What makes Reddit so terrible?

What makes Reddit so terrible?

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It's time for you to go back there


herd mentality

The users haven't committed suicide like the founder yet

Niggers that won't tongue my anus

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All of women and 50% of men are terrible. Reddit just gives them a voice.

>comparing Yas Forums to reddit nowadays
I don't see a difference

Its not anonymous


Up vote down vote button is the issue.

Reddit is full of SJW normie commie cuck faggots. Just like Yas Forums. Fuck all of you faggots.

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(You) do. Everyone on there religiously drinks cum. Go back.

How does it not rip off?

Seriously what the fuck are you cucks gonna do? Jack shit. You just sit there posting on the internet HOPING normies and the masses latch on so they can revolt. Thats the definition of a cuck. You're all cucks and losers. They do these things because you're all POWERLESS. YOURE FUCKING SIMPS. YOU AINT GONNA DO SHIT.
I don't see the point of these threads. At all.


As if niggers, spics and muzzies weren't bad enough, pic related is the reason

Anything women are a sizable percentage of usually turns to shit

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Liberal progressive farcical caricatures

Fuck...pic related

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hey y'all. lets unpack this. you do realise that.. wow..just wow. who hurt you? ding ding ding!

let that sink in.

*edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

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Upvoting. Instead of letting everyone decide on their own what is good and what isn't the majority decides whats good and tells everyone else

No words. Faith in humanity = restored and I just

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Up vote/karma basically self-censor and promote only the most mediocre shit

name one thing wrong with homosexuality


Its moderation gives it a strong liberal lean by heavily censoring conservative views. Liberalism requires censorship.

Absolutely nothing. A man sticking his penis up another man's butthole is perfectly natural and normal sexual behavior.

Balls are extremely tough when trained.i have seen a man's stomped by heels and stabbed by needles and they didn't pop.you can train your balls

All the faggots that clearly cant cope with anything.




Retarded echo chambers. Faggot mods who can't handle the tiniest amount of power. And puns. All the fucking retarded puns.

>upvote/downvote system

Conde Nast publishing

the entire function of the comment system is built from the ground up to not only divide people, but to create a hivemind of whatever group think those running the site want to promote that can and will cater to the lowest common denominator.

forums are and always will be far, far superior for serious conversation on the internet. The flow is much more natural and allows for organic responses that aren't so focused on the reply right before it.

And I haven't even touched on the general rules/moderation/culture, just the commenting system alone.

Yeah, it's that bad.

The mods. The moderation. The censorship. The group-think. Literally everything desu.


extremely pro censorship, hive mentality, admins are cucks. the site itself it nice but if u dont abide but what the hive mind thinks your banned or silenced.

atleast on here when someones retarted or says something that goes against popular opinion their message is still there, everyone just calls them a retard

Definitely bots. They reply to random bait 10 pages deep even when it clearly says only bots should reply.

Controlled by spooks

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Yikes found the incel
Btw sweetie when you mention a subreddit there is no capital R letter, big yikes r/foundthemobileuser hihihi

edit:wow thanks a lot my first comment that gets so my many upvotes

edit2:omg thats my first reddit gold

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Apart from the obvious default subs being subverted by paid mods and becoming an SJW/virtue signalling echo chamber and astroturfers paradise which was bad, but avoidable.
At some point it became acceptable in most of the niche interest subs that useful, interesting content was no longer their primary focus, instead they allowed/encouraged more facebook like posts of "here is a photo of me doing/buying thing, updoots plx" that really finished it off.

I had been unsubbed to the default subs for many years and still found it useful now and again, but even in that regard, its completely useless.

They’re all nigger lovers.

American ideology and way of expressing ideas and opinions.

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>Yas Forums: superior because no one can silence you
>also Yas Forums: swarms of other people shouldn't be allowed to speak their minds because we're superior

Yas Forums is where the livestock are bred. Reddit is where you watch the livestock enjoy their cage.

Upvotes and downvotes having an effect on visibility of the comments. When a thread is starting, everyone rushes in to post the new cool injoke before the thread is cluttered with too many replies. If you post in a thread that is 12h old, very few people will see your input.

Even the dog looks weird.

The people there.

Pretty simple reason actually

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Upvotes, bad mods.

I also think the format is shit but it's not like Yas Forums is a miracle of readability.

>go to subreddit
>post opinion that goes against allowed group think
>get banned
>what do
post a link to Yas Forums and see what happens

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Even the dog is fat.


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They're here


That, plus the left wing bias on every fucking page. You can’t even say nigger or expose the great Jewish conspiracy anymore.

I hate Reddit so god damn much.

they ban people for hurting peoples feelings and not liking fags,
mods here ban you for talking shit about the jannies, fuck jannies


>hates reddit
>reddit spaces

Everything about it.The circle-jerking, the upvote/gold system, 'karma', the bored fuckwits that think they're experts, the amount of normies and Pickle Rickers...

Simple: lack of anonymity results in herd mentality.



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It's gay