cases just shot up
>67 new cases
it's ogre
Coronavirus Argentina
Heh, 67? Thats rookie numbers pussy. Tell those Nazi runnaways to buckle-up. Time for the ride!
It was coming with only 1 lab doing the testing and the retards not respecting the quarantine.
Still the cases will go higher. At least 3000 by next week the thing is if we can avoid more grow after that.
Thank God Fernandez acted fast.
Toque de queda when?
Most likely Monday, a lot of apes not respecting the fucking quarantine.
What made you post the picture of the boat you sank from the war you made?
Pretty sure that was posted to bait low IQ's like you for the bumps. Aaaand here you are, right on queue.
Wait for the autumn.
By then, at this rate, 75% of beds in hospitals will be took over by Coronaniggers.
In flu season this will collapse us.
The solutions is already predetermined tho, I wonder what will it be.
I know you Argies are really proud of it. Faggots.
Whiter than you muhammad
Our peak will be around mid april but doing shit now was actually smart. Not doing massive testing was wrong though. We are going to only delay the peak by doing this if no other actions are taken.
This would be an excellent time to take back the Falkland islands. The UK isn't in a position to respond.
>and the retards not respecting the quarantine.
>let the police state take away your civil liberties
how about no?
it is not even legally permissible to do excercises on the park. which difficults being fit.
>whiter than anything
Nigger is a fucking quarantine not some paid vacations by the government. Stay fucking inside.
the Islas Malvinas you mean?
Not really. But the sinking of the Belgrano -a ship in retreat- was one of the most embarassing moments in bong military history; all to gain political traction for the Iron Cunt. Absolute cringe.
Autumn started today.
goes against my constitutional rights.
Want to retain me? declare estado de sitio.
I need to do exercise to stay healthy. To help combat coronavirus in case it infects me.
Until then, constitución > decreto
Fake and gay. Sauce or GTFO.
>the rebel province has 5 labs doing tests
>the whole of niggertina only has 1
what a fucking shithole you live in dude
neither is Argentina. Their economy was a wreck even before the coronavirus. I forecast another rodrigazo coming for them.
We sunk the armada of the country that made you. You are nothing to us. If sinking one shit is good for you, then you're a joke.
We have way more labs. They hold the know who no idea why, they started doing the KT last friday so most of us knew the positive cases will spike in the next few days because of it.
They don't know war. They think they do but they don't. Europeans know war and will crush South American scum every time. They play war within their cartels. We've been at real war for thousands of years.
Hang on, Argies. This shit is going to be weird.
The Federal governments has prohibited private labs to do test kits. Even other public hospitals and institutes have been banned from receiving the materials to create tests.
Only the Malbrán can.
Is because of niggers like you that people are getting infected by retards that will not follow simple guidelines to take care of each other. Like the retard from Buquebus or the faggot from Moreno.
>he conveniently avoids talking about the counter Armada disaster
>he conveniently fails to mention about Britain failing at taking over Buenos Aires when we were the poorest colony of Spain
lol ok
What??? Me muero por saber el motivo de prohibirle a laboratorios privados hacer test kits, dieron algún motivo, user?
>muh war
You aren't even allowed to fight back Invaders in your own homeland lol!
And the last great conflict you participated in costed your entire empire to crumble.
At least we aren't speaking german
Spain were nothing when the empire was built. The armada was the end of Spain.
Your country is nothing. You don't understand war like Europeans. You cut the heads off women and children and you think you're badass. You have no idea what a real war with us would look like. A white European army coming to your country to take you out, and your cartels would look like children. There is a reason the world hates us, we'd brutalise you.
Read you nobody.
Probably because they don't want the real number of infected people to be known for now.
They think it would cause mass hysteria or something.
Test Kits are not rocket science, any good enough lab can make them. Here's a list of government approved labs. TLDR: we have more than enough labs to test 1000 people a day.
Right, but one thing is prducing test kits, another is actually using them. In a few weeks those tests are going to be sorely needed, and they won't be available because some bureaucrat retard felt like prohibiting manufacture. Thanks for the link user, checking it out now.
>Spain were nothing when the empire was built. The armada was the end of Spain.
LMAO they proceeded to have a bigger Empire than than yours for the next 200 years.
>You cut the heads off women and children and you think you're badass.
Post a single instance in which we ever did that in the last 150 years. I'll wait.
In fact, the only civilian casualties in Stanley were your retard Navy shelling houses out of nowhere and killing like 3 women.
>We sunk the armada of the country that made you
And look what we did to your armada
>rule the waves
ok lol
what if they drop coofers onto the island
We took over the waters. That was the point. We beat the French in a few important navel battles too. Hence the song.
Tell me about the Argentinaian empire one day. You sub human scum.
>At least we aren't speaking german
You say it like it would be bad
>bleeding sleep cries of past glories muh sunset
Good riddance London isn't white anymore And the eternal anglo scum will be out breed in thier own homelands, thank God for low birth rates and the great replacement.
Fuck you all, well those "Asians" are already fucking your women and children lmao and you can't do shit about it, and if you do you get arrested
Alot of tough talk from you yellow teeth bastards but I dare you say something like that on social media and I'll be laughing as they send you to the fucking iron garden for wrong think, you fucking cretins, you penny diving mud spawn of the underbelly of the L*ndon Bridge, I hope you step on a shard of glass whole you search for coins in the mud and get some horrible British deseas and the fucking Irish bomb your house as Muslims rape your female relatives after beheading your father and brothers.
Remember, build bridges so the rest of nigger infested Europe can Segway thier cocks up your wombs, fucking faggot tea drinking pussies
Based are the Fucking rape gangs violating young british girls while the people are bawling thier eyes out over prince beta cuck and his globin whore.
Good riddance, the sun has set and its never coming back up for you anglo scum.
Press S to shit on British empire and all those brits who died for it, God knows thier current leaders are shitting all over them, fuck em.
Fucking kike lapdog scum, get fucked out of existence.
YES I'm Argentine
YES I am proud
YES I am capable of showing public displays of patriotism and nationalism without a license
Get fucked Alfred or whildem or whatever inbred island fucker name you have been cursed with, superior names like Mohamed and Ahmed are gonna replace it anyways.
And I told you, we would treat you brutally in a real war, there is a reason the world hates us. Imagine if you'd tried to invade one of our islands. We came to your back yard and kicked your heads in.
>You cut the heads off women and children and you think you're badass.
That literally doesn't happens anywhere in the world, at least on daily basis.
>and your cartels would look like children
But we never had any cartels in this country.
That would be legit bio-terrorism.
Nuclear response would be warranted.
Check'd and kek'd for pasta.
And here we have a perfect example of the type of Argentinian who thinks he would stand up in arms against pure blooded Europeans. We would stand on your necks.
Apologise for being an island thief and we will help you get through coronavirus.
> at least on daily basis.
This faggot. We'd cut your insides out.
Kek, if you are quick enough you could take the islands now
>Imagine if you'd tried to invade one of our islands.
Isn't your country being invaded by arabs and africans?
>refuses to answer
>irrationally angry
>Seethes at pic related.
That was 100 years after the Armada btw. Can you tell who's empire is bigger?
>loses a war 200 miles off his shore to a tiny taskforce that had to sail 8000 miles
>entire land based air force, fighters equipped with latest French missiles vs 21 slow naval fighters
>durrr we sunk la royal navy xD
No it isn't. We are still at least 70-80% white after around 2,000 years of history. Do you remember 2,000 years before your history? You are mutts to a laughable level.
And what did Spain do? They made shit hole south American countries that they stole gold off, and we made the most succesful countries in the world.
>Apologise for being an island thief
Funny coming from you
>Isn't your country being invaded by arabs and africans?
>This faggot. We'd cut your insides out.
I think we're in presence of a savage one here.
Muslims already stand on your forefather's achievements and fuck your women with impunity
You took over the gays right, Muslims rapist and pedos so proud of you BTW this is dangerous internet page do you have a license for that m8 and you need a TV license too as well a butter knife license, goddamn England sound so much fun to live there, knowing that your daughter can get ganraped by Abdul and the friends of the Coran and is gonna be your fault.
>Yeah England is great God save the queen
>England numba 1
>No it isn't.
Don't forget, after you tried to invade our island, we could have sent more troops and took Argentina.
Remember Sir William Carr Beresford?
That hero of the Peninsular Campaign in the Napoleonic Wars?
Well...he surrendered to us in the utter failure of an invasion you Bongs tried.
We could have fucked him up bloody, but we just let him go along with his troops.