When did it hit you that we are most likely witnessing the biggest happening since WW2?

When did it hit you that we are most likely witnessing the biggest happening since WW2?

It hit me tonight when I realized if a country like Italy can be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks then most countries will share the same fate, if not worse.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Italy is a 2nd world country at most. The USA is more capable in every way to survive this.

Hit me over a week ago. Sure, I was in denial, then the stress came, and then Utah had a quake. Sleep disturbances have fucked with me so far and I may be looking at PTSD.

>A country like Italy
You mean Shitaly?
Wasnt Shitaly basically teetering on the brink of collapse before all this?
>Decades of corrupt govt
>Mafia controlled infrastructure
>medievil plumbing & electric grid

Said by someone who has never been to Italy.

You need to relax. Italy is filled with lazy and dumb people and the mafia. Of course things are gonna go haywire.

>Sleep disturbances have fucked with me so far and I may be looking at PTSD.

Its just anxiety. You are also probably not helping yourself by spending your day on this shithole. It was rough for me this week but I'm starting to adjust. I'm no longer in denial, at least. Hands and feet still sweating like crazy whenever I'm on Yas Forums though.

When I posted this.
God is pissed.

NY will have as many cases as Italy within a week at current rates.

He's probably never been anywhere.
That being said, stereotypes are fun

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Yes this is the moment we’re here for.
Enjoy it

The answer is simple, you're a retard.
Also pasta niggers are incredibly incompitent.


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Reminder that China literally made it illegal to report the real numbers.

that monkey behaved more like a human than negroids do on a good day

Every report I'm seeing is that the person who died is old and had major health issues to begin with.

I’ve never experienced anxiety symptoms before in my life but now I constantly feel tightness in my chest and in my throat. Shit’s gonna get bad, bros. We’re still in the calm before the storm.

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Compared to America

>Decades of corrupt government
>Corporate controlled infrastructure
>Medieval plumbing & electric grid

Like Trump is doing with unemployment?

I experienced a prolonged anxiety attack a few years ago, which devolved into straight up psychosis due to a week of no sleep or food. This was all due to a series of terrible life events. Compared to that, I'm faring rather well.

During that time, my chest was so tight that my lungs felt like fire. I couldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes without jolting awake in terror. Had absolutely 0 appetite. I felt disconnected with the world and would pace the apartment thinking about killing myself just to escape the torment my mind was putting me through. Thats when I checked into a hospital and got helped with drugs. Take care of your psyche, because in a time of true terror and tragedy it can snap. You need to train and prepare your mind for all the bad, unexpected things it has in store. If you feed the fear, it will take over.

All in all, things didn't end up being so bad and I mostly panicked over nothing. I can only hope this will be the same conclusion.

Matthew 24:6 - And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.


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Why sweat? This is the easiest apocalypse ever. Unless your liquor stores are closed.

When they issued a stay at home order in my city where violations can be fined up to $500 and 6 months in 6 if I go to work.

ahahaha you say these as if they dont apply to western countries

Please go into specifics on how to curb this. And what drugs are you talking about?

Checked, Based, and Witnessed.

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A week ago.
Financial speaking: Italy is, by its size, also the country that could bring down the eu.

Anti-anxiety meds are a quick solution to bring you back to reality. They will allow you to sleep and maybe get some food down. That's what I was immediately given(Ativan). Once you awake, symptoms will continue. This is when anti-psychotics are used. After a day or two of these(Seroquel) I felt sane again. They make you fat and dead inside though. After 2 months I came off the Seroquel and was mostly back to normal.

I don't know how I would have curbed symptoms that intense on my own. My parents came over to check on me and had seen that I lost my mind and dragged me to the hospital. I was seriously a day or two away from killing myself. Keep in mind, I'm functional but still a little mental. Normal folks would rarely experience symptoms like this even under very stressful circumstances.

Are you addicted to anything or have withdrawal symptoms?

At the time, I was coming off a daily drinking habit which honestly probably played a huge part in my symptoms. Right now, I'm sober. I still feel anxiety over all this, but its not overwhelming my sense of reality.

I mean like are the drugs/medications you were taking addictive or dangerous?

Do you take stuff now and do you still have symptoms or are you completely fixed?

Also, what causes this to happen to certain people?

As someone who works in Manhattan and will most likely lose my job in a month if this keeps up; let every borough of that degenerate mass sink into the ocean.

>when TDS is horribly real

yeah, untill there starts to be a shortage of food and power failures. Pray that this virus stay confined to megacities cause as soon it starts hitting the food production line in the rural area shit's gonna get real.

Hot me about a month ago when people were chilled. I bought about 12 months of food supplies, now i'm chilled.

We’ve been praying for the day. Many of us thought we’d be larping the happening until the day we died of old age because the world order was too strong, too addicting to the masses. All it took was some chink cheaping out on meat to collapse the whole facade of this society.

If our nations devolve to Mad Max free for alls, are you ready?

Anxiety meds are really addictive so they're stingy with them in the hospital. I didn't get a prescription. The rest are not addictive per se, but you will experience strange symptoms when you come off them. I do not currently take any of it, I don't feel like I need it.

>Also, what causes this to happen to certain people?
Everybody has a certain level of stress that they can tolerate. You never know until you reach that threshold.

This. Stop being weak. You're men. And what you do in your life guides the future for the rest of us. Have courage. Be the strength that the world has been missing. God is with us. This is not the end, only the beginning. Stand up straight and follow the Lord on the righteous path.

Gtfo roastie

Italy brought itself to its knees.

The number of people who have been killed is utterly trivial in objective terms. The virus is only a threat because of popular panic stoked by the media and unethical governments looking to consolidate power through strong response to a manufactured crisis.

Even if every single person on Earth got the virus, we'd only be down about 3% of the population. But go ahead, see how leaving 20%+ of the population without money for food and housing works out.

Probably a few days ago

I'm fucking terrified to be honest bros. The old life that we used to complain about so much doesn't seem so bad anymore...

worse? it's fucking great, isn't this what we always wanted?

its the collapse of medical services, health care can not sustain those numbers.

I moved out of the city a year ad a half ago, I can already tell this is going to be easier to handle out here, but it’s all going to be very bad. Luckily I can grow some veggies and potatoes where I am right now, still going to suck though.

>Italy is a 2nd world country at most. The USA is more capable in every way to survive this.
Delusional ameriboomer who has never left his own state. We're going to have dying boomers in tents in fields because we have no extra hospital capacity.

Listen here, I want to be a guiding light for some of you. We are in the presence of historical times. If you are uneasy, anxious - hear me out. You all need to understand that we are all going to die. Maybe not from a virus, maybe not in a month - more ideally when we’re old and fat.

Being anxious now leaves you powerless, this is one of only fucking times in your life where you need some kind of survival confidence and clarity over a long period of time solely for keeping your loved ones safe, incase they actually play off news or information based on their peers reactions ( ie: it’s just a flu) you need to make the moves in the coming months in order to keep whatever it is you love safe.

And if you’re still anxious: Take a breath deep, and exhale, was it uninterrupted? Then you’re fine. Drink your water, keep your sinuses clear - but most importantly focus on the world, be prepared to make moves to benefit those who may look to you for leadership. Limit your time on this site for your sanity

Could this be the media trying to flexing its muscle while in its death spiral?

lel what does that have to do with the post youre replying to

When China locked down their first 10 million people

They shut down the borders everywhere and btfo human traffickers, probably the biggest worldwide problem of the last 5 years

Decades of affirmative action and years of let’s promote incompetent women and fags at level of government and healthcare. What could go wrong

>Limit your time on this site for your sanity

I'm trying but its such a thrill. This place is crack during a good happening. And this is Ron Paul doomsday tier happening.

I hope you have good insurance. In Italy they do triage based on age and overall health. What's that, you don't have level 3 Premium Gold Deluxe insurance? Too bad, that respirator is getting passed on to 80 year old Bob Boomerton, he still has a good 5 years of life left in him to go on caribbean cruises and yell at the TV. Too bad kid shouldn't have been so lazy, you should've looked them in the eye shook more hands.



Did you say INSTABILITY?
This System is fucking over lol.
NWO is coming..

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I know. I’m gong insane

>The USA is more capable in every way to survive this.

The USA of the 1950's maybe. When we were 90% white and before the Feminist movement.

But not today.....oh no.....we are fucked beyond belief.

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> when I read this in January.

I've tried to prevent everyone for months, but everyone took me for a crazy.

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Not how it works in the US, try harder fag. Now give all your money and have govt check your posts for racism or sexism before your can be admitted for healthcare

You have to leave and come back a couple times to realize how much of a shithole the US has become. We are f-u-c-k FUCKed. I’ve already headed for the hills and I suggest you do the same.

when i realized this is what they are not talking about


go outside and look up

back in january


Gonna agree with this. USA has been rotting away from the inside out. This virus is really the least of our concerns, when you think about it. What are the hospitals and scientists fighting to stop? Transphobia? Probably against themselves?

I feel partly responsible, in a way. However, I shouldn't. There really wasn't anything any of us could have realistically done to curb the cultural marxism.

Pastaniggers need to get back to work. This happening is over when they run out of old people.

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It kind of hit me today, to be honest. I've had my finger on the pulse and been following the virus since it was just a couple thousand cases in Wuhan, but it was today that I really started to put into context that people will read about this in history books, people will write about it, people will make movies about it, etc.

I'm kind of just enjoying the ride at this point. If i end up hooked up to a piece of luggage, so be it. I've been running on borrowed time for a while.

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I'd feel better if I was reading this in an underground bunker for sure...

That's EXACTLY how it works. Boomers have all the money in the USA and will have the best insurance and money for treatment, they will be given top of the line healthcare and served promptly. The young who have nothing to their names and won't be benefitting the hospitals bank account will be left to die off. It's funny how you don't realize how truly fucked you are.

This. Everyone doesn't realize that Italians have a pathetic medical apparatus and kiss each other every time they see a friend. I feel bad for Italians right now, but the US has way more resources to throw at this. It doesn't mean we won't die by the hundreds of thousands, but it won't be a total shit show. Just kind of.

Kek Mitt Uns

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When did you realize you were worth less than this?

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wot are you on about fren

I mean... Italy was a pussy in WW2 too.

You retards who think health insurance will matter during a pandemic are killing me. Everyone who is sick will receive treatment in the US. You're grasping at straws.

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>browsing pol sometime in January
>"guys this is going to be a bigger happening than 9/11"
>tell him to take his meds
>see italy get ravaged

Work in Manhattan too, also about to lose my job. Best thing that came out of this so far are tech bro pink slips and socialite salt.

I'm about to lose my job. I can just sense it coming. I'm honestly excited. I have enough money to last me a good year of furlough. The time off would be nice. I'm sick of going to work and trying to balance giving a shit about work and paying attention to the pandemic.

Corona is fake news; we're not going to witness the shift in the world order. its all happenign behind clsoed doors. Once the all clear sounds from the world leaders you're going to be living in the next era of man

Now, that's spooky

>Everyone who is sick will receive treatment in the US.

>t-the govt wouldn't do that, w-we will be ok

Cope, I've already read countless stories of the young who are sick but can't afford to get treatment or diagnosed. The real numbers of infected in the USA must be atleast quadruple what is reported, they have only tested and treated the rich.


It’s like the class war only with generation names lol this blame game is getting old. Instead of pointing fingers at another group of people, why don’t you try to come up with viable solutions? Oh yeah, you and those who think like you can’t. What a shame.

it's being spread through the bidet everyone needs to switch to toilet paper only.
nobody ever cleans the bidet is the problem. it splashes shit everywhere during each use, and gets cleaned maybe once a month.
studies show that toilet paper is much more sanitary.
it's the same reason you don't wash chicken before cooking.

Back in Feb, I even said these things out loud and it doesn't feel real yet. This is a once in century event, they have solidified more power than before though, so the effects are quadrupled

Everything he wrote was already known by that stage.