburger
Look at Italy, or do basic math: the mortality rate is nonexistent until you run out of ventilators, then it skyrockets as even the young ones will die.

>trust me goyim

When you have pneumonia the last thing on your mind is masturbation. Even if you have no fever, all you can do is sit/lie still while coughing up one ounce of phlegm after another.

t. had pneumonia a month ago

This looks like hell on earth.
Imagine being stuck in there with a bunch of blabbering immigrants on their death bed. Also having to worry about whether you will die or not.
Im not going. If I get sick I will lie to my work and tell them I went to quarantine and just ride it out at home.

>every bed comes with a bottle of oxygen for faster cremations

I just meant the way the governments are blowing this out of proportion and hyping it, using it as a reason to implement mandatory curfew, shutdowns, regulation on supply chain controls, etc etc. They are closing things all together and others early, literally lines for bread supplies, artificially panic induced scare buying, etc etc it's media manipulation of the finest order, the propagnda mill churning out this recent story line is well honed desu

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Let’s hope those sterile males turn into traps

That's gonna be fun for your relatives when they have to identify your body. You know they're not gonna find you until you've bloated into a sewer monster, right?

He was absolutely correct and should have stuck to his guns!
you are all such sheep

>western governments are doing this on purpose
To what end? This can't last for more than some months.

Explain what's happening in Italy, then. They're moving the bodies by the truckload now.

Call them shortly before you die so they know to come grab you before you start stinking too much

last time I had pneumonia I spent the whole fucking a waitress from hooters I was shacking up with

I'm glad the migrants have a safe place to sleep

Shit I’m dying in my own bed fuck that shit

How the fuck would you know you were dying? Have you never had a high fever? It's basically several days of drifting in and out of sleep.

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Cool story bro. Did you post that on Penthouse forum?

It will get to the point during wave 2 next winter that they just put a bullet in the head of anyone with a positive test

Attached: corona_propaganda_0001.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

They are all really old and smokers
The government told them they were all racists and made them do out and hug a sick chink

not yet, boomer

Round 2 will be 10 times as bad next winter. This is the big happening. The one

see inb4 in

Diversity is strength. Borders are racist. And on and on and on and on

Round 1 hasn't even fully started yet and you're talking about Round 2? Pls.

Is the blood type angle still valid or it ended up not being true?