Why did my father not want to be a dad

boys I could care less about corona or democrats

my father is as republican as they come

why did he move across the country when I was 9 years old and why did he never come back

what the fuck did they do to boomer males? why did boomer males refuse to raise their sons to be good men?

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My dad was Gen X. He loved the cocaine more than he did my brother and I.

Ultimately in my life’s journey so far, it has been the root cause of all suffering in the world.

If boomers would have just raised their sons our world would be very different, but they didn’t.
I don’t know what a gen x is but I’m right there with you fren. My dad loved booze more than me and my brother.

Real facts I learned from my boomer dad:
Their own dads didn't love them, a lot of them were fucked up from WWII and just knocked up the 1950s Betties because it was expected of them. The Betties were also shit moms. My own dad had a nanny who once left him in a literal toilet as a baby because she thought it was funny and it was one of his earliest memories.
Boomers are also expectionally self-centered and are more likely to see their children as possessions. If you weren't a valued possession, you could be left behind.

I know that feel, user. I'm sorry.

The problem isn't boomers. The fact is if you had a father in your life growing up you were lucky. That goes for any generation.

It's bullshit we have to raise ourselves. But if no one else will do the job then you have to.

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this has been my conclusion as well.
Monkey see, monkey do.
Whatever parents boomers has must have been twice as bad as they are. I just wish the world wasn’t ending so I could have children and raise them properly for a change.

I might not ever get the chance to be a dad and to know that my forefathers squandered the opportunity...

I don’t know who to hate more: them or kikes. I don’t hate either I suppose. God is a mysterious mastermind.

Parents have been shit since the industrial revolution. In those days they just completely abandoned kids leaving them on the streets. Humans were never meant to live in cities (and kids were certainly not meant to go to school and be children until 18): we evolved to live in 40 person nomadic hunter gatherer packs where the entire tribe was responsible for all children and by 13 or 14 you were most likely a functioning married adult

To all those whom were left behind by dead beat dads: they sucked, they were irresponsible. It really was their loss also to not spend time with their children. A dad is the discipliner in the family. Many without dad's had to learn discipline on their own, by the world, and by God. It wasn't taught by their father, self control, work ethic. They had to do that, to realize it. It's more nuanced but that's a take on it.

I did meet my grandfather often enough to know him and he was an ASSHOLE. My dad, even though he himself was a shitty alcoholic, tried so hard with that guy and it was all for nothing.

jews abolishing male authority over virgin bride

>we evolved
user... humans have never evolved and we never will. Human beings are mortal Gods of the material realm. There is a reason demons love it when you squander you’re life on pleasantries and vanity. My dad didn’t teach me shit but he did read the Bible, and that’s about all he ever did for me, indirectly.

The Bible and all the religious texts were written during the golden age. Back when they knew how reality really worked and how to ascend human nature. They foresaw events like today in 2020 and that’s why they wrote books like the Bible.

plenty of people grew up without a father and didn't turn their faces into doodle pads

lame ass generation

probably because your mom is a bad person and he didn't want to be around her and what came out of her pussy.

what’s the opposite of exponential growth, user?

because that’s what has happened to men.

Ask your mom why she had a baby with a shitty dude.

>Their own dads didn't love them, a lot of them were fucked up from WWII and just knocked up the 1950s Betties because it was expected of them.

We're gonna see the same pattern repeat with Millenials marrying single mothers and Zoomers impregnating their gf of 1 year so they aren't seen as a basedboy faggot

Thank you for joining our thread tonight. Extra thanks for throwing in your $0.02

My mom was raped by my grandpa repeatedly her entire childhood

>My mom was raped by my grandpa repeatedly her entire childhood
what if she just made that up?

Is there even an alternative at this point? Should i just be selfish and be celibate? Using all my sexual energy for personal gain? Or should I bring forth children into the world so that they may experience the glory of Gods creation?

Doesn’t matter because I can’t do either without fucking it up somehow. Can’t even nofap for more than 2 weeks without failing because I was I exposed to porn at such a young age and masturbated daily for decades.

She lied to you. She loves the dramatic moment and the attention she gets when she says that bullshit. The truth is she's just a dumb whore.

She didn’t tell me that. I learned it from my sister who, in turn, learned it from my aunt who, in turn, told her the truth before she named her son after my grandfather, whom she would have been naming her son after a serial incestual child rapist.

The world is fucked man

Can't dwell on the past, user.
The future lies ahead!

ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)

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Every why does dad's suck thread turns into" oh shit women lie?" Thread

Believe cool wine aunt, throw due process out the fucking window. You pitiful fucking simp

I wish I still thought Jesus was a man but his entire life is clearly an allegory for literally the Sun.

I looked into flat earth though and I’m pretty sure that it’s the truth.

Imagine that. Imagine my dad failing so badly that his son looked into flat earth and found the true meaning of life purely out of bad fortune. How ironic it would be.

Idk what a simp is but it sounds like a basedmale with extra steps involved

Look I can’t prove it to you but I have looked into it and done some snooping and I can tell you it’s true. My grandpa raped both my mom and her sister for years. Later on in life he bought them both businesses so I guess that makes up for the trauma but still. It completely destroys any sense of normality.

>I can't do anything right

You're being mentally abused by mother figures. It's obvious some women has her hand up your ass so you parrot men are at fault talking points.

literal hearsay

Fucking right in the feels you fucking faggots.

So, my boomer dad was there, still is technically, the whole time. However, his parents were poor, sure, but they fucking cared. All his sisters raised up to be hard working sober bitches. Hes the black sheep. Was raised thinking my dad was a hard worker. Did his best, but just wasnt quite good enough so my mom had to help.

Well, when mom died, tons of truths came from all different sections of both sides of the family. Basically, my dad found a great trad wife, and completely ruined her, got her addicted to drugs and alcohol. Fucked up all the fucking time which required her to work full time. Yeah, she didnt have a fantastic life growing up, her dad was a piece of shit who had two different families. When my mom and uncle were 18, he came clean to the family. "So, uh....I got this other wife and 3 kids...."But my dad was the one who fed her the booze and alcohol to stop her bitching that he was a piece of shit and going nowhere.

The mass majority of boomers, had good parents, who cared, but worked hard. Maybe didnt know the best way to do things, but life is a generational learning experience. Boomers got distracted because they were faggot hippie pieces of shit. Then, when they had kids, didnt know how to handle shit properly. Mom worked full time, dad tried to do who own electrical business. Come tyo find out, he was always stealing shit. Light fixtures from buildings, going to other job sites to see what wasnt locked up to, all kinds of shit.

When I was 6 or so, he somehow got us an awesome little dachshund. Well, he stole that dog from someone/somewhere, we raised it 2 months or so, then he traded it for an NEW and a few games. All kinds of fucked up shit. Shit you dont realize whats going on until 25 fucking years later you start looking back with a different perspective. My boomer dad is apiece of shit failure. My boomer mom, I loved her.

You have learned helplessness. That's a major red flag of being patented by a blameshifter.

If you say so user. These are fictional women to you, but I know them both personally and they are both (my mom and aunt) fucked up to a degree that only childhood trauma can account for

>Should i just be selfish and be celibate?

It's not selfish if you know you'd make for a shitty parent or if your genes are just garbage at large.

Because your father was a nigger

He didn't want to be known as that faggots dad.

>Men suck
>boomers had it worst
>nothing I do can stop me from being at fault

Hey. Bro. Your moms a lying whore. Sorry man.

Mom fucked up too, but mostly wasnt her fault. Suybjected to a shit world, with a shit dude who fooled her.

I wouldnt put much blame on boomer's parents. They had to deal with alot of shit, then came home to setup an awesome country for thier children, who just didnt appreciate shit, expected more than they deserve, and squandered everything given to them. So much inheritance just pissed away on greed, mid life crisis, booze drugs, just bullshit.

Then, they switched everything they learned from fooling boomers, and applied it to digital age to fuck us millenials and zoomers. Gen Z just got completely fucked on both ends. Thats why most of them are completely worthless. Low T cucks who are literally good at nothing. Gen X older brothers and cousins were supposed to guide Millenials, but got greedy and fucking gay as shit in their own ways. Everything is technically a generational familial problem.

However, with social engineering, which encompasses everything from MK Ultra to the god damned Jews, Is an entirely separate thing we gotta deal with. Gotta fix the home life before we can kill the Jews properly.

OP see Its basically true. My dad didn't want to be a dad and just did it because his did abandoned him and he didn't want to become what his dad was to him. I actually hate my father though. He beat my mom and me and was also emotional abusive. He did leave my life for a part and when he came back i took him back as my dad like a fool and he basically ended up giving me depression. They for whatever reason can't talk about their feelings or emotions or anything because they were raised that a man can't do that and when women do it its just because they're fucking stupid. I ended up becoming a pretty good young man because i'm a bodybuilder, own a sports car, have my own business, popular with girls, good at school, well dressed, etc. None of it made him like me more. Tl;dr, just know OP that its not you its him. If you have a kid, do better than your father did to you.

this is not a /comfy/ comment user...
it’s the middle of the night and we are having a civil discussion regarding the mistakes of our fathers and parents made. Your comment is not helpful or positive in anyway and you are not welcome here, even in a place where your admiralty cannot be refused.

But enjoy your stay with us, I suppose.

>I agree mom. You're fucked up because of someone else.
>why are things bad even when I do my best.

Your mother will never take responsibility. You need to stop shouldering hers.

Take your desert kike sorcery and shove it up your ass. I’m on immunosuppressive drugs that keep me alive: I’ll be dead before June 1st from Coronachan and up until my last breath I will never beg that god of Abraham or his hippie son for any forgiveness. Fuck them Id rather burn forever

Again and for the last time

My mom never told me my grandfather raped her and she never will admit to it because she’s tried her best to both provide and be there as a mother to me, my brother, and my sister. She will go to the grave never knowing that I know the truth about her past.

That makes me love her even more, regardless of what you faggots say. She’s the most based woman in the fucking world and I wish I could have given her a better go at life.

My dad was (is) an undisciplined piece of shit.
Massively obese, 100s of unifhsed projects, lazy as fuck, quick to anger and blaming others for his problems. He spends his father in laws money like its his own, blowing a massive inherent ace on things he never even uses.

I’ve resolved that he’s better off dead. I’ve tried helping him fix his shit, but everytime I try to help reinforce discipline he attacks me and doubles down on his degeneracy to spite me.

Fuck him, he’s already dead.

>marxist courts
it's a simple as that

White people are fucking worthless without the Jews telling them what to do they’d still be living in grass huts. Fucking kikes hooked the whole continent on Christianity, a slave religion. There is no white supremacy, most white women are whores, most white men are degenerate sex adicts thar will fuck their kids, and both men and women will trade their souls for another drink or drug.

Hey man to each their own.

There is truth in the world, and there is truth to your existence. There is only one truth though.

That’s about all I know for certain user. That, and that the world is pretty fucking flat and space is really fucking gay. Almost as gay as jannies

Fucking kill yourself christcuck
You fucking bottom feeding parasites deserve the worst tortured known to the heavens

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>Fed her booze and alcohol

Jesus Christ man. There's no evidence of female agency anywhere in what you've said here. No wonder you have learned helplessness, every time shit goes bad due to women fucking up you blame yourself.


Why is it your responsibility to give your mom a better life and not hers. It's absurd for you to feel guilt for her life. Show me anything you've said that puts any responsibility on a woman please...

And yet a single Aryan man is still superior to the hole host of “chosen” semites

Women have no agency. They’re like dogs. A bad woman is the product of a bad man

14 posts and none that show any female agency

Do you think women should vote?

Riddle me this chief, why did my dad loose himself in alcocohol and doesn't call me for real Im really depressed about it. If I am ever to have a son with my gf I will never ever ever leave him like he did my dad was always there for me but not really if you know what I mean, I feel like there is no connection it is really superficial I lost my self in weed and alcohol when I was 18-20 and I don't know why but I just dont get it why he doesnt understand that I just want him to be here for me.

Sorry for drunk posting friends

Dogs have agency tho. They hide evidence when they've done things wrong...

Try blaming your mother. Is it possible she drove him out and he drank to cope with the pain.

Don’t avoid the point

Eternal struggle is eternal growth

Yeah my dad told me she cheated on him, even though I always believed she cheated on him first anyways Its really weird

I hope you are doing well even thoug I dont know you, I hope I can move to the us one day. The only true land of the free

It's "couldn't care less", you illiterate retard.

Women and dogs both hide evidence of wrong doing thus proving they understand culpability and have some degree of agency. You're correct that they also are somewhat a product of society

Maybe your mom's a cunt.

>She cheated

Here we go. It usually takes these threads longer but this is generally the problem. Mom cheats raises kids. Why is my dad bad.exe

Another shit boomer dad here. He cheated on my mom, boozed every night, hungover any day that he was at home, and beat her the whole time they were married, and then he finally left. He still acts like a teenager and he's ready for a nursing home. His dad did the same thing, but cleaned up as he got older. I avoid relationships because I feel like I'd end up like them.

Im notg blaming myself bud. My dad taught me everything wrong. Only ONE thing hes ever said made any since, pay attention to your surroundings. He said this when he found out I was hanging out with older people who bought me cigarettes and beer. Another eye opener, he was setting me up to ask people for cocaine. That didnt click till years later. Shits retarded bro. I had shitty parents NOT guiding me, allowing a fucked up system to do so instead.

This, all of my mothers problems were caused by her dad or her husband/my dad. Women follow their men, or used to. And when there was a bad women, there was either no father or a shitty one behind her. Then you add in shitty boyfriends, shitty first husbands, or baby's daddies, whatever. Majority of womens problems are the mans responsibility. We let them get away, get out of hand.

I dont blame my mother for anything. She wasnt the smartest, She got fooled by a dude. Even then, she did whatever she could to make us happy. They hid, or tried to hide, so much bad shit from us. Me, I ignored the wine coolers, I ignored the white residue in the bathrooms, until I got older. 11 or 12, mom went to jail for probation violation. Got caught stealing petty shit from Target. Developed a mild form of clepto because of my dad. Ended up getting her busted, she tried taking $500+ worth of tapes, wallet, a shit, some other small shit that could fit in a puirse.

After her stint, all the cocaine habits got ALOT looser. 16yrs old, I was partying with friends, tried the stuff, came home. Dad saw me, him being a coke head, instantly knew I had tried some. Basically guilted me into getting him a fucking 8ball.

His idea to make it "cool", was to take me and a friend to an asian strip club.

Anyways, too many details.

Boomers are pieces of shit. They corrupted each other, and only cared about getting fucked up and feeling good in the moment. The future never concerned them.

If you're sitting around going "why is my dad cast away. Why doesn't it make sense. Why does every decision I make end up with me guilty and at fault. Why is the universe cruel" Your moms a lying whore. That's it. You're not a bad son for reaching that conclusion
You're allowed to realize it without assuming any guilt.

Asian whore house*, not strip club.