> Its not compassion to mock someone hurting Uh, while that's correct (compassion isn't really the word) I would like to point out that despair is despair whatever the source, a fine delicacy to be tasted except if you are the one experiencing it.
My advice for all in this situation is: > Have you tried finding a job? Second advice, in case the response is affirmative is > Have you tried not being poor?
Does anyone have a link to that clip of trump being called racist for calling it a Chinese virus followed by a compilation of CNN and msnbc calling it the China virus and wuhan virus?
>you chose a non essential job By your definition, every job is non-essential except for cops, doctors and firefighters. It's not my fault that the government shut down my industry, and the government owes me for it. I've been a taxpayer since I was 16, and have never lived on the public dole. But this is unprecedented. Stop your faggot astroturfing.
>But giving the same amount of money to money hoarding companies won't? You corporatists are fucking retarded. Unironically no, because it's debt backed. Just minting money and depositing it in the treasury would destroy the bond market, not because $2 trillion is such a large sum, but because nobody will buy your debt if they think it's worth Zimbabwe bucks.
Xavier Murphy
if they're more concerned about the tone of delivery instead of the actual subject then they're either a >nigger >woman
what they're admitting is that they're letting their emotional side of things get in the way of the argument, which is >become essential
The most despair I've had all week is finding out that a single checked box in a graphical manager for my system is the cause of a 2 manhunt for an error but I learned a lot.
they don't even have to become essential, they could even >just work at all as if people aren't buying cooked food right now
Dylan Diaz
>Chinamen with a US proxy keep spamming "Damn bro China is awesome and totally free of COVID-19" >It is has like, nothing to do with China anymore bros! It is way too obvious.
Aiden Long
>what are utilities >what are the trades
tax break/return is preferable to cash in hand, but not a good long term solution
Dylan Rogers
> OH NO NO NO HA HAHAHAHAHA Coronachan may be the one thing that will erradicate the cartels in Mexico > Can't traffic people across the southern border > Can't source chemicals to make Fentanyl
Despite the shock in the markets this thing may be the best thing ever to happen from the perspective of a nationalist nativist capitalist.
>government decides that electricians and mechanics are a danger to public health >LOL SHOULD'VE PICKED AN ESSENTIAL JOB LOL Keep on being a faggot then, I guess.
Joshua Howard
> a single checked box in a graphical manager for my system is the cause of a 2 manhunt for an error JEJ; those are the worst > it's not a bug, it is a poorly documented feature that solved one use case two decades ago but got forgotten but left as the default in the new project creations
Hopefully there's a lot more of this publicized. There should be a big uptick in people wanting lower taxes and the government generally to fuck off now that they realize they're one media report away from having their lives fucked over.
Camden Morales
Whatever floats your bote, anonkun. May you prosper in this great depression II times
Trust me, this is peak retarded as far as troubleshooting. I restarted my system maybe 10 times testing so many configs. So much documentation and still I don't have a virtual machine that can gpu passthrough because only quatro nvidias can officially.
FUCKING VIRTUALBOX had a great gpu passthrough addition that they removed within 3 months with little explanation. Fucking dickheads. I thought documentation from 4 months ago was plenty fresh but the changelog from just a month ago said FUCK ALL THAT SHIT
lol dude just close the mall, it's no big deal bills? dude just pay that shit but you gotta close or we will shoot you
Samuel Baker
They actually did force me to close one business, but apparently meme degrees are back in, so they can keep offering as much as they want. Answer will remain the same >nope.Trumpbux
>worst air polluter in the world >worst water polluter in the world >intentionally sells highly addictive drugs to Mexican cartel >releases deadly infectious diseases every 4 years >cheats on trade, agreements >cheats on materials provided like steel and medicine, often with deadly results
When the FUCK is Trump going to stop saying nice things about China? They're pure evil. They need to be nuked into oblivion.
Daniel Robinson
Absolutely, unironically, fucking based. This is America, the Land of the Free. Fuck the Governor and fuck the Fed.
>Whatever floats your bote, anonkun. May you prosper in this great depression II times Trumpbux float my bote (with all the flex seal I'm about to buy)
This. Genocide isn't as bad as (((they))) want you to believe.
Isaiah Sanders
> TOP FUCKING JEJ Look at that ratio. Here is the rough translation
> Now, here is something else: why do you live paycheck to paycheck? That's not a good plan > If your current job doesn't allow you to live otherwise, I believe you should find another. > Stop surviving and start thinking about living!!!!!!!
Come on, I know itis one of you guys on your mexican twitter troll account. ADMIT IT! > "Stop being poor": the post, but in spanish
No, he's actually talking about the local companies like Tesla and Apple and what they are doing to help the state. He's been surprisingly positive through this whole thing...not sure why exactly.
Fucking retards think they can just keep going unscathed just because they're property owners when everything else gets shut down and people have to stay in.
Racial groupings match genetic profiles, Stanford study finds Jan 27 2005
STANFORD - Checking a box next to a racial/ethnic category gives several pieces of information about people - the continent where their ancestors were born, the possible color of their skin and perhaps something about their risk of different diseases. But a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine finds that the checked box also says something about a person's genetic background.
Joseph Reyes
there are always exceptions
Hunter Carter
The government doesn't have to round up business owners, you stupid twat. People comply with the law because it's the law. All of you faggots pushing this meme have a child's understanding of how the world works. Raise the average IQ in the world by necking yourself, post-haste.
Along with the 30k people, the World's economy, the Mexican cartels, globalism and open borders here is another Coronachan casualty > Celebrity Worship In 2009 celebrities didn't have the tools to tell peasants > let them eat cake but in 2020 they have and they do
Umm, have you guys bit realized the economic calamity that will hit us because the the economy will be closed for all of April and March? We are about to see another great depression.
>They need to be nuked into oblivion. Easier than getting your aunt to stop shopping at walmart I guess.
Jacob Garcia
Based property owner should have blasted that what would take their livelyhood.
Parker Hernandez
Angel Sanders
Imagine maybe having covid but you just stay home thinking you've just got the flu and then getting better like you normally do without ever knowing you had corona. Literally glorified flu.
Jayden Lee
I mean they can just take your money.
Ethan Gutierrez
What show
Levi Garcia
>be quarantined >coomin powder after 3 days next it'll just be a flag that says "Bang!"
Anthony Barnes
WTF is Sam Smith?
Charles Roberts
>not taking their bags
Camden Watson
no idea
Charles Cook
Who the fuck is Sam Smith, and why did he think this was a good idea? >celebrity Oh.
Hudson Lopez
what show is that?
Mason Moore
Do you understand how twitter handles work, you fucking nufag?
it's more than just the retardation of people not working, although that isn't helping anything, with chinese trade shut down and the stoppage of work there, so many of our globalized companies are not getting any production done and it's halting work down the line but yeah, this is gonna make 1929 look like a birthday party
The cops have guns, dipshit. Business owners know the logical outcome of them defying an order by the governor is them being arrested, and none of them are going to take that step. So adjust your bullshit narrative to something that actually makes some sense, you dumb fucking ricenigger.