Americans are so heartless

Korea and Japan are not panic buying, only in ultra self minded individualistic countries like America.

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Good, that lady would be racist towards my parents in the 70s.

Burn the whole system down, fuck boomers.

how the fuck can she breathe lol?

why waste valuable resources on a wireless old hag like that? she is only a drain on society. if her family wants to support her then that is their affair, not my responsibility. end all social security and pensions

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Where I live, stores have a seniors hour from 7:00-8:00am and 65+ get access to grocery stores before anyone else.

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And slightly obtuse...

Thats me after snorting amphet and jerking off for 6 hours

How did you get a picture of RGB?

Maybe she shouldn't be shopping in the dishwashing aisle. DUH.

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not Americans

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America isn't a team player and has no loyalty. This is established.

I only see fat ass shit skins and white trash panic buying

Does she expect those cotton mitts to prevent getting sick?

>boomers now seeing what it's like to be on the receiving end of their bullshit

Based "it can't be helped" man.


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Biden why are you posting from japan

The future is now, old man

Do tell us about your toilet paper situation. It must be plenty according to you.

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>Korea and Japan are not panic buying
their media also doesn't have trump derangement syndrome

why is her back like that, i'd straighten her upright

Because they fought ww2 against the only people who cared about shit like this

So much for

>korea and japan has socialized medicine with a competent government
>Korea and Japan are not panic buying



none of these pictures are from america. kys shill

that posture is horrific.

dat nerd neck
lay off the fortnite granny




The post above you with the image is in a walshart

who is taking these pictures and where can I find more

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Move to a socialist country if you don't like it cuck, maybe Sweden perhaps?, if you like getting posses on by migrants I'm sure you'll love it.

Why is she bowing?

>look at her face of dispair
>it's the same look when a zoomer or a millenial tries to find a stable job, buy a house or have a family
ok boomer

This picture actually brings me a lot of pain to see. The person taking it better have asked that lady what she was looking for and offered her some of there goods damnit. Fuck.

Its what happens if you use bad posture

You are using correct posture right user?

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Dude, Japan is hiding numbers and they are not even going to quarantine the cities

Praying to Moloch for more child fetuses to devour.

We do that for products made in China

Give me product link, ASAP!

I would feel sorry but years and years of conversation with boomers taught me they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, their own pensions and benefits. My own grandparents went on holidays twice a year not giving a shit about anyone in their own family, my parents included, being dirt poor all the time. There's a reason retirement homes are full of old people nobody ever visit.

No. Not Americans, just liberals. I haven't bought one thing for the last several weeks, cause I wasn't a retard that waited to the last minute.

homogenous and unjewed

I feel like I'm back in the USSR, with all those empty shelves

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What kind of wonky case is that?

Well, winners be like panic buyers because we gotta to be prepared. Japs be like all nuked.

No idea what is it, just thought the chick looked hot

What do you expect? We live in a society of selfish boomers that could send a comet to Earth as long is it happens after they're dead. And minorities that are dumb as a fucking stump.

How many people are going to drag their granny out during a pandemic to take the same picture. I have seen like 4 different versions of this scene

There is zero correlation between socialized medicine and panic buying. Stop making spurious correlations nigger.

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This. Here as well. Every major retail store here is open exclusively for seniors over 65 from 7/7:30am to 8/9Am. Is actually a really good idea.

I've been to a half a dozen stores over the past 2 weeks and the only thing not stocked well was bread and memes like toilet paper. Most people i saw seemed to be buying regular groceries. Is this just in poor/dumb areas like ghettos and california?

individualism is a meme but the problem is that I hate other americans so much that I don't want to have a strong community with them anyway

There is a correlation for competent governments taking actions early so it doesn't get to the point of panic buying.

Why do you think European countries are sending us masks?

It's not purely individualism that's the problem. It's fucking diversity, multicultural, globo-homo degeneracy that's the difference between the responses in the Japanese Tsunami compared with the LA Riots, Katrina or the current kung flu plague.

I agree, Hiro. But he's not welcome in burgerland, even if he's from here.

Imagine being the customer service wagey during these senior buy times. Getting ask 100 times if you have any in the back for every empty shelf


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People should've started prepping months ago.

>be 70
>experienced several great depressions
>still does not prepare properly
i have no sympathy for stupid people, regardless of age

You had MONTHS to buy supplies. No sympathy for the grasshopper.

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Doesn't work...

Wrong. It's happening in Germany, Canada, Norway, Australia and Japan.

You forgot to change your flag faggot.

based coomer

>Korea and Japan are not panic buying
You started on a false premise.

Imagine being the faggot taking that photo

It's a cold world out there, I think I'm starting to get a little frosty myself

>oh no wheres my opportunity
>why arent young people being nice to me even though I robbed them?
>jeeze if only all these young people with nothing to do would help me and contribute!
Fuck old fucks who don't help anyone but themselves

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Did she drop a penny?

>literally me when I finally got to the housing market

Fuck boomers. Its our turn

In America at least, 70 year olds haven't really experienced any major mass hardships. Other than if they were drafted in Vietnam. But even then, most weren't.

>Bin Bags

Choose one!

I do not understand, where is her family? She must be a bad person.

This. Bunch of cunts reap what they sew.

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This image invokes in me an intense urge to protect and help that woman. Perhaps i'm not lost yet.

>flat chest
>petite butt
>pony tail

The only thing that would make this picture perfect is if she was wearing short shorts

Panic buying? Obviously dumb fuck.

But what happens when you have a system of government that:
>no paid sick leave = sick people working
>no free testing or healthcare = people not getting tested
>no federal guidance = leaving counties and cities to make decisions on their own
>barely talking about bills and manufacturing more medical equipment
>etc etc

Burn the whole system down, who gives a fuck. We're barely doing better than Iran.
It will get worse for the reasons above in the coming weeks and we will deal with that fallout for months. Call me a schizo, you'll see for yourself.

Cherrypicked sensationalism aside;
>all millennials are leeches
>they have to clean up my mess hahaha
>wait no guis im old and innocent and slow I love life and just need le fud :((

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>Coles Supermarkets

Choose one!

these arent boomers. these are silents

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>shocked gloves Boomer
>empty shelves
>look closer
>not all the pogs are set yet
Bullshit picture. That shelf is in the middle of a reset for either seasonal or new pog and was full 3 days after that picture was taken

>all these videos of boomers crowing into stores to panic buy shit

How long before they all start dropping?

There should be 呢 at the end

Really bad osteoporosis

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Thats what she gets for being lazy
Maybe she'll put a little extra hustle in her hobbling next time

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Her posture is like that because of how sad she is all of a sudden. That's definitely not due to decades worth of sucking BBC. Mutts law Bitches.

If this had happened 50 years ago she would be there with her whole white family and her eight grandson helping her get the stuff she wants

But you chose to import ape niggers

Bin bags? This looks like it's from the UK.

Its almost like she should have had a good relationship with her kids, assuming she had any, so that her family would help take care of her.

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If it's so bad with hording, why are gas stations literally filled with product. Honestly, The silent/ Boomer Generation did this, they ignored everything anyone younger than them ever said and force fed us diversity while not having to live it themselves until relatively recently. They deserve this.

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There was some panic buying in Japan, actually. TP and liquor flew off the shelves. It's over, now.

>We're barely doing better than Iran.
Bullshit nigger. You're feeding into the panic by saying stupid lies like this. That's why people are panic buying - because retards like yourself and the MSM spread FUD online - and then people run to the supermarket not necessarily because they're panicking, but because others are.

If anything is responsible for the panic buying it's our kiked out MSM.

Looks like the prices in are pounds.

Can confirm.
>t. Grocery store manager

>Chips in the frozen section.

Not America

>mnehhhhhhhhhhhh IM VERY OLLLLLD!