Why do people hate gnosticism? As someone who doesn't know much about it, can I get a basic gestalt?
Why do people hate gnosticism? As someone who doesn't know much about it, can I get a basic gestalt?
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Gnosticism. From someone who doesn't know.
literally have no idea. it's pretty neat
The god of this world is actually evil and we are trying to escape back to the TRUE GOD.
In a nutshell it is a dualistic system having two gods, one lesser and one greater. Matter is evil while the incorporeal spirit is good. The path to salvation is through attaining "gnosis", meaning knowledge. Their initiates claim to posses that knowledge.
"There are no means for escaping this world
It penetrates even into your sleep
And is its substance
You are caught in your own dreaming
Where there is no space
And are held forever where there is no time
You can do nothing you are not told to do
There is no hope for escape from this dream
That was never yours
The very words you speak are only its very words
And you talk like a traitor
Under its incessant torture"
Humans are extremely limited by their perspective and like to LARP and use philosophical concepts as exercises in trying to simulate its escape.
At its simplest, Gnosticism is wanting to understand God by attaining knowledge.
Everything else after that wasn't true Gnosticism.
Also they confuse newage nonsense with ancient Gnosticism.
It's for people who dislike the hierarchic nature of the material reality, which perverts the spirit with its carnal machinations. Gnostics wish to develop the soul-body that will allow them to become free of the mortal coil that enslaves the living and returns the dead to the circle when it can.
I suspect it's based, purely because these threads suddenly get attacked by a swarm saying it's all evil. May digits guide me
>id dud
>no digits
Guess it's not based
someone post the gnosticism comic from /x/
Larp occult faggots that talk a whole load of nothing that dazzles normies and cattle people who belive anything they perceive as an authority tells them.
The Bible literally says that satan is the God of this world nobody thinks that Jesus is actually the devil except the insane demon possessed
Because next to none understand it.
And yes that includes its “believers” as well.
>talk a whole load of nothing that dazzles normies and cattle people who belive anything they perceive as an authority tells them.
So, like Christianity and all the other Abrahamic cults?
Because it's retard tier.
Pic related
happens when your spiritual path is the one to the evil semitic god
You cant understand any religion intellectually through any means of social introspection.
Stop posting retard
I dreamed about you
I was a part of you
I was the left hand of God
Which gave mankind innocence
I was loved by you
And i said to you
Bring back the light
Brighten the heart of your bride
Babylon it's time to rise
Lucifer will bring the light
Lucifer, I cry
You asked me why i'm crying why i'm lying
I said this is not the light i'm looking for
This light leads to a dark desire
To let me fall in eternal fire
Babylon it's time to rise
Lucifer will bring the light
Lucifer, I cry
You said : don't you know it's the light God has created
Look your right hand takes what the left one leaves for it
Don't fight against what you are and always will be
This is no heresy
These hands killed without guilt
This heart burns in repentance
These hands killed without guilt
This dream is lost in repentance
Babylon it's time to rise
Lucifer will bring the light
Lucifer, I cry
Lucifer who cries
Lucifer this part dies
Lucifer this part dies
Lucifer - the Star
See faggot shit like this where people think there not connceted to the concrete and hate life so bad they want to escape it.
MUH SPIRIT are posioners and haters of life
Not evil, just a pointless fruitless rabbit hole.
What does that have to do with what I said?
>Also they confuse newage nonsense with ancient Gnosticism
THIS x100
It's just hipster Christianity.
And this here is the idiot “believer” of gnosticism that doesn’t even understand the doctrine he pronounces as truth
Yet another abrahamicoomer LARP.
Any religion can be broken down to the first response you replied to.
You tried arguing against a non-point, creating a loop of idiocy.
Three blind mice
Its origins predate Christianity and Judaism retards.
Also, the "anything but Christianity" people hate it because it's not Christianity.
>May digits guide me
Congratulations, you're a theletubbie.
I'm going to dump my green pill thread.
Its not even christianity at its core, nor does it deny or affirm christianity
Yes, it fills the void for the disenchanted.
I was legitimately curious and watch a bunch of lectures, thats three hours of my life i won't get back.
Not one drop of wisdom in it.
Think of most of it like an ancient form of escapism, kinda like how fags watch 20 hours of tv and live through charaters in it well they do the same but through certain concept's
imo Hinduism isn't summarized by "a whole load of nothing that dazzles normies and cattle people who belive anything they perceive as an authority tells them".
>"researched" something for 3 hours watching youtube videos
Oh damn you're an expert I assume.
Luciferian mystery school version of Christianity still taught in Freemasonry today.
Well that just becomes an opinionated response. Full subjective.
I don’t deny any fruit bearing religious system.
The true red pill is christianity is a branch from an ancient religion that pre-dates current recordings of hinduism.
Yeah, that means Hinduism and Abrahamism have the same root, which shouldn’t be shocking as there is only 1 God
Yes i have my youtube degree.
Three hours far too much for such redundent nonsense.
Yeah you just fall on the opposite side of gnosticism, you deny spiritual qualities of life. My bad, I forgot gnosticisms calls flesh sin
>dude bro if you're in prison it's exactly the same thing as being outside with your family xD
Christianity is born from Judaism.
Cope moar faggot you're a subverted castrate.
>Why do people hate gnosticism?
Archons manipulating them NPCs to supress us, my fren.
so this is the famous demiurge. who is he? are there any good demiurge memes?
who do the gnosticism dude have a double neck? is there a second hidden head hiding back there?
Nice. Do some reading.
Well Hinduism is much older than the written record of it, it was an oral tradition for thousands of years before.
>The true red pill is christianity is a branch from an ancient religion that pre-dates current recordings of hinduism.
Would you like to explain how a religion born out of Judaism is older than Hinduism, or have the same root? Not sure what you're getting at.
I have a terrestrial head, and love life.
I hate all those that posion it.
My spirit is an echo of my flesh
And my virture is uprightedness.
It’s a silly heresy that takes insane leaps of logic contrary to the teachings of those who knew God incarnate.
Again your an idiot because judaism is just a distortion of the originial abrahamic religion.
Red pill alert
Noah had a religion to, before Abraham. His religion was most likely closer to ancient aryanism
But your a blind mouse and will never understand that implication
You can get better discussions about this on Yas Forums than you can on /x/.
There are many text that talk about this subject and your image is inaccurate.
This one is a bit closer to reality:
Dante Alighieri basically, Alchemy
Wasteing time on something fruitless that gives no gains shows no contrete sense or understanding of life.
Has no practical application to existence past sperg tier speculation and it a barren mistress, nah senpai im good.
Read into ancient Greek mythology, Pythagoreanism, and Plato, and it starts to make sense.
Yeah i’d suggest looking into ancient aryanism. It no longer can be found whole and intact, but you’ll find it hidden behind the history of almost all world religions.
Noah in the bible, Adam in the Bible, etc etc, our ancients had a religion. It all come from one source.
>Noah had a religion to, before Abraham. His religion was most likely closer to ancient aryanism
Oh ok yea we're on the same page lmfao.
Attachments -> craving -> mania
We are stuck in an mmorpg and are homesick
Well, I think it's relevant to Yas Forums too.
Here, take it, it's all yours, my friend.
T.never read a book
Doesn't have any historical sense
Is stupid enough to fall for kike sophisty.
see: Yea I'm on that track too. It's really interesting.
Jealous of the beauty of Geradamas, who was harmonious and perfected in all his parts, Barbelon
looked in upon herself and sought her own image in the luminous mirror with the intention to create
one like herself who would rival Geradamas in beauty. She conceived this thought in secret, lacking the
consent of her maleness. The Father did not approve her plan. Her wish expanded with the power of
the light and became a form in the dryness of her womb. A mass issued froth that was not in her image.
She looked upon it in horror. The mass writhed and changed into a serpent with the head of a lion. Its
eyes were bright stars that flashed lightning and showered glowing sparks.
In shame Barbelon cast from her breast the child of her imprudent desire. So that no immortal would
look upon its incompleteness she bore it far from the knowledge of the Deathless Ones, even out of the
Place of Aeons, and made for it a throne and concealed it within a radiant cloud so none but she could
find it. The child waxed strong by the power he had received from his mother. He is named Samael, but
some call him Altabaoth, and he was the first of the Archons.
I dunno what to think of it really, I've been getting into some dao/alchemy/occult/mermetic trip and I downloaded a huge archive of ye old manuscripts and random shit and have been listening to gnostic radio things. It just sounds like such fucking bullshit and that if anything they're just obsessed with old sounding names, chakras and TET-RA-GRAMMA-TON!
evil and good are the same
Because the God that the Gnostics worship as "the real and good God" is just as much and possibly even more of an egoist and an opportunist as the demiurge.
Yeah, nothing caries the whole anymore. And truth likes to blind other truth.
But yeah gnosticism is just another separation, a bit older than current abrahamic beliefs and sort of out dated in its language and context...
Thats why combining christianity and gnosticism does not work. But the two separated are both truth
But I said, "Sir, teach me about the faculty of these authorities - how did they come into being, and by
what kind of genesis, and of what material, and who created them and their force?"
And the great angel Eleleth, understanding, spoke to me: "Within limitless realms dwells incorruptibility.
Sophia, who is called Pistis, wanted to create something, alone without her consort; and her product was
a celestial thing. A veil exists between the world above and the realms that are below; and shadow came
into being beneath the veil; and that shadow became matter; and that shadow was projected apart. And
what she had created became a product in the matter, like an aborted fetus. And it assumed a plastic
form molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, as I
have already said, because it was from matter that it derived.
Opening his eyes, he saw a vast quantity of matter without limit; and he became arrogant, saying, "It is I
who am God, and there is none other apart from me". When he said this, he sinned against the entirety.
And a voice came forth from above the realm of absolute power, saying, "You are mistaken, Samael" -
which is, 'god of the blind'.
And he said, "If any other thing exists before me, let it become visible to me!" And immediately Sophia
stretched forth her finger and introduced limitless light into matter and the region of chaos.
The chief archon trembled in fear.
gay and retarded shit for gay retards
there are no truths, there are only half-truths. Every truth is half false.
You discredit your self by making blind attacks.
Kikes hate Christ. I affirm him. Now go away loser
Demodex is made in the Demiurges image. Enlil Zues follows it into darkness.
Where does it say that? Satan is the God of this world.
Kybalion is just another passage way into the spiritual realm... but even then it does not deny gnosticism because the two use very different language and context
Your own sense has led you to the truth.
Sin is spider mites, it is old age, cancer and death. Blepharitis.
Redditors fuck off.
You mean Saturn.
It doesn’t directly say it - it’s inherently read in and implied - Matthew 4:9
Cry moar faggot.
Anyone who needs a savior is a serf
Anyone who bows or whorships anything in this life is weak.
Basically this world is the domain of a false god, the demiurge, a mistake of sorts made during creation. We can find our way back to the one true God through gnosis. All flaws and pain, hurt, evil in this realm are not the works of the true God.
This book only describes the Simulacrum we are in.
The mgm logo is the demiurge.
what do you think about the sun and the moon and the earth as a system?
why do you think jesus was a man and not a girl?
Thanks for posting this, user.
I'm not even a Christian, but all the gnostic documents are generally much newer than the canonical Christian documents, meaning they're less likely to be historically accurate depictions of what went down with Jesus and pals. I don't believe the gospels, but even the gospels have more credibility than the gnostic gospels.
Gnostic thought revolves Around exactly 1 thing.
Having an experience in which when you are done you are left with knowledge of the existence of God. It is no longer a belief.
After one knows, one must then deeply search and not stop searching until they find the Truth of God.
It sounds made up and LARPy
But it is real, a lot of things done mean they way they are interpreted. Lots of hidden truths, some hidden on purpose, others by ineptitude.
The Truth is you are a god and part of God. Where do you and your cells begin, where do they end? When do you become more than a collection of cells?
As Above, So Below.
All things that are experienced on this plain of existence also appear on others. Both above and below:
The law of Cause and Effect,
The Law of Rhythm.
Look up the Hermetic Principles then try and live them for a day.
The Demiurge aka the Chief Archon.
Archons are Rulers, Governors or Authorities.
Primordial truths may be dug from astronomy.
But even the planet ( God ) Saturn is just a metaphor for a deeper truth that is found in the hierarchy of creation.
>Christians destroy all Gnostic documents
Dude wut?
No problem I love that.
I'm really into learning about prehistory right now and its transition to the first civilizations we know well.
You didn't answer the questions in the bottom portion.
Holy shit this was a buried memory. Didn’t know it was based on Gnosticism.
you can just call him "the Devil"
oooo that's soooo deep lol
You're just playing dungeons and dragons. Look closely at the language of that book, it tells you how special you are if you believe it then dangles a carrot in front of you of further "hidden knowledge" so you'll give all your money to some faggot mason and let him diddle your butthole to get your next dose esoteric dopamine. Hermes never existed and nobody wields magical powers.
I don’t need anything, because it is already mine and given to me. I am a soul and there is a God.
Just like there is a math and there are facts.
Each of the Archons have a planet associated with them.
The Demiurge is linked to Saturn a million different ways.
what's the one true path, then?
there are no true paths, every path is half false.
According to the Gnostic mythology we all have a bit of the Divine Spark in us.
Its just that some of us have more of it than others. Because we fan that spark into an eternal flame.
Hermes is a mythological figure and only exists in the spiritual realm.
Cry more
Yeah, that's why every subscriber is some ex-Christian ecstatic to have found a loophole in the problem of evil.
if there's a God - and there is -, then there's one true path to Him
What the fuck does that mean?
Pretty much